![Congressional Record-Senate April 2](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
6762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 2 By Mr. WURZBACH: A bll1 (H. R. 10!l71) grantin~ an in­ 1G18. Also, petition of United German Societies of the city crease of pension to Julia King Gleaves; to the Committee on of New York, fayoring the return of appro.·imately $2,u00,000 Pensions. held by tbe Alien Property Custodian and uerive<l from prop· erty of Germans to its rightful owners ; to the Committee on rETITIONS, ETC. Interstate anu Foreign Commerce. 161n. Also, reflolutions adopted by members of National Un<."ler clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitioiJS and papers were laid Fecleratien of PoRt Office Clerk~, Local No. 251, favot:ing House on the Clerk'~:; desk and referred as follow~ : bill 7062 ; to the Committee on the Post Office an<l Post Roads. 1508. Petition of 80 Pfttients of t:he United Rtates Veterans' 1620. Al. o, petition of the National Guard Association of tbe Ho~pital at :b ort Lyon, Colo., asking for immediate and favor­ State of New York, for the construction of an all-American able action on Hom~e bill 10240; to the Committee on \Vot'ld ship cAnal from the Great La:kes to Atlantic Ocean, Mohawk ,\.ar Veterans' Legislation. and llndsoll Valleys; to tile Committee on Rivers and Harbors. HlnV. Hy Mr. JJURTON : Petition of divers citizens of 1621. Also, reRolutions adopted by the Brooklyn Dar Assoda­ Cuyalwga C01mty~ Ohio, protesting againl't the passage of com­ tion, favoring the pa. sage of House bill 7V07 and Senate biU pulsory Sunday-observance legi~lation for the District of Colum­ 2072; to the Committee- on the Judiciary. bla; to the Conunittee on the District of Columbia. 1G22. Also, resolutions adopted by the American Legion of lGOO. Also, petition of citizens of Cambridge, Ohio, requesting Kings County, urging support of a bill granting relief to Capt. that House bill 8132 be placed upon the calendar for immediate Alonzo Campbell, who has served his country for almost 30 action ; to the Committee on Pensions. years, anu who is now totally blind; to the Committee on 1601. By Ur. FULJ,:FJR : Petition of the Stable Uoney AS,<lO­ Military Affair . · eia tion, urgiug snvvort of House bill 78Vu; to the Committee 1623. Also, resolutions adopted by the New York State on nanking tmd Currency. Fish, GamP., anu Forest Lcagne, urging the enactment of 1G02. Also, petition of State of Illinois Highwny Department, House bill 7479; to the Committee on Agriculture. ursing support of the Dowell bill ; to the Committee on Roads. 1G24. Also, petition of the Loaru of aldermen of the city of 1G0:3. Also, petition of n.ockford ".,.holeHale Grocery Oo., of New York, memorializing Congress to pass House bill u, a bill Rockford, Ill., opposing the p!lssage of House uill 10502; to the to amend the immigration act of 1V24; to the Committee on Committee on AgriculturE>. Immigration and Naturalization. 1604. By Ur. GALLIVAN: Petition of George Lewis ·wnson, 1625. Also, petition of New York State legislative board, 20 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass., recommeudjng early and Brotherhoou of LocomotiYe Firemen and Enginem<'n, favoring favorable consideration of Hou."e uill 7V07, to increase salaries the passage of House b111 7180 and Senate bi11 2306, seeking a of Fe<1eral judges ; to the Committee on tlJC .Tmliciary. substitution for the labor section of the transportation act; to ~ 1GOG. By :Mr. HERSEY: Petition of Frank Grunt and other the Committee on Interstate anu :b"'orelgn Commerce. re:;;idents of Silvers Mills, Me.,. against the passage of com­ 1G2G. Also, petition of the American AsRociation for Labor pulsory , 'unduy observance laws; to the Committee on the Legi::;lation, favoring the pas~age of the Cummins-Graham com­ Dh;trict of Columbia. pen!'lation bill ( S. 3170) anu House uill {H08 ; to the Committee H>Ou. By )Ir. HOOPER: Petition of I.~. F. Westfall and 3G on the Juuieiary. other re ~ idents of Hill ·dale County, 1\Iich., protesting against 1627. Also, petition of New York State Association of Retail the pas:;;age of compulsory Sunduy observance legislation for Grocers, oppo;qiug the PHB~agc of the Deck btU (H. R. u188) ; to tJw District of Columuia; to the Committee on the. District of the Committee on ·ways and Means. Columbia_ 1628. Also, petitions of residents of Brooklyn, N. Y., in oppo­ Hi07. By 1\Ir. KINDRED: PE>tition of tl1e Nassau Connty sition to the bil1s (II. R. 717V and 7822) for compulsory Sunday Democmtic Com.mHtee, urging the United States Congress for observance or any other national religious legislation which a modification of the Volstead law so r~"! to permit the mann­ may be pending; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. facture and sale of liquor and other beverages containing tllelr 1<32V . .A lso, petition of the United Retail' Grocers' As. ·ociation, natural amount of alcohol; to tlle Committee on the Judicinry. of Brooklyn, N. Y., opposing the passage of House bill 5188; to 1608. By l\lr. Ll'JA ()f California: Petition signed by 103 the Committee on Ways and 1\feans. residents of Humboldt County, Calif., protesting against the 1630. Also, petition of Orcler of Railwny Conductor~ anti passage of llouse bill 7170 ; to the Committee on the District Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen l egi~lative boarcls of New of Columbia. York State, urging pa::;~age of Senate bill 2306 and House bill 1GOU. By illr. 1\!AGRADY : Petition of sundry citizens of 7180; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. NortJmmberlanu, Northmnberlanu County, Pa., protesting 16~U. Dy Mr. SWING: Petition of certain residents of Loma against the compulsory Sunday ob::~erYance bill (H. n. TI70) ; Lindn, Calif., 1n·otesting against the passage of House bills to the Committee on the Dirtrict of Columbia. 7170 anu 7822 ancl similar bills for the compulsory observance 1610. Also, petition of sundry citizen:-; of w ·heelerville, Snlli­ of Sunuay; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Yan County. Pa .. prote!'ltfng against the coml)ulsory Sundny 1G32'. Hy Mr. WELLER: Petition of the Surety Association ob~enance uill (H. R. 717f.l) ; to the Committee on the Di::;trict of America, indor~ing the bill to increase the salnries of Fed­ of Columbia. eral juutie:::l; to the Committee on the. .Tniliciary. 1G11. By l\lr. iliOOl\TEY: Petition of residents of Cley·elancl, Ohio, protesting the compulsory Sunday observance bill; to the Committee on the Di:;;trict of Columbia. SENATE 1012. By l\Ir. :MORROW : Petition of citizens of Roswel1, Hagerman, l\Taxwcll, ancl AlbtH]neTque, N. l\1ex., againflt com­ FrnnAY, April 2, 192(] pulsory Snnday obHervance; to the Committee on the District The Chaplain, Uev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the- following of Columbia. prayer: 1G13. By l\lr. o·coNXELL of New York: Petition of TI. Tim­ mons, Uniteu States Veterans' Hospital lOa, Aspinwall, Pa., Our gracious God, we come U1is morning into Thy presence fayoring the pas::;age of House bill 10240 for tubercular Yet­ thanking '1.11ee for the love that has been vouchsafed unto us erans' compensation; to the Comm.lttee on Worlu 'Var Veterans' in tbe gift of Thy Son our Havior; and as we associate our Legislation. thoughts this morning with Christendom at large we recognize 1614. Also, petition of the Brooklyn Post Office Clerks' T nion, that gift as of eternal and infinite good to us. Enable us to Local 2!>1, Kai:ionnl Feueration of Post Office Clerks, favoring unuerstanu much more <.:learly how we onght to ucpcnd upon the p::u;su:;c of Hon!'e bill 70G2·; to the Committee on the Po::;t His infinite salvation anu so to uct, whatever may be the duty Office ami Pol't Hoads. required of us, that we muy fill each po!'dtion with a sense o:C 1615. By Mr. SO:MI-~RS of New York: Resolutions adopteu by Tby pre~ence and under the guardianship anu nid of Thy the Jewish Por-tal 'Vorkers' League, of New York City (Inc.), Spirit. 'Yc ask in Jesus' name. Amen. indor1-:ing Hou~e bill 7 and Senate bill 78G; to the Committee on The Chief Clerk proceeued to rea<l the Journal of the pro~ tlle Civil Servi<.:e. cecclings of the legislatiYe. clay of Haturday lust, when, on re­ 1G1G. Also, resolutions adopted by the directors of the Illi­ quest of Mr-. CURTIS and by unanimous consent, the further ·nois :Manufacturers' Association ut Chica..,.o, that this associa­ reauing was· dispeu::;ed with anu the Journal was approved. ticu i::; opposNl to tbe existi11g goyernmental activities in industry or their extension to the detriment of private enter­ :MESSAGE l<'RO~I THE llODAE-E~ROLLED RILL SIOi-ED pri~e : to the Committee on tlrc Post Office and Post !toads. .A. message from the House of Repre~entatives, by l\1r. Chaf­ 1G17. Also, resolutions adopted by the ·warehousemen's As­ fee, one of its clerks, announceu that the S!)eaker of the sociation of the Port of New York (Inc.), protesting against House had affixed his ~ig-nature to the enrolled bill ( S. 24G1) the pa::;sage of Senate bill 6G ;- to the Committee on 'Vays and to grant extensions of time under oil and gas permits, and it Means. was thereupon signed by the Vice President. 1926 OONGRESSION \..L l~ECORD-SENATE 6763. CALL OF THE ROLL in the State of Washington, heretofore set npart for school or administrative pnrvoses (Hept. No. 534) ; aml 1\Ir. CURTIS. 1\fr. rr<"Ridcnt, I su~g;est the. al>5ence of n.
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