FPL welcomes two millionth customer Florida Power & Light added its two pany faces in meeting generation de­ welcoming the new family were FPL the nation,” McDonald said. “ In 1976 millionth customer when the Charles H. mands,” said FPL President Marshall Director M.P. Anthony, and Guerry we added 87,625 new customers. We Roberts family in Palm Beach County McDonald. “We had to start planning Stribling, President of Wellington. expect to connect nearly 100,000 new was connected for service on Novem­ and building to serve the Roberts fam­ McDonald noted that with the addi­ accounts by the end of this year.” ber 29. ily, and others like them, more than a tion of the Roberts’ to the Company’s In welcoming the Roberts,’ FPL’s two millionth customer came decade ago— long before they even lines, FPL becomes one of only four McDonald presented the family with a just 12 years after the Company knew they were coming to Florida” investor-owned electric utilities in the microwave oven — a gift from FPL reached theone-million-customer mark Chuck and Brenda Roberts, and nation having two million or more cus­ stockholders—to symbolize increasing in 1966. It took 41 years to gain the first their four-year-old daughter, Traci, tomers. FPL serves approximately 4.5 utility and customer efforts in energy million customers following FPL’s in­ moved from Kentucky to Wellington, a million people, or about half the state’s conservation. He also presented them corporation in 1925. community south of West Palm Beach. population. with a share of FPL common stock, “This milestone for FPL reflects Roberts is the merchandise manager “ Behind Pacific Gas and Electric symbolizing the close relationship and Florida’s continued rapid growth, and of a department store. Company in California, FPL is the sec­ interdependence of customers and underscores the challenge our Com­ Among those joining McDonald in ond fastest-growing electric utility in stockholders. □ How times have changed 1,000,000 2,000,000 customers customers 1966 1978 Nov. 3,716mw System Generating Capabilities 10,886mw 3,098m w System Peak 8,606m w 2.05 cents Cost Per Kilowatt Hour 4.1 cents 7,315kwh Average Annual Customer Usage 11,700kw h On November 29, 1978, FPL recorded its two millionth cus­ FPL’s one millionth customer was the Benjamin Drose family of 5,270kw h N ational A nnual Usage (1977) 8,400kw h Miami. Recorded in February 1966, the family was presented a 4,200 New Customers Per Month 8,300 tomer. The honor fell upon the Charles Roberts family of Wel­ color television by then FPL Executive Vice-President R.C. 5,373 Total Employees 9,700 lington, a community south of West Palm Beach. To commemo­ Fullerton (far right), and a key to the city by Metro Commis­ rate the event, FPL President Marshall McDonald (second from sioner Earl Starnes (next to Fullerton). Benjamin, his wife, Kay, right) presented the family with a microwave oven and one and their two sons Craig and Alex, still live in the home they share of FPL common stock. With McDonald was director M. P. bought new in 1966. “Ham" Anthony. SUNSHINE SERVICE Federal court orders Westinghouse to honor utility uranium contracts m m In what has been called the largest furnish energy, not just uranium. Volume 39 Number 12 December, 1978 civil suit among private companies in “We don’t have a contract which the history of the U.S., a Federal Court says we will receive so many pounds of ruled last month that Westinghouse uranium for so many dollars like the Suggestion winners Electric Corp. was not excused from other utilities,” Davis said. honoring seven nuclear fuel contracts it FPL’s unique energy contract states Turning frustration into cash sought to cancel. that Westinghouse will supply energy FPL is one of the firms affected. to the nuclear-fueled units at Turkey Walton Service Center Assistant In September, 1975, Westinghouse Point and will be paid 1.7 mills for each T& D Supervisor, Donald W. McCand- sought to cancel performance on con­ kilowatt-hour of electricity generated less was frustrated because the boom tracts with 11 utilities in the U.S. and by this energy. The contract further on a 'pole cat couldn’t accommodate all three in Sweden due to radical states that Westinghouse will supply the wires of triangular construction at changes in prices in the uranium mar­ this energy for the first ten years of the same time his crew was trying to ket. The customers, including FPL, filed operation of the two units. Expiration replace a damaged pole. suit immediately demanding Westing­ for Turkey Point No. 3 would be 1982, Sanford Plant Machinist, John Riv­ house fully honor its contracts. and 1983 for No. 4. ers was tired of throwing away chemi­ Utilities fight cancellation Under the terms of the contract, cal pump check valves because small The customers, including FPL, filed Westinghouse supplied the uranium, scratches rendered them useless. suit immediately demanding Westing­ arranged for its enrichment, processed And Sarasota Meterman, Delbert D. W. McCandless house fully honor its contracts. the uranium into fuel cells and put them Walter didn’t like waiting two weeks The utilities currently affected by the into units at Turkey Point. Since the firm after each meter reading to find out if judges court’s decision are: FPL, Long stopped supplying uranium, FPL has something was wrong with the battery Island Lighting Co., Virginia Electric had to purchase uranium and send it to carry-over on magnetic tape recorders Power Co., Tennessee Valley Author­ the government for enrichment. The attached to meters. ity, Wisconsin Electric Power Co., uranium is then taken to Westinghouse What did they do about it? Northeast Utilities and South Carolina which processes it into fuel cells and They turned their frustrations into Electric and Gas. delivers it to Turkey Point. cash by submitting innovative ideas to Virginia District Court Judge Robert Lawyer’s seek compliance the FPL Employees’ Suggestion Plan. Merhige spent eight months hearing Davis said Westinghouse should McCandless, Rivers and Walter be­ evidence as to whether or not Westing­ have to comply fully with the original came the top three winners in the latest house was obligated to perform, and agreement. He added that the firm semi-annual meeting of the Sugges­ John E. Rivers another five months deliberating. should reimburse FPL for additional tion Committee. Out of 431 suggestions Hearing scheduled for May expenses incurred by supplying received between January and June of In October, Merhige ruled in favor of uranium for the units since Westing­ 1978,103 received $25 Basic Qualify­ the utilities on the issues of Westing- house discontinued its agreement. ing Awards. Of those, eight received house’s liabilities on the contracts. On It is expected Westinghouse will major awards totaling $100 or more. December 13th he scheduled the trial make an out-of-court settlement pro­ The top winner was McCandless on damages to begin May 15,1979. posal to FPL and the six other utilities who pocketed $325. Instead of seeking a cash award, before the second phase of the trial is McCandless’ crew attempted to FPL is arguing that its unique contract slated to begin. change a pole damaged as a result of a for energy should be honored by West­ In addition to the seven utilities car accident. The crew thought they’d inghouse as written. still involved in this case, four utilities try transferring the triangular wire con­ “Our contract can’t be treated the have already settled out of court. Six struction between the old and new pole same as the others,” says Alvin Davis, cases, involving the three U.S. com­ using the same hole. But the idea didn’t attorney for FPL. “ It is the only contract panies and three Swedish firms, re­ work because there was no way to hold Delbert Walter of its kind.” It requires Westinghouse main unresolved. Continued on page 4 “You Ask..." Why does it take so long to get Why is Distribution Engineering through to Customer Service in our using “high priced” Engineers to District Offices? I was recently left write the Distribution Engineering ‘Why doesn’t FPL respond?’ holding the line “forever” following Reference Manual? a recording on three separate at­ General Office As an organization which serves millions of Floridians, the news media often tempts to Coral Gables Customer places FPL in the limelight. You have been misinformed about Service on a problem with a bill. I can Unfortunately, because we are a natural monopoly, we are vulnerable to criti­ the content of the Distribution En­ imagine what an outside customer cism, frequently receiving more than our fair share. Partly because our business would feel. After getting through, I gineering Reference Manual. It is not a procedure manual, it is a technical re­ is so complex, coverage often is distorted and error prone. This has led some have also been disconnected. Are employees to ask, “Why doesn't the Company respond to such coverage? Why ference manual. I am attaching an out­ we that shorthanded? don’t we correct newswriters?” line of the manual that will clarify its General Office The truth is, the Company does respond. Our representatives visit, telephone intent. Jose M Bestard, Director or write editors. But there is the rub. Newspapers, television and radio stations Your concern about this important Divisions Planning and Administration have no legal obligation to retract stories or use our replies. (SomeTVand radio responsibility of District Office Cus­ stations provide the opportunity to respond to editorials.) Even when an FPL tomer Service is one that is equally response or correction is used by the media, it does not command time or space shared by us.
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