VOL. 122 - NO. 24 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 15, 2018 $.35 A COPY Flag Day by Bobby Franklin I’m not sure if many people today know that there is a Flag News Briefs Code that lists the rules for the by Sal Giarratani proper respect to be shown to and when displaying the fl ag of the United States. Judging Sadly Bubba Will Always Be Bubba from the disrespectful way I see It only took 25 years and the #METOO movement to the symbol of our great country get serious about former President Bill Clinton for the being treated, particularly on way he has treated women over the years, especially public buildings, it appears Monica Lewinsky who he still doesn’t think he needs people neither know nor care to give a personal APOLOGY. He still seems to think about this code. that somehow he was a victim. Currently, he’s on a For years I have noticed how book tour (something the Clintons apparently like to these rules are no longer fol- do) promoting The President is Missing, which was co- lowed. When I walk by a post authored with James Patterson. Does anyone think office, a town hall, a public besides inserting a passing comma that he did much school, or police station, I am of the writing in this book? struck by the poor condition of Getting back to #METOO movement, Democrats the fl ags on display. The Flag are all over him about his personal ethics and alleged Code states that: are twisted and tangled, left in Pledge of Allegiance or singing womanizing. Where have they been all these years? “It is the universal custom to deplorable condition. This is the National Anthem to look at They waited until he and Hillary are on the downside display the fl ag only from sun- bad enough to see anywhere, one another and remember the of public life before bashing him. rise to sunset on buildings and but when it is on a govern- motto “E Pluribus Unum,” “Out Speaking of the #Metoo Movement on stationary fl ag staffs in the ment building it is particularly of many, one.” To remember we It appears liberals’ fake news and Hollywood are all open. However, when a patriotic egregious. are the luckiest people in the going puritanical on America. Look at all the icons effect is desired, the fl ag may Americans should look with history of mankind. We can go they have been taking down? Now, they are going be displayed twenty-four hours pride toward our flag. When back to our arguing after, but after beauty pageants. Does anyone think it is that a day if properly illuminated looking at it we should all pause let us at least show we can unite horrible to watch beauty pageants? The new Puritans during the hours of darkness.” and remind ourselves of how on this one thing. are everywhere. There was a great letter to the editor in In addition it says: “The fl ag lucky we are to be living under Let us also not stay quiet the NY Post the other day saying, “The last time such should not be displayed on days this symbol of our great and when we see our fl ag not being a brilliant business decision was made was in 1985, when the weather is inclement, good country. When we see it treated properly on government when Coke changed its fl avor. Miss America can kiss except when an all weather flag being mistreated we should buildings. This neglect is noth- its viewership and sponsorships goodbye.” is displayed.” feel as hurt as we would if we ing short of disrespect. When I was a kid in school the saw a family member being I think we should also return Glad to See the Makers of Ambien fl ag would be raised when we disrespected. to teaching the Flag Code in Go After Roseanne Barr arrived in the morning and low- It has become popular in schools along with instilling in Roseanne Barr who got herself all tangled up in a ered at the end of the school day. recent years to scoff at shows our children the importance late night racist tweet actually tried to blame it all on Two students were assigned to of patriotism. In certain circles of showing respect for our the meds she was taking to sleep. The drug company do this. Looking out the window it is considered cool to openly flag. And while at it, maybe said that racism is not a side effect of their medicine. at this process instilled in me the disrespect symbols like the fl ag we should also give our public I’m thinking after working 41 years with the mental importance of this symbol and and the National Anthem. This offi cials a few lessons on how to health department, any kind of med might loosen up brought me to think about the sad and dangerous mentality is care for the fl ag. someone’s fi lter allowing them to say what they really history behind it. taking hold. On this Flag Day let’s start want to say. Hence, we got nonsense coming out of Things have certainly changed. No matter our political dif- taking the first steps to honor- her mouth. Now when I see a fl ag displayed ferences, we should all be able ing Old Glory in the manner she (Continued on Page 10) at a public building it is most to stand tall and united when deserves. Long May She Wave! likely torn and tattered. It is observing our flag and our To read the entire Flag Code left up 24-hours a day and anthem. We can use the time go to: https://www.legion.org/ in all kinds of weather. Many when taking part in reciting the fl ag/code PAGE 2 POST-GAZETTE, JUNE 15, 2018 Res Publica by David Trumbull President Donald J. Trump’s 500 Days of American Greatness LUNA DI MIELE 500 DAYS: In his fi rst 500 Independent Business. days in offi ce, President Donald American families received J. Trump has achieved results $3.2 trillion in gross tax cuts domestically and internation- and saw the child tax credit ally for the American people. double. AMERICA’S ECONOMY IS The top corporate tax rate was STRONGER: The American lowered from 35 percent to 21 economy is stronger today and percent so American businesses American workers are better off could be more competitive. thanks to President Trump’s In 2017, President Trump far pro-growth agenda. exceeded his promise to elimi- Nearly 3 million jobs have nate regulations at a two-to-one been created since President ratio, issuing 22 deregulatory Trump took offi ce. actions for every new regula- 304,000 manufacturing tory action. jobs have been created since Days after taking offi ce, the President Trump took office, President withdrew the United and manufacturing employ- States from the Trans-Pacifi c ment stands at its highest level Partnership negotiations and since December 2008. agreement. 337,000 construction jobs President Trump’s Admin- have been created since istration is working to defend President Trump took office, American intellectual property and construction employment from China’s unfair practices stands at its highest level since through a range of actions. June 2008. Under President Trump, the unemployment rate has LEGAL NOTICE dropped to 3.8, the lowest rate NOTICE OF SALE The two previous issues of nuts and, as the procession approached her while bearing since April 2000, and job open- Notice is hereby given by TODISCO discussed the premarital tradi- moved along, he scattered them fi re and water to signify that she ings have reached 6.6 million, TOWING OF 94 CONDOR STREET, tions and the vows that were to the boys in the crowd. This was properly admitted into the the highest level recorded. EAST BOSTON, MA, pursuant to taken in ancient Roman mar- was a symbol of the end of child- family hearth and its ceremo- 67 percent of Americans the provisions of Mass G.L. c. 255, Section 39A that they will sell the riages. Today we continue with hood and also the fruitfulness of nial rites. The bride also had her believe now is a good time to following vehicles. a description of the procession to marriage and plenty. The entire little part to play; she brought fi nd a quality job, according to Vehicles are being sold to satisfy the new home, the third part of procession moved toward the three coins with her. One coin Gallup. their garage keeper’s lien for towing, storage and notices of sale: the wedding ceremony. This was groom’s house while all of the was given to her husband as Only under President Trump 2002 AUDI A6 the invariable part of all mar- participants sang vulgar and a symbol of her dowry, the have more than 50 percent of V.I.N. #WAULT64B22N080388 riages and it usually took place indecent songs. second was an offering to the Americans believed it is a good 2015 TOYOTA CAMRY time to fi nd a quality job since at dusk with lighted torches. The fourth and last part of household gods, and the third V.I.N. #4T4BF1FK0CR184814 Gallup began asking the ques- The bride was taken from her the ceremony started when the was dropped into the street as 1996 LINCOLN LS mother’s arms with simulated parade reached the groom’s an offering to the gods for her tion 17 years ago.
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