3ml& WE ARE PROMPT If you want an totpresa. Truck or Wellington Coal Dray, phone us. PACIFIC TRANSFER Ca Hall A Walker TIT Cormorant Phones 248 and 241. IMS Ctorernm.nl Bt Phone *1 BAOQAQE STORED NO. 19 VOL. 43. VICTORIA, B. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1913 BOASTFUL CRIMINAL EMPLOYEES TRIPPED R0UMAN1A REFUSES TO ATTEND PEACE SHOOT FOR KING'S ‘ HER ISLAND CAtililff AT CHICAGO CONFERENCE ARRANGED BY SBRVIA AND IT BISLEY RANGES Youth Admits Many Robberies Eleven Made Possibles at Men of First Reserve Brought Twenty-Three Known to Be GREECE TO TAKE PLACE AT BUCHAREST Which Commenced at Age Opening Range of First Front Orient in Old-Fash­ Dead in Binghampton Fac­ of Nine Years tory Fire Stage This Morning ioned Junk Armistice Between Warring Factions in Balkans Expected in KING OF 1989 Chicago, July M.—In a statement Two Days; Report of Turkish Occupation of Adrianople is made to a detective Walter Novak, SIXTEEN UNIDENTIFIED CROWE GETS THIRTY- ARE PUT ASHORE AT twenty year» old, arrested with four Confirmed; Ottoman Government Issues Counterbal­ companions to-day after they had fat- BODIES ARE RECOVERED ancing Statement Regarding Kirk Kilisseh Where . : . : FOUR POINTS TWICE BELLA BELLA HARBOR ally wounded Patrolman Samuel W. !B! Sowers and beaten Patrolman Frank Walpole, admitted having taken part Women Showered Flowers on Soldiers In more than thirty robberies in two Freeborn. Third and G$rthau$ Immigration Officer Holds In­ months, and boasted' of his career of Heat of Flames Kept Firemen Fr.om Getting Within 1 Seventh in Daily Graphic vestigation When Men Are “1 was born a thief, and I've been a Sofia, July 2$.—Following the arrangement of àn armistice at Nish where thief ever since," said Novak. “I Fighting Range delegates of the warring factions are meeting, the headquarters of the Balkan Prize List Taken to Vancouver don’t cate whether I go to the gallows negotiations will be moved from there to Bucharest It was agreed to-day be­ or not. I started when I Was nine years old steaUng pennies from kids. tween Servis fluid Greece that Bucharest shall be the city for the discussion I have been put in all kinds of institu­ ELEVATOR FALLS WITH of peace terms, and developments will be moved to that city within, perhaps, BAYLES IS THIRD IN SMUGGLING REVEALED tions to reform me, but they only two days as It is expected the armistice will be concluded in that time. made me worse. I don’t want any GIRJ-S SEEKING ESCAPE CORPORATION SHOOT CRUISER IN PURSUIT member of my family to come and see While Greece and Servis, and apparently Turkey are ready to negotiate me. If they come I will kick thqjn out. terms of peace at Bucharest there Is yet Roumanie to be won over to a period There is only one good thing I can of diplomatic negotiations, and that this "will not be accomplished without fur­ Bisley Camp, July 23.—To-day open­ say for myself, and that Is I never Blnghampton, N. Y„ July 2$.—At day­ ther delay, If at all is evident from a note to Turkey by Roumanie dispatched ed with a cold morning and stiffish Vancouver, July 23.—Stranded on the robbed a man dressed like a working­ break to-day a big force of city em­ breeze which «proved irritating on the coast of Vancouver Island, eleven mem* man. I suppose I have committed to-day. Roumiuila In the communication declines the Invitation, In fact the ployees began the search for the dead ranges. The first stages of the King’s bent of the Japanese first military re­ more ths i 500 robberies since I start­ Ottoman government Is Informed by King Charles’ minister of war that hli prize, the riflemen's blue ribbon was entombed beneath the smouldering serve who had arrived tn a forty-four- ed out In this business. government refuses to participate In thr peace negotiations. v shot, and there was the usual struggle "I was a 'pal' of Frank Sommerllng, ruins of the overall factory of the Bing­ foot native junk, were arrested and London, July 22.—From Constantinople to-day comes an official communi­ for the $00 top places which qualify for Frank Shibalwekt, Ewald Shtbalwskl hampton Clothing Company. Conser­ the second stage on Friday. The first brought to Vancouver yesterday. More and Th >mai Schaltz. who were hang­ cation giving details of the re-occupation of Kirk Kilisseh by the Turks. The vative estimates place the number of 100 leading the second stage qualified than a dozen others, who were also to ed last February tor the murder of statement Is issued by the Ottoman government as counterbalancing the Bul­ for the final stage on Saturday, but Fred W. Ouelzow, the truck gardener. dead at more than fifty. About 126 have been smuggled Into the United garian allegations as to atrocities committed by the Turks. The statement is every score In each stage counts to­ States, escaped In the antiquated ves­ I did several Jobe with those boys be­ employees, mostly women and girls, wards the aggregate of the entire com­ sel. for which a Canadian and two fore they were caught." were trapped in the burning walls. Of to the effect that the soldiers were welcomed with great enthusiasm by the In­ petition which settles who shall be United States government ships are these only forty-one are known to habitants. The Moslems were received In all quarters of the city with greatest King's prizeman for the year. Entries now seeking. have escaped. Eighty per cent of the one part of the statement says: "Their emotion was indiscribable, and for the King's numbered 1,166, as On their arrival In Vancouver, R. M. JUSTICES CHARGED girls employed were Americans. flowers were showered from the windows of the buildings on the Ottoman against 1,106 a year ago. Retd, immigration Inspector at this WITH INTIMIDATION Sixteen charred bodies, as yet Iden­ Balkan ruler who declines Invi­ Another Important competition to­ port, ordered an immediate investiga­ troops by the women.” tified, were recovered last night. The day was the Imperial Tobacco, a ser­ tion, at which the Japanese vice-consul tation to discuss peace with Ser­ Identified dead are: Nellie Conner, vice rifle competition counting in the Minera’ Picket Removed From Salmo vis and Greece at Bucharest. was present. he latter refused to al­ Sidney Dlmmick, Mary Cregan, Miss grand aggregate, being ten shots at low certain questions, but It was finally Commence. Aetlene Against RICH AMERICAN DIES Fulmer, Louise Hartwell, Miss Alvin RANCHERS ENTERTAINED 1,000 yards. learned that the men belonged to the Twelve Men. White, May Pryor. BANDIT AT BREAKFAST SUDDENLY IN LONDON The first stage in the King’s prise, first reserve, and were to have been TURKISH ACTION IS shot off this morning and afternoon, taken secretly Into the state of Wash­ The list of 134 employees of the com­ pany who we're on the payroll Satur­ consists of seven shots each at 200, 106 ington. They carried military equip­ Nelson, B. C., July 2$.-Alleged that Anthony N. Brady Leaves Twenty-Five day, some .of whom were on vacations. After1 Meal Much-Hunted Man Teak and 600 yards, the highest aggregate ment with the exception of arms. At a number of trading cltlsens of 8almo Is In the aafe under the ruins, making Millions According to taking the N. R. A. bronze medal and the close of the Investigation Mr. Reid drove him out of that place and told Boat at Beaoh and Rowed CLEAR-Cirr DEFIANCE the task of compiling the list of dead badge. Ties tor qualifying places in announced that the men would be de­ him not to return, O. 8. McCormick, Awsy. Estimate. who has been acting as pteket for difficult one. The loss by fire and the second stage will be shot off to­ ported Immediately. morrow. The Canadian fisheries cruiser Wil­ Ymir’s Miners’ Union, In oonne water to the buildings and stock of London, July 28.—Inglna pectoris five concerns is estimated at more than Bellingham. Wash., July 21.—Just Shooting started at the 200 yard liam Joli Iff e is at present engaged In a with the strike at the Queen mine yes­ $600,008, largely covered by Insurance. when he was about to relax bis vigil­ was the cause of the sudden death of range, at which eleven, competitors hqt pursuit of the Japanese Junk Toko terday swore out Informktton against Occupation of Adrianople Cre­ twelve Salmo men. among whom are. The heavy lose of life Is believed to ance and bed given up hop# of catch­ Anthony N. Brady, the financier qf made possibles, but the best Canadian MUru, in which the Japanese arrived. iiavk been largely due to the fact that i score was one short, this being by Two United States revenue cutters are two Justuses of the peace, charging as­ ing the Nanaimo bandit, Sheriff Boyce New York City, In a London hotel last ates Worst Possible Impres­ the employees, believing that one of the GapL Crowe. He also made 84 at the also searching for the vessel which la sault and Intimidation. now bM doubla* hi» efforts in pursuit, His body Is to be shipped to Those against whom summoMhe werr frequent fire drills were being held, sion in Diplomatic Circle»- •*Kt ~raaa* and this tied him with eved to be cruising bdtWeeti the of the man on She# Island. The sheriff America, on board thé Olympic to-mor­ several others at the head of affairs.
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