mertcan• ej~J 11111111 The A .-n.c rlcan CHES SFoundation W AL TEl{ 1. FRIED, President ·A L EXAl'\ I)ER BISl'\O, Vice- President R OSSE!{ REEVES, Vice· President M OBilIS J. K ASP ER, Tre:'lsurer JACQUES COE, Director MHS. CECILE WEHT HEIM, Directo r I..ESSINC 1. R OSENW ALD, Director The Need To C<llIa li ze Ihe battle, we need funds. We need ONE HUNDRED YEA RS AGO, a bd from New funds 10 prolllote tou rn aments, to teach chess in Orleans, Paul Morphy by name, won the great First Echools. ill vete ra n hospitals, in welfare organiza­ American Chess Congress. In meteo ric pursuit of tions. We need fu nds for many, llIany reasons. this astound ing fea l, he va nquished Ca issa's mighty What's been done paladins to become the first uncwwned chess champion of the world . Dllring the Pilst year, we have made a short step Ever since then, the United States has enjoyed in the right d irection. T he Amer ican Chess Founda· more than its fail' sha re of glory over the magic tion has given gl"~ n t s to many colleges and univer' sixty-four squa res. Pillsbury, Ma rshall, Reshevsky, s it i e~, *' lihraries (1I1d prisons, has contributed to na· Fine and II host of powerful aggregations in team tional and internationa l events, has promoted a num­ toul'IIaments ha ve kept the banners unfurled on high. ber of important J11a tches. Among its beneficiar ies As we ba ttle for the hea rts a nd minds of men is th e Inte reollep: illte Chess League, f OI" its pa rtici­ tod ay, however, the picture has changed. To impress pation in the World Student's Tourna ment, also our the world wi th ils cultural proclivities, the East pan­ repre ~'e nt a t i ve Wi ll ia m Lombardy in the World Junior ders to the chessmaster wilh va st slate subsidies, Chess Chumpiotl !i hi p \1' 11 0 <l lllas£ed a score of n ·o I while our talent is employed in occupati ons other than over com petitors from 10 different lamb! chess. We have literally been outplayed over the hoard and in the larger arena of th e world politic. What ta da T his last i::; one my of su nshine. Let's keep th ese r-------------r beneficial l"K)'S com ing our way by getti ng behi nd I Ill111S1 I the Americun Chess Foundation. I I Get behi nd American Chess.t Get Behind the A merican Che::;::; Foundation. Send S10. S5 , whatever I The Anu,ri_" CH ES S Foundation I YOli call afford. Become a member of the Amer icall I I l y l . ....... ... .. y . ... c ln I Chess Founda tion. ( Life membe rship is S5.) I MR . M . J. K AS I' ER. Treasurer I DO IT NOW! I I am in fa\'or of the prog ram 01 the American Chess Founda- I lion. I encJ o&e S ... ..... .......... as my contribution. ------------~---------- I , Spe-ci/ka tly \0 J.;h" ,.'rlt Colle ... e. U ul\"{, r ~l t y o r .\i!chilo:nn. Long Istand Name .. ........... ... ............. ... .. ... I Unlve r ~jIY . 'r em pin U "l v~n h.\·. A lhB n.I' Sinte Collclo:e. St. F"rancls Col· lI,ge. Fl"OI\'n l' nlvcr~ll)·. P(m"~)' h'''nla Stale Unlver~ llv Columbia U'~ive r 8ItY . Amhcr~ L .("OIlCJ.: C. t;nl\" entl~' of :"iort h Caroll~a. SO IHhern Add, .... ~ . .. I - .· I l!1"' o l~ Unll"e,·~h.\·. L:n!l" c r~t \~· of Colo,·,,(!o. ill. PCler~ Colte/il;" e. Unt­ "erslty Of (;OIlI1 ,,(;llc\ll, Cnl\"cr~Hy of :"iorth Dakota. Brandel~ Unl · I City ~_&.t· 1 ver'~i I Y lind H~\huny ('o llellc. !\Iake checks payable to the American Cl l es~ r OlJndation. t I ( you "re In t he (orl1"'''IO Iln~l(lo" whereby YO U l o r rOllr concern ) I 1372 Bruadw ay, Ne w York, Ne w Yurko I ar" able to " "'k" 1\ s u bst~ntll\l lax- fr" " cou tl"ibution and you re­ qU ire (ul"l h ~r In(ormnlton. arrAn~en , ~nt~ ca n be made for a meetin); L_____ I - ---_ .- -- --' w ith a pC"~o n ul r e]) rc~cU!nlil·e . ANNOUNCING CH 55 15th Transcantinental Exhibitian Tour R VIEW by I. A. Horowitz 'If' ,.,crU.f CHISS MJlOAJI"' Lectures and Simultaneous Performances , '"Iurne 2~ Number 11 November, 1957 EDITED &, PUBLISHED BY I . A. Horowitz For January, February and March, For further information, booking, 1955, But write NOW for good write to l, A, Horowitz, 250 W. and timely booking, 57 Street, New York 19, N. y, TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITOR HOROWITZ soon embarks on SIMULTANEOUS EXHIBITIONS FEATURES Brilliancy Prize Winner __ __ ______ _ 322 his 15th Transcontinental Exhibition Philade lphia, Pennsylvania Tour through pal·t of January, all of Game of the Month ___ __ ___ ____ ___ 328 SICILIAN DEFENSE Man with Machine __ ___ __ _____ ____ 334 February and part of March, 1958, US Morphy VB. Paulsen ____ ________ __ _ 350 Open 'Champion (three t imes) and US Horowitz Carrigan My Best Games ( Fine) __ __ ,________ 330 international team player (many times), White Black he has a thrllling thesaurus of chess 1 P-K4 P-QB4 9 B-N5t K-B1 DEPARTMENTS incidents for his lectures. 2 N-KB3 P-Q3 10 0-0 'BxP Chessboard Magic! _____ ___ ____ ___ 324 As a simultaneous player. too, Horo· 3 P-Q4 PxP 11 B ... R6t K_N1 Chess Caviar __ __ ________ _____ ___ _ 337 witz can furnish thrills, as witness the 4 NxP N-KB3 12 NxN QxN Chess Club Directory ______ ___ _____ 326 sample games on this page. The one 5 N-QB3 P-KN3 13 N_B5 Q-B4t Games from Recent Events __ __ __ __ 338 with Flohr from the Radio rMatch of 1945 6P-B4 B-N2 14 K-R1 Q-B2 Morphy Masterpieces __ ____ __ ___ __ 352 against the Russian team won the bril­ 7 P-K5 PxP 15 B-QB4 ·BxN Postal Chess __________________ ____ 345 liancy prize for that event. For others, 8 PxP N-Q4 16 RxB ·B-B3 Solitaire Chess ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ __ 331 see page 258, September Issue. Spotlight on Openings ____ ______ __ 332 Bookings are hard to arrange In prac· Tournament Calendar ___ ___ __ __ __ _ 327 tical order. So write early! World of CheSS __________________ _ 323 CARO.K·ANN DEFENSE You Too Can Be Brilliant ( Quiz) __ 344 Horowitz Flohr White Black EDITOR I. A. Horowitz 1 P_K4 P-QB3 14 0-0 'B_ B7 EXECUTIVE EDITOR 2 P-Q4 P-Q4 15 B-B4 B-N6 Jack StraleY Battell 3 N-QB3 PxP 16 B-Q3 P_K4 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 4 NxP N_B3 B-Q4 A. B. Bisguier, I. CherneY, J. W. Collins. 17 B-K3 T . A. Dunst, Dr. M. Euwe, Hans Kmoc·h, 5 NxNt NPxN 18 B-K4 Q_N6 'V. Korn, Fred Reinfeld. Aben Rudy. N_ K2 'B-B4 19 PxP ·Pxp CORRESPONDENTS •7 N_N3 B-N3 20 QR-Q1 .BxB Collegiate F. H. Kerr 8 P_KR4 P_KR3 21 QxB Q-K3 White Mates in Five Alabama E. M. Cockrell. 9 P- R5 B-'R2 22 R-Q2 N_B3 California Leroy Johnson. R. Leigh. Dr. H. Ralston. M. J. Royer. 10 P- QB3 Q... N3 23 Q- B3 KR-N1 St. Louis, Missouri, Colorado M. \V. Reese. 11 B- QB4 N-Q2 24 KR-Q1 R_N5 Connecticut Edmund E. Hand. 12 P-R4 P- R4 25 N_B5 P- K5 Delaware M. R. PaUl. Ehlers Diat. of Columbia M. V. Churchlll. 13 Q-B3 P-K3 2. B-N6! , . , , Florida R. C. Eastwood. GeorgIa R. L. Froemke. Iliinoll J. G. Warren. Indiana D. C. Hills, D. E. Rhead. Iowa W. G. Vanderburg. KentUCky J. 'V. Mayer. Kansas K. R. MacDonaJd. l.oulslana C. J. Cu\!ullu. Maryland Charles BaraSCh. Massachusetts Franklin J. Sanborn Michigan n. Buskager, J, R. Watson. Minnesota it. C. Gove. Missouri E. A. Talley. Nebra.ka B. E. Ellsworth. Jack Spence, R. E , Weare. Nevada R. L. Wheeler. New Hamp.hlre Ralph M. Gerth. New York Walter Froehlich. EdwaN1 La.8ker, Ho~owltz H. M. Phlll!ps, 26 , , , , RxPt 34 R-RS K-K3 North Carolina Dr. S. Noblin. White Wins North Dakoh D, C, Macdonald. 27 QxR QxN 35 exp P-KB4 Ohio J. R. Schroeder. 28 R-QSt RxR 36 8-B3 ,P-B5 14 RxP 'PxR 17 PxN BxP Pennsylvania J. C. Bortner. William R. 29 RxRt K_K2 37 P-R5 P-N5 15 NxP Q_Q1 18 N-B6t K_N2 Hamilton, Lee B, Hoover. 30 Q-N3 N_Q2 38 P-N4 P-B6 South Carolina Prof. 1.. L. Foster. 16 P-K6 0-0 19 PxP R-R1 South Dakota M. F, Anderson. 31 B-B7 Q-Q4 39 B-Q2 K-B2 20 N-R5t Resigns Tennessee Mrs. Martha Hardt, J, G. Sulli­ 32 P- QB4 Q-KN4 4. R-R7 P-N6 van, Jr, 33 QxQt PxQ 41 RxP Resigns t ::::;: check: ~ ::::;: dbl. check: i ::::;: dis. Texas James A, Creighton, Frank R. Graves, 'h. Horner H. Hyde, Utah Harold Lundstrom, Virginia Leonard Morga.n. Is published monthly by Sublcrlption Flate$: One year $5.50. two Wut Virginia C. T, Morgan.
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