WELCOME CLASS OF '57 ALUMNI GOOD LUCK Nineteen hundred and fifty-seven Seniors and their families are in- marks the one hundred and thirty- vited. Parents and Seniors will have sixth Commencement of Colby Col- the opportunity to meet with Dr. lege. Beginning on Friday, June 7, Bixler and the faculty at a recep- Erwin Canham editor of the ment in 1935. all the traditional Commencement tion at the president's home at 3 :3Q , "Christian Science Monitor," will Canham was promoted from re- Week . activities will take place/ con- p.m. Supper that evening will be be the speaker at Commencement on porter to general news editor of the cluding on Monday, June 8 with served in Foss Hall and Roberts ~ June 10. A native of Maine he is Boston office, then became managing Commencement Exercises. Erwin Union. At 7 :30 . the traditional , considered on of the leading jour- editor in 1941. He attained his Canhamj Editor of the "Christian Boardman Vespers will be held in nalists in the country. present position in 1945. Science Monitor," will deliver the the Chapel. This has been an an- Dr. J. S. Bixler explained "It His column, "Down the Middle address. Honorary degrees and nual , event at Colby since 1880, , is fitting that Mr. Canharn should of the Road," which appears fre- special honors will be conferred at when it was begun by The Board- speak here since he has been chair- quently in the "Monitor " deals that time. man Missionary Society in recogni- , , man of the Lovejoy Committee since with domestic and international sub- On Thursday, June 6, the annual tion of George Dana Boardman, the its formation five years ago and has jects, economics, and certain as- Senior Picnic will be held at Island first graduate from Colby. This , worked very , hard in this position. pects of politics. He has also made Park. Friday, June 7, the faculty year Rev. Harold Frank Lemoine For this reason we are particularly frequent appearances on the radio. meet the Seniors at 9 :00 a.m. for will deliver the address. Rev. , to have him. Canham has traveled extensively breakfast at Roberts Union. This Lemoine is the Dean of the Cathed- happy " Canham was born in Auburn, in Europe and the Orient and has will be the last official opportunity ral of the Incarnation in Garden , early made several transcontinental for Seniors to meet with their major City, N. Y. Following the Vespers Maine. He received his trips by helping his with Presidential candidates. Most advisors. Friday evening the Com- service, the Colby Community Sym- journalistic training recently he was in the mencement Dance will be held at the phony Orchestra, under the direc- father who 'was agricultural editor news in con- of the "Lewiston Sun and J ournal." nection with the Charleston Mass. Women's Union. It will be semi- tion of Ermanno Comparetti, will , e prison riots. He acted as a media- formal and Seniors and friends are present the Commencement Concert. He attended Bates College, wh re tor between the rioters invited. The 136th Commencement Ex- he was chiefly interested in debat- and the war- den, when the inmates would not Saturday morning at 8 :30 a break- ercises will be held on the lawn in ing. In his senior year he traveled communicate with the latter. fast will be held for the Phi Beta front of Miller Library on Monday, to England with the debating team Kappa members in Mary Lou Hall. June 10 at 10 a.m. -Air Force com- to compete- with students of seven The "Christian Science Monitor," In the afternoon at 2 :45 the Colby missioning exercises follow . this. Welcome Alumni British universities. often the subject of controversy be- Varsity Baseball squad will meet the There will be an opportunity to meet After graduation he worked for cause of its unusual policies^ was Quqnset Naval Air Station at the recipients of honorary degrees And Friends the "Monitor " for One year, then established in 1908 by Mrs. Mary returned to England as a, Rhodes Baker Eddy, founder of the Christ- Coombs Field. Saturday evening at at the conclusion of the exercises. The Alumni Office extends its Scholar at Oxford University. While ian Science Church. She felt that 8 :30 Powder and Wig, in collabora- Throughout the weekend, various heartiest greetings to all returning alumni activities -will take place. in Europe he continued reporting. the newspapers of the time were too tion with the Senior class, will pre- alumni, from the oldest to the He covered the American activities sensational, and that the empha sent the Commencement Play, The class agents breakfast on Satur- youngest. sis , at the League of Nations in Gen- on crime, disaster, and death was "King Lear" by William Shake- day at 8 will have representatives Congratulations to Robie Cf- Frye, of the earliest classes through the eva from 1926 to 1928. detrimental. speare in the Women's Union. '82, who is celebx-ating the 75th an- In 1932 he became the head of Adhering to this idea Mr. Can- Sunday, June 9, at 10 :30 the class of 1957. Plans will be pre- niversary of his graduation. A l, the "Monitor's" Washi ngton ham said that the essential f unction Baccalaureate Service will be held pared for raising money for the special welcome to all members of bureau. He attended the London of a newspaper is to give facts and in Iiorimer Chapel. President Bix-V Alumni Fund. At 10 :45 a.m. the the reunion classes. We hope that , "' fraternities and sororities will- hold Economic -Conference ..the-ne_.t, yoav _ ot ."to sell the informational jWrth* ler will give- the ,address , at this your Stay will be memorable, that . and covered the inaugeration of the right for a mess of entertainment time. The Commencement dinner reunions to welcome back their you will relive your college experi- Philippine Commonwealth Govern- pottage. follows at 12 :30 in the Field House. alumni. The Alumni-Alumnae Din- ences, and that when you leave, you " ner will be held at 12 :30 in the will feel that old' friendships have Field House. Mr. Roderick E. Far- been strengthened and old loyalties Vesper Services rham, Chairman of the Alumni deepened. P & W to Present Phi Bete Elections Council will preside. Class reunions May all of you enjoy to the full To Be Held Sian. will be held at various places at 6 A Commencement tradition is the every moment of this 136th Com- 'Lear ' Tra gedy Sat p.m. Robie C. Frye, '82, 'f rom Boardman Vespers held in Lorimer mencement of Colby College. The Commencement play this year Award Annou nced Boston Chapel on Sunday evening, June 9, , is expected to return again BILL MILLETT is "King Lear," Shakespeare's at 7 :30. This vesper service is in as one of the many old timers. Alumni Secretary famous tragedy. It will be pre- Attast Assembly -w honor of George Dana Boardman, sented on Saturday, June 8, at 8 :30 Seventeen seniors have been /class of 1822 and Colby's first grad- p.m. in the Women's Union gym- elected to Phi Beta Kappa, tlie uate. ¦ , ' nasium. national society of scholars. Their Born in 1801 in Livermore Falls, The cast is composed of Jay names were announced at the an- Maine, Boardman was awarded his Smith as the King of France ; nual Recognition Assembly on May Master of Arts degree after gradua- George Welch, Duke of Burgundy ; 1. The seniors recognized are : tion fr om- Colby and served as tutor Carlos Davila, Duke of Cornwall ; Beverly Colbroth, Walter Dainwood, f or two years before entering AnT Daniel Yett, Duke of Albany; War- Eleanor Duckworth, Kyoichi Haruta, dover Theological Seminary. In 1825 ren Woitzman, Earl of Kent; and Ben Horn, Jocelyn Lary, Mary Law- ho sailed "to Burma as a missionary Dick Stratton as the Earl of Glou- rence, Jane Maddocks, David Mills, under the Baptist Board of Foreign cester. - Annette Picker, Lucille Pickles,- Missions. He died in Burma at the Edgar is played by James Ruli- Isobel Rafuse, Malcolm Remington, age of thirty. son ; Edmund, Ralph Weston ; Os- Rona Rosenthal, Richard Stratton, Despite his short life, Boardman wald, Tom Totmah ; The Fool, Bert Shirley Transue, and Leslie Wyman. firmly established tho Karen Mis- Angrisft; King Loar, Walter Dam- Other awards earned by seniors sion, originally termed by historians wood ; Doctor, Russ Higgins ; Old are as follows : Foster Memorial a _ "one of the greatest missions of Man, Larry Douglas ; Gentleman, prize in Greek, David Mills ; French modern times." Since its develop- Doug Miller ; Goneril, Glady Frank ; Consulate prize, Beverly Colbroth ; ment, more than 1,000,000 have been Regan, Anita Falter ; and Cordelia, German prizes, first place to Leslie united in the Christian Church, Leslie Wyman. Wyman, second place to Jane Mad- books, and literature created, Members of tlie production stafl. docks and Kyoichi Haruta ; Delta schools, churches, and hospitals are : Director, Etigeno Jollison ; As- Phi Alpha German prize, Shirley founded , and practically a new sistant Director, Tod Crane; Sot Transue ; Gloo Club award, Ronald nation boon established. The Senior Class officers have been working hard to p roduce a Construction, John Curtis; Light- Arthur; Louise Colgan award, Shir- - The . earliest ' record of service successful Commencement Week as the culmination of their four ing Director, Don Mordeoai ; Proper- ley Transue. oomos from 1880. It was held tho years at Colby. Left to right: BillI Saladino, president; Eflie Shorey, ties, Donna Tasker and , Libby Solomon Gallerb English prise, Sunday evening of Commencement Latham ; Publicity,. Gailo Noble and Richard Stratton ; Colby Library As- secretary;- Tony Ciunci, treasurer ,r and Peter Merrill , vice-president.
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