RECENT Department of Manuscripts Add. MS. acquisitions, January-December 1979; Egerton MS. and Add. Ch. acquisitions, January 1978-December 1979 Ralph Vaughan Williams: Music for the film Jago Orlando Smith: Travel diary, describing 'The England of Elizabeth' (original title visits to Holland (1881), Cambridge (1883, 'The Elizabethan Age'); composed in 1955. 1884), and North Devon (n.d.). Illustrated Autograph. Short score and full score. Pre- with no carefully executed pen drawings sented by Mrs. Ursula Vaughan Williams by and watercolours. Add. MS. 60397. courtesy of Mrs. Muir Mathieson. Add. MS. A. C. Swinburne: Short story: 'A Nine Days' 60392. Wonder 1745'; [? 1862]. Autograph draft. Maps and charts: Including several by The manuscript is accompanied by a con- draughtsmen employed by or connected with temporary copy. Both were at one time in the the Board of Ordnance between 1776 and possession of John Camden Hotten, Swin- 1781; i8th and early 19th centuries. Add. burne's publisher. Add. MS. 60398. MS. 60393. Beauvale Papers: Correspondence and papers Bentley's Standard Novels: Copy for the printer of the Hon. Sir Frederick James Lamb, of the translation of Alessandro Manzoni's G.C.B. (1782-1853), Baron Beauvale 1839, 1 Promessi Sposi, published in London, 1834, 3rd Viscount Melbourne 1848, diplomatist; by Richard Bentley as The Betrothed (Bent- 1812-53, n-d- Presented by Her Majesty the ley's Standard Novels, no. 43), made up of Queen. Add. MSS. 60399-60483. printed text, in two volumes, of the transla- Miscellaneous literary and historical auto- tion by A. N. [Andrews Norton], published graphs, including some verses; c. 17th-19th as Lucia or The Betrothed (New York: George centuries. Included among the writers are Dearborn, 1834), interleaved and with Bernard Barton, Garibaldi, Edward Bulwer manuscript revisions and additions (in an Lytton, William Cobbett, Richard Cumber- unidentified hand). Additional annotations, land, R. L. Edgeworth, George IV, Letitia with directions for the printer concerning Landon, James Montgomery, Lord Nelson, proofs, etc., in the hand of Richard Bentley. James and Horatio Smith, Isaac Taylor, and Add. MSS. 60394, 60395. Sir Charles Yorke. Add. MS. 60484. Thomas Hardy's Visiting Book: Record of Savoy: Copies of edicts and letters patent of visitors received by Thomas Hardy, CM., Emanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, 1553-80, novelist, at Max Gate, Dorchester, between with related material. French. Add. MS. 2 June 1920 and 10 December 1927, with 60485. four entries made in 1928 and 1929 after his Revd. William Parr Greswell: Account-book; death. Add. MS. 60396. 1813-17. Add. MS. 60486. 187 Thomas Grenville, politician and bibliophile: Union Catalogue of Music and to the 1959 Letters, mainly addressed to; 1782-1842, Cambridge conference of the International n.d. Add. MS. 60487. Association of Music Libraries; 1945-63. Matthew Arnold: Letters to, from politicians, The correspondents include Otto Erich churchmen, men of letters, etc.; 1856-88, Deutsch. Add. MS. 60512. n.d., with one letter probably to one of his William Cole (1714-82), Cambridge anti- brothers; 1883. Add. MS. 60488. quary: 'Index to the Coats of Arms, Crests, Samuel Solomonovich Koteliansky: Letters to etc., in Cole's Manuscripts (British Miss Mervyn Lagden and Miss Diana Wil- Museum)'; i9th-20th centuries. Presented by braham; 1936-44, n.d. Presented by Miss H. M. Colvin, Esq. Add. MS. 60513. Diana Wilbraham. Add. MS. 60489. Grant of arms and crest by Thomas Hawley, Julius Harrison Manuscripts: Autograph music Clarenceux King of Arms 1536-57, to manuscripts of Julius Allen Greenway Harri- Edmond Woode of Norwich; 10 December son; 1904-60, n.d. Presented by Mrs. Dorothie I Edw. VI [1547]. English. Decorated with a Harrison, widow ofthe composer. Add. MSS. foliated border, the arms in colour, and an 60490-60494. illuminated initial enclosing a portrait of the Stanford's 'Irish Symphony': Autograph full herald. Signed by Clarenceux, whose per- score ofthe 'Irish Symphony', op. 28, by Sir sonal and official armorial seals in skippets Charles Villiers Stanford; 1886-7. Add. MS. are appended. Add. MS. 60514. 60495. Beanlands Family: Commonplace book kept by Wooden Tablet with arithmetical problems Anne Beanlands, nee Garnett (d. 1872), with and division tables in Greek: Published by a few entries by her son Benjamin; containing D. S. Crawford, Papyri Michaelidae, 1955, poems and translations (some by her relative no. 62, pp. 131-5; 6th (}) century. Add. Richard Garnett, 1789-1850, philologist), MS. 60496. extracts from magazines, maxims, etc.; 1829- Greek Service-Book: Written by Marinos, 36. Presented by Mrs. Killick on behalf of Miss priest of Boua; 19th century. Add. MS. Beanlands. Add. MS. 60515. 60497. Jeremiah Milles: 'An Account of what I saw Boult Papers: Correspondence and papers of Remarkable between Venice and London'; Sir Adrian Boult, C.H. Presented by Sir 13 June-17 July 1734. A continuation of Adrian Boult, C.H. Add. MSS. 60498- Add. MS. 15763. Autograph. Add. MS. 60503. 60516. Sir Charles Hobhouse, 4th Bart., P.C. (1862- George Frederic Sharpe: Autograph vocal 1941): Journals; 1890-1915. Autograph music with accompaniments for strings or copies. Add. MSS. 60504-60507. full orchestra (60520), in full score, by Sketches of ecclesiastical furniture and fittings George Frederic Sharpe (1863-1947), to- by Joseph A. Pippet; late igth century. Add. gether with his autobiography; before 1899- MSS. 60508-60510. 1908, n.d. Presented by Miss Rita Sharpe, Thomas Grindlay (1869-1947): Working F.R.A.M., daughter of G. F. Sharpe. Add. manuscripts, testimonials and related papers MSS. 60517-60521. of the geographer Thomas Grindlay; 20th Travel diary of an unidentified Englishman; c. century. Add. MS. 60511. 1721. It describes his journey to and from British Museum Music Room: Official corre- Lorraine, by way of Southern England, spondence of Alexander Hyatt King as Northern France, and the Austrian Nether- Superintendent of the Music Room of the lands 18/29 April 1720-11/22 January 1721, British Museum, principally relating to the with notes of expenses incurred (see Add. MS. 34753 for a similar diary kept by Edward The pages containing these annotations are Southwell Jr. in 1723). Add. MS. 60522. listed in a note on the title-page. Presented The Gates Collection, Part II: Autograph music by Mrs. Moira Wells, at the wish of her late manuscripts of Douglas Young; 1958-74. husband, Geoffrey H. Wells. Add. MS. 60572. Part I of the Gates Collection, containing H. G. Wells: 'A Vision of Judgement' (collected manuscripts of Anthony Milner and Douglas in The Country ofthe Blind, 1911). Auto- Young, comprises Add. MSS. 59815-31. graph; c. 1899, heavily revised and corrected. Presented by William Gates, Esq. Add. MSS. Add. MS. 60573. 60523-60534. Elizabeth Barrett Browning: eight letters to her Ireland Letters: Letters of the composer John from her father and mother; 6 September Ireland to the Revd. Kenneth Charles 1809-21 May 1830. Also included are a letter Thompson; 1936-50 and 1951-62. Presented from Elizabeth to her father, n.d., and one by the Revd. K. C. Thompson. Add. MSS. from her father to 'Dear Betsy' addressed to 60535, 60536. Mrs. Moulton, 6 December 1795. Add. MS. Supplementary Strange Papers: Correspon- 60574- dence and papers of John Strange, F.R.S., Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Correspondence F.S.A. (1732-99), British Resident in Venice between herself and her mother; 1812-28. from 1773 to 1783. Add. MS. 60537. Also included are two letters from Mrs. Chapman Letters: Contemporary transcripts of Barrett to her daughter, Henrietta, and a letters from Colonel Frederick Edward letter from Elizabeth to Mrs. Peyton. Add. Chapman, C.B., R.E., to 'A', presumably his MS. 60575. wife or a near relation, relating to his service A. C. Swinburne: 'La Fille du Policeman'; in the Crimea. Add. MS. 60538. 1860-1. Autograph fair copy, with revisions, Bright Letters: Letters from John Bright, M.P., of one chapter and one leaf of another from to his cousin, Charles Wilson, mainly con- Swinburne's burlesque French novel; see cerning American slavery and family also Ashley MS. 5255. Add. MS. 60576. matters; 1853-69; together with miscel- Anthology of Middle English verse and prose; laneous material, 1861-1931. Add. MS. c. 2nd half of tbe 15th century to 3rd quarter 60539- ofthe i6th century; partly French and Latin. Diaries of Geoffrey H. Wells ('Geoffrey West', The anthology incorporates texts of fifteen 1900-43); 1917-43. Presented by Mrs. Moira apparently otherwise unrecorded poems; a Wells, at the wish of her late husband, prose dialogue between a lover and his lady, Geoffrey H. Wells. Add. MSS. 60540- entitled 'The Demaundes of love' and dated 60570. 1487; and a section of Latin and English Geoffrey H. Wells ('Geoffrey West'): Corre- sentences intended for translation by school- spondence concerning his book, H. G. Wells boys. Included among the later additions is (1930). Included are autograph letters from some keyboard music. The anthology has H. G. Wells (14 letters, 22 postcards, etc.), strong Winchester connections, in both con- Mrs. Catherine Wells (16 letters, etc.), Frank tent and provenance: the 15th-century bind- Wells (6 letters), and replies from Geoffrey ing is by the 'Virgin and Child' binder. Add. H. Wells (some annotated by H. G. Wells). MS. 60577. Add. MS. 60571. Thomas Wilkinson, the Quaker (d. 1836), of Geoffrey West (Geoffrey H. Wells): 'H. G. Yanwath: Papers; c. 1782-1827, n.d. Extracts Wells. A Sketch for a Portrait.' Typescript were published by Mary Carr, Thomas Wil- draft of the book published in 1930, with kinson: a friend of Wordsworth (1905). Add many autograph annotations by H. G. Wells. MSS. 60578-60580. 189 Supplementary Southwell Papers: Corre- Britten's War Requiem (Add. MS. 60610) spondence of the Southwell family, 1674- is at present on exhibition in the Department 1767, relating mainly to family, legal, finan- of Manuscripts.
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