CLIVIA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chairman: Chris Vlok, PO Box 99583, Garsfontein 0060, Tel H +27 12998 5942, e-mail: [email protected] Secretary: Lena van der Merwe, PO Box 74868, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040, Tel & Fax +27 12 804 8892, e-mail: [email protected] Vice-Chairman: John van der Linde, 1 Wheelan Str., Newlands, 7700 Tel & Fax +27 21 671 4535. e-mail: [email protected] Treasurer: Bossie de Kock, PO Box 38539, Garsfontein, 0042, Tel +27 12 998 3620, e-mail: [email protected] Office Bearer: Ken Smith, 593 Hawkesbury Rd., Winmalee, NSW 2777, Australia. Tel +61 2 47543287. E- mail: [email protected] REPRESENTATIVES OF CONSTITUENT CLIVIA CLUBS Cape: Mick Dower, Ian Brown, Gert Wiese Eastern Province:Willie le Roux, Charl Coetzee Northern: Lena van der Merwe, Glynn Middlewick, Bossie de Kock KwaZulu-Natal: Sean Chubb REPRESENTATIVES OF OVERSEAS MEMBERS Keith Hammett. 488C Don Buck Rd, Massey, Auckland 8, New Zealand. Tel +64 9 833-9453. E-mail: [email protected] Michael Morri, P.O. Box 192, Union City, Michigan 49094 USA. Direct enquiries to Michael at either tel. (517) 741-4769 or E-mail: [email protected] Ken Smith. 593 Hawkesbury Rd., Winmalee, NSW 2777, Australia. Tel +61 2 47543287. E-mail: [email protected] Aart van Voorst. Frederick Hendriklaan 49, Hillegom, TE 2181, Netherlands. Tel: +31 252529679; email: [email protected] OTHER OVERSEAS CONTACT PERSONS FOR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION United Kingdom Michael Jeans. Hugletts Farm, Hugletts Lane, Heathfield, E. Sussex TN 21 9 BY. Tel +44 143 5 862 318. E-mail: [email protected]. (Continued on inside back cover) Contents CLIVIA SOCIETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Inside front cover EDITORIAL – Meg Hart 2 FROM THE CHAIRMAN – Chris Vlok 3 CLIVIA 2006 – Roger Dixon 4 STORIES BEHIND THE COVER PHOTOGRAPHS – John van der Linde 7 CORRESPONDENCE 11 A Clivia called Oprah? – Cobus Roos 11 Notes on photographing clivia – Hannes van Rooyen 12 Squirrels in the Clivia - Anonymous 16 FROM THE CLIVIA ENTHUSIAST E-MAIL GROUP 19 Virus symptoms and particles – Keith Hammett 19 INTERNET CLIVIA CHAT – Denise Wilshire 22 PERSONALITY PROFILE – SIR PETER SMITHERS – John van der Linde 24 GARDEN ROUTE/TUINROETE INTEREST GROUP – Gerrie Brits 26 FOR SALE 26 BEGINNER’S LUCK – FLOWER STRUCTURE – Jim Shields 28 ON THE COMPOST HEAP – Meg Hart 28 Views expressed in the newsletter are not necessarily those of the Committee and the Clivia Society. 1 Editorial Here we are in 2004 and planning for named after the famous American tel- the 4th International Clivia Conference evision personality, Oprah Winfrey. in South Africa is under way. Many suggestions have been Hopefully this will give overseas visi- received and much discussion will tors sufficient time to organize their have to be done before a decision can schedules for September 2006 and to be taken. save for their fares and expenses. Hannes van Rooyen provides his Judging from the quality of the plants expertise as a photographer in an arti- on shows in recent years it would be cle on photographing clivia. After well worth the while for any clivia fan reading this one looks at the pictures coming to see our superb clivia and in the Newsletters and the Yearbooks our beautiful country. We look forward in a different light. On a lighter note an to seeing old and new faces of clivia anonymous person writes of an ingen- enthusiasts for this occasion. ious way of scaring off squirrels which John van der Linde continues to caused chaos in his clivia seed boxes. research interesting stories behind the If readers have wondered what those cover photographs. Getting some paler coloured stripes and spots are people to submit their stories is not as on the leaves of clivia, they are proba- simple as it looks. Remember that bly due to viruses. Jim Shields won- some growers and exhibitors have dered what viruses were causing hundreds of plants and to get them to streaks on some of his clivia and Keith remember exactly which one is depict- Hammett describes the trouble he ed is not at all easy. The names of went to to discover what viruses were famous growers like Les Hannibal. present on plants imported into New Gordon McNeil, Bill Morris, Sir Peter Zealand. Denise Wilshire makes her Smithers, Dr. Hariao, Yoshikazu debut and writes about the activities of Nakamura are reflected in the plants the ‘chat group’ and her experiences they have bred. One thing the Editor on Internet communication. has learnt in her 10 years of member- ship that I good plants or seeds should John van der Linde has temporarily be sought at an early stage in one’s run out of people to discuss in his collection. Later one discards the series ‘Early names associated with ‘ordinary’ clivia in favour of ‘good culti- clivia’, so as C. miniata x kewensis vars’. If only one followed this advice ‘Vico Yellow’ is depicted on the back at the start! However, when establish- cover of this newsletter he has chosen ing a large clivia garden one initially a ‘Personality Profile’ on Sir Peter looks for quantity rather quality. Smithers. An interesting idea has come from We now enter the thirteenth year of Jane Raphaely (Editor of The Oprah the Clivia Society and hope it goes Winfrey Magazine in South Africa) that from strength to strength. the Clivia Society selects a clivia to be Editor. 2 From the chariman The following points may be of inter- graphs of their annual show for pub- est to members: lishing on the website. Annual General Meeting: The Clivia Research: The Society has KwaZulu-Natal Clivia Club will host decided to financially support a the Annual General Meeting. The research proposal submitted by Prof meeting is scheduled for Saturday 5 W Swart of the Free State University. June at the National Botanical The study will focus on disease-caus- Gardens in Pietermaritzburg. It coin- ing organisms associated with Clivia cides with a Clivia gardenii exhibition species in South Africa and their con- organised by the host club. Clivia trol. enthusiasts (our overseas members) Membership Lists and Results of are reminded that 5 April is the last 2003 Shows: Combined international date to nominate persons to represent and South African membership lists as this group of members on the Clivia well as a list containing the results of Society. Detailed information has the various Clivia shows held in South been posted. Please contact the Africa during 2003 were posted to Clivia Society secretary should you Club secretaries and representatives have any questions. during December 2003. Please Public Relations: Cobus Roos approach your secretary or represen- (Pretoria) has been appointed as tative should you require these lists – Public Relations Officer of the Clivia if required in electronic format, it is Society. Cobus can be contacted at free of charge. +27 72 272 3328. His e-mail address Clivia mirabilis: John Winter reported is [email protected]. Cobus to the Clivia Society that Clivia will be assisted by Denise Wilshire mirabilis seedlings would not be ready (Johannesburg) and Colin Wood for marketing before the end of 2004. (Australia). The primary duties of He also reported that the National Denise and Colin will be to represent Botanical Institute (NBI) has sought the Clivia Society on the Yahoo Chat the approval of the Northern Cape group. Department of Nature Conservation Society website: The address of the for the detailed marketing arrange- Clivia Society website is www.cliviaso- ments proposed by the NBI. The NBI ciety.org. Clubs/Interest Groups are has subsequently been advised that invited to make use of this facility. no instructions will be given before the Please appoint a person to liaise with middle of 2004. When approval is Cobus Roos regarding Club news to received, seedlings will be offered for be put on the web. We also need a sale via the NBI website. John Winter contact person in each club who will has undertaken to forward the infor- take the responsibility to post photo- mation to the Clivia Society as soon 3 as it is published on the NBI’s website. 11 September: Annual Clivia Show – 2004 Shows Northern KwaZulu-Natal 11 September: Annual 5 June: Gardenii exhibition - KwaZulu- Show/Exhibition – Free State Interest Natal Clivia Club Group 12 June: Mini Interspecific Show – 18 September: Mini show at Kloof - Northern Clivia Club KwaZulu-Natal Clivia Club 29 May: Gardenii Exhibition – New 18 & 19 September: Annual Show – Zealand Clivia Club Metro Interest Group 17 July: Waterberg Boslelieklub 18 & 19 September: Annual Show – 24 July: Mini Interspecific Show – Cape Clivia Club Eastern Province Clivia Club 25 & 26 September: Annual Show – 28 August: Annual Exhibition/Show – Eastern Province Clivia Club Waterberg Boslelieklub 2 & 3 October: Annual Show –Garden 4 & 5 September: Annual Show – Route Clivia Interest Group Northern Clivia Club 9 & 10 October: Annual Exhibition - 4 & 5 OR 11 & 12 September: Annual New Zealand Clivia Club show - KwaZulu-Natal Clivia Club Clivia greetings, 10, 11 & 12 September: Annual Chris Vlok Show/Exhibition – Soutpansberg Interest Group Clivia 2006 4TH INTERNATIONAL CLIVIA CONFERENCE genus Clivia and the strides that we have made in its ennoblement and PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA popularisation. A magnificent show 5TH & 6TH SEPTEMBER 2006 will accompany and complement the conference, which will be addressed On behalf of the Clivia Society and the by speakers from all over the Clivia Northern Clivia Club, we would like to world. welcome you to experience the world of the Clivia and meet with other Clivia Three major themes have been identi- enthusiasts in September 2006 at the fied for this conference: th 4 International Clivia Conference. Which way for Clivia future perspec- This will be the highlight of our botani- tives: what do we need to do? cal calendar and a showcase for developments in our knowledge of the Recording Clivia: the why, the what & 4 the how Nature’s gift: diversity, habitat habitats in South Africa as well as vis- & evolution.
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