E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1996 No. 143 House of Representatives RESIGNATION FROM THE HOUSE that that committee had examined and facilities under the Medicaid program and to OF REPRESENTATIVES found truly enrolled bills of the House require resident reviews for mentally ill or mentally retarded residents when there is a Mr. WILSON submitted the following of the following titles, which were thereupon signed by the Speaker pro significant change in physical or mental con- resignation from the House of Rep- dition. tempore [Mrs. MORELLA]: resentatives: H.R. 3864. An act to amend laws authoriz- CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, On October 9, 1996: ing auditing, reporting, and other functions H.R. 632. An act to enhance fairness in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, by the General Accounting Office. compensating owners of patents used by the Washington, DC, October 8, 1996. H.R. 3910. An act to provide emergency Hon. GEORGE W. BUSH, United States. H.R. 1087. An act for the relief of Nguyen drought relief to the city of Corpus Christi, Governor of The State of Texas, State Capitol, Quy An. Texas, and the Canadian River Municipal Austin, Texas. H.R. 1281. An act to express the sense of Water Authority, Texas, and for other pur- Re Letter of resignation, Texas Congres- the Congress that United States Government poses. sional District No. 2. agencies in possession of records about indi- H.R. 4036. An act making certain provi- DEAR GOVERNOR BUSH: It has been my viduals who are alleged to have committed sions with respect to internationally recog- honor, and privilege, to serve my constitu- Nazi war crimes should make these records nized human rights, refugees, and foreign re- ents in Texas for almost 40 years; four in the public. lations. United States Navy; twelve in the Texas H.R. 1776. An act to establish United States H.R. 4083. An act to extend certain pro- Legislature and the remainder in the U.S. commemorative coin programs, and for grams under the Energy Policy and Con- House of Representatives. I have tried to other purposes. servation Act through September 30, 1997. give the very best I had to offer for my con- H.R. 1874. An act to modify the boundaries H.R. 4137. An act to combat drug-facili- stituents, the State of Texas and my Coun- of the Talladega National Forest, Alabama. tated crimes of violence, including sexual as- try. If there were an opportunity to turn the H.R. 3155. An act to amend the Wild and saults. clock back and start over, I would follow the Scenic Rivers Act by designating the Wekiva same course. At this point of anyone's ca- River, Seminole Creek, and Rock Springs H.R. 4194. An act to reauthorize alternative reer, if he/she can look back and say, ``It was Run in the State of Florida for study and po- means of dispute resolution in the Federal good.'', the ultimate fulfillment has been tential addition to the National Wild and administrative process, and for other pur- achieved. I can truthfully say, it was good. Scenic Rivers System. poses. The book has closed on the 104th Congress. H.R. 3249. An act to authorize appropria- H.J. Res. 193. Joint resolution granting the With that closure, I respectfully take my tions for a mining institute or institutes to consent of Congress to the Emergency Man- leave effective at the expiration of October 8, develop domestic technological capabilities agement Assistance Compact. 1996. for the recovery of minerals from the Na- H.J. Res. 194. Joint resolution granting the Thank you for your kind understanding of tion's seabed, and for other purposes. consent of the Congress to amendments H.R. 3378. An act to amend the Indian my resignation and for the many courtesies made by Maryland, Virginia, and the Dis- Health Care Improvement Act to extend the you have extended to me. trict of Columbia to the Washington Metro- demonstration program for direct billing of Sincerely, politan Area Transit Regulation Compact. Medicare, Medicaid, and other third party CHARLES WILSON. On October 11, 1996: f payors. H.R. 3568. An act to designate 51.7 miles of H.R. 3219. An act to provide Federal assist- ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RES- the Clarion River, located in Pennsylvania, ance for Indian tribes in a manner that rec- OLUTIONS SIGNED AFTER SINE as a component of the National Wild and ognizes the right of tribal self-governance, and for other purposes. DIE ADJOURNMENT Scenic Rivers System. H.R. 3632. An act to amend title XIX of the H.R. 3452. An act to make certain laws ap- Mr. THOMAS, from the Committee Social Security Act to repeal the require- plicable to the Executive Office of the Presi- on House Administration, reported ment for annual resident review for nursing dent, and for other purposes. N O T I C E Effective January 1, 1997, the subscription price of the Congressional Record will be $295 per year, or $150 for 6 months. Individual issues may be purchased for $2.50 per copy. The cost for the microfiche edition will be $141 per year; single copies will remain $1.50 per issue. This price increase is necessary based upon the cost of printing and distribution. MICHAEL F. DiMARIO, Public Printer. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H12303 H12304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 21, 1996 H.R. 4283. An act to provide for ballast H.R. 1087. An act for the relief of Nguyen made by Maryland, Virginia, and the Dis- water management to prevent the introduc- Quy An. trict of Columbia to the Washington Metro- tion and spread of nonindigenous species into H.R. 1281. An act to express the sense of politan Area Transit Regulation Compact. the waters of the United States, and for Congress that United States Government On October 18, 1996: other purposes. agencies in possession of records about indi- H.R. 3219. An act to provide Federal assist- f viduals who are alleged to have committed ance for Indian Tribes in a manner that rec- Nazi war crimes should make these records ognizes the right of tribal self-governance, SENATE ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED public. and for other purposes. AFTER SINE DIE ADJOURNMENT H.R. 1776. An act to establish United States H.R. 3452. An act to make certain laws ap- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. commemorative coin programs, and for plicable to the Executive Office of the Presi- other purposes. dent, and for other purposes. MORELLA) announced her signature to H.R. 1874. An act to modify the boundaries H.R. 4283. An act to provide for ballast enrolled bills of the Senate of the fol- of the Talladega National Forest, Alabama. water management to prevent the introduc- lowing titles: H.R. 3155. An act to amend the Wild and tion and spread of nonindigenous species into S. 342. An act to establish the Cache La Scenic Rivers Act by designating the Wekiva the waters of the United States, and for Poudre River Corridor. River, Seminole Creek, and Rock Springs other purposes. S. 1004. An act to authorize appropriations Run in the State of Florida for study and po- for the United States Coast Guard, and for tential addition to the National Wild and f other purposes. Scenic Rivers System. S. 1194. An act to promote the research, H.R. 3249. An act to authorize appropria- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON identification, assessment, and exploration tions for a mining institute or institutes to PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS of marine mineral resources, and for other develop domestic technological capabilities Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of purposes. for the recovery of minerals from the Na- committees were delivered to the Clerk S. 1649. An act to extend contracts between tion's seabed, and for other purposes. the Bureau of Reclamation and irrigation H.R. 3378. An act to amend the Indian for printing and reference to the proper districts in Kansas and Nebraska, and for Health Care Improvement Act to extend the calendar, as follows: other purposes. demonstration program for direct billing of [Pursuant to the order of the House on Septem- S. 1887. An act to make improvements in Medicare, Medicaid, and other third party ber 28, 1996 the following report was filed on the operation and administration of the Fed- payors. October 11, 1996:] eral courts, and for other purposes. H.R. 3568. An act to designate 51.7 miles of Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: Committee on Re- S. 2078. An act to authorize the sale of ex- the Clarion River, located in Pennsylvania, sources. H.R. 2041. A bill to amend the Or- cess Department of Defense aircraft to facili- as a component of the National Wild and ganic Act of Guam to provide restitution to tate the suppression of wildfire. Scenic Rivers System. the people of Guam who suffered atrocities S. 2183. An act to make technical correc- H.R. 3632. An act to amend title XIX of the such as personal injury, forced labor, forced tions to the Personal Responsibility and Social Security Act to repeal the require- marches, internment, and death during the Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of ments for annual resident review for nursing occupation of Guam in World War II, and for 1996.
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