CREATIVE CITIES NETWORK SCHOOL PRINCIPALS ASK Authorities met yesterday FOR MORE SPORTS FIELDS FIRST CHINA to discuss strategies The principals of nine non- LONDON to include Macau in the tertiary schools claim a lack of FREIGHT TRAIN UNESCO Creative Cities space for both teaching and ARRIVES Network sporting activities P4 P5 P10 FRI. 20 Jan 2017 T. 13º/ 18º C H. 60/ 90% facebook.com/mdtimes + 11,000 MOP 7.50 2727 N.º HKD 9.50 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho www.macaudailytimes.com.mo “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” WORLD BRIEFS NEW COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AP PHOTO Trump to be sworn ITALY Rescue workers on skis reached a four-star spa hotel buried P2, 14 by an avalanche in earthquake-stricken in amid protests central Italy yesterday, reporting no signs of life as they searched AP PHOTO for around 30 people believed trapped inside. Three bodies were recovered as heavy vehicles struggled to get to the scene. More on p15 PHILIPPINES State negotiators and communist guerrillas are set to resume peace talks in Rome with the Maoist insurgents warning that alleged government violations of an accord on human rights may prompt them to end a months-long ceasefire. INDONESIA A former Reuters war correspondent on trial in Indonesia on charges of possessing hashish faces up to four years in prison, a prosecutor said yesterday. David Fox, a British national, was arrested Oct. 8 along with Australian Giuseppe Serafino on the tourist island of Bali. AP PHOTO SOUTH KOREA A Seoul court denied a request HO CHIO MENG to arrest one of South Korea’s most powerful men, the heir to the Samsung Electronics juggernaut, in a Witness claims to setback to prosecutors investigating an influence-peddling scandal that toppled have discovered South Korea’s president. P7 More on backpage secret ‘vice room’ INSIDE 20.01.2017 fri th Anniversary 2 MACAU 澳聞 WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The problem of Taiwan re- presents an even thornier is- sue in Beijing’s side, one that Share believes holds the key UM scholar: Global diplomacy on to the legitimacy of the Chi- nese regime. “China will consider recove- ring Taiwan by force, becau- precipice of radical transformation se [the issue] is fundamental to China. If the regime loses [Taiwan], then it loses its le- application of tariffs on Chi- gitimacy,” he said. nese goods and to rule out Moreover, a failure to pea- the axiom of the “One China” cefully reunite Taiwan with BLOOMBERG policy has invited Beijing to the mainland might discredit respond in kind; warning of Deng Xiaoping’s “One Coun- economic retaliation and the try, Two Systems” policy that possibility of reclaiming the had been subsequently ex- island-state of Taiwan by for- tended to Macau and Hong ce if necessary. Kong in their respective Representatives from Joint Declarations with Por- Trump’s team have claimed tugal and Britain. that they are confident the “If China goes into Taiwan, U.S. would come out on top there will be a war and the- in a trade war with China. re will be nothing left of However, during Beijing’s Taiwan. […] If Taiwan goes charm offensive in Davos this south, Hong Kong and Ma- week, Chinese President Xi cau will also go south,” pre- Jinping said that there could dicted Share. be no winners in a trade war. In yet another indication of While it is somewhat a sign history repeating itself, the of the times that in 2017 it UM scholar discussed ru- would fall to the ‘socialist’ mors of a Trump-Putin mee- giant of China to school the ting to be scheduled shortly ‘capitalist’ West in the merits after Trump’s inauguration. of free trade and the dangers “When he becomes presi- of protectionism, Xi’s cour- dent, it is thought that Trump ting this week represents a will host a summit with Pu- view ultimately shared by tin. Rumor is that it will be others. held in Reykjavik and that it Share said that not only will involve a significant re- could there be no winners in duction in nuclear weapons a China-U.S. trade war, but in return for a lifting of sanc- that the two countries’ eco- tions.” nomic interdependence wou- The summit, if confirmed, ld put the health of the entire would be reminiscent of one held in the Icelandic capital in Donald Trump global economy at risk, and would likely plunge it into an 1986 between U.S. President economic recession. Ronald Reagan and Soviet Daniel Beitler relations with China and an The 1972 visit irrevocably “Trump is considering pla- Premier Mikhail Gorbachev, improvement with fellow damaged the Sino-Soviet re- cing tariffs on Chinese goods in a failed attempt to mutually HE triangular rela- ‘strongman’ Russian Presi- lationship and ushered in a [of] up to 50 percent, which reduce nuclear stockpiles. Ttionship between China, dent Vladimir Putin. new era of U.S.-China coo- the Chinese say violates WTO As of 2014, there remain Russia and the U.S. is poi- The three countries top peration after Chinese lea- and bilateral trade terms. In an estimated 15,000 nuclear sed for a radical transforma- the list of the world’s most der Mao Zedong opted to return, China would reci- warheads between the sto- tion on a scale not seen since powerful and influential, and distance his country from its procate, but both sides wou- ckpiles of the U.S. and Rus- the Cold War, speculated a the triangular relationship former benefactor. A similar ld lose out so badly that the sia, with each commanding scholar at the University of between them has the poten- choice could be presented whole world would go into far more than the rest of the Macau (UM) in an interview tial to define the course of before the Russian president [economic] depression,” he world’s nuclear powers com- with the Times this week. global diplomacy for deca- in 2017. said. bined. The transformation will be des. “Better relations with Rus- the result of fundamental Michael Share, a UM scho- sia and worse relations with policy shifts initiated by Pre- lar specializing in Russian- China […] could put Putin sident-elect Donald Trump Chinese relations, told the into a very difficult situa- TH CENTURY PRINCIPLES that are likely to redefine the Times that the change in tion as he might be forced to 19 basis of U.S. relations with diplomatic policy reflects a choose between [China and both Russia and China. departure from the globalist the U.S.],” Share told the Ti- MICHAEL SHARE told the one power. Spheres of influence Times that the incoming U.S. pres- denote geographic areas compris- Trump is expected to be thinking of recent presidents mes. Either way “Russia will ident was threatening to return the ing minor powers and regional inaugurated as U.S. presi- and a return to 19th-century continue to play a stronger world’s largest economy to princi- powers that fall under the protec- dent tomorrow (Macau time). geopolitical concepts such role in U.S.-China relations.” ples founded centuries before he tion or interest of more powerful While it remains unclear as economic protectionism, The scope for conflict in was born, namely ‘spheres of influ- patrons. “Xi, Putin, Trump are all which, if any, of his cam- spheres of influence and the Sino-U.S. relations has wi- ence’ and the ‘balance of power’. strongmen, while Europe is di- paign pledges will be imple- balance of power. dened since Trump was con- The balance of power refers to an vided and weak,” said Share, which mented in the coming years, Share said such a radical re- firmed as President-elect last attempt by states to sign alliances means the rules of global diploma- Trump’s rhetoric since his calibration has not been seen year. and agreements with the aim of cy might be left up to China, Russia election victory in November since Nixon’s 1972 state visit Trump’s threat to escalate preventing the domination of any and the U.S. to decide. has signaled both worsening to China. trade tensions through the www.macaudailytimes.com.mo DIRECTOR AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] DESIGN EDITOR_João Jorge Magalhães [email protected] | NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_ SECRETARY Denise Lo [email protected] PER MONTH Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Daniel Beitler, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. 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JML Property, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars, Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +11,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes Financial Times, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua | SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] SEND NEWSWORTHY INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES TO: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO fri 20.01.2017 th Anniversary MACAUMACAU’S LEADING’S LEADING NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER 廣告 ADVERTISEMENTADVERTORIAL 3 20.01.2017 fri th Anniversary 4 MACAU 澳聞 WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO TOURISM First session of Macau’s Rui Martins awarded in Application Committee held Tokyo N a session presided over make more efforts to prepare Iby Secretary for Social Af- application documents, de- Rui Martins, vice rector (research) of the University of fairs and Culture Alexis Tam, velop a thematic website and Macau (UM) and director of the UM State Key Laboratory the “Application of Macau, produce a feature video on of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (AMS-VLSI Lab), China for the UNESCO Crea- gastronomy.
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