Z (Computer program language) Zaan River Valley (Netherlands) Zaborski Park Krajobrazowy (Poland) [QA76.73.Z2] UF Zaan Valley (Netherlands) BT Parks—Poland BT Programming languages (Electronic BT Valleys—Netherlands Zabrops (May Subd Geog) computers) Zaan Valley (Netherlands) [QL537.A85] Z-49 (Video display terminal) USE Zaan River Valley (Netherlands) BT Robber flies USE Zenith Z-49 (Video display terminal) Zaar dialect (May Subd Geog) Zabu ēlū River (Turkey and Iraq) Z-80 (Microprocessor) UF Vigzar dialect USE Great Zab River (Turkey and Iraq) USE Zilog Z-80 (Microprocessor) Vikzar dialect Zabulon, Territory of (Israel) Z-100 (Computer) BT Saya language USE Zebulon Valley (Israel) USE Zenith Z-100 (Computer) Zaatcha (Algeria) Zac Cobb (Fictitious character) Z bosons — History USE Cobb, Zachary (Fictitious character) [QC793.5.B62-QC793.5.B629] — — Siege, 1849 Zaca Lake (Calif.) UF Z particles BT Algeria—History—1830-1962 BT Lakes—California Z physics Sieges—Algeria Zacaleu Site (Guatemala) BT Bosons Zab al Aʼli (Turkey and Iraq) USE Zaculeu Site (Guatemala) Z Canyon (Wash.) USE Great Zab River (Turkey and Iraq) Zacary family BT Canyons—Washington (State) Zab al-Asfal (Iran and Iraq) USE Zachary family Z-crank engines USE Little Zab River (Iran and Iraq) Zacatec Indians USE Barrel engines Zab al Kabīr (Turkey and Iraq) USE Zacateca Indians Z-DNA USE Great Zab River (Turkey and Iraq) Zacateca Indians (May Subd Geog) [QP624.5.Z33] Zab as Saghir, Nahr az (Iran and Iraq) UF Zacatec Indians UF Left-handed DNA USE Little Zab River (Iran and Iraq) Zacateco Indians Z-form DNA Zab-e Kuchek, Rudkaneh-ye (Iran and Iraq) BT Indians of Mexico Zig-zag DNA USE Little Zab River (Iran and Iraq) Zacatecas, Battle of, 1872 BT DNA Zab River, Great (Turkey and Iraq) USE Zacatecas, Battle of, Mexico, 1872 Z-form DNA USE Great Zab River (Turkey and Iraq) Zacatecas, Battle of, 1914 USE Z-DNA Zab River, Little (Iran and Iraq) USE Zacatecas, Battle of, Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Z-level Programming Language (Computer program USE Little Zab River (Iran and Iraq) Mexico, 1914 language) Zabaikal (Russia) Zacatecas, Battle of, Mexico, 1872 USE ZPL (Computer program language) USE Transbaikalia (Russia) UF Cerro de la Bufa, Battle of, Mexico, 1872 Z particles Zabaikal National Park (Russia) La Bufa, Battle of, Mexico, 1872 USE Z bosons USE Zabaĭkalʹskiĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ park (Russia) Zacatecas, Battle of, 1872 [Former heading] Z physics Zabaĭkalʹe (Russia) BT Mexico—History—1867-1910 USE Z bosons USE Transbaikalia (Russia) Zacatecas, Battle of, Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico, Z-test Zabaĭkalʹi︠a︡ (Russia) 1914 USE Zulliger Test USE Transbaikalia (Russia) UF Zacatecas, Battle of, 1914 [Former heading] Z transformation Zabaĭkalʹskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ prirodnyĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ BT Mexico—History—Revolution, 1910- UF Transformation, Z park (Russia) 1920—Campaigns BT Laplace transformation USE Zabaĭkalʹskiĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ park (Russia) Zacatecas, Battle of, Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico, Z1 motorcycle Zabaĭkalʹskiĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ park (R.S.F.S.R.) 1914, in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Kawasaki Z1 motorcycle USE Zabaĭkalʹskiĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ park (Russia) Zacateco Indians Z3 automobile Zabaĭkalʹskiĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ park (Russia) USE Zacateca Indians USE BMW Z3 automobile UF Zabaikal National Park (Russia) Zacaton Z39.50 (Standard) (May Subd Geog) Zabaĭkalʹskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ prirodnyĭ [SB201.Z] UF ANSI Z39.50 (Standard) nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ park (Russia) Zacchini family (Not Subd Geog) ANSI/NISO Z39.50 (Standard) Zabaĭkalʹskiĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ park (R.S.F.S.R.) Zach Flynn (Fictitious character) BT Client/server computing—Standards [Former heading] USE Flynn Brothers (Fictitious characters) Computer network protocols BT National parks and reserves—Russia Zachaia Swamp (Prince George's County-Charles Information retrieval—Standards (Federation) County, Md.) NT Z39.50 Explain Facility Natural areas—Russia (Federation) USE Mattawoman Creek (Md.) Z39.50 Profile for Access to Digital Collections Zabaikalye (Russia) Zachar Bay (Alaska) Z39.50 Explain Facility (May Subd Geog) USE Transbaikalia (Russia) UF Zacher Bay (Alaska) UF ANSI Z39.50 Explain Service Zabārah Site (Qatar) BT Bays—Alaska Explain Facility, Z39.50 UF Az Zubārah Site (Qatar) Zachariae family (Not Subd Geog) Explain Service, Z39.50 Zubāra Site (Qatar) Zacharias family Z39.50 Explain Service BT Qatar—Antiquities USE Zachary family BT Z39.50 (Standard) Zabarella family (Not Subd Geog) Zacharie family Z39.50 Explain Service Zabarella Palace (Padua, Italy) USE Zachary family USE Z39.50 Explain Facility USE Palazzo Zabarella (Padua, Italy) Zachary Cobb (Fictitious character) Z39.50 Profile for Access to Digital Collections Zabarma (African people) USE Cobb, Zachary (Fictitious character) (May Subd Geog) USE Zarma (African people) Zachary family (Not Subd Geog) UF ANSI Z39.50 Profile for Access to Digital Zabarma language UF Zacary family Collections USE Zarma language Zacharias family Z39.50 Profile for the Digital Library Application Zabel family (Not Subd Geog) Zacharie family BT Cataloging of computer network resources UF Zable family Zachery family Digital libraries Ziebell family Zachrey family Information storage and retrieval systems Zabello family Zachry family Z39.50 (Standard) USE Zabiello family Zackary family Z39.50 Profile for the Digital Library Application Zabern Affair, 1913 Zackery family USE Z39.50 Profile for Access to Digital Collections [DD228.5] Zackrey family Z80 (Microprocessor) BT Alsace-Lorraine question Zackry family USE Zilog Z-80 (Microprocessor) Germany—History—1871-1918 Zachary M. Fisher Post Office (Chesterfield, Mo.) Z8000 (Microprocessor) Saverne (France)—History USE Sergeant Zachary M. Fisher Post Office USE Zilog Z8000 (Microprocessor) Zabiello family (Not Subd Geog) (Chesterfield, Mo.) Ẓāʾ (The Arabic letter) Here are entered works on families with the Zachary Smith Post Office Building (Hornell, N.Y.) BT Arabic alphabet surnames Zabiello and Zabiełło. UF Smith Post Office Building (Hornell, N.Y.) Za Indians When this heading is assigned to works on an BT Post office buildings—New York (State) individual family, the appropriate diacritical marks, if USE Zapotec Indians any, are included in the heading in the catalog record. Zachary Taylor, Fort (Key West, Fla.) Zaa (African people) USE Fort Zachary Taylor (Key West, Fla.) UF Zabello family USE Dii (African people) Zacher Bay (Alaska) Zabirmawa (African people) Zaa language USE Zachar Bay (Alaska) USE Zarma (African people) USE Dii language Zacherl family (Not Subd Geog) Zabirmawa language Zaaihoek Dam (South Africa) Zacherl-Haus (Vienna, Austria) USE Zarma language UF Zaaihoekdam (South Africa) USE Zacherlhaus (Vienna, Austria) Zablan family (Not Subd Geog) BT Dams—South Africa Zacherl House (Vienna, Austria) UF Sablan family Zaaihoekdam (South Africa) USE Zacherlhaus (Vienna, Austria) Zable family USE Zaaihoek Dam (South Africa) Zacherlhaus (Vienna, Austria) USE Zabel family Zaale River (Germany) UF Zacherl-Haus (Vienna, Austria) Zabludowski family (Not Subd Geog) USE Saale River (Germany) Zacherl House (Vienna, Austria) Zabon Zaan River (Netherlands) BT Apartment houses—Austria USE Pummelo BT Rivers—Netherlands Office buildings—Austria Z-1 Zachery family Zadorra River Watershed (Spain) Zagawa (African people) USE Zachary family BT Watersheds—Spain USE Zaghawa (African people) Zacheta, Grupa (Group of artists) Zadowsky family Zaghawa USE Grupa Zacheta (Group of artists) USE Sadowsky family USE Zaghawa (African people) Zacho family (Not Subd Geog) Zadrozny family (Not Subd Geog) Zaghawa (African people) (May Subd Geog) Zachodniosuwalskie Lakeland (Poland) Zadruga [DT155.2.Z34 (Sudan)] UF Pojezierze Zachodniosuwalskie (Poland) BT Commons [DT546.445.Z33 (Chad)] Zachrey family Land tenure UF Beri (African people) USE Zachary family Village communities Berri (African people) Zachry family Zadruga Radnički Dom (Vukovar, Croatia) Kebadi (African people) USE Zachary family UF Radnički dom (Vukovar, Croatia) Merida (African people) Zachum oil plant Radnički dom u Vukovaru (Vukovar, Croatia) Soghaua (African people) USE Balanites aegyptiacus Zadruga Radnički Dom u Vukovaru (Vukovar, Zagaoua (African people) Zachum oil tree Croatia) Zagawa (African people) USE Balanites aegyptiacus BT Buildings—Croatia Zaghawa [Former heading] Zacin (Trademark) Zadruga Radnički Dom u Vukovaru (Vukovar, Croatia) Zeggaoua (African people) USE Capsaicin USE Zadruga Radnički Dom (Vukovar, Croatia) Zeghawa (African people) Zack (Fictitious character : Greenburg) Zaehnl family Zoghawa (African people) (Not Subd Geog) USE Zaehnle family Zorhaua (African people) Zack Brewer (Fictitious character) Zaehnle family (Not Subd Geog) Zorhawa (African people) USE Brewer, Zack (Fictitious character) UF Sanley family BT Ethnology—Chad Zack Chasteen (Fictitious character) Zaehnl family Ethnology—Libya USE Chasteen, Zack (Fictitious character) Zaehnley family Ethnology—Sudan Zack family Zahnley family Zaghawa language (May Subd Geog) USE Sachs family Zaehnley family UF bé-Ri-a language Zack Walker (Fictitious character) USE Zaehnle family Beri-aa language USE Walker, Zack (Fictitious character) Zaelʹt︠s︡ovskiĭ bor (Russia) Berri language Zackary family USE Zaelʹt︠s︡ovskiĭ Forest (Russia) Kebadi language USE Zachary family Zaelʹt︠s︡ovskiĭ Forest (Russia) Merida language Zackery family UF Zaelʹt︠s︡ovskiĭ bor (Russia) Soghaua language USE Zachary family Zayelʹtsovskiy bor (Russia) Zagaoua language Zackheim family Zayelʹtsovskiy Forest (Russia) Zeghawa language USE Sachs family BT Forests
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