-*#/'..;<• Lack of Identity Plagues New Jersey SEE STORY PAGE 21 Cloudy, Cold THEDAILY FINAL Mostly cloudy today., chance of snow flurries. High near 40, low tonight near 20. EDITION ., (See Details. Pago 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. Ill RED BANK, N.J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1969 34 PAGES 10 CENTS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii North Korean Captives Due Home Tomorrow ByK. C. HWANG A helicopter took the three men to the 121st U. S. SEOUL (AP) — Three American helicopter crewmen, Evacuation Hospital west of Seoul for medical examinations released today after 108 days of captivity in North Korea, and interrrogation. Crawford and Loepke walked off the may be flown home to the United States tomorrow after helicopter, but Hofstatter was carried on a stretcher. spending the night in an Army hospital. Adams, who interviewed the three briefly, to]d a news The release of the three fliers was preceded, by a five- conference they were kept separated until 13 days ago. minute meeting at Panmunjom during which U. S. Marine He said he did not ask them if they were tortured, but when Maj. Gen. Arthur H. Adams signed a statement admitting he asked about their life in North Korea, Hofstatter replied, that the intrusion of the men's helicopter into North Korean "It was pretty bad." air space last Aug. 17 was a "criminal act." A U. S. Army Asked about a North Korean claim that the three signed statement later repudiated the admission and said it was confessions admitting that they were ordered to violate signed only to secure the release of the men. North Korean air space, Adams said: "There was no indi- SHOT DOWN INSIDE cation of their signing any confession." The helicopter was shot down 15 miles inside North The apology Adams signed said the U. N. Command Korea and all three men were wounded. "solemnly apologizes for having violated the armistice Wearing navy blue jackets provided by their North agreement and seriously infringed upon the sovereignty of Korean captors, two of the trio — Capt. David H. Craw- the Democratic People's Republic of Korea by infiltrating ford of Pooler, Ga,, and WO Malcolm V, Loepke of Rich- ... a military aircraft deep into.the territorial air of the mond, Ind. — appeared in good health when they were Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and firmly guaran- handed over at the truce village shortly before noon. tees that it will hot commit such a criminal act again." The third man, Spec. 4 Herman E. Hofstatter of Low- Repudiating this after the men were turned over, a point, 111. was on crutches, and an American official later U. S. Army statement pointed out that the United States in said he still had open wounds in his right knee. negotiations for release of the men had consistenly main- Adams, chief U. S. delegate at the release, said the tained that the helicopter crosed the demilitarized zone seriousness of Hofstatter's wounds could not be deter- without hostile intent when the pilot got lost. mined until he underwent a detailed medical examination. The statement added that it was obvious a small, un- He said Crawford still had trouble moving his right shoulder armed helicopter, would not have been deliberately sent but Loepke had recovered fully from wounds in the left into hostile territory, and that it was also obvious there was shoulder. no criminal act or intentional infiltration. News Ban in My Lai Case Ruled Out in Military Court 30 HURT IN TURNPIKE CRASH - A truck driver was critically injured and at least 30 passengers aboard a Public Service Coordinated Transport bus-crumpled front shown here were hurt yesterday, when the truck By BARRY SCHWEID press and a fair trial are con- They would have been or- junction, Chief Judge Robert jumped a divider and crashed broadside into the bus on the New Jersey Turnpike's Hackens.ack River bridge, WASHINGTON (AP) -The stitutionally protected." dered "to cease further pub- E. Quinn and Judges Homer U.S. Court of Military Ap- View Supported lication, broadcasting, tel- Ferguson and William H. causing a massive traffic tieup. ' ' v IAP Wir«photol .$oai3 has ruled Out a ban on The ruling seems. to sup- evising, or otherwise dissemi- Darden looked to orders al- further news and pictures port the view that gags oh nating through any-mass ready issued by Lt. Col. about the alleged massacre the press have not been au- means of communication, Reid W. Kennedy, who will of South Vietnamese civilians thorized by the Supreme any accounts, quotations, or preside, the Uniform Code of at the village of My Lai. Court and are probably un- statements by any person Military Justice and the Su- necessary to assure a defen- concerning any acts or events preme Court's decision in the Yesterday's unanimous de- dant a fair trial. cision emphasized that the which were allegedly wit- case of Dr. Samuel H. Shep- colonel who will preside at Moreover, the decision evi- nessed by him or her" in the pard. the court-martial of 1st Lt. dently does not accept the Vietnam village March 16, Orders Given 1968. William L. Calley Jr. seems popular notion that a clash Col. Kennedy already has to have all the power he between the public's right to They also would have pro- ordered members of the New Shrewsbury Tax Battle needs to screen out any prej- know and the defendant's hibited use of "any pho- court-martial not to discuss udicial publicity. right to a fair trial is inevit- tographs, sketches, or other Calley's case with anyone Publishers have the job of able. pictorial reproductions pur-, and to stay away from news- SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP chose to divide the cost of the pellate Court said in tossing titled only to a credit for this „ seeing that news stories are Maj. Kenneth A. Raby, Cal- porting to represent the bod- paper, radio and TV accounts — A court decision rendered schools according to the total out the law. and, the 1968-69 school year. ies of persons allegedly killed proper and accurate, the de- ley's military defense coun- of the incident. yesterday may cut this town- assessed evaluations of the The opinion said there was The total retribution could cision said, and military sel, and Capt. Aubrey M, in the village." two municipalities. be as much as $200,000. The military code — Arti- ship's tax rate in half and in- little doubt that the law was judges have the job of guard- Daniel III, the prosecutor, Calley, now stationed at Ft. When the legislature made "conceived, tailored and en- He said that. because the cle 41 a—authorizes both Cal- crease New Shrewsbury's ing court-martials against had asked jointly that the Benning, Ga., has been ley's lawyers and the prose- the change, Shrewsbury Town- acted for the sole purpose of township was hit by such t outside influences. court issue- a pre-trial in- charged with the murder of cution to challenge a court share of maintaining the Tin- ship's tax rate went from $6.80 relieving New Shrewsbury large increase in its' school "Neither should be per- junctiqiva'gainst aU American 109 Vietnamese civilians- in member who has violated ton Falls Schools. on each $100 of assessed valu- from what was regarded as taxes, it did not have the mitted to overwhelm the oth- radio'and television networks the village that day. He was Kennedy's orders and to have The Appellate Division of ation to $16.80. an unfair burden on the money to fight the case when er," the unsigned opinion . and stations, news services, then an Army platoon leader. him thrown put. Superior Court ruled that The court remanded the school costs vis-a-vis Shrews- the legislation was adopted. said, "for both a responsible newspapers and magazines. In refusing to grant the in- And the Supreme Court, in state legislation adopted in case to the Superior Court in bury Township in the two re- New Shrewsbury Mayor upsetting Sheppard's convic- 1965 requiring the township Freehold to decide how much gional districts." Francis L. Cooper said he tion of murdering his wife be- to pay for educating its chil- money is owed to Shrewsbury The townshipls. attorney, can't comment on what his Township. cause of "virulent publicity," dren on an average daily en- William Himelman, said that borough will do until after he detailed several steps judges rollment basis is unconstitu- "This is a veritable proto- meets with Borough Council tional. type of impermissible special although the legislation was tomorrow night. could take to guard defen- passed in 1965, the court said dants against the possibility \VJien the regional district and local legislation and must He allowed, however, "The of a prejudiced jury. was formed in 1962, voters be pronounced void," the Ap- Shrewsbury Township, is en- logical step is to pursue the These include. limiting the • matter further and New number of newsmen at a Shrewsbury may go to the trial and prohibiting any wit- , state Supreme Court if that's ness, lawyer or court official what the council wishes." to discuss the case outisde Personal Income Tax Vernon Field, mayor of the courtroom. Shrewsbury Township, said There is considerable doubt the township "will keep going the military appeals court to the Supreme Court if nec- has the authority to issue the Exemption Vote Today essary." kind of injunction sought He said however, the against the media—or that it Shrewsbury Township Com- could be enforced. By JOE HALL Senate leaders had hoped to meet the test of fiscal respon- mittee should first meet with Judge Observes WASHINGTON (AP) — In settle the question of the form sibility." the New Shrewsbury Council.
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