L February 2000 The Pennsylvania Odd Fellow and Rebekah Magazine 2 THE PENNSYLVANIA ODD FELLOW February 2000 The GRAND LODGE OFFICERS Nevin W. Adams .......... ... ............... ... .. Grand Master PENNSYLVANIA 1083 Shoemakersville Rd ., Shoemakersvill e. PA 19555.610-926-4463 Roberl P. Stanley.... ..... ... ............ Deputy Grand Master ODD FELLOW 112 Nissley Dr.. Middletown, PA 17057. 717-939-7641 Reginald Cook ........ ......... ..................... .......................... .. Grand Warden and Rebekah Magazine 140 Junewood Drive. Levittown, PA 19055. 215-9.\3-4972 Willis G. Robinson. .... ....._. Grand Secretary MEMBER OF THE 'i001 W. Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057. 71 7-944-7419 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS Richard L. Heffner. rand Treasurer ~ntetnational :j3ress Association 8 Third St., Dillsburg, PA 1701 9, 7 1 7 -43 2-4 ~ 30 Ernest L. Nelson ..... ..... .. .. ... ...... Grand Representative (USPS 426-500) 811 Wyoming Ave.• Erie, PA 16505, 111 4-83.1-'\2 9 Vol. 75 No.2 Robert J. Love .......... Grand R~ p res e ntative 2815 Kathy St.. Library, PA15129. 412-833-0191 Alton G. Arnold. .. ................. .... .... .II". Past Grand Master Published in the City of Middletown, PA monthly by RD 5. Box 49, Montrose, PA 18801.570-278- 1274 THE GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA John E. Allmendinger ................. ...... ,. Grand i\'larshal INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS 304 Machamer Road. Douglassville, PA 1951 8 1001 West Harrisburg Pike Donald R. Trulick . ..... .. .. ........ ......... Grand Conductor Middletown, PA 17057 161 Stover Road, Bellefonte, PA 16823 717-944-7419 John 1. Dzyak .. .................. Grand Chaplain R.D. 2. Box 191, Scottdale, PA 15683 WILLIS G. ROBINSON Robert E. RarICnshergcr . .. .... ........ ........ .... Grand Guardia n Manager - Editor 4775 N. Shennan Street, Box 334. Mt. Wolf. PA 17347 Gary D. Thiele.. ........ ..... Gra nd Herald 1001 West Harrisburg Pike 2905 Ellen Drive. Wilshire. West Law n, PA 19609 Middletown, PA 17057 Marc Rosenw'tsscr ....... .......... ... Grand Lodge Attorney SARA V. BONSON 1509 Lawyers Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Rebekah Coordinator 412-261 -7074 39 Queen St., Box 152 Reedsville, PA 17084 REBEKAH ASSEMBLY OFFICERS Public.nion Number 426500 Periodical Postag ~ pi.lid iJt Middletown, Pennsylvania Lee Etta Mansbcrry ................ .. ... ........ ......... .... President and additional office>. 220 First Sired, P.O. Box 79. Brownfield, PA 15416.724-438-9057 Mary C. Leitzel. .... Vice President O: ':ii Postmaster :: .... Send change of address to: Pennsylvania Odd Fellow RRI . Box 860. Herndon. PA 17830,570-758-685 1 and Rebekah Maga /ine, 1001 W. Harri sburg Pik~ . MiddletolVn . PA 17057 Irene Kelly.. ...... ... .. .. .... ... ............ Warde n 509 Leech Avenue, Salt sburg, PA 15681 ,724-639-9039 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hazel L. Mest .. ... ... Secretary Subscription price ........ ... .... ...... .......... .... .......... .......... %.00 per year 10 or more copie.... ro one address ............... ... ..... ...... ..... ." $5.00 each 1001 W. Harrishurg Pike. Middletown, PA 17057,717-944-0977 Sara V. Booso n ... .. ..... ....... ..................... Treasurer ROSTER .19 Queen St.. Reedsville, PA 17084, 717-667-2885 I,odgc nnme, No, and address, night of meeting. naml.! and addrc~s and wilen a change is nee :-;ary Dorothy M. Siruchen .... .............. .. Delegate to l.A.R.A. be sure to mention tlle fonner address. 9.1 Smith Avenue. Sharon. PA 16146.724-246-0764 Su bscri bers should he carc:i'ui [0 give th~ir con-ect post office address and when a change is Lazetta Sidwell .................................. Marshal n ece~sary be ~ ure to mention (be fonner add ress. 615 W. Craw]"ord Avenue. Connellsville, PA 15425 Anicles for publication must reach the office oflhc Granu Lodge ill Middletown nOllater than Mary L. Rudman .. .......... ...... ....... ..... ......... .......... Conductor me 5th of each month to insure their insertion in next mOllth's Lssu e. 20A Greenwood Heighl s. Connellsville. PA 15425 Gladys Showalter .... ... ............ ............ ..... ... ..................... Chaplain SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGE OFFICERS PO. !:l ox 142. Brownfield, PA 15416 Mary Chew ................... .. .... .... ... ....... Inside Guardian Conley Call ... ......... ........ Sovereign Grand MaJ; ter P.O. Box 11 33, North Wilkesboro. NC 28659-1133 n Andrews Avenue, Jeannette. PA 15644 Atthur A. Craig. ... ............. ... ... ... ..... Deputy Sovereign Grand Master Tamara Schlott .... ............. ..... Outside Guardian P.O. Box 377. Buckley, WA 98321-0377 42 Granite Dri ve. P.O. Box 4. Gastonville. PA 15336 HatTy Lohman ....... .............. ...... Sovereign Grand Wm'den Mary E. Walker ... ....... .. ........ ........... ........... ........... ..... Mu sician 1220 Pickering Circle, Largo, l'vlD 20772 P.O. Box 6, Julian. PA 16844 Terry L. Barrett .... .................. ... Sovereign Grand Secretary Gertrude Vaughn . Color Bearer 422 Trade St., Winston Sal.em, NC 27101-2830 29 1 Valley View Road, Malvern. PA 19355 Robert A. Wick..... ......... Sovereign Grand Treas urer Bobbi Johnson .... ...... Left Herald P. O. Box 248, Lincoln, fL 62656 120 Bl awn Street. Johnstown, PA 15906 NEXT PLACE OF MEETING Ella Lee Trulick .. .. Right Herald Grand Lodge and Rehekah Assembly 161 Stover Road, Bellefonte. PA 16823 Holiday Inn . Grantville June 17-23.2000 Irene Rebuck ................ .. .. Soloist Depal1ment Council P.M. and Department Association, L.A .P. M. Holiday Inn . Grantville June 19-20,2000 General Delivery, Rebuck, PA 17867 Grand Encampment Mary Jane Chonko .... Parliamentari an Holiday Inn. Grantville June 21-22. 2000 R.D. I, Box 128, Fairhope, PA 15538 Febma 2000 REBEKAH MAGAZINE 3 GRAND ENCAMPMENT OFFICERS GENERAL MILITARY COUNCIL OFFICERS Herman L. ~hl llu.. Ir. ... ........ ....................... .. ..... Grand Patriach Gen. David F. Lyons ................................. .................... General Commanding 41 Granite Ii,,:. PO B o.~ . Gastonville, PA 15336, (724) 348-2226 10 NoltOn Street, Derry, NJ 03038·2726 Charles B. Kelly _... .. ..... .. .. .. ..................... ..... .. ............ Grand High Priest Lt. Gen. Frank Lawyer ........................................... Deputy General Commanding . 09 Leech ve., altshurg. PA 15681, (724) 639-9039 454 West 18th, Idaho Falls, TO 83402 John E. COlt.:( .. ....... .......... .. .. ............................ Grand Selllor Warden Maj. Gen. Donald Brooking ............................ Ex ecutive Officer 906 Co~ewango . ve. , Warren, PA 16365-1415, (814) 723-1686 4 Dawson St., Dartmouth, NS B3A 3A7 Anhur R. lo)c:r.. ..,.. .. .. ..................................... Grand Junior Warden Gen. Frank L. Markham ......... .................. .. Adjutant General 1:!O Gmruhiew Road, State College, PA 1680 1, (8 14) 238-8547 Rt. I, Box 811, Mountain Home, 10 83647 Lean t:mml. ._. ................ .. ............. Grand SClibe 1- G \l!nlOr Dr., Miftlin Part< , Reading, PA 1.9607-2815, (610) 777-5990 \1 )nanI 1. Emst . ......................................... .. Grand Treasurer INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION LADIES AUXILIARY 1r5 County Line Road, RiegelsviUe, PA 18077-9774 PATRIARCHS MILITANT OyJe H. Barger ........................................... .... Grand Representative Lady Mary Lou Faries ............................................................ Presl uent 70 1 Maple Drive, Monongahela, PA 15063 823 Red Keg CouIt, Midland. MY 48642·9454 Robat G. Hunzinger . .................... .. ... Jr. Past Grand Patriarch Lady Marie R. Sommers ............ ............................... .. .... 1st Vice President R.D.#I ,Box 141,SugarGrove, PA 16350 4308 44th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95824 Eugene Umbel ...... .................... ...................................... .. ........... Grand Marshal Lady Roseann Turner... .. .. ...................... '" 2nd Vice President 641 Bitner Road, Dunbar, PA 15431 P.O. Bo,,- 191 , Glenville, WV 26351 Gaylord Gardner ................................................. ............... Grand Inside Sentinel Lady Wilma E. Schultz ............................................... ......... Secretary 1102 Chestnut Street, Connellsville, PA 15425 P.O. Bo,,- 326, Plainview. MN 55964·0326 Hennan L. Schlott Sf. ..................................................... Grand Outside Sentinel Lady Dorothy Jones ............................ .. ................ Treasurer 17 18 Holly Lane, Piusburgh, PA 15216 610 E. Park Ave., Tonkawa, OK 74653-5551 GRAND ENCAMPMENT OFFICE 1001 West Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4899 (7 17) 944·9873 FAX (717) 948·9608 CALENDAR OF EVENTS PATRIARCHS MILITANT OFFICERS DEPARTMENT COUNCIL 2000 Brig. Gen. Joseph M. Strausser ... .... ........................... Department Commander MARCH 121 N. Cornwall Ave., Ventnor, NJ 08406-2212/609-822-9242 Friday. March 24 to Sunday. March 26, MiJdle Atlantic States, Conclave Brig. Gen. (R) Christian O. Haussler .......................................... Vice President 899 S. Kentucky Dr., Elizabethville, PA 17023/717-362-8578 APRIL Maj. Gen. (R) Maynard J. Ernst ........ ..................... Adjutant & Secretary Sunday. April 9. Session Meeting 2:30 p.m.. GJ'lIntville 85 County Line Rd., Riegel sville, PA 1.8077 / 610-749-2101 Saturday. April 29. Five County Rally Lt. Col. Richard L. Heffner ...................................... Quartermaster & Treasurer MAY 8 Third St., Dillsburg, PA 17019/717-432-4230 Saturday. May 6, Southeast Dinner Dance Col Arthur Moyer ............. ......... ............. ...... .. Officers of
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