Want Ads On Pages 6, 7 and 8 Pari' One-8 Pages THE INGHAM COUNTY N~~~Z~S,.~ 22 Pages Eighty-ninth Yea1• - No. 25 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1948 School Board May woN'T THEY BE suRPRISED? Verdict Awarded Shelve Ag Course .Pheasants Put in Shells Here Will Hatch on Equator Real· Estate Man Rumor of Quick . y Leaving Mason Friday hy plane lnvlgont' lng, the l1l'OfCHSOJ' ns- Lhls yea]' been usc of the poor I ( o· US-127 Relocation For ( Omlng !llr fm· tJ!tlto, RcuiLdor·, arc 200 phcns- sorted, Wheal, corn nncl potatoes hunting th<l last two years, Dur-1 n ourt ISpute eU ant cgf.(.~. At 11 mnch ncar Quito grow ns well ncar Quito us they lng the wru• years rearing was Only Three Other Jobs tlli'Y wl!l he phLCccl under Andean do here In Michigan. There does pt•nctlcnlly abandoned at the game · Denied State hem;, When the Jlhens.tnts peel' not uppcltr to be nny reason to be- farm. Ag;recmeQta Renchcd Out by Remain Unfilled, School through thctr shells three wccl<H !love that pheasants won't thrive Most of the birds raised this Of CoUI·t Give Receall Supe1·intendent Reports No Right of Way Buyci'B ft•om now for a !onl< around they In Ecuador, year will be rcleosed before the , To Circuit .Court Jurorn Operating Along Tuttle will be n good many miles from LaNt Jlah•h Jt<•ndy hlrd season opens, Some will be,: Teaching of a regular course p11pn and mamn. 'rhe ynungstcni Next wcelt the lust setting of used J'or rcstocltlng and nome will/, Nick Samaris, former owner From Mason to Leslie , . I 110 b will have to start right In to crow phr•nsant will be plncocl In be lwpt for breeding of the Ritz restaurant in Lan- m agncu ture may a an- and cnol,le In Spanish, the ginnt egg.~mcubator More thon Now Gmoory Orderedatocl~. · · · Relocation of US-127 along cloned for next year at Mason. The 200 eggs, espocililly crtnd/cd lfJ,OOO out or the first hatch of Lnmphcre Bros. of Mason have smg, must 1pay a commtssw.n the route of Tuttle road be­ 1 The reason is a shortage of ag and inspected for fcrtdlty. f nd 2fi,OOO eggs are In rearing pens, the ~on tract for furnlahlng and I of $1,900 on the sale of Ius tween Mason and Leslie is no teach e r s, Superintendent hatchibillty, nrc being pnclcecl The ;;econd •;clting of 25 000 wns orcctmg an aluminum grain stor- business to Mitchell-Morris & nearer than it was 15 years Tl 1 ursd·1y They wlll be Lttlwn to , ' ' r. age building at the game farm. C f L · Th ·h James I-I. Vander Ven ex- • • • • stu reed 10 days. ago, Ahout The gt·anat·y t's "nd feet, of, o.• o. ansm.g. at was. t e ago. Quito by Carlos M, 'l'cmn, assol'i- d th G,,,oo1 I 36 " 72 d plumed.. vVednesday; n short- Iale profcnsor of foreign studies at eggs n wcc!t me P1 nco 1n c n- Quonset-type construction on ver tct of a ctrcutt court JUry 11 1 Rumors that the relocation age winch haH shoved lhe sal· Michigan Slate college. I-1<' and his cubalnr. concreto foundation. Iat Mason Tuesd.ay afternoon, is on the state highway draft­ ary demands out of line with 1brother have u mnch In the Andes The phcamtnts nrc hclng r~arcd/ The granary Is designed for A 20-day stay was given Sa- l I · I no·tr Quito 'rhc foster mothers of at fOill' stutwns, at the gumr urm, summer coolness. The metal will · th h · I ing boards, with plans calling ot 1cr tcac unv.' the' little. ·phcnsn nts· nrr•· already• 11 t the G.rc.,.ory" and at the Vander- t•etlcct· tile Stin'.s hcut, Desi'gtJers- fm. 1 a. ns, f oug '. tof permtt dt.1e I for construction in 1949, arc 13ccrnim• or the Ja<'l< or <'Ollr•g<' 1 setting on doorknobs nnrl chinn cool< prwon farms at .Jncltson and ulso clnim the aluminum construe- I 111g o a motton or a ver 1ct without foundation. So are the Hg Hlll[l<'fits <hlt'ing the war· years "l'gH lo get warmed up for tho at a. new stution in the Dansville tlon will eliminate condensation notwithstanding the verdict of rumors that state highway de­ Uwro ai'C not now enoiigh ng from :lylason. public hunting area. which often damages •stored grain. the jury. I c~gs partment right of way buyers t<'achcrs lo f.ill nroun<l, the Mason J\ccorcllng to ProfcHrror Temn, Jn addition t~ the eggH produced It will also bo lire-proof and rat-~ Agatha Snmnrls, wife of Nick, ~<'lwol <·illef ;~Hi<.!. Tn got nne for 1 t!H•ro arc no phr•asaniH In Ecuador. hy the game fllrm ftocl' for tho pmnf, was ulso named in the suit a a are negotiating with owners of ~.Ls<:n }he rliSi.I'I:·t wnitl<l have to I The hirci•J from Maeon will be pi· Incubators at Mason, some :10,000 The new building will hold 160 defond~nt. The jur found ~he land along the route. Th.ose btd $·1,,00 a year, and tlmt would <Jllcers phmtHtlllt eggs have been sent out tons of grain to meet the needs d . t Y rumors have popped up again 1 t!H'IJW lhe HHinry Hl'iwdulc fnr the I Aith~ugh Quito [H on tho equator to hunting clubs and Individuals/ of the farm's cm·ront large-scale rna ~ not P;~m 80 ~ 0t It~ a com- the past two weeks. There is school nul of line, Vander· Vcn de· the <'limnl.c !H not tropical except for hatching. , operations. There will be no posts mtss on ° e rea cs a 0 1 rm. clat·ed. In the lnwlnncls ulong the const. Pheasant produetlon at Mason or pillars In the building. The floor The business w~s solei for $3&,- noth:ng to them, officials of "Hig-h s<·hnnl a>rrieulture iH a AL Quito the ci1matc is cool and. was geared up to a record high space will be unobstructed. 000, lt td~veflo~Jed f1 coudrt, fland the the state highway department three-year course," llw supcr·in- rca 1 cs a e nm came1 a ve per informed the Ingham County tenclctit explained, "anrl no gt'c~t I ZT lJ . ? cent commission, Members of the News Tuesday. damnge will he dr.np il' It Is nn1 nave .Lou 1r.tet111 fl~m SU[d Samaria made the deal c· I t" p t"t" J t 0 w According- to the state highway taught 0111' ,\'Cirt', Thr•ro fll'C many lrcu a lng e I IOns us ne ay . With a prospect lntrodu~ed ,b~ the men now enrnllod In cnl!Pge ag I Mr. and Mrs. Glen Newman and real estate agents, dealing drrcct. department, the relocation of US· 127 between MaHon and Leslie Ia cour·scs. It is lilccl,v t11nt hy next f ( d"d t t Qual~fy foil' B!'AIIot their daughter Kathleen, 2%? J The real estate firm brought suit year there will he enough ag I ~ 0 I I Q I The Ncwmans moved to Mason I to collect the commission. I on the fedot'al rrogram, but not or an a e on any cm·t·cnt schedule, The re­ icncher·s to go fLI'Ound." ' , 'I from Chicago six weeks ago. They '!'here was no written contract Tl1is paol yea I' a part-time, Th;s year no one can !mow wl;o cuJators. Too, there arc often dis- reside in ~ne of the Corner apart- of sale, The defense was that a location sur'l!y won't be made in 1818 m· 1Vfi0, State highWILY offi. teacher was hii'Cd Ior ag nt Ma- all the stiLl'l.crs in the primary wrlll pules about whetlwr or not the 1 ments at 305 West Elm, lease t~ the real estate was 111·1 snn. Smith-Iluglws sclwnl air! is' he until five o'clocl{ on the after· signal ur·cs arc g-enuine and w~rc Newman is employed as x-ray eluded 111 the deal and that when ci11ls explaiaod that they have only pmd nn lull-lime yr•ar-nrnund noon· of July 20. actually made by persons who live and labomtory technician at the; title to real estate. is con- made scvoml ~urveys of the pro­ 1 in~o!ved posed federal route. The latest one ag tc,aching, so the aid was not; Up until this year it was neccs-~at the addresses grven. 1 Mason General hospital. He is a tracts must be m wrrtmg. The available to tl1r. school. Actually snry for seelwrs of cmmty office 1\l!tny I'Jylng ltll<'l\ , graduate of the Chicago College real estate firm declared thel'C was runs south from the intersection of US-127 and Dart road, near the there was nn financial loss to the to haVI' petitions circulated. The I Unlc.ss n lot of people change i of Medical Laboratory and X-Ray. n~h tit!~ j0 proprty lnvol~~dt 1~· <llstrict, the supcnntcndcnt said, Jaw has been amended, Nnw any their minds there Will pmbably be The Newrmi'n romance flowered e alm was.
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