• AUSTRALIA $2.50 • BELGIUM BF60 • CANADA $2.50 • FRANCE FF1 0 • ICELAND Kr200 • NEW ZEALAND $2.50 • SWEDEN Kr12 • UK £1.00 • U.S. $1.50 INSIDE Tour of Pathfinder shop shows advances, need for capital THE -PAGES A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 63,NO. 2 JANUARY 18, 1999 Clinton Black farmers plan rally impeachment • • CTlSlS against discrimination deepens Consent decree in lawsuit is 'settlement, not justice' BY KEN MORGAN BY ARGIRIS MALAPANIS AND STU SINGER The impeachment crisis facing U.S. presi­ TILLERY, North Carolina,- The U.S. 500 protest cop killing in California dent William Clinton has deepened and does Department of Agriculture (USDA) an­ not seem to be under anyone's control. nounced an agreement January 5 to settle Whether Clinton will be found guilty and the class-action lawsuit brought by thou­ removed from office, forced to resign, or sands of Black farmers charging the depart­ retain his post after being censured is an ment with decades of racist discrimination. open question. This turn of events is a re­ The consent decree is an attempt to end the flection of the growing instability of the historic suit against the USDA. It was sched­ world capitalist system and the decline of uled to go to trial February 1. The settle­ confidence in its leading figures, not only ment, which has received widespread me­ among millions of working people but dia coverage, is an acknowledgment by the among the rulers themselves. government of the truth of claims by Black The drive to unseat Clinton is led mainly fanners that they were illegally denied loans by rightist politicians. Their main weapon and access to USDA programs. is the "cultural war." This is a term ultra­ Under the agreement, the USDA may rightist Patrick Buchanan popularized in have to pay as much as $300 million de­ 1992. It describes an ideological offensive pending on how many Black farmers meet aimed at reversing affirmative action, school the terms of the consent decree. Many Black desegregation, a woman's right to choose farmers say the settlement is inadequate and abortion, and other gains working people it does not address the continuing discrimi­ made l.n struggle, and for some at carving nation by the Agriculture Department. They the cadre of an incipient fascist movement say it will not reverse the drastic decline in in the process. Sensing what the real target the number of Black farmers. of the impeachment assault is, a majority "It's a settlement, not justice," said farm among working people - especially among leader Gary Grant at a meeting of Black Continued on Page 10 farmer activists January 6 in this northeast­ em North Carolina town. The meeting BY CRAIG HONTS gry shouts against the police punctuated mapped out plans to protest the settlement, RIVERSIDE, California - Five hun­ the march, and when one speaker at the including a call for a national demonstra­ dred demonstrators marched through this rally stated that "not all cops are bad," Washington tion at the federal courthouse in Washing­ Los Angeles-area town January 4 to pro­ many demonstrators responded with ton on March 2 when a "fairness hearing" is test the police killing of 19-year-old shouts of disagreement. Early in the scheduled on the consent decree. Tyisha Miller. The action was organized morning December 28, Tyisha Miller· f:tres 01ore "This is not just a fight about money. This by a coalition ofRiverside religious, civil pulled into a gas station with a flat tire is about justice. We are our brother's keep- rights groups, and family members. An- Continued on Page 12 01issiles at . Continued on Page 14 Iraq, ad01its Steelworkers stand firm against 'inspectors' were spies• Kaiser's union-busting moves BY PHIL DUZINSKI by members of the United Steelworkers of cember 28 and found spirits high, despite BY MAURICE WILLIAMS AND LAURA GARZA America (USWA) enters its fourth month. word that the most recent contract proposal U.S. fighter jets fired air-to-air missiles GRAMERCY, Louisiana -Workers Some 3,000 workers are on strike nation­ by the company is even worse than the 1ast at Iraqi planes flying over southern Iraq picketing the Kaiser Aluminum plant here wide against Kaiser, about 350 in Gramercy · offer made on September 30, and includes January 5. The incident was the third mili­ show determination to fight against the and the others in Ohio and Washington State. different conditions for each local area. tary strike by Washington since the Decem­ bosses' union-busting proposals as a strike These reporters visited the picket line De- Sam Thomas, grievance committee chair­ ber 16--19 bombing oflraq by U.S. and Brit­ man of USWA Local 5702, said they had ish forces that destroyed schools, hospitals, just received the phone book-sized docu­ grain depots, and private homes as well as From Pathfinder ment detailing some of the takebacks the military sites. Meanwhile, Washington has company is demanding, and were in the pro­ been forced to admit that the United Nations cess of analyzing it. "weapons inspectors" snooping around Iraq The Changing Face of u.s. Politics Thomas characterized the company's lat­ est offer as "definitely worse and a step were in fact spies. JACK BARNES Two U.S. Air Force F-15 jets fired mis­ backward. This is more evidence the com­ A handbook for workers coming into the factories, mines, pany is not making a true effort to bargain siles at Iraqi MIG planes and two Navy F- and mills, as they react to the uncertain life, turmoil, and brutal­ 14 jets launched a volley of shots on Iraqi in good faith." ity of capitalism in the closing years of the twentieth century. It MIGs that flew into the "no-fly" zone Wash­ One of the demands, in the name of in­ ington has imposed in Southern Iraq. The shows how millions of workers, as political resistance grows, creasing productivity, would raise the num­ U.S. government established such zones will. revolutionize themselves, their unions, and all of society. ber ofjobs to be eliminated at the Gramercy there and in the north of the country after Also available in Spanish and French. $19.95 facility though outsourcing and job combi­ the 1991 Gulf slaughter, supposedly to pro­ nations from 60 to 65. Another is changing overtime pay from tect Kurds in northern Iraq and Shiite Mus­ Trade Unions in the lims in the south from attacks by the Iraqi receiving time-and-a-half after eight hours military. Epoch of Imperialist Decay worked in a day to premium pay only after After the four-day bombing assault in Trade Unions in the Epoch of Imperialist Decay 40 hours in a week. The proposal would al­ December, French jets stopped patrolling the LEON TROTSKY low arbitrary changes in the start time and southern "no-fly" zone. Paris had ended its Featuring "Trade Unions: Their Past, Present, and Future" by duration of the workweek. The company also proposes to gut senior­ participation in enforcing the no-fly zone in Karl Marx northern Iraq in 1996 after Washington ity with its demand that job placement in In this book, two central leaders of the modern communist bidding be based on so-called "readiness launched a bombing attack. workers movement outline the fight for this revolutionary per­ There are mounting pressures on the U.S. skills," a proposal many workers say is one spective. $14.95 rulers to lift the sanctions strangling 22 mil­ of the most dangerous. As well, each worker would have to requalify annually in order lion Iraqi people. Moscow, Paris, Beijing, Available from bookstores, including those listed on page 12. Continued on Page 3 .. Continued on Page 11 Celebrate 40 years of the Cuban revolution - pages 8-9 IN BRIEF--------------- Russia, Belarus sign accord for sembly December 21 the country's economy closer economic, political ties grew 1.2 percent in 1998. This was below Moscow and Minsk agreed in mid-De­ Workers in south Korea protest layoffs the government's originally projected Gross cember to facilitate closer economic. and Domestic Product growth target of2.5-3.5 political ties. The governments of Russia and percent. The lower percentage is due to the Belarus signed a declaration calling for a record low sugar harvest, which was devas­ union treaty to be drawn up by the middle of tated by Hurricane Georges; low food crops; 1999. The agreement could lead to a com­ reduced sugar and nickel export prices; a mon currency;· a joint defense, security, and contraction in foreign credits caused by the foreign policy; a common budget; and uni­ worldwide capitalist crisis; and the continu­ fied civil and tax legislation. There is already ing U.S. economic war against Cuba. a customs union between Moscow and the Rodriguez.'said Cuba's economic recovery former Soviet republic ofBelarus. is still on track, citing growth in the tourist Spokespeople for the capitalist rulers of sector, as well as advances in nickel output, the United States and other imperialist pow­ oil and gas production, food and consumer ers oppose this step. A December 30 edito­ goods manufacturing, and fisheries. Cuba rial in the New York Times opined, "If the Council of State vice president, Carlos Lage, merger does move ahead, it would burden added that had it not been for the low sugar an already depleted Russian economy with crop, the economy would have grown by 4 the severe economic problems facing percent last year. Belarus .... Moscow would make it that much harder to pay off its own back wages and Mexico: gov't ends price controls loans and to reestablish credibility with the Under the pretext of "severe budgetary International Monetary Fund and other fi­ pressure," the Mexican government nanciai institutions." The editors fretted that scrapped its last remaining control on food it would also "extend the reach of Russia's prices January 1, cutting the nationwide sub­ armed forces back to Poland's borders." The sidy on tortillas, the country's com staple.
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