Lattice QCD Calculations of Hadron Sp ectra and Sp ectral Functions in the Vacuum and in a Thermal Heat Bath Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades at fur Physik an der Fakult at Bielefeld der Universit vorgelegt von Ines Wetzorke Septemb er Contents Intro duction QCD and the Phase Diagram Quantum Chromo Dynamics Phenomena at Finite Temp erature Phases at Finite Density Strange Matter and the HDibaryon Lattice Gauge Theory Lattice Regularization Gluonic Part of the Action Fermionic Part of the Action Continuum Limit Monte Carlo Integration Inversion of the Fermion Matrix Gauge Fixing Error Analysis Contents Strange Hadron Sp ectrum Hadron Multiplets Hadron Op erators and Correlation Functions Extracting Masses from Correlation Functions Extrap olation to the Physical Point Improvement through the Fuzzing Technique Hadron Sp ectrum Strange Particle Masses HDibaryon Stability Hadron Sp ectral Functions Sp ectral Functions in QCD Principles of the Maximum Entropy Metho d Details of the Algorithm Dep endence on Input Parameters Meson Sp ectral Functions Diquark Sp ectral Functions Thermal Sp ectral Functions Free Meson Sp ectral Functions in the Continuum Free Meson Sp ectral Functions on the Lattice Meson Sp ectral Functions at Finite Temp erature Conclusions A Conventions B Numerical Results List of Figures Schematic QCD phase diagram U and chiral symmetry restoration of pseudoscalar mesons A Theoretical predictions of the Hdibaryon mass 1 Multiplet structure for pseudoscalar vector mesons and spin baryons 2 Multiplet structure for antitriplet and sextet diquark states Fuzzed fermion op erator with radius R Fuzzing for mesons baryons and dibaryons Inuence of the fuzzing technique on the Hdibaryon correlation function and the eective masses Strange hadron and Hdibaryon masses at physical mass ud Dierence of Hdibaryon and *lamb da masses for all lattice sizes Dierence of Hdibaryon and *lamb da masses for dierent input Relative error of Hdibaryon and lamb da correlation functions Sharply p eaked p osterior distribution P jD m Inuence of the input parameters on the sp ectral function at T Inuence of the input parameters on the sp ectral function at T Correlation functions and corresp onding sp ectral functions for the zero tem p erature pseudoscalar and vector meson at List of Figures Sp ectral functions for the pseudoscalar and the vector meson at dierent values Comparison of the MEM results with conventional twoexp onential t results Inuence of the fuzzing technique on the sp ectral functions Correlation functions and corresp onding sp ectral functions for the zero tem p erature diquarks Inuence of the covariance matrix smo othing pro cedure Comparison of the MEM results with exp ts for the color antitriplet and sextet diquarks Discretized free thermal meson correlation function and reconstructed sp ec tral functions Cuto and nite volume eects on the free meson correlation function Reconstructed free lattice sp ectral functions Fuzzing of the free sp ectral function Meson sp ectral functions at T c Meson masses at T obtained with MEM and twoexp onential ts the c band indicates the range obtained for the dierent data sets c Finite size eects on the pseudoscalar sp ectral function b elow the critical temp erature Sp ectral functions of the pseudoscalar and vector meson for several tem p eratures Meson correlation and sp ectral functions ab ove T c Ratio of meson and free thermal meson correlator on the lattice Restauration of the chiral symmetry b etween the scalar and pseudoscalar meson Intro duction Two asp ects of the strong interaction b etween quarks and gluons are investigated in the present thesis On the one hand it covers the exploration of the Hdibaryon stability a six quark state with equal content of the light u d and s quarks In cold and dense matter this particle may b e formed as a condensate of two baryons due to strong attractive interactions b etween quarks with maximal symmetry in the avor spin and color quantum numb ers On the other hand changes of meson prop erties in a thermal medium are investigated for a large temp erature range This constitutes the rst application of the Maximum Entropy Metho d in the sp ectral analysis of thermal meson correlators The phase diagram of QCD at vanishing baryon density is already well explored by lattice simulations Starting at low temp erature in the conned hadronic phase and increasing the temp erature a phase transition to the deconned quarkgluon plasma QGP phase can b e observed Recent exp eriments at CERN SPS gave rst evidence that such a new state of almost freely propagating quarks and gluons might exist In the near future the colliders RHIC in Bro okhaven and LHC at CERN will hop efully op en the p ossibility to explore the features of this plasma phase in more detail Exp erimental signatures at high temp erature like dilepton pro duction rates are directly related to meson sp ectral functions in this case to the vector channel The sp ectral analysis of meson correlation functions b ecame recently accessible with the Maximum Entropy Metho d MEM which p ermits to study the temp erature dep endent mo dications of the sp ectral shap e from rst principles A similarly detailed theoretical understanding of the high density region of the QCD phase diagram at low temp erature is of physical relevance in heavy ion collisions as well as in astrophysics An interesting phase structure is exp ected to arise in this case from quantum statistic eects which eg favor b osonic forms of matter over fermionic states At high densities the SU color symmetry might b e sp ontaneously broken giving rise to a color sup erconducting phase characterized by the formation of diquark condensates Furthermore dibaryons or even larger quark clusters may play an imp ortant role as Bose condensates in hyp ernuclear matter at increasing density In the current analysis previ ously obtained diquark correlators are explored more precisely with the Maximum Entropy Metho d whereas the stability of larger quark clusters is examined in a detailed analysis of the smallest ob ject of this kind the Hdibaryon Introduction The investigation of these phenomena in lattice QCD is at present restricted to simulations at an average baryon density of zero since the probabilistic interpretation of the QCD partition function in the path integral representation breaks down for nonzero chemical p otential Such calculations provide nevertheless an insight to the dominant quarkquark interactions in this region In the rst chapter QCD is describ ed as SU gauge theory in the Euclidean path integral formalism The current knowledge ab out the QCD phase diagram at nite temp erature and density is summarized with the fo cus on the changes of hadronic prop erties at the dierent phase b oundaries After a short intro duction to the relevant asp ects of strange matter in the cold and dense region of the phase diagram the previous exp erimental and theoretical searches for a stable Hdibaryon are reviewed The second chapter describ es the lattice regularization of the Euclidean path integral which includes the sp ecication of the improved discretizations of the gauge and fermion action used for the Monte Carlo simulation in the present thesis In the following some numerical details of the lattice calculation are explained which includes the generation of gauge eld congurations the inversion of the fermion matrix the gauge xing pro cedure for gaugevariant observables as well as the error analysis for correlated data sets The lattice study of the strange hadron sp ectrum and the investigation on the stability of the Hdibaryon is the content of the third chapter After a few general considerations ab out the hadron multiplet structure and the underlying interactions b etween quarks the lattice setup is illustrated with the appropriate observables for the investigated hadron channels Moreover the extrap olation of the particle masses to physical quark masses is explained Finally results obtained on four dierent lattice sizes are presented for several strange hadron masses as well as for the Hdibaryon mass The fourth
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