Phone 5862 1034 – Fax 5862 2668 – Email - Editorial: [email protected] - Advertising: [email protected] – Registered by Australia Post – Publication No. VA 1548 established 1895 LEADER NumurkahWEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2019 $1.30 INSIDE Lions change Great over See story page 5 grant for palliative Moira Palliative Care Service is looking forward to an expansion of staff thanks to a State Government grant worth more than $130,000. Young See story page 2. talent care See story page 7 EPA investigation ends inTHE Environment for Protection Authority fi Victoria ne property and severalMustica small stockpiles of burnt ma- notice reviewed, or alternatively to have the ma er (EPA) has ned a company owned by Moira Shire terial.” heard and determined by a court, but Mr Mustica Mayor Libro Mustica for dumping industrial waste A large pit on the site contained burnt material told the Leader that he does not intend to take that at a property in Ritchie Rd, Cobram. and industrial waste, including treated timber, pal- action. EPA has issued Sunbrell Pty Ltd with an $8,060 lets, plastic strapping, polystyrene, silicon tubes, “I don’t intend to challenge the EPA’s determina- ne for depositing industrial waste on premises that chemical containers, plastic drill cases, cardboard tion. I will pay the ne,” he said. are not licensed to receive it, in contravention of boxes and domestic waste, such as ma resses, furni- “ is has arisen from a misunderstanding in which Section 27A(2) of the Environment Protection Act. ture, TVs and plastic chairs. I was trying to avoid simply dumping 400 tonnes of e company has also been issued with an o cial “Depositing industrial waste in such an uncon- building material in land ll, by taking it to my prop- notice requiring that it clean up the site. trolled manner can pollute the soil and groundwa- erty to sort it for recycling. Tourism EPA Regional Manager, North East Region, ter,” Ms Knights said. “We have complied with the EPA’s clean-up order Emma Knights, said EPA o cers inspected the site “EPA will continue to monitor the clean-up of and have been able to recycle 90% of the materials. at 85 Ritchie Road a er receiving a report of possi- Sunbrell Pty Ltd’s property in Ritchie Rd, Cobram, ere was just some timber that couldn’t be recycled fi nalists ble illegal dumping. to ensure that the company complies with the clean- because it contained 70 year-old nails.” “ ey found a stockpile of industrial waste ap- up notice by the due date of August 14, 2019,” she Mr Mustica said that the heavy equipment neces- proximately 25 metres square and two metres deep, said. sary to sort the rubble for recycling would not have that included concrete, brick, timber, green waste, Under the Environment Protection Act 1970 and been able to access the Station St site from which See story page 3 carpet, plaster, cables and metal,” she said. the Infringements Act 2006, the company has the the rubble originated. “ ere was windblown li er sca ered across the right to have the decision to issue the infringement Continued page 2. www.numurkahleader.net.au 2 — NumurkahLEADER, Wednesday, July 10, 2019 PETER COX & SONS FUNERALDIRECTORS Funding boost will expand palliative care team Professional service tailored to your needs MOI Palliative Care Service She said the funds would allow terest, and specialist knowledge, in Rice, who heads the Moira Palli- has been given a boost, with the Moira Palliative Care Service to palliative care, and improve end of ative Care Service at NDHS, told Locally owned & operated 24 hours - 7 days a week State Government last week an- explore enhancements to the exist- life care for local clients.” the Leader that having specialist al- nouncing a grant of $131,529 to ing workforce model for specialist Moira Palliative Care Service data Funeral calls and information lied health workers on board would support the expansion of services palliative care services across the over the past three years has shown provide a great support to the exist- in the local area. Moira Shire catchment area. a trend in increased referral rates, ing palliative care team, as well as Cnr5862 Meiklejohn &3047 Quinn Streets e service provides community “It will allow us to look at how we admission to service and general clients. based specialist end of life support can sustainably expand the pallia- complexity of clients supported. ACCREDITED MEMBER OF THE AUSTRALIAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION “A specialist social worker will be to clients across the Moira Shire tive care team to meet the unique Moira Shire is a region of signif- able to help clients and their fami- catchment. e goals of palliative needs of palliative care clients in a icant disadvantage when compared lies navigate various services and Meals on Wheels Roster care include providing pain relief range of healthcare se ings includ- to other areas across Victoria, and supports which will help ease their Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Rnd 3 and symptom management, o er- ing acute, residential aged care and has higher than average rates of burden,” she said. M. Crowther - T. Gread J. Watson ing support systems to clients and community based environments cancer and chronic diseases and is “Specialised occupational thera- 15/7 Harris P. Petzke their families, environmental and into the future,” she said. generally a region with an ageing V. Bunny M. Mandersloot A. De Vries safety considerations and integrat- “A multidisciplinary team ap- population, all issues that impact py services will also help clients be 16/7 G. Russell L. Saltmarsh ing psychological and spiritual proach, that includes an occupa- the experience of optimal end of able to stay at home, if that’s where P. & D. Heard E. Adams R. & G. aspects of care with the necessary tional therapist and social work- life care. they want to be, in circumstances 17/7 Chessells where they would otherwise be M. Caccianiga Church of H. Gilroy medical treatments. er, has signi cant bene ts when Moira Palliative Care Service Numurkah District Health Ser- used for people with serious or client assessment and care coordi- likely to have to be admi ed to hos- 18/7 Christ pital, so that’s a really huge bene t PALS Group C. Boldt VOLUNTEER vice (NDHS) primary health man- life-threatening illnesses to enhance nation is currently undertaken by 19/7 REQUIRED ager Robyn Sprunt said palliative their quality of life, and that’s what clinical nurse specialists who aim for everybody. Coordinator – MHA Care Phone 5742 1111 care is an evolving and complex we would like to be able to provide to provide an overall assessment of “Having other specialist workers sector that is experiencing increas- to clients. the needs of the clients, without di- available will also be a great support ing service demand and increased “ is funding will allow us to look rect support from other disciplines to the current team as we assess pa- levels of complexity which impacts at the model of care, and a ract to support this process. tients and try and make the best 8TH 2019 service delivery. allied health specialists with an in- Clinical nurse specialist Heather possible care plans for them.” ANNUAL EPA investigation ends in for fi ne Mustica PINK Continued om ont page. “I could have taken it straight to the tip and RIBBON dumped it, but I thought why pay to do that and just add to land ll when it can be sorted for recycling and re-used instead?” BRUNCH Mr Mustica said that most of the rubble has now been converted to clean- ll, whilst the SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 concrete has been crushed for gravel, and the 10.30AM FOR 11AM START steel has been taken to the council’s industri- al land ll site where it can be on-sold. NUMURKAH TOWN HALL Mr Mustica told the Leader that he accepts Tickets go on sale Thursday, that, as an experienced property developer, he should have know that regulations pre- August 29. Organise your vented the transport of waste from a building tables now and stay tuned for site to an unlicensed site. Clean-up ... Heavy “I tried to do the right thing and did the machinery processes the more details wrong thing,” he said. rubble at the Ritchie Rd site. “I’m paying for it now, and I de nitely Guest MC won’t be doing it again.” comedian Tracey POLICE Bartram Number plate recognition BEAT Tracy began performing as a stand-up comedian, and went on to host in hugely car now patrolling Moira successful breakfast radio. While maintaining her Lucky escape radio presence, writing and comedy, she remains in heavy demand as a motivational speaker, MC Shire roads and jazz singer. Tracey is a smart, sassy and quick UNAUTHORISED drivers the next two years. unauthorised driver. after car hits witted entertainer in Moira Shire will now nd Cobram o cers began pa- “ ese drivers have no right pp it much harder to out the trols in the car last week, to be behind the wheel, ei- tree Table seating $60 law, since a highway patrol car allowing them to take more ther because of their previous TWO women are lucky to have escaped seri- Tickets include • Silent auction equipped with Victoria Po- unauthorised and danger- unsafe behaviour or because ous injury a er the car they were travelling in hit • Glass of champagne • Entertainment lice’s new automatic number ous drivers and riders o the they are unlicensed,” Assistant a tree on Kellys Rd Numurkah last Friday a er- • Delicious brunch • Raffl es plate recognition (ANPR) roads than ever before.
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