February 5, 2013 (XXVI:4) Marcel Carné, LES VISITEURS DU SOIR/THE DEVIL’S ENVOYS (1942, 120 min.) Directed by Marcel Carné Written by Jacques Prévert and Pierre Laroche Produced by André Paulvé Original Music by Joseph Kosma, Maurice Thiriet Cinematography by Roger Hubert Film Editing by Henri Rust Production Design by Georges Wakhévitch Art Direction by Alexandre Trauner Set Decoration by Léon Barsacq Costume Design by Georges Wakhévitch Assistant director….Michelangelo Antonioni Arletty…Dominique Marie Déa…Anne - la fille du baron qui se fiance avec Renaud Fernand Ledoux…Le baron Hugues - le châtelain, père d'Anne Alain Cuny…Gilles - un ménestrel Progevma, 1980 The King and the Mockingbird, 1975 I monaxia Pierre Labry…Le seigneur stin poiisi tou Jacques Prevert, 1973 Le chien mélomane, 1966 “À Jean d'Yd…Le baladin la belle étoile”, 1957 The Seine Meets Paris, 1956 The Hunchback Roger Blin…Le montreur de monstres of Notre Dame, 1954 Bim, 1952 The Curious Adventures of Mr. Gabriel Gabrio…Le bourreau Wonderbird, 1947 Noah's Ark, 1947 Voyage surprise, 1947 La Marcel Herrand…Le baron Renaud - le fiancé d'Anne fleur de l'âge, 1945 Children of Paradise, 1943 Adieu Léonard, Jules Berry…Le diable 1943 Lumière d'été, 1942 Les visiteurs du soir, 1939 Le Jour se Alain Resnais…Extra (uncredited) lève, 1939 The Mysterious Mr. Davis, 1938 Ernest the Rebel, 1938 Simone Signoret…Extra (uncredited) Port of Shadows, 1936 Jenny, 1936 The Crime of Monsieur Lange, 1935 A Rare Bird, 1935 Si j'étais le patron, 1935 Jeunesse MARCEL CARNÉ (director) (August 18, 1906, Paris, France – d'abord, 1934 L'hôtel du libre échange, 1934 Taxi de minuit, 1932 October 31, 1996, Clamart, Hauts-de-Seine, France) directed 24 Comme une carpe, and 1932 L'affaire est dans le sac. films: 1977 The Bible, 1974 The Marvelous Visit, 1971 Law Breakers, 1968 Young Wolves, 1965 Three Rooms in Manhattan, PIERRE LAROCHE (writer) (May 7, 1902, Paris, France – April 4, 1963 Chicken Feed for Little Birds, 1960 Wasteland, 1958 Les 1962, Paris, France) has 48 screenwriting credits, some of which tricheurs, 1956 The Country I Come From, 1954 Air of Paris, 1953 are 1963 Cadavres en vacances, 1962 Le septième juré, 1962 The Adultress, 1951 Juliette, or Key of Dreams, 1950 La Marie du Hitch-Hike (dialogue), 1962 Operation Gold Ingot, 1961 The port, 1949 Fabiola, 1947 La fleur de l'âge, 1946 Gates of the Black Monocle, 1961 Women and War, 1958 Every Day Has Its Night, 1945 Children of Paradise, 1942 Les visiteurs du soir, 1939 Secret, 1958 School for Coquettes, 1957 Stars Never Die Le Jour se lève, 1938 Hôtel du Nord, 1938 Port of Shadows, 1937 (documentary), 1956 Zaza (dialogue / screenplay), 1954 Huis clos, Drole de Drame, 1936 Jenny, and 1929 Nogent, Eldorado du 1951 The Affairs of Messalina (dialogue), 1951 The Strange dimanche. Madame X (dialogue), 1951 The Pit of Loneliness (dialogue), 1950 Chéri (adaptation), 1949 The Red Angel (dialogue), 1948 The JACQUES PRÉVERT (scenario and dialogue) (February 4, 1900, Secret of Monte-Cristo (dialogue), 1947 Coïncidences, 1945 Girl Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France – April 11, 1977, with Grey Eyes, 1945 Father Serge (dialogue), 1944 Portrait of a Omonville-la-Rogue, Manche, France) has 64 screenwritring Woman, 1942 The Devil's Envoys, and 1941 L'enfer des anges credits, some of which are 2008 The Loneliness Trilogy, 2007 To (dialogue). Paint the Portrait of a Bird, 1992 Drôle d'immeuble , 1991 Carné—LES VISITEURS DU SOIR—2 ROGER HUBERT (cinematographer) (March 30, 1903, Montreuil- 1945 Documents secrets, 1943 Secrets, 1942 The Devil's Envoys, sous-Bois, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France – November 28, 1941 Foolish Husbands, and 1939 Nord-Atlantique. 1964, Paris, France) has 93 cinematographer credits, some of which are 1972 Bonaparte et la revolution, 1964 La bonne soupe, FERNAND LEDOUX… Le baron Hugues - le châtelain, père 1963 La cuisine au beurre, 1963 The Trip to Biarritz, 1961 d'Anne (b. Jacques Joseph Félix Fernand Ledoux, January 24, Dynamite Jack, 1961 Lafayette, 1960 The Dance of Death, 1959 1897, Tirlemont, Belgium – September 21, 1993, Paris, France) An Angel on Wheels, 1959 Gangster Boss, 1959 Asphalt, 1959 The appeared in 81 films and TV series, some of which are 1984 Female, 1959 The Perjurer, 1958 Thérèse Étienne, 1956 The “L'héritage”, 1982 Les Misérables, 1982 “Jules et Juju”, 1982 Perjured Farmer, 1954 Queen Margot, 1953 The Adultress, 1952 Mille milliards de dollars, 1977 À chacun son enfer, 1974 Chinese Desperate Decision, 1952 Leathernose, 1951 The Lovers of Bras- in Paris, 1973 Lovely Swine, 1973 The Burned Barns, 1969 Under Mort, 1950 Sins of Pompeii, 1947 La fleur de l'âge, 1946 The the Sign of the Bull, 1965 Up from the Beach, 1962 The Trial, 1962 Room Upstairs, 1945 La part de l'ombre, 1945 La fiancée des Freud, 1962 The Longest Day, 1960 Carthage in Flames, 1959 I ténèbres, 1945 Children of Paradise, 1943 L'éternel retour, 1943 Spit on Your Grave, 1958 Les Misérables, 1957 He Who Must Die, The Phantom Baron, 1942 Les visiteurs 1955 Square Fortune, 1954 Papa, Mama, du soir, 1941 Foolish Husbands, 1938 the Maid and I, 1953 Act of Love, 1952 Belle étoile, 1938 The Little Thing, Wolves Hunt at Night, 1947 Danger de 1938 The Woman Thief, 1938 I Accuse, mort, 1946 The Sea Rose, 1946 La fille du 1937 The Man of the Hour, 1935 diable, 1945 Sortilèges, 1945 Girl with Lucrezia Borgia, 1935 The Queen and Grey Eyes, 1944 Béatrice devant le désir, the Cardinal, 1935 Iceland Fisherman, 1943 The London Man, 1943 Des jeunes 1935 Napoléon Bonaparte, 1934 filles dans la nuit, 1943 It Happened at the Thunder in the East, 1933 La bataille, Inn, 1942 The Devil's Envoys, 1941 Stormy 1932 The Chocolate Girl, 1931 Waters, 1941 Premier bal, 1941 Volpone, American Love, 1931 End of the World, 1938 La Bête Humaine, 1938 S.O.S. 1931 The Lovers of Midnight, 1929 Mediterranean, 1936 Tarass Boulba,1936 Sables, 1927 Apaches of Paris, and Mayerling, 1935 Folies-Bergère, and 1933 1923 The Red Inn. L'homme à la barbiche. ARLETTY…Dominique (Léonie Marie ALAIN CUNY… Gilles - un ménestrel Julie Bathiat, May 15, 1898, (July 12, 1908, Saint-Malo, France – May Courbevoie, Hauts-de-Seine, France – 16, 1994, Paris, France) appeared in 70 July 23, 1992, Paris, France) appeared films and TV series, among them 1995 “La in 62 films, including 1967 Dina chez famiglia Ricordi”, 1992 Le retour de les rois, 1963 The Trip to Biarritz, Casanova, 1990 Les chevaliers de la table 1963 Destination Rome, 1962 The ronde, 1987 Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Longest Day, 1962 The Dance, 1958 1987 “La piovra 3” (7 episodes), 1985 Maxime, 1957 Vacances explosives!, Détective, 1981 Les jeux de la Comtesse 1956 Mon curé chez les pauvres, 1954 Huis clos, 1954 Air of Dolingen de Gratz, 1981 Semmelweis, 1980 “La peau de chagrin”, Paris, 1954 Flesh and the Woman, 1951 Gigolo, 1949 Portrait 1979 “Le journal” (6 episodes), 1979 “I vecchi e i giovani” (5 d'un assassin, 1947 La fleur de l'âge, 1945 Children of Paradise, episodes), 1979 Christ Stopped at Eboli, 1978 The Song of Roland, 1942 Les visiteurs du soir, 1942 L'amant de Bornéo, 1942 Boléro, 1975 Ame no Amsterdam, 1975 Irene, Irene, 1974 “Antigone”, 1940 Thunder Over Paris, 1939 Circonstances atténuantes, 1938 1974 Emmanuelle, 1972 The Master and Margaret, 1970 Many Hôtel du Nord, 1938 Mother Love, 1938 The Little Thing, 1938 Wars Ago, 1969 Fellini Satyricon, 1969 The Milky Way, 1963 La Mirages, 1937 Désiré, 1937 The Pearls of the Crown, 1936 The corruzione, 1963 Banana Peel, 1960 La Dolce Vita, 1958 The Bureaucrats, 1936 The Tomboy, 1934 The Voyage of Mr. Lovers, 1956 The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1953 The Lady Perrichon, 1933 Une idée folle, 1932 Abduct Me, and 1930 The Without Camelias, 1952 Anita Garibaldi, 1951 Strange Deception, Sweetness of Loving. 1942 The Devil's Envoys, 1941 Madame Sans-Gêne, and 1940 My Crimes After Mein Kampf. MARIE DÉA… Anne - la fille du baron qui se fiance avec Renaud (b. Odette Alice Marie Deupès, May 17, 1912, Nanterre, PIERRE LABRY… Le seigneur (b. Pierre Honoré Labry, December Seine [now Hauts-de-Seine], France – March 1, 1992, Paris, 14, 1885, Paris, France – June 23, 1948, Paris, France) appeared France) appeared in 51 films and TV programs, among them 1983 112 films, among them 1949 L'échafaud peut attendre, 1948 “Julien Fontanes, magistrate”, 1980 “Les chevaux du soleil”, 1979 Scandals of Clochemerle, 1947 The Unknown Singer, 1947 Loves Subversion, 1977 “Au théâtre ce soir”, 1977 L'homme pressé, 1976 of Casanova, 1946 Devil and the Angel, 1945 Farandole, 1943 The Good and the Bad, 1974 Marriage, 1974 “Drôle de graine”, Arlette et l'amour, 1943 Shop Girls of Paris, 1943 It Happened at 1967 “Malican père et fils”, 1966 The Devil's Tricks, 1964 the Inn, 1942 The Devil's Envoys, 1942 À vos ordres, Madame, Vacaciones para Ivette, 1963 Le glaive et la balance, 1960 “Le 1941 The Last One of the Six, 1940 My Crimes After Mein Kampf, paysan parvenu”, 1960 Tendre et violente Elisabeth, 1957 O.S.S. 1939 Les 3 tambours, 1939 The Mayor's Dilemma, 1938 The 117 n'est pas mort, 1952 The Case Against X, 1950 Orpheus, 1949 Rebel, 1938 Sirocco, 1938 The Postmaster's Daughter, 1938 The La maternelle, 1947 Rouletabille joue et gagne, 1946 Impasse, Puritan, 1937 Lady Killer, 1936 The Story of a Cheat, 1935 Carné—LES VISITEURS DU SOIR—3 Carnival in Flanders, 1935 Les bateliers de la Volga, 1934 Street city council. In 1928, without telling his father, he left the Without a Name, 1934 Aux portes de Paris, 1933 La mille et insurance company to work as assistant cameraman on Jacques deuxième nuit, 1933/I Don Quichotte, 1932 In the Name of the Feyder’s Les Nouveaux Messieurs (1928) and Richard Owen’s Law, 1931 Le réquisitoire, 1930 La femme d'une nuit, 1929 Trois Cagliostro (1929).
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