(6Tle:-): Uyg. VIII Ff. Man.-A M I 13, 4-5 (Odgur-). D Kodlkartur- Hap. Leg

(6Tle:-): Uyg. VIII Ff. Man.-A M I 13, 4-5 (Odgur-). D Kodlkartur- Hap. Leg

(6tle:-): Uyg. VIII ff. Man.-A M I 13, 4-5 kat111g (spelt) 'a place where two streams meet' (odgur-). Sun. 267v. 3 (quotn.). D kodlkartur- Hap. leg.?; Caus. f. of an Dis. V. ~DL- Intrans. Den. V. fr. kodlk~:. Uyk. VIII ff. D kedul- Map. leg.; Pass. f. of kadu:-; spelt Bud. (if I have said that a lie iq the truth and with -d- for -d-; a superfluous hasra is added what is not is) Y~VIZIRedgu t6p kok:dtiirup everywhere below it. Xak. XI to:n kaduld~: ed$g yavlz t6p kod~karturup exalting 'the garment was sewn firmly' (jumrica) Kal. evil, saying that it is good, and dnparagin~ 11 134 (kadulur, kadulma:k). good saying that it 1s evil' Strv. 135, 1 1-12. D katll- Pass. f. of 1 kat-; 'to be mixed I>is. CDL with, or added to (something)'; with metaph. meanings like 'to associate with (someone)'. D kutluk P.N./A. fr. kut, q.v.; orininally S.i.rn.m.l.n. Tiirkli vlrr fr. Man. (gods and 'enjoying tlle f;~vc~urof hcavcn'; Ilcncc, more demons, light and darkness) 01 6dUn katlld~ generally, 'fortunate, happy, blessed', and the 'then minsled with one another' Chuas. I 7; like. S.i.a.m.l.g. w. some phonetic changes. [yavlak?] biligige kattllp 'mingling with I,.-w. in I'e., llor~~rrI11 1568. Tiirkti VIII(?) their evil(?) knowledge 'do. J 12-13; 0.0. do. kutlug bo1zu:n 'may (our journey) enjoy 39, 176; M I 5, 7 (alvg):, Uyg. VIII xan sUsi: divine favour' Xoytrc Tnmir I 5-6 (ETY 11 [birle:?] kattlt~m I jolned up with the 108): VIII ff. kut1u:g bo1zu:n lrhU 23; a.o. xan's army $11. N. 7 (damaged); (the O&z do. 56 (adgtr): Man. TT II 10, 87-8 (iiliig- and Tiirkii who had formerly been in China) lug): Uyg. rx Boyla: Kutlug Yarkan; t[aglk?]m~ganta: katrlmlg 'came out and KutluQ L3aga: Tarxan Oge: I'.N.s Suci 2, 3 : joined (me) there' do. S 8: VIII ff. Man.-A (the VIII ff. h1an.-A M III 29, 2 (iii) (uluglug): five gods) Ezrwa tegri uze kedilip birle Man. arim19 kogiilliig kutluglar the katrl~periirler 'are put on the god Zurvan divinely favoured with purified minds' TT (like a garment) and mingle with him' M I 111 140: Bud. UIU~ku$lug kutlug bodlsa- 21, 3-5 (i); a.o. do. 16, 5-6 (1 tag): Bud. ag vatlar 'the great, powerful, divinely favoured kag birle katild~mizerser 'if we have had Dodhisattvas' PP 45, 2-3; 0.0. do. 21, 4 etc. sexual intercourse with our mother or father' (iiliigliig); U 111 75, 13; 80, 27 (ulgad-); TT IV 6, 35-6: 81 bulgak~nkat~ldlm~z U II 36, 47 etc. (klvllg): Civ. T?' VII 28, 17 erser 'if we have taken part in civil dis- (klvltg); in the astronomica? texts, TT VII I, turbances' do. 10, 18; ttnltglar birle kat~lu 6, 8 and 9 kutlug means havlng . as an karllu 'mingling (Hend.) with mortals' Suu. element' (see kut); Kutlug is a common com- 133, 14-15; 8.0. TT V 8,s~-2:Xak. XI arpa: ponent in P.N.s in USp.: Xak, XI kutlug iigur birle: katlldl: 'the barley was mixed nc:g 'something hlcssed' (mrrbdmk); also u;sed (ixtala(a) with millet', also used of anything as a Proper Name Kag. 1464; kutlugka: for that is mixed with something else; and one the lucky man' (li-gdhihi'l-cadd) III 60, 24; says er ura:gutka: katildl: 'the man had several 0.0. translated tnr~bdrah:KB kun ay sexual intercourse (cdma'a) with the woman' kutlugi bar y8me kutsuzl 'there are lucky Kag. II 121 (katllur, kat11ma:k); bu er 01 and unlucky days and months' 4386: XIII(?) kigi: birle: tutqr: kati1ga:n kar11ga:n trans- TF~.kutl~g/kutlug 'blessed, fortunate' 219: lated 'this man is an intriguer and meddler' xlv RI,B. (a man of truthful speech and) kutlug (mixlatmizyal) 'lit. is constantly meddling with yiizliig 'with a lucky face' R I1 907: Mrih. al- people' 1520; a.o. II 134 (karil-); 1106, 10 -~niihrirahkutlua Mel. 52, I ; 56, I ; Rif. 148 (tokl~:):KB katll-, usually 'to associate with', (kutlu:g), I 53 : Fag. xv ff. kutlug/kutluk is common; saklgka kat~lmazsenig birli- muhdrak Vel. 336; San. 283r. 23 (quotn.): ktg 'Thy unity is not mingled with plurality' (Xwar. xlv kutluk 'good fortune' Quth 146): 9; kuz~birle katItp bori yorrd~'the wolf Kom. xrv 'fortunate, blessed' kutlu CCG; associated with the lanib' 461 ; oyunka katll- Cr.: KIP. xrrr ol-tntrhdmk (opposed to 'un- masa 'a man should not get involved with lucky' kutsl:~) kuttu: Horr. 27, 3; kutlu: gambling' 709; 0.0. 10, etc. (kanl-); 874 bars P.N., fnhd mtrhrirok do. 29, 3: xrv fd. 68 (otgiing); 1040; 1304; 435t (edgUleg-); 5928 (kut); 01-muhdrak kutlu: olsun (sic) Bul. 5, (baglan-), etc.: xrrr(?) 74. katll- 'to as- I 3: xv ka'b mrrbdrah '(having) a blessed ankle' sociat'e with; to he mixed with', etc. 204: (kut tobuklt; in margin) kutll tobukll Trrh. Gag. xv ff. katlg-/kat11- ddxil pdnn Icn 30b 6: Osm. xlv ff. kutlu 'blessed, fortrrnate', manrzric prtdan zoa ba-ham dmixtan 'to belong etc.; c.i.a.p. TTS I 502; I1 670; I11 491; to, be mixed with, mix with' Son. 266r. zz IV 557. (quotns.): KIP. xrv katil- (v.1. kat~lan-) qawiya 'to be strong' Id. 73; ditto katll- Buf. D katltg ehbreviatcd Dev. N. (connoting 73v. (these are corruptions of kat~glan-):xv mutual action) fr. kattl-. S.i.s.m.l. Xak. XI ixialafn (karl-, sic ?error for kar~l-,and) katllg 'a swirl (mrr'tarah) of water at the kat~l-Tub. 6b. 6. meeting point (mndfrih) of separate streams'; one says su:v katllgt~: (sic, i.e. Perf. of D kutal- (kuta:l-) Hap. leg.; Pass. f. of *katl~g-,or a scribal error for katllgr:?) Kaj. *kuta:- Den. V. fr. kut. Xak. XI kutaldl: I 460: XIXI(?)Tef. katrltg 'the junction be- er 'the man was fortunate' (macdtid), derived tween two bodies of water' 205: Gag. xvff. fr. the phr. kut aldl: 'he received good fnrtune' (a/-codd) Knj. II 121 (kuta:lur z (yurq): 1<1p.rr (:titer Xnk.) at~clit1 li~p.with (sir), kutalma:k). -z-, i.e. kaz~niii~g. 1403: Yagrn:~:, TUXRI:, KIP., Ynba:lcu:, l'atar, Ka:y. qumul, I) *kodul- See koyul-. O~UZXI the 'l'urks call al-filzr kaqln, hut I> kupul- I'ass. f. of kud-. Uyg. VIII ff. Bud. these call it kayln Ka~.I 32, I I: Kom. xrv (the king looked with anger at the deer) 'father-in-law' kayln CCI; Gr.: KIP. xrrr kozine karaklga kan kudulup 'his eyes and 01-!~arnri kny~nata:; al-!tnirtd kay~nana:; eyeballs suffused with blood' (I IV38, 127-8: a7nladt1'1-nhtn8' kayln ksr111tla:~la:r Ijorr. Gag. xv ff. and KIP. x~vsee koyul-. 32. 4 (all misvocalized lloytrr): x~vditto kayln ata . k:~ylnana:; Imtrrrr7ri knylnurn atasl: L) kutul- See kurtul-. (sir) Uul. 9, 7: xv /mntd (kiiyew aml) Itny~n nna Ttrlr. I zh. 4. katlan-/ka:tlan- Preliminary note. The otrly enrly V. of this form is kn:tlan- helotc. Katlan- ka@g 'hirch tree, Brttrln', and in the early period 'a \.cs<rlnindc of l)ircli bark'. S.i.a.tn.l.g. thc Re/?. .!)en. 1'. fr. 1 kat, 'toform layers' and usually ns kayln, S\V 'l'krn. eny~g;exccp- tlrc like, is first tto!rd in San. 266~.13 nrrd tionally in Osni. k:1y111 noiv r1lr;ltls 'hcrch s.i.s.tn.1. Katlan-, as an ahbrewintion of katlk- tree' and, with rlrtal~fyingAdjs. 'hornheam, Ian- is first tlotrd itr At. 299 (tarlglrk) atid alder', etc. Uyg. ~IIIfl. Civ. (talte vnrinus Trf. 20.5 nttd also orrtrrs it1 fd. 68 nnd proh. ingredients and) bir 111112 kncj~gyugurtka San. 266r. 13 tabammul \va $ikibH'i kardan 'to bulfis~p'stirthe111 inton I;~rgcbirch-b:~rk vesselof he poticltf and long-sliffiring'. yo$urt' If I 160; 0.0. do. 192-3: s~vChiti.-Uyi. Uict. 'birch bark ~essel' kaflig R 11 322; I) ka:tlan- Hap. leg.?; Refl. Den. V. fr. Lifieti 159: Xak. XI kn(jlg nl-xalanc 'birch 2 ka:t. KIP., Yeme:k, 0gra:k XI yiga:~ tree' (?, a PC. 1.-w. not translntcd precisely in kztland~: 'the tree bore fruit' (_tamorat); the ordinary dicts. of eithcr laogunge); ahd among the other (Turks, including Xak.) this in the prov. kacjlg ka:sqa: sogut so:lige: word is used only for the fruit of thorn bushes 'the bitch tree for its bark, the willow for (01-'idGh), and for cultivated (a/-ahliya) trees its sap' I&?. 111 369; same prov. 1356, 20; the word used is yemiglendl: KO$.111 196 III 134, 13; 151, 7: Yagma:, Tuxsl:, Klp., (ka:tlanu:r, ka:tlanma:k). Yaba:ku:. 'ratat, Ka:y, (jumul, Oguz XI the Turks call al-xalatic kadig but these call ?E katlq- See katllg. it kaylg Kay. 132, 8: (Kom. xrv 'pine tree' iy kaylg CCG; Gr. I~)I):KIP. xrrr al-xafanc Dis. GDhl kay~n14, 7. 11 katma: Pass. Dev. N./A. fr. 1 kat-; F xn:tun 'lady' arid the like. Although s.i.s.m.1. hut not in this special sense. See attenlpts have been made to connect this word Doerfer 111 1.775 Xak. XI kntrnn: yuwga: etymologically with xagan/xnn thcre is no 'hrcad crumpled up (t~rrr~n&i(rrt)and cooked reasonable doubt tlint it is taken fr.

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