Page B-4 • Friday, September 28, 2018 Classifi eds/ Public Notices The Telegram • Torrington, WY torringtontelegram.com 389 For Free vertised herein is sub- month plus deposit. Call 901 Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE ject to the Federal Fair 307-532-5913 for ap- For Rent: Residential FREE recycled paper for Housing Act, which plication and more info. Housing. 3 & 4 Bed- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE fire starter. Please use makes it illegal to ad- TFN room Houses, Duplexes, PUBLIC NOTICE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT vertise any preference, back door of Torrington Condos, & Apartments. FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE OF THE STATE OF WYOMING IN AND Telegram. FREE pal- limitation, or discrimi- 2 Bedroom apartment Some properties have FOR GOSHEN COUNTY lets when available. Do nation based on race, $550 per month + utili- garages & appliances. WHEREAS NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that a default in not unload pallets. Take color, religion, sex, ties. Deposit & Lease For availability call the payment under the terms of a secured and perfected Note Civil Action No. PR-2018-33-DC has occurred. The Note is secured by a Mortgage dated No- empty pallets only. handicap, familial sta- required. 307-837-2135. Doug Ring, 307-532- vember 10, 2014 and recorded on November 10, 2014 at REC IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ) TFN tus, or national origin, TFN 7151. # 937859 Book 876, Page 35 MTGE in the records of Goshen ) or intention to make any TFN County, Wyoming from Justin J Fowler, to Platte Valley Bank JOHN C. CRITTENDEN, ) such preference, limita- For Rent: One or two for the amount of $133,438.00. The Mortgage having been ) 409 Farms & Farm Land assigned to and now in possession of Lakeview Loan Servic- Deceased. ) tion, or discrimination. bedroom apartment. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, ing, LLC, through assignments recorded on February 9, 2015 320 Acres. CRP and pas- We will not know- Frig, dishwasher, washer Ground Level Home. at REC# 939397 Book 660, Page 65 MTGE ASSIGN and NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SUMMARY ture. Summers 25-30 ingly accept any adver- dryer hook-up. No pets, Appliances & A/C in- March 27, 2017 at REC# 952524 Book 912, Page 173 MTGE DISTRIBUTION OF DECEDENTS ESTATE ASSIGN in the records of Goshen County, Wyoming. pairs. Antelope, deer, tising for real estate, No smoking. 532-4448 cluded. Close to down- That John C. Crittenden died on the 16th day of August, occasional elk. Good which is in violation of or 532-4594. town. 532-4381. WHEREAS the Mortgage contains a power of sale, which 2018, in Torrington, Goshen County, Wyoming, leaving Mi- well. South of Ft. Lara- the law. All persons are TFN 10/3 by reason of the default that has occurred, the Mortgagee has chael Crittenden and Patti Gable, as his sole benefi ciaries to hereby informed that all declared to become operative, and no suit or proceeding has the property described herein. mie $299,000. Broker Storage Units owned. Jeanie Cronk, dwellings advertised are 1-2 Bedrooms. Appli- 614 been instituted to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, for Rent or any part thereof, nor has any suit or proceeding instituted That Michael Crittenden and Patti Gable, the above named DunRovin Homes 307- available on an equal ances. $450.00-550.00. and the same discontinued and: benefi ciaries, on the 17th day of September, 2018, fi led in the 532-6480. opportunity basis.” Utilities included. Lease Outdoor Storages for District Court of the Eighth Judicial District, Goshen County, 10/3 and Deposit. Also 1 Bed- RV’s, Trailers, boats, etc. WHEREAS written Notice of Intent to Foreclose by State of Wyoming, their Application for Decree of Distribu- Sale and Advertisement has been served upon the record tion, pursuant to W.S. §2-1-205(LexisNexis 2017), praying room Alley House. Ap- Close to town, easy ac- owner and party in possession of the mortgaged premises at that the Court adjudge the following described real and per- Lovely, large, one bed- pliances, W/D, off street cess. Call 307-532-7151 420 Lots & Acreages least ten (10) days prior to commencement of the publica- sonal property located in Goshen County, Wyoming be dis- room furnished, country parking. ANE Proper- TFN tion, and the amount due upon the Mortgage at the date of tributed as follows: Six lots in Torrington. apartment. $750 includes ties. 307-532-2827 or fi rst publication of this notice of sale being the total sum of $128,977.92 which consists of the unpaid principal balance Real Property: 25X125. Near to pool, utilities, Dish TV, In- 307-575-2195. GREEN ACRES of $124,892.50, outstanding charges, attorney fees, costs ex- S½ of Lot 10, Block 2, Fifth Addition, ball parks. Evergreen ternet, Laundry. One 10/3 MINI-STORAGE. 307- pected, accruing interest and late charges after the date of fi rst to the Town of Fort Laramie, trees. Zones REA. Ani- mile east. Broker owned. 532-5033. All metal publication of this notice. Goshen County, Wyoming mals allowed. $32,000 Jeanie Cronk, DunRovin 2 Bedroom Apartment buildings. 5x10=$25, WHEREAS this property being foreclosed upon may be Personal Property: for all. Broker owned. Homes, LLC 307-532- for rent. $425 per month 10x10=$35, 10x15=$45, subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be ex- 1975 Mobile Home, Serial Number Unknown - DunRovin Homes, LLC. 6480. plus deposit. Call Susana 10x20=$55, Your Lock/ tinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should located on the above-described real property 307-532-6480. 10/3 307-575-4594. Your Key On Site Man- research the status of title before submitting a bid. 1983 Dodge, V.I.N. 1B7HW14H1ES315330 10/3 10/3 ager. 1999 Ford Explorer, V.I.N. 1FMZU34E7XZA90297 NOW, THEREFORE Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC as FOR RENT: 2 bedroom TFN Mortgagee, will have the Mortgage foreclosed as by law pro- That the said Application has been set down for a hearing 524 Fishing/Hunting apartment. Appliances 610 Houses for Rent vided by having the mortgaged property sold at public venue before the Court at the District Courtroom, Goshen County included. Deposit and Torrington Self Storage. by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff in and for Goshen County, Courthouse, Torrington, Wyoming, at 8:30 oclock a.m., on the lease required. Call 307- Great Investment! Two 10x10 - $35. 10x20 - Wyoming to the highest bidder for cash on October 5, 2018 at 26th day of October, 2018. If persons object, the Court shall Quick Cash for Guns 10:00 AM at the front door of the Goshen County Courthouse set a new hearing for all parties to appear; and Silver at the Ammo 532-7151, Leave mes- homes, garage. Lawn $45, 12x25 - $50. Call located 2125 East A Street, Torrington, Wyoming 82240. For Shack. 1925 Main Street. sage. sprinklers. Well main- 307-532-5913. application on the above described amounts secured by the IF THERE ARE NO OBJECTIONS TO THE APPLI- 307-575-9145. TFN tained. 1841 East B and TFN Mortgage, said mortgaged property being described as fol- CATION AND IF IT APPEARS THAT THE FACTS SET lows, to wit: FORTH IN THE APPLICATION ARE NOT IN DISPUTE, TFN 315 East 19th Ave. Bro- the Court will enter into Decree of Distribution setting over 2 Bedroom, 1 bath apart- ker owned. Jeanie Cronk, Cottonwood Storage 1 The North Half of Lot 14, HALCO 1ST ADDITION, Re- the above described real and personal property as set forth Apartments ment, $700 per month DunRovin Homes, LLC 10x20 unit available. vised September 20, 1972 to the Town of Torrington, Goshen above. 601 County, Wyoming for Rent plus deposit, utilities in- 307-532-6480. Call 307-532-1638. 10/3 DATED this 18th day of September, 2018. cluded. 2 bedroom, 1 ½ TFN With an address of 3675 Big Horn Street, Torrington, Wy- “All real estate ad- bath apartment, $500 per oming 82240. Together with all improvements thereon situ- s/Greg Knudsen ated and all fi xtures and appurtenances, thereto. Greg Knudsen, of SAWYER, WARREN, BUCHANAN & KNUDSEN Attorney for Estate Bell Park Tower Apartments Torrington Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC Great News for Seniors 62 yrs of Age & Older Scott D. Toebben, Wyoming State Bar No. 7-5690 P.O. Box 530 Randall S. Miller & Associates, P.C. Torrington, WY 82240 COMFORTABLE & AFFORDABLE APARTMENTS Apartments 216 16th Street, Suite 1210 (307) 532-2322 Now Accepting Applications for Seniors Now Accepting Applications Denver, CO 80202 Wyoming Bar No. 5-2664 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments Phone: 720-259-6710 Rental Assistance Available [email protected] Public Notice No. 6832 published in the Torrington Tele- (depending on availability and elligibility) gram September 21, and 28, 2018. Smoke FREE Complex Public Notice No. 6821 published in the Torrington Tele- Call 307-532-7888 TTY 800-877-9965 • 2210 East B Street Torrington, WY gram September 7, and 14, and 21, and 28, 2018. Rent Based on Income, HUD 202 PRAC 1317 E. 17th St. • (307) 532-3644 PUBLIC NOTICE Live On-Site Community Administrator Free Laundry • On-Site Parking • Mailboxes on Premises TTDDDD # #711 911 Water, Sewer & Garbage provided by Bell Park Tower. This institutiThis institutionon is an e qisua anl oppo equalrtunit opportunityy provider provider and employer IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Community Room Available for Social Gatherings & Meetings. O Offffi ceice Hours Hours: :Mon Mon -- ThursThurs 8am9am--2p12pmm EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF WYOMING IN AND FOR GOSHEN COUNTY Civil Action No. PR-2018-32-DC IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ) ) TED D. ANDERSON, ) Bob’s Roofing also known as TEDDY D.
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