5.1.3 Details of Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement Activities 2016 – 2017 3. Life Skills (Yoga, Physical Fitness, Health and Hygiene) (Click on the Programme name to view the report) Date of Number of Name of the Sl. Name of the capability implementation students agencies/consultants involved No. enhancement programme (DD-MM-YYYY) enrolled with contact details (if any) Life skills – Capacity building through 1. 16-06-2016 1370 Centre for Life Skills Education Life skills Training for UG Students Life skills – Mr. Sanyasi Charan,Bihar School 2. International Yoga Day 21-06-2016 260 of yoga,Bangalore Chapter Celebration Life skills – PG Faculties of Kristu Jayanti 3. Life Skill Education for PG 19-07-2016 85 College Students Life skills – Capacity Building Training Faculties of School of 4. 21-07-2016 100 on Life skills for I semester Management MBA STUDENTS Life skills – Capacity Building Training Faculties of Kristu Jayanti 5. 24-08-2016 37 on Life skills for I semester College MCA STUDENTS Life skills – Mr.Nazar, Mr. Abdul Nazar 6. Seminar on Food Safety and 24-10-2016 51 Khalid, Senior Consultant and Hygiene Trainer, BSS World, Dubai, UAE Page 1 of 1 CENTRE FOR LIFESKILL EDUCATION REPORT Beneficiaries: Ist Semester UG students Date : 16-21, June, 2016 The Centre for Life Skills Education (CLSE), Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), an Institute of National Importance under Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India organized a Capacity Building Training on Life Skills from 16th June, 2016 to 21st June, 2016. The course was conducted for around 1400 Undergraduate students who were divided into 22 batches. The certificate course consisted of ten core life skills promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), namely- Self- awareness, Empathy, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Communication, Inter-Personal Relationship, Coping with Stress, and Coping with Emotions. These skills are very beneficial in constructing and polishing one’s personality. The skills arm a person with the capabilities to lead a well-rounded life. The faculty members who conducted the classes were trained by RGNIYD. Dr. Jonas Richard A, Director, Centre for Life Skills Education, Kristu Jayanti College stated that the classes aim to help students to be happy and to adapt different life skills and respond positively to the demands of everyday life. He further said "For a person who is aiming to have a good career, the skills learnt in over the period of a week will help the students to be better professionals and to lead a satisfying life, as they find balance between their professional and personal lives," The main aim of the one week programme was to help the first years to be prepared for their future in the college. The core values that were discussed would help them to cope with the initial stress as well as train them to take responsibilities in the new phase of their lives. The knowledge about these skills is very important in today's society it not only helps one in one’s personal life but also helps one in increasing employment opportunities and makes a prospective candidate more appealing. A person with life skills is considered an asset to the associates and the institution they work with. In a world that has a surplus supply of candidates who are graduating each year on a search for acceptable job opportunities, life skills make one stand apart from the crowd. The combination of various life skills shapes a personality to be a good leader and to have the know-how on working in groups. 16.06.2016 Life Skill Education – Session on Creative Thinking 16.06.2016 Life Skill Education – Session on Effective Communication 16.06.2016 Life Skill Education – Session on Coping with Emotions CENTRE FOR LIFESKILL EDUCATION Date: 16-21, June, 2016 List of Participants SL Registration Full Name Attendance No Number 1 16CO1421 AADHIRA GOPINATH ✓ 2 16CO1422 AAFIYA ✓ 3 16CO1101 AAYUSH UDAI ✓ 4 16CS1318 ABDUL HAKEEM ✓ 5 16CO1102 ABEL SOJAN ✓ 6 16CO1177 ABHIDEEP PANICKER ✓ 7 16CO1103 ABHIJEET SINH ✓ 8 16CS1301 ABHILASH P ✓ 9 16CO1538 ABHIRAM V ✓ 10 16CS1319 ABHISHEK A ✓ 11 16CS1460 ABHISHEK HAZRA ✓ 12 16MG1446 ABI ALDRIN ✓ 13 16HU4138 ABIGAIL VENKAT ✓ 14 16CS1401 ABIJITH K P ✓ 15 16MG1429 ABIN JOSE ✓ 16 16MG1101 ABIN SHAJI ✓ 17 16MG1301 ABISHAY TOM ✓ 18 16CO1321 ABISHEK M ✓ 19 16CO1139 ABISHEK P ✓ 20 16CO3133 ABISHEK S ✓ 21 16MG1102 ADARSH JOSE ✓ 22 16CO1501 ADARSH MONSON ✓ 23 16CO1423 ADARSH SEBASTIAN ✓ 24 16HU3101 ADHEENA JOSE ✓ 25 16LS2115 ADHIRA M ✓ SL Registration Full Name Attendance No Number 26 16CS1418 ADIRA K K ✓ 27 16MG1430 ADISH AHAMMED T C ✓ 28 16MG1103 ADITH RAJAN ✓ 29 16CO1438 ADITHYAN S ✓ 30 16CS1101 ADITYA BASUMATARY ✓ 31 16CS1201 ADWAITH S KUMAR ✓ 32 16HU2112 AFSAL P ✓ 33 16LS1119 AILEEN SARA VIJI ✓ 34 16CO1201 AIPE CHACKO ✓ 35 16CO1424 AISHWARYA K ✓ 36 16CO1439 AISHWARYA M ✓ 37 16CS1218 AISHWARYA B PILLAI ✓ 38 16HU1102 AJAY KUMAR ✓ 39 16MG1347 AJAY KUMAR N ✓ 40 16MG1401 AJAY KUMAR TAYAL ✓ 41 16MG1402 AJITH JOBY ✓ 42 16CO1539 AJITH K ✓ 43 16CS1138 AJITH M ✓ 44 16MG1302 AJITH SAM ✓ 45 16CS1437 AJITH MELWIN P ✓ 46 16CO3134 AKASH J ✓ 47 16MG1247 AKASH M P ✓ 48 16HU5127 AKASH H PATIL ✓ 49 16HU3121 AKHIL BHIMA ✓ 50 16LS2116 AKHIL SURESH ✓ 51 16LS2101 AKHIL ANAND ✓ 52 16MG1330 AKHIL NADH A B ✓ 53 16CO4137 AKHILA M G ✓ 54 16CO2101 AKHILA SAJI ✓ 55 16MG1403 AKSHAI THOMAS ✓ 56 16MG1303 AKSHAY AJAY ✓ 57 16MG1331 AKSHAY KUMAR P G ✓ 58 16LS1101 AKSHITHA PRITHVI A ✓ 59 16CO2102 ALAN JOSE ✓ SL Registration Full Name Attendance No Number 60 16CS1202 ALAN STEPHEN ✓ 61 16CS1102 ALAN B THOMAS ✓ 62 16CO1202 ALBERT ZELIANG ✓ 63 16MG1201 ALBERT DISEN J ✓ 64 16CO2103 ALBIN J SIBY ✓ 65 16CO4101 ALBIT JOHN SAJI ✓ 66 16MG1202 ALDRIN PAUL ✓ 67 16CO2104 ALEENA ZACHARIA ✓ 68 16HU1103 ALEENA ELSA ABEY ✓ 69 16CO2142 ALEN DAS ✓ 70 16CS1320 ALEN JOSE ✓ 71 16MG1104 ALEN SAM JOHN ✓ 72 16CO1301 ALEN SAMUEL GEORGE ✓ 73 16CO1302 ALEX JOY ✓ 74 16CS1419 ALEX K J ✓ 75 16CO3101 ALINA P VARGHESE ✓ 76 16HU3122 ALISHA BIJU ✓ 77 16HU4101 ALISHA JAMES ✓ 78 16CS1118 ALITA JACOB ✓ 79 16CS1103 ALLAN R ✓ 80 16CO1303 ALLAN KUMPALAPPALLIL ✓ 81 16CS1104 ALSAYNOU BAH ✓ 82 16CS1119 ALWIN MANI ✓ 83 16CO2105 ALWIN PAUL ✓ 84 16CS1120 ALWIN THOMAS ✓ 85 16CS1302 AMAL JOHN ✓ 86 16CO1304 AMAL K C ✓ 87 16CO1401 AMAL MANU ✓ 88 16CS1261 AMAL SAJU ✓ 89 16CO2106 AMAL SEBASTIAN ✓ 90 16CO1203 AMAL SUNNY ✓ 91 16CO3102 AMAL HARI C M ✓ 92 16MG1105 AMAL XAVIER MANNANAL ✓ 93 16CS1121 AMALA FRANCIS ✓ SL Registration Full Name Attendance No Number 94 16MG1203 AMALJITH K ✓ 95 16CS2133 AMAN KUMAR ✓ 96 16HU3123 AMAN NIDHEESH ✓ 97 16CO1204 AMIT BHAGAT ✓ 98 16CS1420 AMLAN BASKEY ✓ 99 16CS1105 AMOOLYA A VENGAL ✓ 100 16CO2107 AMRITA SAJITH ✓ 101 16CS1219 AMRITHA R ✓ 102 16CO1440 AMULYA J ✓ 103 16LS2102 ANALA JOSHI ✓ 104 16CO3103 ANAMIKA DAS ✓ 105 16CS1303 ANAND TOM ✓ 106 16CO2108 ANAND V KRISHNAN ✓ 107 16CO1221 ANANDHI P ✓ 108 16LS1120 ANANYA S PRABHU ✓ 109 16MG1204 ANCHAL MARIA THOMAS ✓ 110 16CO2109 ANCY ROICE ✓ 111 16LS1102 ANDREAS ALWYN CASTELINO ✓ 112 16CS3115 ANEETA MERLIN C ✓ 113 16MG1431 ANEETTA BAIJU ✓ 114 16HU4160 ANET BABU ✓ 115 16CO3104 ANGEL JOSEPH ✓ 116 16CO1402 ANGEL SANTOSH ✓ 117 16CS3101 ANGITHA ROSE G ✓ 118 16LS1121 ANIKETH P ✓ 119 16CO1104 ANISH KUMAR ✓ 120 16CO1339 ANISHA A ✓ 121 16HU4139 ANJALI ANN SABU ✓ 122 16CS2122 ANJANA A ✓ 123 16CS1304 ANJO P THOMAS ✓ 124 16CO3120 ANJU S ✓ 125 16MG1231 ANJU KUMARI B P ✓ 126 16MG1106 ANKITH S ✓ 127 16HU4103 ANNA CLARET BABY ✓ SL Registration Full Name Attendance No Number 128 16CO1105 ANNA EILEEN CARDOZA ✓ 129 16CS1139 ANNAMMAL AGNES A S ✓ 130 16CO1239 ANNESHA A ✓ 131 16HU4201 ANNETTE MICHAEL ✓ 132 16CO1441 ANNETTE JENNIFER J ✓ 133 16CO1442 ANNU PRIYA V ✓ 134 16MG1332 ANSU JOMY JOSE ✓ 135 16MG1107 ANTONY K BIJOY ✓ 136 16CS1238 ANTONY KIRAN J ✓ 137 16CO4102 ANTRINA SUSAN MELVIN ✓ 138 16LS1146 ANUGRAHA JOHNY THAYYIL ✓ 139 16CO1403 ANUPAM K MURALEEDHARAN ✓ 140 16CS1203 ANURUPA SINGHA ✓ 141 16CS3116 ANUSHA N ✓ 142 16CS1140 ANUSHA R ✓ 143 16CO1240 ANUSIYA S ✓ 144 16HU4202 APARAJITA SEKHAR ✓ 145 16HU4220 ARATHI N V ✓ 146 16CO1340 ARAVIND G ✓ 147 16LS1122 ARBIYA BANU ✓ 148 16CO1241 ARCHANA C ✓ 149 16CO3121 ARCHANA C ✓ 150 16CS1141 ARCHANA G ✓ 151 16CO1443 ARCHANA K ✓ 152 16CO1444 ARCHANA P ✓ 153 16MG1348 ARCHANA R ✓ 154 16CO1322 ARCHANA S ✓ 155 16CO1242 ARCHANA V ✓ 156 16CO1341 ARCHANA P R ✓ 157 16CO4103 ARCHIE V VARGHESE ✓ 158 16CO4104 ARDAMAN PYRBOT ✓ 159 16CS1305 ARIBAM RAJ SHARMA ✓ 160 16CS1122 ARIEL SHAROO J ✓ 161 16CS3108 ARJUN K ASHOKAN ✓ SL Registration Full Name Attendance No Number 162 16MG1232 AROBA RACHEL GEORGY ✓ 163 16LS2121 ARPITHA FRANCIS ✓ 164 16CO2143 ARPITHA VARGHESE ✓ 165 16HU4140 ARPUTHARAJ S ✓ 166 16CO1222 ARSALAN ARAFATH ✓ 167 16CS1204 ARUL G ✓ 168 16CS1239 ARUN S ✓ 169 16CS1321 ARUN VJ ✓ 170 16LS2117 ARUN KUMAR A ✓ 171 16CO1520 ARUN PRASHANTH K ✓ 172 16MG1333 ARUN TITUS ROBIN MESHACH ✓ 173 16CO1445 ARUNA Y ✓ 174 16CS1220 ARUNKUMAR E V ✓ 175 16HU5128 ASHA A ✓ 176 16CO1140 ASHA KUMARI V ✓ 177 16CO1223 ASHIKA B ✓ 178 16HU4203 ASHIKA ANN MAMMEN ✓ 179 16CS2101 ASHIQUE P R ✓ 180 16MG1304 ASHLEY SARAH BIJU ✓ 181 16CO1205 ASHLEY T ALIAS ✓ 182 16LS2103 ASHLITA FLORENCE LOPEZ ✓ 183 16CS3109 ASHLY HARIKUMAR ✓ 184 16HU1136 ASHMITA TRIPATHI ✓ 185 16MG1432 ASHRIYA MOSES ✓ 186 16CO1243 ASHWIN LAWRENCE ✓ 187 16CO3135 ASHWIN KUMAR G ✓ 188 16CS1421 ASHWINI G ✓ 189 16CO4138 ASHWINI K ✓ 190 16MG1433 ASHWINI R ✓ 191 16LS1123 ASHWINI S ✓ 192 16CO1425 ASHWINI NATHASHA S ✓ 193 16CO1141 ASHWINI RAVI KUMAR ✓ 194 16CS2102 ASWATHY SUNDARESAN ✓
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