perception" Official Supplier of the US. Canoe and Kayak Team Don't look back. There are places where it's just you and the river. ridlock has been replaced with tight drops. he timeclock has given way to split-second decisions. Perception can take you there. your Perception dealer today Amazing river machines Ask for a free catalog Letters ...............................................6 Forum ............................................................4 V A Nation United by Waters Making of Meltdown by Bruce Babbitt Madness 61 Briefs ............................................................. by Paul Tefft V Upper Yough Update VConservationist of the Year V But What about Safety, pg 74 V River Voices Conservation Kayak Summer by Mark Binder V Lying for a Living ...............................12 V Hydro to be added to Surnmersville .. 14 V Recreation Excise Tax ...................... 15 Safety V Hand Signals ......................................22 V Helmets for Whitewater .....................25 Access V Swan song for 1996 Co. Safety Act ... 17 V The CROPP Team .............................18 V Potomac Update .............................. 21 Humor I by Paul Mason V The Gold Medal ............................... 70 by Jonathon Katz Front Cover: Dave "Snake" Pizzuti tackles the Crystal River Punchbowls near Schofield Pass, Colorado. See "Meltdown " article inside for more "Madness"! Photo by Brian Bailey. Back Cover: Jonathan Satz - Adrenaline Falls, Lime Creek, Colorado. Photo by Dave Pizzuti Publication Title: American Whitewater Issue Date: MayIJune 1996 Statement of Frequency: Published bi-monthly Authorized Organization's Name and Address: American Whitewater Affiliation P.O. Box 636 Printed on Recycled Paper Margretville, NY 12544 American Whitewater v May 1 June 1996 This month, American Whitewater is honored to have a statement by Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt. Previouslv. Babbitt has served as Governor of Arizona from 1978-1987, and as Attorney ~eneraibf ~rizonafrom 1975-1978. AWA staff had the op- portunity to meet Babbitt on the banks of the Potomac River last fall where he con- fided his love of rivers and his weekly habit of canoeing on the Potomac. The opinions expressed in the features and editori- als of American Whitewater are those of the individual authors. ' They do not necessarily represent those of the Di- rectors of the American Whitewater Affiliation or The 1972 Clean Water Act the editors of this publica- is restoring more than lakes tion. and rivers; it has set off a re- naissance of economic and recreational growth on every On occasion American waterfront in America. Now, Whitewater publishes of- suddenly, it's all at stake. Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt rallies ficial organizational policy By Bruce Babbitt support for the C&O Canal Restoration statements drafted and ap- Project. Photo by Rich Bowers proved by the Board of Di- Only a quarter century ago, the rectors. These policy state- striped bass fishing industry on the At- ments will be clearly iden- lantic coast had collapsed. Cleveland's two centuries of abuse, it was the single tified. Cuyahoga River caught fire. Lake Erie most ambitious environmental law in was pronounced "dead." Appalachian riv- history. ers ran orange. And kayakers and canoe- And it worked. In ways we never ists on the Potomac River needed inocula- imagined. tions against diseases in order to enjoy its For the Act, as enforced by the Envi- now famous rapids. ronmental Protection Agency, not only It seemed every one of Americas riv- gave Americans confidence in what they ers and lakes, especially those near in- drink. It not only allowed Americans dustry and cities, was on a downward spi- once again to fish, swim, canoe, and ral of destruction and sickness. kayak in their local and urban rivers. Then, in response, a progressive, bi- It set off an economic and social re- partisan Congress passed the 1972 Clean naissance. Water Act. That landmark conservation Striped bass fishermen are back at law articulated a simple, if awkwardly work on the Hudson River and in Chesa- stated goal: make the nation's waters peake Bay. The Jersey Shore has "swimmable and fishable." Set against spawned a new whalewatching industry. RIO SHONDURAS 10281 Hwy. 50. Howard. CO 81233 800 255-5784 looking for a new place to paddle? Join us in Honduras and experience Editor: Bob Gedekoh, Box 228, R.D.#4, Elizabeth, Pa. 15037 tropical paddling. LUe offer a variety Emeritus Editor: Chris Koll of 1-9 day or custom/guide service Art direction/Graphic design/Production: John K. Victor, 396 Church St., Chillicothe, OH 45601 kayak, canoe and raft trips. Some ol Contributing writers: Pope Barrow, Howard Davidson, Carla Garrison, Joe Greiner, our excursions through lush rair Rich Hoffman, Jonathan Katz, John Weld, Mark White forests and exhilarating whi tewatel Production Assistant: Teresa Augustin are led by renowned canoeist Oot Advertising Director: Phyllis Horowitz, Box 636, Margaretville, New York 12455 Foote and top notch kayakers Mar+ (914) 586-2355 Hayes and Phil DeRiemer. Highli Safety: Charlie Walbridge experienced expert guides lead othe~ Conservation and Access: Rich Bowers, Rich Hoffman, 1430 Fenwick Lane, Silver kayak and raFt trips. Spring, MD, 20910 Phone (301) 589-9453 Fax (301) 589-6121, email: [email protected],[email protected] Missing Copies and Address Changes: Contact Phyllis Horowitz Call for more information anc American Whitewater is printed by SPENCER WALKER PRESS, INC., Newark OH. All detailed itineraries. rights reserved. American Whitewater v May / June 1996 Cleveland's Cuyahoga River doesn't burn I saw kayakers eskimo roll on the passing H.R. 961 by a vote of 240-185. This anymore; it has walleye swimming in it, Nashua and Merrimack Rivers of New bill replaces water quality standards sportfishing boats to chase them, and England - rivers that before the Clean based on science, with standards based new marinas and a riverwalk to anchor Water Act used to run orange, yellow, upon "economic and social consider- those boats at the end of the day. The and green, depending on the factory dis- ations." It defines 70 percent of the Great Lakes support 900,000 boaters and charge. I paddled down the region's wetlands -our natural water 2.5 million anglers, infusing more than $3 Chattahoochee River in Atlanta, down filters -out of existence. And it repeals billion in the regional economy. Last the Little Miami River that runs through the entire stormwater permitting system. year, I was one of them. Cinncinati, across the southern estuaries The leadership of this Congress is now I joined Americans out on the lakes of San Francisco Bay. telling the American people that it's time and rivers of 27 states and some five I expected dramatic improvement of to gut the very heart of the Clean Water dozen cities to celebrate the waterfront Dur watersheds themselves. What I didn't Act. renaissance taking place all across expect to see was the social transforma- In 1994, not one politician cam- America. A renaissance brought by tion, and economic growth that accompa- paigned on a platform to weaken clean strong federal conservation laws. nied it on the banks of the waters. For as water protection. Yet some members of In April, I went fishing on Jamaica communities restored their local waters, Congress now claim that the original goal Bay and the Hudson River. I chased after the waters restored our communities. of the Clean Water Act goes too far and Walleye on the Cuyahoga and Lake Erie The Clean Water Act is the single great- impedes economic growth. They ignore one rainy morning last May. I caught est urban renewal law in American his- the great economic benefit of clean, greenback cutthroat trout in Colorado tory. healthy watersheds: the boating, bait & and smallmouth bass in North Carolina. That change is most evident in our tackle, ecotourism, and outdoor outfitter I strolled the waterfront riverwalks in own back yards. For example, I have seen businesses. Jacksonville, San Antonio and Cleveland. growth in recreation near my home in The Republican environmental on- I rafted down the James River, an ex- Washington, D.C. Gradual, steady slaught does not stop there. The GOP traordinary river, the rapids running as cleanup of the once polluted Potomac House whip compared the EPA to the Ge- if in a wilderness area right through the River, and protection of the historic C&O stapo. The GOP chair of the public lands heart of urban Richmond. It's a river Canal, have allowed kayak outfitters to committee tried to set up a commission to which has come back to life. Herring, teach the crowded, often uptight D.C. shut down some 315 National Parks and shad, and sturgeon are now migrating population how to enjoy the remarkable Monuments Units - including the C & 0 and recreational boating is increasing resource. Canal, the Cuyahoga Valley NRA, the Rio due to its clean up, living proof that we Over 3 million residents of Maryland, Grande Wild & Scenic River, and the can restore this landscape. Virginia, and Washington D.C. live Chatahoochee River NRA. A Colorado within a 20 minute drive of the ~ristine GOP leader tried to give away 270 million shoreline near Great Falls. rails wind acres of public land. A Freshman House through parks and over bridges, and fish- GOP Rep. staged an "endangered salmon ing holes are full of small mouth bass; re- bake." cently the Fish and Wildlife Service cut a Then Congress cut funds for key con- notch in Little Falls Dam for shad to servation programs, crippling enforce- spawn further upstream. Land values in- ment of clean water standards. It slashed crease with the cleanup, attracting busi- funds for geological and biological sci- nesses, rowing clubs, restaurants and ence agencies, which gather data on wa- outfitters. ter quantity and quality, as well as spe- Elsewhere, kayaks and canoes play cies dependent on the watersheds.
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