THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBEUARY 15, 1861. 655 VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. Captain and Brevet-Major H. D. Taylor, 1st Charles George Hetherington Reilly, Gent., to be Madras Fusiliers. Dated 15th February, Acting-Veterinarj-Surgeon, Dated loth Feb- 1861. ruary, 1861. Captain and Brevet-Major John Temple, 12th Madras Native Infantry. Dated 15th Feb- ruary, 1861. BREVET. To be Majors in".the Army. Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel Charles William Dunbar Staveley, C.B., 44th Foot, to Captain Dugald Stewart Miller, 67th Foot. have the temporary rank of Brigadier-General Dated 15th February, 1861. while in command of Her Majesty's Forces at Captain Thomas Walter Milward, Royal Artillery. Tien Tsin, from the date of his assuming such Dated 15th February, 1861. command. Captain Jermyn Charles Symonds, Royal Marines. Captain and Brevet-Major Henry Frederick Dated 15th February, 1861. Saunders, retired full-pay, 3rd West India Captain Robert J. Hay, Roynl Artillery, Brigade- Regiment, to have the honorary rank of Lieu- Major to the Forces serving in China. Dated tenant-Colonel in the Army. Dated 15th Feb- 15th February, 1861. ruary, 1861. Captain P. Bedingfeld, Royal Artillery. Dated Captain Henry Wylie Norman, C.B., of the 31st 15th February, 1861. Bengal Light Infantry (having the local rank Captain Charles Maitland Govan, Royal Artillery. of Lieutenant-Colonel in the East Indies), to be Dated 15th February, 1861. Major in the Army. Dated 3rd December, Captain Frederick William Gregory, 44th Foot. 1860. Dated 15th February, 1861. Brevet-Major Henry Wylie Norman, C.B., of the Captain Bowen Van Straubenzee, 9th Foot, 31st Bengal Light Infantry (having the local Brigade-Major to the Forces serving in China; rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the East Indies), Dated loth February, 1861. to be Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army. Dated Captain William Robert Gray, Military Train. 4th December, 1860. Dated 15th February, 1861. Captain Frederick Sleigh Roberts, Bengal ArtH- Captain John Basset Prynne, Royal Marines. lery, to be Major in the Army. Dated t3th Dated 15th February, 1861. November, 1860. Captain Edward Lister Green, 77th Foot, Deputy. Quarter-Master John Lilley, half-pay, Grenadier Assistant-Adjutant-General to the Forces Guards, to be Captain in the Army, the rank serving in China. Dated 15th February, being honorary only. Dated 4th September, 1861. 1860. Captain Henry Francis Brooke, 48th Foot. Dated 15th February, 1861. Second Captain "Robert Biddulph, Royal Artillery. Colonel Sir Robert Napier, K.C.B., of the Bengal 'Dated 15th February, 1861. Engineers, serving with the Army in. China, Captain H. E. Hicks; Madras Artillery. Dated A with the local rank of Major-General, to be 15th February, 1851. Major-General. Dated 15th February, 1861. Captain C. H. Brownlow, 4th Bengal European 'Infantry. Dated 15th February, 1861. To be Colonels in the Army. MEMORANDUM. Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Charles Her Majesty has been pleased to approve of Arthur Stephenson, C.B., Scots Fusilier Guards, The Royal Malta Fencible Regiment being con- Deputy Adjutant-General to the Forces serving verted into an Artillery Corps, and being in future = in China. Dated loth February, 1861. designated the " Royal Malta Fencible Artillery." Lieutenant-Colonel John Hawkins Gascoigne, Dated 25th January, 1861. : Royal Marines. Dated 15th February, 1861. To be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army. Captain and Brevet-Major Mark Walker, 3rd Admiralty, } 3th February, 1861 p Foot, Brigade -Major to the Forces serving in China. Dated 15th February, 1861. Corps of Royal Marines. Captain and Brevet-Major: Henry Andrew Sarel, First Lieutenant and Adjutant George Naylor to 17th Light Dragoons. Dated 15th February, be Captain. 1861. Second Lieutenant Frederick Warwick Gray to Captain and Brevet-Major Guy Rottou, Royal be First Lieutenant, vice Naylor, promoted. Artillery. Dated 15th February, 1861. Major Gibbes Rigaud, 60th Foot. Dated 15th February, 1861. Captain and Brevet-Major Martin Dillon, Rifle Commission signed by the Queen. Brigade, Deputy Assistant-Adjutant-General, to the Forces serving in China. Dated 15th 2nd Battalion of Derbyshire Rifle Volunteers. February, 1861. James Hay, Esq., to be Adjutant. Dated loth Second Captain and Brevet-Major Arthur Noyember, I860. , A'Court Fisher, Royal Engineers. Dated 15th February, 1861. Second Crtptain and Brevet-Major Gerald Commission signed by the Queen. Graham, Royal Engineers. Dated 15th Feb- East York Rifle Volunteers. ruary, 1861. Captain and Brevet-Major John Desborough, 2nd Battalion. Roj^al Artillery. Dated 15th February, 1861. Valentine Sutcliff Griffith, Gent, late Lieutenant Captain and Brevet-Major D. M. Probyn, C.B., and Musketry Instructor Prince of Wales Own 3rd European Bengal Light Cavalry. Dated Donegal Militia, to be Adjutant, from the 7th loth February, 1861, November, 1860. - ';•.
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