Copyright © 2009-2020 SIP Awards,™ All Rights Reserved. www.sipawards.com | 1 Agave Based Sake / Shochu / Soju / Baijiu Bitter / Apertif / Vermouth Vodka Brandy / Calvados / Cognac Whiskey Gin / Genever Specialty Cocktail Mixer (Non-Alcoholic) Liqueur Bottle / Packaging Design Miscellaneous Spirit Pre-Mixed / Ready To Drink Innovation Award Rum / Cachaca / Arrack Consumers' Choice Award Copyright © 2009-2020 SIP Awards,™ All Rights Reserved. www.sipawards.com | 2 BACK TO CATEGORIES S I P A W A R D S | 2020 SPIRIT RESULTS Casa Mate Spirits, LLC / Casa Mate Organic 100% AGAVE TEQUILA Tequila GOLD BLANCO/SILVER/PLATINUM Casa Mate Organic Tequila www.casamatetequila.com Luxco / Destiladora González Lux @casamatetequila Mexico | 40.0% | $55.00 El Mayor Tequila Blanco www.elmayor.com BEST OF CLASS – PLATINUM @elmayortequila Mexico | 40.0% | $25.99 Hotel California Tequila / Hacienda Capellania DOUBLE GOLD S.A. de C.V. Cierto Spirits Inc. / Tequileña Hotel California Tequila Blanco Volans Spirits, LLC. / El Pandillo Distillery Cierto Tequila - Private www.hotelcaliforniatequilausa.com TASTING COMPETITION @hotelcaliforniatequila Volans Blanco Tequila Collection Blanco www.volanstequila.com www.ciertotequila.com Mexico | 40.0% | $35.00 @ciertotequila @volanstequila Mexico | 40.0% | $150.00 Mexico | 40.0% | $49.00 PLATINUM Brown Forman Corporation / Tequila Rokit Drinks / Rok Imports Herradura Bandero Luxco / Destiladora González Lux Herradura Silver www.banderotequila.com/ www.herradura.com @banderotequila Exotico Tequila Blanco www.exoticotequila.com @herradurateq Mexico | 40.0% | $39.99 @exoticotequila Mexico | 40.0% | $41.99 E. & J. Gallo Winery / E. & J. Gallo Winery Mexico | 40.0% | $17.99 Cierto Spirits Inc. / Tequileña Familia Camarena Silver Tequila Cutwater Spirits / Cutwater Spirits Cierto Tequila - Reserve www.gallo.com Collection Blanco @lifeatgallo Cutwater Tequila Blanco www.cutwaterspirits.com www.ciertotequila.com Mexico | 40.0% | $17.00 @cutwaterspirits @ciertotequila Dano's Tequila / Casa Reyes Barajas SA de United States (US) | 40.0% | $32.99 Mexico | 40.0% | $175.00 CV Villa One Tequila / Fabrica De Tequilas Finos, Infinium Spirits / Infinium Spirits Dano's Tequila Blanco S.A. de C.V. Los Arango Blanco www.danostequila.com Villa One Tequila Silver www.infiniumspirits.com Mexico | 80.0% | $48.00 Mexico | 40.0% | $45.00 www.villaonetequila.com Yave Tequila / Casa Maestri @villaone Mexico | 40.0% | $44.99 Heaven Hill Brands / Heaven Hill Brands Yave Blanco Tequila Lunazul Humoso www.yavetequila.com Buendia / Destiladora del Valle de Tequila www.heavenhill.com @yavetequila Buendia Tequila Blanco Mexico | 40.0% | $29.99 Mexico | 40.0% | $39.99 www.buendiatequila.com Heaven Hill Brands / Heaven Hill Brands @buendiatequila Los Sundays / Casa Maestri Mexico | 40.0% | $45.00 Los Sundays Blanco Tequila Lunazul Extra Aged www.lossundays.com www.heavenhill.com @los_sundays Mexico | 55.0% | $49.99 Mexico | 40.0% | $38.00 Copyright © 2009-2020 SIP Awards,™ All Rights Reserved. www.sipawards.com | 3 BACK TO CATEGORIES S I P A W A R D S | 2020 SPIRIT RESULTS SILVER 100% AGAVE TEQUILA REPOSADO DOUBLE GOLD Jalisco International Imports, Inc. / Jalisco Luxco / Destiladora González Lux International Imports, Inc. El Mayor Tequila Reposado Senor Rio tequila Blanco BEST OF CLASS – PLATINUM www.elmayor.com www.senorrio.com @elmayortequila @senorriotequila Tequila Dame Mas / Destiladora Mexico | 40.0% | $27.99 Mexico | 40.0% | $44.99 Tequila Dame Mas Hotel California Tequila / Hacienda Capellania www.tequiladamemas.com Cazcanes Tequila / Cazcanes Tequila @tequiladamemas S.A. de C.V. Cazcanes No.9 Blanco United States (USA) | 40.0% | $124.99 Hotel California Tequila TASTING COMPETITION www.cazcanestequila.com Reposado @officialcazcanestequila www.hotelcaliforniatequilausa.com Mexico | 50.0% | $89.00 @hotelcaliforniatequila PLATINUM Mexico | 40.0% | $40.00 BRONZE E. & J. Gallo Winery / E. & J. Gallo Winery Teeq Spirits, Inc. / Destiladora Del Valle de Familia Camarena Reposado Tequila S.A. de C.V Infinium Spirits / Infinium Spirits Tequila Anteel Reposado Tequila Corralejo Tequila www.gallo.com www.teeqspirits.com Mexico | 40.0% | $44.95 www.infiniumspirits.com @lifeatgallo Mexico | 40.0% | $19.00 Mexico | 40.0% | $24.99 K & Soda / La Confradia Heaven Hill Brands / Heaven Hill Brands Brown Forman Corporation / Tequila 818 - Tequila - Reposado Lunazul Blanco Herradura www.kandsoda.com Mexico | 40.0% | $49.99 www.heavenhill.com Herradura Reposado www.herradura.com Mexico | 40.0% | $19.99 @herradurateq Proximo Spirits / Maestro Dobel K & Soda / La Confradia Mexico | 40.0% | $43.99 Maestro Dobel Diamante www.maestrodobel.com 818 - Tequila - Blanco www.kandsoda.com Cierto Spirits Inc. / Tequileña @dobeltequila Mexico | 40.0% | $41.99 Mexico | 40.0% | $39.99 Cierto Tequila - Reserve Collection Reposado www.ciertotequila.com @ciertotequila Mexico | 40.0% | $275.00 Copyright © 2009-2020 SIP Awards,™ All Rights Reserved. www.sipawards.com | 4 BACK TO CATEGORIES S I P A W A R D S | 2020 SPIRIT RESULTS GOLD SILVER 100% AGAVE TEQUILA AÑEJO Cierto Spirits Inc. / Tequileña Infinium Spirits / Infinium Spirits Cierto Tequila - Private Corralejo Tequila Reposado Collection Reposado www.infiniumspirits.com BEST OF CLASS – PLATINUM Mexico | 40.0% | $30.00 www.ciertotequila.com @ciertotequila Heaven Hill Brands / Heaven Hill Brands Villa One Tequila / Fabrica De Tequilas Finos, Mexico | 40.0% | $250.00 Lunazul Añejo S.A. de C.V. www.heavenhill.com Jalisco International Imports, Inc. / Jalisco Villa One Tequila Reposado Mexico | 40.0% | $22.99 International Imports, Inc. www.villaonetequila.com TASTING COMPETITION Senor Rio tequila Reposado @villaone www.senorrio.com Mexico | 40.0% | $49.99 PLATINUM @senorriotequila Mexico | 40.0% | $49.99 Los Sundays / Casa Maestri Los Sundays Reposado Tequila Heaven Hill Brands / Heaven Hill Brands Dano's Tequila / Casa Reyes Barajas SA de www.lossundays.com Lunazul Primero CV @los_sundays www.heavenhill.com Mexico | 40.0% | $42.00 Mexico | 40.0% | $29.99 Dano's Tequila Reposado www.danostequila.com Mexico | 80.0% | $53.00 K & Soda / La Confradia 818 - Tequila - Añejo BRONZE Heaven Hill Brands / Heaven Hill Brands www.kandsoda.com Lunazul Reposado Mexico | 40.0% | $59.99 Luxco / Destiladora González Lux www.heavenhill.com Mexico | 40.0% | $19.99 Exotico Tequila Reposado Proximo Spirits / Maestro Dobel www.exoticotequila.com Maestro Dobel Añejo Casa Armando Guillermo Prieto S.A. De C.V. / @exoticotequila www.maestrodobel.com Mexico | 40.0% | $17.99 Casa Armando Guillermo Prieto S.A. De C.V. @dobeltequila Señorío Reposado Mexico | 40.0% | $49.99 www.facebook.com/pg/MezcalSenorio Infinium Spirits / Infinium Spirits @mezcalsenorio Los Arango Reposado Mexico | 40.0% | $682.00 www.infiniumspirits.com Mexico | 40.0% | $50.00 Cazcanes Tequila / Cazcanes Tequila Cazcanes No.7 Reposado Cutwater Spirits / Cutwater Spirits www.cazcanes.com Cutwater Tequila Reposado @officialcazcanestequila www.cutwaterspirits.com Mexico | 40.0% | $99.00 @cutwaterspirits United States (US) | 40.0% | $36.99 Copyright © 2009-2020 SIP Awards,™ All Rights Reserved. www.sipawards.com | 5 BACK TO CATEGORIES S I P A W A R D S | 2020 SPIRIT RESULTS DOUBLE GOLD GOLD 100% AGAVE TEQUILA EXTRA AÑEJO Luxco / Destiladora González Lux Cierto Spirits Inc. / Tequileña Cierto Tequila - Private El Mayor Tequila Añejo www.elmayor.com Collection Añejo @elmayortequila www.ciertotequila.com BEST OF CLASS – PLATINUM @ciertotequila Mexico | 40.0% | $35.99 Mexico | 40.0% | $350.00 Proximo Spirits / Gran Centenario Cierto Spirits Inc. / Tequileña E. & J. Gallo Winery / E. & J. Gallo Winery Gran Centenario Leyenda Cierto Tequila - Reserve www.grancentenario.com Familia Camarena Anejo Tequila TASTING COMPETITION Collection Añejo @grancentenariotequila www.gallo.com www.ciertotequila.com Mexico | 40.0% | $150.00 @lifeatgallo @ciertotequila Mexico | 40.0% | $29.99 Mexico | 40.0% | $375.00 Dano's Tequila / Casa Reyes Barajas SA de Jalisco International Imports, Inc. / Jalisco PLATINUM International Imports, Inc. CV Dano's Tequila Añejo Senor Rio tequila Añejo Casa Maestri / Destiladora Del Valle de www.danostequila.com www.senorrio.com Tequila SA de CV Mexico | 80.0% | $58.00 @senorriotequila Casa Maestri Extra Anejo Tequila Mexico | 40.0% | $54.99 www.reservamfmtequila.com Infinium Spirits / Infinium Spirits @casamaestri Los Arango Añejo Mexico | 40.0% | $1000.00 www.infiniumspirits.com BRONZE Mexico | 40.0% | $62.00 Hotel California Tequila / Hacienda Capellania Villa One Tequila / Fabrica De Tequilas Finos, S.A. de C.V. DOUBLE GOLD S.A. de C.V. Hotel California Tequila Añejo Villa One Tequila Añejo www.hotelcaliforniatequilausa.com Volans Spirits, LLC. / El Pandillo Distillery www.villaonetequila.com @hotelcaliforniatequila Volans Extra Añejo Tequila @villaone www.volanstequila.com Mexico | 40.0% | $45.00 Mexico | 40.0% | $59.99 @volanstequila Mexico | 40.0% | $119.00 Infinium Spirits / Infinium Spirits Corralejo Tequila Añejo www.infiniumspirits.com Jalisco International Imports, Inc. / Jalisco International Imports, Inc. Mexico | 40.0% | $34.99 Senor Rio tequila Extra Añejo www.senorrio.com @senorriotequila Mexico | 40.0% | $299.99 Copyright © 2009-2020 SIP Awards,™ All Rights Reserved. www.sipawards.com | 6 BACK TO CATEGORIES S I P A W A R D S | 2020 SPIRIT RESULTS GOLD DOUBLE GOLD DOUBLE GOLD Cierto Spirits Inc. / Tequileña Luxco / Destiladora González Lux Riviera Imports / Riviera Imports Cierto Tequila - Private El Mayor Tequila Cristalino Tres Papalote Mezcal Collection
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