Find Fixing or Painting a Year-Round job Hl\M Wl <"AI-I. A BIT OF PAINT: Photo Knows Fr,d lto,he, 3 Sprue- Street painlin* part ,,i [lie trim! porch. "I like to keep my house splc and span" says Fred, r.AKDKMNK IS PART OF THE WORK: Mrs. Helen McLnin. AI.l. KINDS OK JOHN: Here, Mike llrvra flf 12 Taylor Avenue, and Candy Rosa, a neighbor's youniNfr. ;mri his duldmi. .M,ui;ii> and 12 I.arrh Street, is keeping husy spraying tomato plants. She Mike Jr., are Hiving d.ul a lilt in fixing the filter in the backyard of their home, Him thfre is nothing likp growing your own \ Newspaper Devott'd ' Presented Fairly, Clearl\ o tlie Community And Impartially Each Vv r Full Local Coverage Complete News Pictui,'t'S ati Vol. XLII1 — 5 md Weekly On Tbanda; Carteret, New Jersey, Thursday, June 10, 1965 Entered <u 2nd 6Uat H*U 4t P O., Cultret, N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS KovacsTo Strive for GOP Harmony Summer Sessions Plans to Rebuild ftrife-Torn Group Given Approval by L'ARTFRET - Julius Kovaes, newly elected RLr Republican candidates for council. municipal chairman said this week that his first move will John McNulty who defeated Steve Tro6ko, Jr., for member of tu unify the party in C:uterei the county committee in his own diStricL, was named deputy CARTERET — The Rev. Floyd Mr. Kovai.-,, a former cimni ilmaii, was elecletl chairmil it vice-chairman of the GOP organization. iw Jl I.IAN PMXAK Monday night's meeting ut lln- party dttianizfltkin. He dHMfol Van Valkenburg will be installed Councilman John Brechka for thai (Mist by a vote of 20 tfflf ' It will be the task of the new Carteret Rpublican leaders to as pastor of the Calvary Baptist Board of Education •ii i'slink just retHned Irnm I W.IJI! In achieve harmony among the republicans" Mr. win hack into the fold the 16 county commitee members who Church, 84. Edwin Street, at a i.M.iliia In I'qrtMal) were named on he opposing Republican ticket. Kovais said "That is tin- onrv way we can win in November." special installation service this CARTERET - The Carteret • ii'ii;.il is lovflj beyoad be- Klectcd as GOP vu-c-chairman was Mrs, Barbara Bnniek, a There appears to be no question in the mind of Carteret Re- Saturday evening, June 12 at 6 Board of Education, at an ad- h.-, mis, H it Mctted with mire ol the ma>oi Mr*. Banuk plr.yed an important role in publicans that Mayor Andrew Banick hokis the reins of the P. M. at tjie church. journed meeting, announced the i ihr mildest fftmate* M the i>runnry that si« defeat of Councilmen Charlf* BonceJet party. Carteret is still talking about Mayor Banick's masterful Many visiting Jignitaries will!Kenneth Daniel Given aAroval of a summw v.«sijra ct < miiinenL Most' rWtor* to at kind including other clergy- .tint John Bathka who sou?In re-election-and bright about stroke that led to the defeat of his enen&JF in his own party the Carteret High School. stilting w .•Hall »• love wKSil, The men, borough officials and tlw numinatwii of '"' ' " L ' ' *" Wednesday, June 30 and,' ftndtof: •---I i-astlinc, Kdmund Urkuulu mi- KobertJJ'il8oo,/aj:>' who had harrassed him almost from the I i f presentathres from the New Je?"-U VQW M?O$t August 11. i«yBapU,st Convention. The Rev. " 1 Van! 'VMeriburg previously,-was CARTERET ^Tfatfla'T. gf ,1,4)1 courses an p^viiM-'with j pastor of thfryye Cfrlvary *Bal|i(li| [vice piesidpht ofjjWhltehead Me-. oilt tuition to residents of tlie Car Outdoor Art Efxhibit Set j Church of Union City, for foffi;tals. Inc., an affiliate of Metal ,*eret School District, nn\l a years and prior to that at All*- Goods Corporation, has announc- may take only those subjects Hon. it* cipttal, it slimu- !way_j N. J. and Jamestown, New ed the appointment of Kennettf| previously studied. Enrollment is flamed Head Of limited to (hose who have Kit::rul- .mil rtriiiwr. One of most Residents Given jjy library For June,27 He was moderator ati-Daniel to the newly created post Rename ed a regular high sitlnnl scjsian Mini (iilr-, of Kurope, U*- Jamestown and also of the Hud-l-of manager of aluminum sales for ; at any grade, il through 12, .n and colorful, gleeprd CAKTERET - • Plans for IhejSluip; at the Carteret High School; son Association of the N. J. Bap-jWhitehead Metals' Carteret and Tips On Mail The subject offerings 'or this ->>>it and tradition. We Carteret Public Librar>''s Third!and at the Public Ubrary, AH tist Convention. Rev. .Van Val-JPftiladelphia districts. Jlr, Danielj 1 Kolibas six week session will include: '.<• viKulion at Uw new CAKTERET - Us- Animal Outdoor Art Exhibit, set!registration forms should be fill- CARTERET — Thomai Verna-;kenburg was chairman of evan- will be responsible for the sales 1 1 g English I and If, Algebra 1 and ' ! s,,i Hntrl in Catcall at !'P (<"r''7ilnd7y" 7une''V,'" ar7'lira- chio has been elected new pre- Selistie committee of the Hudson and promotion of aluminum in ed out and returned to the Car- II, biology, General Science, Gen- < frf . K-ttoril. ««ne 20 today: tell your. ItHtnr carrier ;rcvsiiw and registration forms sident of Carteret Local 47. Pa- Association and is currently on these two districts. teret Public Library so that the eral Mathematics, Typing I and - iimn Lisbon. II U the what tn do with your mail while" w iTl be° avaTlabfe" by "the end'of committee can readily determine trolmen's Benevolent Association| the Board of Managers of the N. "Mr. "GrBgg7in"~announring the! CARTERET-General harmony . , ., . ,, • marked the meeting this week of Stenography I. Tho tvhool will ' ; .'ill l.irgnit hotel In for- you are away. the week. the number of painters who wish at the recent meeting. !.I. Baptist Convention. Rev. Van new assignment, stated that Mr. iDemocrati c committeemen and be in session five du--,i ,i w«:k MVroomf. The "People turn olf everything but negotiation ••forms will be to participate. Patrolman Albert °Kasha was!Valkenburg was ordained in 1933 in New York State by the Rens- Daniel's experience over the past|women at which Jonn M. Kolibas with Period 1 from tl ;•.> In A.M., •'•' Kli-awr Berroejo pre- the mail when they are going ;iV.Tilable from the locations Participation in the Art Exhibit named vice president, while Pa- selaerville Association. Rev. and inine years has prepared him ex-j was rejected municipal chairman and Period 2 from i":io A.M. •i i- Hiih it I away," Mr. Sabo observed "And niiiltnwn, at the U. S. Post Office j is free, and is open to any person trolman Wesley Hunderman was !h Mrs. Van Valkenburg have four Also reelected were Mrs. Ann to 12:10 P.M, '•' «.!•> struck [then, when they get to Happyiand ,uii cm,^Conke. ,.\venue; in Chrome, who lives or works in Carteret. named to his second term as ceptionally well for thiff new posi- ! m .. „ ,. DeVito, vice chairman; Charles Registration :-t I" "penlBK of the new laven .or wherever they're Ouxiosh Newspaper Store on The next committee meeting is secretary. There was no contest married children. turn. For the past two years, he ; , , Registration can be iiimle iVom • >ii January at thii year. and remember their mail, they, uliusovvlt Avemie:' West Carteret, Iset for next Tuesday, at 8 P.M. n the election of Charles Russo Sermon Listed McKei all| treasurer; A Buias has served as national sales man-1 sergeant-at-arms and Ann Nie- Tuesday, June 22 lo Fi-idsy, June -' ^-.'5 a day. ;become very unhappy" Sitar's Liquor Store oil Rooso-lat the Carteret Public Library. as treasurer. The sermon topic for this Sun- day's 11 A.M. service will be 25 between 9 A.M, antl I P.M. Ap- If it isn't feasible tn Jive the Vl,n Avenue: Hill Section. Hill]Any interested persons are in- Russo is serving his second year ager of Miller Industries, Inc., intmiec, secretary. "Purpose of my coming" and thej plication blanks may be obtained ' - !•> probably the moftl I regular carrier instructions on pharmacy on Roosevelt Avenue; jvitud to attend and/or register for of a three-year term in the office. Miami, Florida. Previous to thisj Uninamou^ endorsement was .„ .... jN 7 P.M. sermon topic is "Answered given to Michael Toth and John from the guidance counselor or ''"»" rrwrt in tke world, ihwhat t tu do witith ththe mailil, thhe shopping Center, it the Donutjthhe exhibithibi . Also serving the second year of he was with the Aluminum Com- a three-year term is Thomas Fitz- Prayer and The Enemy/'. During Tomcssuk, both of whom have the main office. Each pupil who mil pleasure craft in I local post office should he ailvis-d . v pany of America, International, patrick, state PBA delegate of the 11 A.M. service f ii'rlr'"i's been nominated for council at the plans to attend summer school '"' •"- "-o provide aa ever- I what to do. "A full mail box is he local organization. Day will be observed.! Tuesday for seven years. primary. for credit must present to the The Cailro J ijust like a neon sign telling /fftQO evening June 15 at 7:3(1 1 ,M. school the written permission of the glory of Firemen Heard D'Zurilla Trustee ' thieves the house is empty," Mr.:J-"»ow there will be a Teachers and Of- his principal, stating the sub- •> i viihuf.hiKtdy picture- Past president Robert D'zurilla ( Sabo said, Many of uur patrons i ficers meeting, Wednesday eve- Installation Fete Kenyon Is Serving jects the student may take and "»;ih|y trf all n«hlnt( vll- was/ named trustee of the asao- T- including tho.-je who have;learn-! ning prayer meeting at 7 P.M.! the purpose for which each sub- >" l'»rtui!4 The well \J* tiff* By Hess Aide iatjon for a three-year term.
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