Second Class Fpat»«e Paid . Vol. LXXV. No. 5. 3 Sections, 20 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1968 Cranford,' Nejf Sartor 07OH 15 CENTS tiling Featured in CHiefs Mepart Police' Chief Matthew T. Haney's first annual report, submitted rrouDChairmen Named to the Township~Committee this week, has a "new Took'liirformat and " Mayor Edward K. Gill Tuesday nightnamed-fornter Mayor Ira D. flls0 features . .<the new look" which has developed in his. department Dorian of ?, CorneU Rd; to head the • Mayoriitoie Study Committee- ~incehe assumed its leadership at the start of last year. '. and William J. Foppert of 4 Indian-Spring Rd. to be chairman of the" 7Featuring a brightly-colored cover and numerous pictures of de- Mayor's Community Planning Committee. .• " tJSrtment personnel, equipment -> A chairman of a third committee—the Mayor's Liaison Committee To Succeed incumbent ;es and activities, the report notes that for Educations-Local Government— "1967 was-for the Cranf ord Police A resttlss electotate went will be appointed later. Department a year of changes not first Aid Call i "These study groups represent only in personnel but equipment to thej)oHs Here Tfuescjay and "••'. >a unique way';xtf assisting in local and. operation." rejectedvthe 1968-69 current : government and they offer resi- "A complete renovation of theTotal Nearing expense and capital outlay ' dents an opportunity to participate control desk area Was carried out,'" budgets for\h.e public 'schools iii government in a limited way,4' the report continues. ^'With this 10,000 Mark Mayor Gill stated. "Certainly the installation a more efficie'nt oper- arid" turned out three incum- idea of a^ group of lay persons ation replaced'a poor control The Cranford\First Aid Squad bent Board of Education mem- . studying the crime, problem in Jer. Headquarters .operation at the answered 892 caUsMuring 1967, the bers seeking" reelection to their suburban community must )desk area during an extreme greatest number in,any one year., second terms. be a 'first' in community action." emergency can now be handled by making a grand total of\9,427 calls Elected to the board for' He explained th>t the crime five officers rather than one as in between the squad's inception on three-year terms were George H.~ study committee is intended to former years." White, Jr., associate professor* of study the root causes, of crime or A^lso cited is a complete- new November 1, 19.53, and December educationlat Seton Hall University delinquency 2oeaTIy5rThe commit- burglar alarm 'system installed at 31, 1967.' " \- and former faculty member in the tee* #e stated, will recognize that the time of the renovation of the Included in the 196? total were. local schools; (Seorge W. Morton, law enforcement is the responsibil- desk;, area.. V Jr:, lodal. attorney; arid Mrs. Dpr- ity 'of Ihe Cranford Police Depart- "This .equipment," Chief Hariey 556 emergency calls, 253 transpor- : 6thy P. Preston, a housewife. , «»nt •• •'„ V . ' : • • • reports, "was installed at ho extation- s and 83 service calls. Mr. White, .who had. the first' The.function of the committee pense to the community and is Capt. T. V. Reilly, who has been ballot position and ran high in • is to examine circumstances lead-: available, to all merchants and in- succeeded by William OTJonnell Ing ttp; to .-the criminal act.'This dustrial organizations.- desiring to area of study may include changing have this type of service on aas captain for 1968, reported that moral values, family breakdown monthly rental basis." during the past .the ambu- Bulletin! ../..i^eJBojrdjrfJM^ ~ poverty and ignorance — lanes DR. WILFRED W. JORDAN The department's"patrol"cars~al- lances traveled a^ total of 16,322 which are poorly understood — so took ona new and more colorful miles, with many pf the trips being GEORGE W. MORTON, JR. MRS. CHARLES PRESTON GEORGE H. WHITE, JR. to 3.,: Vote decided last, night to resubmit the same budgets . overly permissive.attitudes of par- look during 1967, "attractive and out of the county\and quite a few 1 :._. ents and the Hke. The committee readily visible as police patrol ve- out of the state. ' ^ again to the voters at a special will vmeet not less than once a hiolejs." r There were 8ft calls during^ De- election on Tuesday, February inomh and will submit a report "This type of patrol vehicle," the7 cember, including 54-emergencies, Planto Ease Parents antl Youths Invited 27. Trustees J>r. Thomas E. Doo- . of its observations and recol chief declares, "will not" olily/be ley, John J. Vassallo and Rich- 24 transpbrtations-<and 1 service ard. J. Anderson Were opposed. "flations to the township Committee evident' to the motorist and/law- call. •>< :• ,, GasStation^ ^ Lecture \& Becentber 31.: ^citizen, "but will also deter President Carl Schauer, an- "Drugs'1 will be. the subject of a talk at 8 p.m. Sunday, February conimunfty planning com- crime, and constant patrol in well- nouneeb! that the sqiiadj plans to four of the nine districts, garnered mittee wiU study the long-range Dr. Wilfred W., Jordan will serve marked obvious police vehicles will Mid a funoVdriye thi» year, in Restrictions a New York psychiatrist," Dr. Edwin S. Bobbins,'in Randolph 1,979 votes. He led in^Walnut, LiV- > needs of Cranford—in areas other as toastmaster for the eighth an- help to accomplish this goal." Charge of' Vice-President Albert Township/Committee Tuesday Hall of Cranford Methodist Church, sponsored by the Commission on ingston, Bloomingdale and Roose- tlian educational,'residential, busi- Described as t of Christian Social "TConcernsr velt School districts. Mr. Morton, nual spring ^banquet, of the Cran- Bendlinl : night introduced-, and passed ^n ness bu^dlng^devejopinent or ford Chamber of Commerce at 6:30 police patrol in the bysiriess area "All of the squad,members are first reading an orHTnaWee to fifis'e . Dr. Robbins is senior • psychiatrist of Bellevue Hospital arid who topped the balloting in Lin- spheres of acttvitjNprisently under* pin. Monday, March 4, at the En- is the addition of two motor scoot- volunteers who give of their time professor of clinfcal psychiatry at coln, and Sherman Schools, re- '.. study by a regularly^ appointed ers. assigned^to^tt)4 town center. the restrictions on the rebuilding the New York University Medical ceived 1,716 votes, and Bjrji: Pres- core Restaurant, Route 22, Union, and labor to assist residents in of local service stations. The pro- 9 group Possible areas of>s(udy are it was announced this week by Nor- ter/patrol affords ev- need," President Schauer^jaid. Center He received-his medical 'War Game Film ton, who led in Cleveland School, ^ heautificaUbn projects^ man Roden, chairman.' ery business establishment in our posed measure permits the Board degree from the New Ydrk-School polled 1,658 tallies. irtgifor senior citizens or i . "There are many times when they Guefit speaker-Will be Edward downtown area maximum police have to forego their own plans un- of Adjustment .to authorize issu- of Medicine and is a member of the Robert P. Biunno, current presi- d recreation facilities aii 1 TaBelntroduced protection," /the report'^continues. til HIP> fimerceneyjMftranspqrtatioh"ance of a permit! to alter, renovate, Academy of Psychonalysjs," the dent of the board, lost out by 24 ms, street lighting, civilc "Eniorcement of i pafkinp&TKingg j-eguiaxegifla- is over. LongJtrips out' of state on Ainuilean FsyfrblaUh. uefnr vnt£K. nollintf L834L He led in the ^^Wi relations tions provides a turnover, of parked reconstruct "or rehabilitate an ex- and .the American Medical Associ- High School and Brookside dis- weekendS/Can be made only by George Cronk, history instructor committee^also ^hereby permitting . an sacrifices on the part of those isting service station, provided it ation. ' tricts. Votes for other candidates than once a M park for slbpping is satisfied that the station would "It Is my hope that the parents at Union College, will deliver an were: James H. Williams, also an making the calls." , ,; introductory statement at the show- be n<> more nazardous f^ter the 5jid youth of Cranford will come to me incumbent, L454; George Rubine, ^J&x.^ Schauer reported thar;;tlbe' ini g off "i Wrii'G" t th "new rooic'* also was ex- Sfjuad plans to make some needed work is completed than presently. h'ear tjte latest' psychiatric, thinking Wrii'Game" at the an incumbent, 1,395;.-and Malcolm members of the depart- oh the drug problem," Dr. John H. college theatre at 8 and 8:30 p.m., B. Savage, 1,110. Al except Mr. repairs' on the'Squad building-this Public hearing'wfll be February 27. Saturday :'."^^"'\~r: '•> ."'" dhairjnea of the thejBseJ^es: '.-.. (Continued on Page 8). Olson, a CralifofH physician, said Morton had the supporf of the here fttr /"All members of this department Mayor Edward K. Gill, who pre- in announcing support of the lec- Mr.' Cronk has-been an instructor Joint Civic Committee^ and the foir -his humor. A graduate of cere presented with new 'trooper' sided, said the current jevitaliza- ture. .:••••• . of history at Union College for the attorney entered the race *fter ad . York University, and the' Deni le hats, a vast improvement over tion. campaign in the business dis • "Dr. Robbins' visit comes at &papt two years. He received his the JCC had filed its slate. number of fesi- School of the University xrf $ex thes5ldistyle~eightpoint type head- Early Publishing trict "has showir that local resi- most propitious time," he contin- master's .degree at Rutgers Ui^ver- The current expense budget of to sylvania, he practiced in Newark piece.^Leather jackets formerly dents will respond enthusiastically ued, "since the seriousness of the sity in 1965 and is currently work $4,087,967 lost 2,446 to 1,505; while .
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