The “Ghost” in the Magic Treatises by Lope de Barrientos Autor(es): Rísquez, Antonia Publicado por: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra URL persistente: URI:http://hdl.handle.net/10316.2/47496 DOI: DOI:https://doi.org/10.14195/978-989-26-1765-7_10 Accessed : 26-Sep-2021 10:02:01 A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais, disponíveis em https://digitalis.uc.pt/pt-pt/termos. Conforme exposto nos referidos Termos e Condições de Uso, o descarregamento de títulos de acesso restrito requer uma licença válida de autorização devendo o utilizador aceder ao(s) documento(s) a partir de um endereço de IP da instituição detentora da supramencionada licença. Ao utilizador é apenas permitido o descarregamento para uso pessoal, pelo que o emprego do(s) título(s) descarregado(s) para outro fim, designadamente comercial, carece de autorização do respetivo autor ou editor da obra. Na medida em que todas as obras da UC Digitalis se encontram protegidas pelo Código do Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos e demais legislação aplicável, toda a cópia, parcial ou total, deste documento, nos casos em que é legalmente admitida, deverá conter ou fazer-se acompanhar por este aviso. pombalina.uc.pt digitalis.uc.pt The monograph deals with the topic of ghosts in universal literature from a polyhedral HVMANITAS SVPPLEMENTVM • ESTUDOS MONOGRÁFICOS perspective, making use of different perspectives, all of which highlight the resilience of ISSN: 2182-8814 these figures from the very beginning of literature up to the present day. Therefore, the aim of this volume is to focus on how ghosts have been translated and transformed over the Apresentação: esta série destina-se a publicar estudos de fundo sobre um leque variado de years within literature written in the following languages: Classical Greek and Latin, Spanish, temas e perspetivas de abordagem (literatura, cultura, história antiga, arqueologia, história Italian, and English. da arte, filosofia, língua e linguística), mantendo embora como denominador comum os Estudos Clássicos e sua projeção na Idade Média, Renascimento e receção na atualidade. 60 OBRA PUBLICADA COM A COORDENAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA Breve nota curricular sobre os coordenadores do volume Visitors from beyond Dámaris Romero-González, Ph.D. in Classical Philology (2007), is a Lecturer of Greek Philology at the University of Córdoba (Spain). She has published several articles and chapters on the Grave Plutarch, women in Antiquity and semantics of the New Testament. Israel Muñoz-Gallarte, Ph.D. in Classics (2008), is an Associate Professor of Classics at the University of Córdoba. He has published extensively on classics, imperial Greek literature: Plutarch, Early Christian Apocrypha, and Semantics. He is the author of Los sustantivos-Hecho Ghosts in World Literature World Ghosts in en el Nuevo Testamento (UCM, Madrid 2008) and co-author of Plutarch in the Religious and Visitors from beyond the Grave: beyond from Visitors Philosophical Discourse of Late Antiquity (Brill, Leiden-Boston 2013). Ghosts in World Gabriel Laguna-Mariscal, Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Córdoba (Spain). He got his B.A. and Ph.D. in the Universities of Córdoba and Seville. He has been a visiting scholar in Cornell, Harvard and Indiana universities, and Lecturer in the Universities of .) S , D , E Literature Extremadura and Córdoba. He has published in the fields of Latin poetry and the Classical ( Tradition. ONZÁLEZ ALLARTE ARISCAL -G -G M - UÑOZ OMERO UNA R G M A L SRAEL ÁMARIS I D ABRIEL G Dámaris Romero-González, Israel Muñoz- Gallarte, Gabriel Laguna-Mariscal (eds.) IMPRENSA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA COIMBRA UNIVERSITY PRESS Coimbra Antonia Rísquez The “Ghost” in the Magic Treatises by Lope de Barrientos1 Antonia Rísquez University of Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona (orcid.org/0000-0002-0419-9972) Abstract: In this chapter I have done a revision of the “ghost’s idea” in the Magic Treatises written by Lope de Barrientos. These scholastic and didactic books are re- lated with the Aristotelian gnoseology and his theory of external and internal senses. Moreover, I will study the relation of Magic Treatises with theology. KeyWords: Lope de Barrientos, ghost, magic, Medieval literature. Introduction The main thing we have to highlight in respect to the figure of Lope de Barrientos is that the reigns of Juan II and Enrique IV cannot be understood without him. He was even exempt from attending his diocese by a papal bull in order to attend the issues of the court. He was an ambitious man who achieved excellence in every scope he decided to work: as a Professor at the University of Salamanca and tutor of the Prince Enrique, the future Enrique IV, who was the son of Juan II; as clergyman he was one of the most famous bishops of the diocese of Cuenca; as a politician he was one of the most influential and powerful man in the court of Juan II. However, he did not have so great influence during the reign of Enrique IV, either because of the age of the bishop or because of his disagreements with the king2. There are two episodes in his life that I consider paradigmatic and exemplary of the personality of Barrientos and his vital trajectory. The first of them occurs during his initial steps in the court of Juan II as tutor of the prince Enrique. In 1434 Enrique de Villena, Marquis of Villena, dies, accused of sorcery and necromancy. Due to the serious accusations, Juan II orders a book purge and burning of the personal library of Villena3, and he entrusted Lope de Barrientos with it. This is the first book burning of which we have evidence, and it earned Barrientos the reputation of barbaric inquisitor throughout centuries. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that the first person who 1 In memoriam patris mei. 2 In relation to the biography of Barrientos, cf. Rísquez Madrid 2010 and 2011 and Martínez Casado 1994, where documentation about his activities can be found. 3 In the work of Cotarelo y Mori 1896 it can be found a reconstruction of the library of the Marquis of Villena according to the various testimonies collected through years. https://doi.org/10.14195/978-989-26-1765-7_10 149 The “Ghost” in the Magic Treatises by Lope de Barrientos accuses Barrientos of doing things wrongly is the poet Juan de Mena4, who accused him of not having shared the books of Villena’s library and kept them all, except those which were burnt. Ever since, many authors have written about this action of Barrientos, even the Padre Feijoo, who blames him for not having knowledge of the topics of the books. However, it is highly improbable and nowadays it is well known that, after this incident, Lope de Barrientos wrote his Magic Treatises, where he made reference to this episode and some of the purged books5. Besides, it must be taken into account that Lope de Barrientos belonged to the Dominican order, known by his extensive inquisitorial task in Europe at the command of the Holy Office, but also by being great experts in the forbidden works. This defence of the converted could be considered the second episode of Barrientos’ life that has marked his figure throughout centuries6, and although some scholars such as Constanza Cavallero7 connected him with the writing of the Magic Treatises, I am convinced that this is a wrong hypothesis due to the own nature of the works and the topics they deal with. Moreover, in the Treatises he mentioned the episode of the purge and the fire of Villena’s library8, but there is no reference at all to the revolt of Toledo in 14999. Within his literary output10, the three Magic Treatises of Lope de Barrientos are the writings that have caught the interest of the literary critics and researchers11. However, there is not a critical edition of the Treatises as a whole, but individually, and, when they have been edited together, not all the available testimonies have been taken into account. It is noteworthy that, within the literature of magic in Castile, Barrientos’ Treatises are the first ones written in the Romance language12, which speaks to the eagerness to disseminate his ideas inside Castilian territory. Moreover, the reason for choosing Castilian is not owing to his ignorance of Latin, as the bishop 4 An extensive commentary of this episode can be found in Rísquez Madrid 2010: 29-40. 5 Cf. Alonso Getino 1927: 122. 6 Cf. Rísquez Madrid 2010: 54-61. 7 Cf. Cavallero 2010. 8 Cf. Alonso Getino 1927: 117-118. 9 Regarding this event, he wrote a group of works: Contra los cizañadores de los convertidos de la nación de Israel (Alonso Getino 1927: 180-204) and Opusculum super intellectu quorundam verborum ciuisdam decreti cotenti in volumni Decretorum, ubi Gratianus tractans de materia sacrilegii in casu 17 et quaest. 4 ait: “Sacrilegii quoque reatum incurrit qui Iudeis publica officia committit”, whose translation into SpanishRespuesta - a una duda- has been also edited in Martínez Casado 1996: 25-64. 10 A more detail study related to the work of Lope de Barrientos could be consulted in Martínez Casado 1994 and Rísquez Madrid 2010. 11 Cf. Rísquez Madrid 2014a, where a review of the edition of the Treatises is given and there is also a description of one of the testimonies almost unknown up to then. 12 Cf. Morgado García 1999: 12. 150 Antonia Rísquez uses it in other writings, as it is the case of Clauis sapientiae13, but to his concern for the reader of this work and the search for a wider dissemination.
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