PERIODICALS PHYSICAL REVIEW D Postmaster send address changes to: For editorial and subscription correspondence, American Institute of Physics please see inside front cover 500 Sunnyside Boulevard (ISSN: 0556-2821) Woodbury, NY 11797-2999 THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 56, NUMBER 4 CONTENTS 15 AUGUST 1997 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Constants of motion for vacuum general relativity . R1831 Viqar Husain In¯ation and the ®ne-tuning problem . R1836 Andrew Matacz Hybrid in¯ation in supergravity . R1841 Andrei Linde and Antonio Riotto ARTICLES Accuracy of estimating the multipole moments of a massive body from the gravitational waves of a binary inspiral . 1845 Fintan D. Ryan Results of a search for annual modulation of WIMP signals . 1856 M. L. Sarsa, A. Morales, J. Morales, E. GarcõÂa, A. Ortiz de SoloÂrzano, J. PuimedoÂn, C. SaÂenz, A. Salinas, and J. A. Villar Secondary infall model of galactic halo formation and the spectrum of cold dark matter particles on Earth . 1863 P. Sikivie, I. I. Tkachev, and Yun Wang Neutralino relic density including coannihilations . 1879 Joakim EdsjoÈ and Paolo Gondolo Gravitational effects on the neutrino oscillation . 1895 N. Fornengo, C. Giunti, C. W. Kim, and J. Song The black hole and the pea . 1903 Neil J. Cornish and Norman E. Frankel Ideal scales for weighing the Universe . 1908 JoaÄo Magueijo and M. P. Hobson Best unbiased estimates for the microwave background anisotropies . 1924 L. P. Grishchuk and JeÂroÃme Martin Scalar ®eld dynamics in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes . 1939 D. Boyanovsky, D. Cormier, H. J. de Vega, R. Holman, A. Singh, and M. Srednicki In¯aton decay in de Sitter spacetime . 1958 D. Boyanovsky, R. Holman, and S. Prem Kumar Topological defects with a nonsymmetric core . 1973 Minos Axenides and Leandros Perivolaropoulos Painless causality in defect calculations . 1982 Charlotte Cheung and JoaÄo Magueijo Cosmic texture from a broken global SU͑3͒ symmetry . 1989 Christopher Barnes and Neil Turok Hamilton-Jacobi approach to non-slow-roll in¯ation . 2002 William H. Kinney Supersymmetric baryogenesis at the electroweak phase transition . 2010 Mihir P. Worah Flattening the in¯aton's potential with quantum corrections. II . 2019 Ewan D. Stewart (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 56, NUMBER 4 15 AUGUST 1997 High energy particles from monopoles connected by strings . 2024 Veniamin Berezinsky, Xavier Martin, and Alexander Vilenkin Vortex-antivortex pair production in a ®rst order phase transition . 2035 Sanatan Digal, Supratim Sengupta, and Ajit M. Srivastava Age of the universe: In¯uence of the inhomogeneities on the global expansion factor . 2044 Heinz Russ, Michael H. Soffel, Masumi Kasai, and Gerhard BoÈrner Instability of the one-texture universe . 2051 Xuelei Chen, Mark Hindmarsh, Marc Kamionkowski, and Andrew R. Liddle Coordinate-free solutions for cosmological superspace . 2057 D. S. Salopek Space for both no-boundary and tunneling quantum states of the Universe . 2065 Don N. Page Gauss linking number and the electromagnetic uncertainty principle . 2073 Abhay Ashtekar and Alejandro Corichi Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the DeWitt effective action . 2080 Topi KaÈrki and Antti J. Niemi Trick for passing degenerate points in the Ashtekar formulation . 2086 Gen Yoneda, Hisa-aki Shinkai, and Akika Nakamichi Strong cosmic censorship and causality violation . 2094 Kengo Maeda and Akihiro Ishibashi Superluminal subway: The Krasnikov tube . 2100 Allen E. Everett and Thomas A. Roman Implications of spontaneous glitches in the mass and angular momentum in Kerr space-time . 2109 C. BarrabeÁs, G. F. Bressange, and P. A. Hogan Atomic spectra in the gravitational ®eld of a collapsing prolate spheroid . 2113 Leonard Parker, Dan Vollick, and Ian Redmount Relativistic stellar pulsations with near-zone boundary conditions . 2118 Lee Lindblom, Gregory Mendell, and James R. Ipser Lattice knot theory and quantum gravity in the loop representation . 2127 Hugo Fort, Rodolfo Gambini, and Jorge Pullin Stability of Gaussian approximations in minisuperspace: A variational approach . 2144 A. A. Minzoni, Marcos Rosenbaum, and Michael P. Ryan, Jr. Attractive or repulsive nature of the Casimir force for rectangular cavity . 2155 Xin-zhou Li, Hong-bo Cheng, Jie-ming Li, and Xiang-hua Zhai Stochastic semiclassical cosmological models . 2163 Esteban Calzetta, Antonio Campos, and Enric Verdaguer Testing effective string models of black holes with ®xed scalars . 2173 Michael Krasnitz and Igor R. Klebanov Naked black holes . 2180 Gary T. Horowitz and Simon F. Ross Geometry of nonextreme black holes near the extreme state . 2188 O. B. Zaslavskii New proof of the generalized second law . 2192 Shinji Mukohyama Statistical mechanics of multiply wound D-branes . 2202 Gavin Polhemus Entropy of Nϭ2 black holes and their M-brane description . 2206 Klaus Behrndt and Thomas Mohaupt Mechanism of the generation of black hole entropy in Sakharov's induced gravity . 2212 V. P. Frolov and D. V. Fursaev (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 56, NUMBER 4 15 AUGUST 1997 Classical anisotropies in models of open in¯ation . 2439 Jaume Garriga and V. F. Mukhanov Quantized Maxwell theory in a conformally invariant gauge . 2442 Giampiero Esposito Summation over histories for a particle in spherical orbit around a black hole . 2445 Christopher C. Bernido and Glenn Aguarte Bound states due to an accelerated mirror . 2449 Alberto Saa and Marcelo Schiffer Generalized forward scattering amplitudes in QCD at high temperature . 2453 F. T. Brandt and J. Frenkel Remarks on the classical size of D-branes . 2457 J. L. F. BarboÂn Wilson effective KaÈhler potential for supersymmetric nonlinear models . 2461 T. E. Clark and S. T. Love COMMENTS In defense of the ``tunneling'' wave function of the universe . 2464 Jaume Garriga and Alexander Vilenkin Comment on ``Spacetime information'' . 2469 Adrian Kent Comment on ``Covariant duality symmetric actions'' . 2473 Paolo Pasti, Dmitrij Sorokin, and Mario Tonin Errata Erratum: Con®nement: Understanding the relation between the Wilson loop and dual theories of long distance Yang-Mills theory ͓Phys. Rev. D 54, 2829 ͑1996͔͒ ................................................... 2475 M. Baker, J. S. Ball, N. Brambilla, G. M. Prosperi, and F. Zachariasen Erratum: Self-consistent determination of hard modes in hot QCD ͓Phys. Rev. D 55, 4997 ͑1997͔͒ . 2475 A. NieÂgawa Cumulative Author Index ................................................... 2477 CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 56, NUMBER 4 15 AUGUST 1997 Cosmological and black hole horizon ¯uctuations . 2226 L. H. Ford and N. F. Svaiter Point-splitting.
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