SERVING PICKERING SINCE 1965 News Advertiser PRESSRUN 48,600 ✦ 44 PAGES ✦ FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2004 ✦ durhamregion.com ✦ OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/$1 NEWSSTAND MONSTER MASH PERFECT BOUNCES Van Helsing hits theatres Cougars clinch Durham title Entertainment, 31 Sports, 34 Safety net fails to work Rougemount Drive but unfortunately, it was an experiment that failed, and residents say yes it was an experiment be- traffic-calming cause there is nothing any- measures not where like it in Pickering,” she said. doing the job; want The medians (islands) and old setup back pinch points (chicanes) were installed as traffic-calming By Danielle Milley measures in the fall and the is- Staff Writer lands have been there since De- PICKERING – Dianne Goffin cember. There is still some wants her street safe enough work to be completed on the for children to ride their bikes street. Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo again. The residents, through two Ms. Goffin made a presenta- letters and a petition, have tion Monday night to Pickering asked for the islands and pinch council regarding the traffic- points to be removed. Science in full bloom calming devices that have been “These islands and chicanes installed on Rougemount are extremely dangerous and PICKERING –– Serena Gucciardi focused on plants and whether they really drink water, as students in kindergarten to Drive, asking that they be re- we are very concerned. We are Grade 3 at St. Anthony Daniel Catholic School held a science fair at the school. moved. asking council to remove the is- Nearly 50 residents joined her lands and chicanes, to remove in council chambers. the traffic-calming devices. We “We believe firmly that the want a street that is safe for Chairman decision delayed City had good intentions when they planned Rougemount ✦ See Children page 5 Council puts off cision at its meeting Wednesday. gog’s hands. The Township didn’t make the Ajax, Clarington, Pickering issue of public vote deadline for input, while and Oshawa all voted to make PICKERING TOYOTA for three weeks Durham’s seven other munici- the top spot elected by Durham THE LARGEST TOYOTA DEALER IN DURHAM! palities did. residents, while Brock, Uxbridge SERVICE HOURS: By Carly Foster Because the move requires a and Whitby voted to keep the Canada Day MON., TUES., THURS., & FRI. Staff Writer triple majority - or support from chairman position one that is Thursday July1 7:30 - 6:00 P.M. DURHAM – The process to make five of Durham’s eight munici- appointed by members of re- Adult & Student WEDNESDAY: 7:30 - 8:00 P.M. the regional chairman an elected palities amounting to 51 per cent gional council. Volunteers Required SATURDAY: 8:00 - 3:00 P.M. position has been deferred for of the Region’s population, plus If Scugog votes to elect the EXPRESS LUBE SERVICE three weeks to let Scugog Town- a majority of regional councillors chairman, the motion will have Participate in Pickering 557 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING ship make its decision. - the fate of making the chair- 905.683.6582 ext. 3229 Regional council made the de- man directly elected is in Scu- ✦ See Decision page 2 cityofpickering.com (905)(905) 420-9000 AAIIRR AANNDD AAUUTTOO 2000044 PPOONNTTIIAACC SSUUNNFFIIRREE SSLL BUICK 55 YYRR..//110000,,000000 KKMM BRUCE PONTIAC PPOOWWEERRTTRRAAIINN WWAARRRRAANNTTYY LTD. $ BISSELL 683-6561 12,998 201 Bayly St. W., Ajax, Ontario: Cash Purchase Price (between Westney and Harwood) or % FINANCING Plus license, taxes, freight & admin extra. 0 UP TO 48 MO. OAC A/P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, May 7, 2004 www.durhamregion.com Celebrate public works week DURHAM – The Durham Region available on the public works de- community. On Saturday, May Also scheduled on May 29 is a Works Department is inviting all partment, which provides a num- 29, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the truck and equipment display Durham residents to celebrate ber of services to the community, works department has two sepa- outside the Durham Region Re- National Public Works Week and including maintaining safe roads, rate tours scheduled. The first is cycling Centre, running from 10 gain an understanding of the role providing clean drinking water at the Ajax Water Supply Plant, a.m. to 3 p.m. the works department plays in and operating recycling and 75 Lake Driveway E. in Ajax. The Kids are welcome to climb into the community. waste-disposal programs. second is a tour of the Durham the trucks and honk the horn at From May 28 to 30, mall dis- Also scheduled are a number of Region Recycling Centre, 4600 this display, which will feature plays will be up in both the Os- interactive activities to help Garrard Rd. in Whitby. Both are the many types of equipment hawa Centre and the Pickering spread awareness about the role free to the public and all are wel- used by employees of the public Town Centre, with information of the works department in the come to attend. works department. MARILYN PEARCE Wants public input. Decision put off to May 26 ✦ Decision from page 1 time is everything... the triple majority it needs to move forward. If the Township votes no, the motion will be de- feated. Scugog Mayor Marilyn Pearce said the chairman issue came up during budgets, and the Town- ship wanted to give the public 36 Hour time to comment. Scugog will deal with the issue at the council meeting Monday, May 10, while regional council will look at it May 26 at the next regional meeting. Sale Find Out What Your Home is Worth On-Line Friday, Saturday Visit: www.OnLineHomeMarketAnalysis.com Sunday Only Re/Max Quality One Ltd. Save up to GOLF TOURNY TUESDAY, MAY 18 N.E. CORNER WHITES & KINGSTON 905-420-0669 50% off storewide! Low monthly payments (OAC) H urry in for the best selection! 905-427-5551 Rebates SALE ENDS SUNDAY 6PM available until May 30/04 TTrusteeTTrusteerruusstteeee IInIInnn BBankruptcy BBankruptcyaannkkrruuppttccyy James R. Yanch • recliners • wing chairs • leather • sofas • loveseats • sectionals • reclining sofas Advice on Proposals, Bankruptcy & Alternatives • sleep sofas • tables • lamps • accessories • Howard Miller clocks “Lets find solutions together!” Over 20 Years Experience OSHAWA AJAX 122 Albert St . 50 Commercial Ave. 900 Champlain Ave., Oshawa 905-721-7506 (By Appt. Only) 905-619-1473 1-800-642-4561 or (905) 723-5211 Saturday & Evening Appt.’s Available FREE CONSULTATION New Store Hours: Mon. - Wed. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., S un. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, May 7, 2004 PAGE 3 A/P Residents want fair treatment Community calls for service both communities. more open and fairer process new schools in growing commu- She hopes some changes can this fall. nities, Mr. Kesten says “growth changes to school be introduced to make for a If it cannot meet the need for will overwhelm” trustees. building process By Mike Ruta Staff Writer DURHAM – Admonishing trustees for failing to provide a needed Whitby school, Myles great gifts for Kesten called on the public board to make the process of Two .com approving new schools fairer and more accountable to ratepayers. one fantastic The Whitby Shores Resi- dents’ Association representa- tive tore a strip off trustees at Mom the May 3 standing committee Alison, Brenda & Amanda region meeting. A school near the from Pickering Lynde Shores Conservation Area has been planned for years, but hasn’t yet material- BUY ized. The board is close to buy- THIS ing a property there, trustees ELIZABETH ROY heard at the meeting. ‘His criticism is valid.’ The lack of the promised school is “a broken commitment at creative ways to finance that hangs over our community schools. like a foul odour,” Mr. Kesten Board chairman Elizabeth says. Roy agrees. “Nobody here has given me “His criticism is valid,” says one good reason why your com- Trustee Roy. GET mitment should have lapsed. She has called on trustees to THIS We believe that you allowed pol- borrow more money over a FREE* itics to trump this commitment, longer term and use all $15 mil- in this case the politics of lion of its capital reserve fund in growth. Honour your commit- order to build a fourth new This Mother’s Day, get ment; build this school now. school in Phase 1 of the third a FREE decorative This process pits neighbour- accommodation plan, approved hood community against com- in March. Her motion was re- gardening bag munity.” ferred to the education finance when you purchase $50 in In an interview, Mr. Kesten committee. Pickering Town Centre Mall-Wide said the Whitby Shores commu- Trustees will see the Phase 2 Gift Certificates. nity “is pretty upset” over the draft of the accommodation Starts Saturday, May 1st, 2004 and runs until delay. plan this fall. Sunday, May 9th, 2004, while quantities last, “We’ve been told over and Just as school maintenance corporate orders excluded. One gift per person. over that there’s a school going projects are identified and *Gardening tools not included. to be built there,” he said. ranked in order of priority, she Yet the previously identified believes the same must occur in need for a new school doesn’t the accommodation plan for seem to count for much, he new facilities. That way, the noted, and residents feel “we’re process doesn’t become a situa- at the end of a long line here” tion where the squeaky wheel because other communities gets the oil, she said, where want schools. community lobbying and poli- Mr. Kesten called on trustees tics play a role.
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