Vol. 91 Passing the buck We're in the llloney MSU to allocate $550,000 in unexpected tution revenue Bv M1cHLLLE TOK\RSKI administration will have to fapo111:11t Ma11ngi111? Editor decide how to spend the addi­ tional revenue. Money problems are Talks have already be­ nothing new to MSU adm111is­ gun, and there are several pro­ trators, but in contrast to the posals that are being consid­ usual shortages, this year they ered, including using the will be deciding on how to dis­ money for building mainte­ tribute approximately nance, college recruitment bro­ $550,000 in adclitional uncom­ chures, operational costs at the mitted funds. new Agriculture BioScience Tuition money received building and bailing out the from MSU-Bozeman students College of Letters and Science. has exceeded the school's pro­ Possible uses for the un- jections thanks to fall enroll­ committed funds were dis­ ment that was higher than ex­ cussed Monday at the meeting pecled. of the Strategic Planning and According to Assistant Budget Committee. which was Vice President for Administra­ recently created to deal with tion and Finance Craig Roloff, recommendations for MSU's MSU has 130 more fuJl-time I'Horc Ro<.ER Dn funding plans and budgets. Congressional incumbent Rick Hill R-Mont. points at challenger Dusty DeSchamps D-Mont. while students this year than last Roloff and Provost Joe discussing campaign finance reformation at a debate last night hosted by the Bozeman Daily year, and if all of these stu­ Chapman presented the pro- Chronicle, KUSM and Montana State University. dents continue attencling full­ see Money page 4 time in the spring, then the olice reverse hotnicide ruling in student's death ENRY PIERSON CURTIS AND a heart medi­ sophomore four mixed drinks and a beer u O WENS cine occa­ "We believe that if we 've committed an honest from Lake at a restaurant, according to r-Ridder Ne1rspapers sionally pre­ mistake, the most appropriate way to deal with it Mary who records. scribed to is to correct that mistake as soon as possible. I wanted to What killed Kairis be­ ORLANDO, Fla. - A control mi­ have confidence in Dr. Reyes' work." teach the­ came an issue beyond the ns College sophomor e graines, ac­ ater, died in scope of a family tragedy from a mixture of alco­ cording to - Dr. Shash1 Gore, chief medical her Winter when the medical examiner's md massive amounts of records re- examiner Winter Park Police Department Park dormi­ office classified the death as cription drugs after a 1 eased tory on a homicide on Sept. 1. the ous fraternity party, au­ Wednesday March 31. a possibility ofa murder at the r results show. by the Orange-Osceola Mecli­ two anti-depressants and day after she passed out at a private college attracted in­ Jennifer Kairis' blood cal Examiner's Office. over-the-counter cold medi­ Tau Kappa Epsilon party and tense media attention in Or- ained more than twice The autopsy also found cines 10 her blood. was taken back to her room. .oxic amount of Inderal, another drug for migraines, Kairis. a 19-year-old Before the party. she drank "~~Homicide page I~ {ortar B~ard offers students Presidency fo1· a day tickets, students have the op­ for his sup­ Strand Union Building or in portunity to become Presi­ "We hope that the President-for-a-day port of this the resident halls from Oct dent-for-a-day. fund-raiser will become a successful great event," 18-28 The drawing will be Ever wondered what The winner of the raffle annual event." ·aid Chip Thursday, Oct. 29. would do differently as will be able to follow MSU -Chip Lippert Lippert, Renne Library will use 'dent? The Mortar Board President Mike Malone ASMSU senator and Mortar Board ASMSU the money lo improve fac1li­ Society would like to around for a day and watch representative senator and ties, computers and book se­ an MSU student that the MSU football game on Mortar lection. l\Ioney allocation and pportunity. Oct. 31 in the president's Board repre­ use will be left up to Dean The MSU Mortar Board skybox. Malone will then ac­ sentative. Bruce Morton. rSociety is volunteering company the winning stu­ with Malone on any topic of The fundraiser is ex­ "We hope that the time and organizing a dent to classes the following concern. pected to generate nearly President-for-a-day 'ser for the Renne Li- week. "The Mortar Board and $1,000 for the library. fundraiser will become a suc­ The winner also will students of MSU would like The 50-cent raffle tick­ cessful annual event," have the opportunity to visit to thank President Malone ets can be purchased in the Lippert said. Speaking Out What's Up? On the road: Guest columnist addresses Check out w hat's 'Cats battle for Big Sl)''s #1 intolerance anc.l hate. See happening in Bozeman spot against Cal-State page3 th.is weekend. See Page 5 Northridgc. See page 7 Exponent 2 · ommen s Friday; October 23 / l 998 ..---~-~-----ri.ffe~~- Road Rage ~ Bozeman drivers , need crash courst Hey! You! Yeah, driving skill is degrading. vou! Do you drive? Then And, judging frc \_ ~hances are I'd like to person­ how frequently I\·e been c __ ally insult you and probably serving it lately, chances a make a few slurs about your you could be one of tho heritage. people who are making The first snow oft he worse. season is always a dangerous [ now present U , time to be on the roads. Be­ short refresher in driving a cause dri,·ers always seem to parking: ignore the Fir new condi- when par tions and fig­ ing. which ure that if35 KEITH SUTA when y mph is good E-1.po11e11t Columnist stop the c enough for the lin August, then drawn on t ~ / it's still just parking I fine in No­ are there vember we can ha when the as ma Lack of con1passion killed Matthelv Sl1epard road is one people huge ice possib· Where do I begin? Where rink. world through different eyes, something. By not stepping for­ park the1 in myself, my sadness. my an­ and made sense of the world ward, my silence vvill be an af­ I , They a ger, my swirling hopelessness? in different ways. front. A young man was beaten, myself, am relatively new to there for a 11 of us. Use the I can barely hold it all at once. I am Caucasian. I blend. driving, so maybe I'm just I'm sure you can't even cow I I burned, tortured beyond his look to the ways am differ­ Dark skin and hair, green now paying more attention to the number of times th ent, I am a minority. The body's capacity to retum and to­ eyes, willowy build. In North­ day his light wem out. 21 years how people behave on the you've pulled into one of t woman who is often the only ern Europe, I was thought to road. I have, however, inter­ overcrowded lots here woman on the team for old, stopped cold, died alone, with viewed many other folks who campus and found that e seasonal biology field hatred his escort. No, I did not have been on the road for sive Holy Grail: The Parki~ jobs. The woman in the know him person­ ally. But I do know anywhere from a few years lo Spot, only to find, as you nc · early 90's who was told a few decades longer than I amongst twenty other ] AFFE him, in my friends. in ROSE myself. And I need have and they agree that kayakers at put-in, ·'I Exponent Guest know 1 saw another to acknowledge that Columnisr something very woman around here The fa-ponent is pu/Jlt'.<hed mou Tu~days and Fn'days throvg somewhere ... ". The wrong happened in academic year and is a(fih'ated u·ith the Associated Srudci woman who rock humanity today. Jlonta.w Seate Cni1·asiry. climbed in the 80's There is no de- Editorial Policy The Exponent weicomes ieedback from its atid!e::ce Res when few women were on the fending th.is. To jus­ be Italian. Native Americans tifying, no saving face in the col­ should be se::t to SUB Roon: 305 !ll care of the editor as e rock. The girl who grew up in have thought me also to be Na­ Le:ter to the Ec!itor or a Gaes: Editorial. Le:ters should l !i lective. The Governor of\\'yoming 300 words in lengrh and editorials should be no longer th a small Montana town. this tive American. In Costa Rica, Lown. at the dinner table when said rhis would not have made words. The Exponent reserves the right to edit or re1ec I was assumed to be Tica un­ mater.a!s submitted. Submiss?ons should incinde the au~ she was 15 years old responded national news had it not hap­ til I opened my mouth, when I pened in a place normally un­ name phone ··uober and address. Ancnymous subm;ssic lo her father's many personally would hear the inevitable "Ah, not be printed. touched by such events. But it Editor • 994-2455 heated discussions about Grmga" in a knowing tone. I Hitler by saying finally. "I don 'r would haYe made national news, Marcus Hibdon am one who simultaneously Managing Editor • 994-2224 understand why you get so as it did in Seattle in the late 80-s blends and stands out as be­ when three Asian men were .Michelle Tokarski angry and upsel about this..
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