An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner THE Harlem Globetrotters ball Softball defeat cl\IBC in at the Bob, doubleheader, Bl B8 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Thesday & Friday • • FREE Ambassador Human speaks ~t UD rights key BYA 'I\ K \TES Lc\ ittc. was the tirst one of the EJ11or to war on r"P' European countries. of America ·s Although ten_ IOn~ bet\\ ccn the fnend~. to sa). ·no,·" Begleiter said. United tate~ and France ha'e France had made its wa; onto mounted since the Sept II. 200 I an enemies hst he satd. and it \\·as tcrron~t attad;s. d fricnJ,hip not the first t1me. terror remains between the t\\ o. the LeYitte satd he " ·ould like to French amhassador to \\'a hington. exchange with the audience views D.C.. told a LfO\\ d llf more tl1<m 500 about "hat happened to the friend­ BY \'\DRE\\ \ \bLER 111 the tlmd mstallmcnt of the Global ship bet" een the United States and ( ,, A!.!enda lecture series m Cia\ ton France. The l ~ go\ cmmcnt 11 to r~CO.!niLt.: that cenam H~ll \\'cdm:,da) mght · On Sept. II, Le,·itte said, he fundamental human rights ,Ire the kc: to ~ucce'~ 111 the ,,.a, \mbass:1dor Jcan-D.n td on tenor. the head of Amnc~t\ Imematwnal L ·.\ told \\'as working in Ne'' York Cit) and more than "0 people in Gore H:ill on \\ cdne•tla\ ni!!ht Lenttc. who sen cd on the -.em or could sec the de~truction that rl 11 Rl ~ \ lL\\ Je"tl:Ct )llkt It William Schulz. e.\ecutt\ e dtre.:tor of,\ I USA ~mcc statT.s of French prcstdenh Jacque~ unfolded from the attacks. Jean-David Levitte, French ambassador to the l_;nited States, 1994. recent!) pubh~hetl a cnllque of human nght~ condi­ Chirac and \'alcric Gtscard "The traged} will remain in m; tions after the Sept II. 200 I tcnori~t attack> ... H11ntcd D · Estaing. ''as france':- rcprcscnta­ heart for the rest of my days." he explains the history of the alliance between the two nations. Leuac': 9 I I :md the Rum of I hunan Rt!.!hh .. ti\ e to the L mted ~a !Ions Juring said. "That day. I reacted as an ~ Tilt.· premiere challl.!nge to human~ rights toda\. lw the contrO\ erst a! prelude to the \\ ar works but also for states that offered "ThL \', h,·!~ world a<!rc~:d." ht American" assistance. said. said. Is hm\ to 1ind th!.! nght halancc bet\\ ccn I\\ o ab,olute 111 iraq last year principles: ~ecunt~ and frcl.!dom. Lc\ 1tte said following the .. So fa r, so good ... Le\ itte said, Le\ ittc said Prc,idcnt Bush ·s Ralph Bcglener. di~tinguished "Two l>r more of these ab olutc pnnc1rles nught attacks. a charter was created wit regarding the relatiOnship. plan \\as transfonned into a road journalist Ill rcstdencc. s;ud Lc\ ittc t\\·o gllldclmes. occastonall) he m con!ltct "nh ~llle anoth~ : <.;c'mlz 'did. The \\ar 111 Afghamstan. he map dcstgned to gtudc the cour~e of played a kc; role 111 the dect,ion to The charter established that and thcrcm hes the problem. said. ser\'ed the purpose 0f destroy­ acuon '' tth Iraq not support the '' ar m Iraq. such an act of tetTorism was an act .. If the gmemmclll i-, nght tl1.1t 111 order to protect u' ing tenorist net\\ orks and regimes. Ho\\ C\ cr. he said ..\me rica" as Le' ittc "as on the front I me of war. and that according to the It ha~ to \ iolate some of our hhert\' nuht-.'' he 'atd. "hO\\ "So what happened'' 1th Iraq·_!" sendmg more and more troops Into do \\ c lind that nght balance cct; -...:curtt:- and liber­ bet\\ ccn the Bush admmistmtion 111 hd\~ charter. the Lnned States had a legal he asked. Iraq. t\ '.)" \\'a. hmgton. D.C.. and the ma_1ont; nght to retaliate alone or wtth a President George \V. Bush "The more troops ·ent in, the · Scht.lz 'atd the lnt..:matwtul De~larallon of Human of the internatiOnal commumty coalition, he said. made a speech declanng the l nited more coopcratl\ e [ Sadd.1m Ri<_!hb, th..: basts filr <~II human nght-. prm Ides 'lltne about \\hat to do n.:g,mling Iraq. he The second guideline, Le\'itte ans\\ cr tu th1 said. Nations had to pcal:eabl) disam1 liussc in I \\,b. and '' c S..l\\ h(m said. \\as the pr;posed retaliation Iraq . fhc dcdaratton state' "that und..:r 'ome circum­ .. France. through Ambassador could be targeted not only for net- ~ee OFFICIAL pc~ge A5 st,mce ."he satd. "m order Ill s..:cure the puhlic ortkr ofth.: gcnerul '' clf.. re. 'omc righh ma) be temporanl) ,u,pend­ cd or mmhfied" fhc cnticJI qu stton then becomes ho\\ m,lll) Iinuta­ tiOlb on human riehts are nece,san to mamtam ~.:cunt). Schulz ~atd HO\\ C\ cr. he said. the federal gm emment ha., not paid Vagina Monologues performed d ,c enout.h .. tt~nitu.l to the ne.:d fo1 1 .1lat Lin~ human m::ht:- ... nJ nat! nal ~e~·unt\. - - .. The goYemment does not to constdet ho'' 1h B\ KRISTF L \l'ER\lA '\' The 22 blunt monologues left no subject takmg place in late '\o' ember compromise \\ith our llbei1: rights contnbute~ to the fllll­ ure of the '' ar lll1 tenor:· Schulz ~Jid . \ta R, J!1e off l11mts. touchmg on various topics. sueh as A \\·eck before the shC'\\. the performers \\'tth a 1111x ('I humor. sertousness. shock. the discovery of sexualit). body image, men­ rehearsed tot:cthcr h)r the ltr t time. "he ''1id In additiOn. he ~.:nd. the human rwhts 111ll\ ement mu~t symp,Hh: and horror. the -·va.Jina .\ionologues" struation and awkward gynecology appoint­ · Indl\ td-ual rl.!hcar,ab a'lo\\ the perform­ also con~tdcr th,ll the use of ll'rcc 1~ necessarJ m omc instances. openl.!d to an .1lldtenLe of ..!pproximatel~ 560 ments. ers to bnn!.! their 0\\ n r.:alnc<;s inlll the shtm ... \\edncsda) mg:ht in :'-.1itchell Hall. The most pOignant monologues focused on ~he sat d. "and that's part of the shm' ·, .:harm -­ "L'nfllrtunateh.'' Schulz sat d.··" c in the human ri!.!hts l11ll\ Cll'Clll ha\ e not ~ et cxp!dillc,J thorough ! ~ enough hO\\ scnous Issues of rape. female genital mutilatiOn \\'ith 50 perfoPllcrs, this '" th..: ltl11\ erslt\ ·, and abuse. bt!.!ucst cJst to date, Cllli e Sch.1 den 'atd. Ill the \Hlr d '' e arc g\Hng to Jlfll' Ide an ,Jdequatc tratcg) fnr fightmg terronsm, protecting uur sccunt) or m.amtam­ -~"\\cr eal\\ \\ .mted e\ en one tn be 111\ oh ed The all-female cast. dressed in black and mg optun,ll rcspc,·t f,.lr all of our other· nghb.'' pink, represented women of all ages. sexual on­ tf the\' "anted to he," 'he ,atd ll1ere has not, hm' <.:\cr. hccn a pmper balance and the Gutsc -;chaldc 1 .,, td he 1 hopdt.1 th.: l.!ntatwns and races. Amen can public ha suffered because of ll. he s.:ud Freshman Emih Doll. a cast member. satd ~ho\\ \\ di acn'trph h •b ._'.>al of ratstnr Schulz said he ne\ cr imaumcd the !.!ll\ cmment '' ouiJ she \\aS excited to be a member of thts year·, ~10.000. an mcreaw froM the 7,000 the per­ IL~elf 111 pm record~ "itll\,ut ·ha\ mg to llhtam a fonnance produc.:d last ) e r. cast. subpoena fwm the courts. den) access to airlines ttl indt­ "The best thing about the sho\\ 1s betn!.! The sho\\ is a.rc.tt1) \\ell on Ih \\a) to ' iduals of peLt lie ethntc gmups or mtentwnall: tmturc with real women \Vho don't care about thei~­ attamtng tlretr goal because o~ a .5.000 dona­ pn oncr' t'f\\ar a, reported in Afgham,tan. hair or their makeup," she said. ''but care about tion from the PanhcllcmL ( ouncd and ~c' cru. "Practices ,uch .:h the~c tum up the hatr l,f e\ en our fundraiscrs, ~he ~Jid each other and the cause." most ardent Mu hm supptlr1ers:· he 'atd. Doll said she heard about the sho\\' through This \earth.: monc\ rat..,ed \\Ill be gl\en lll fhe re ult of ,uch practice'. ~chulz 'aid. Is to dC):,'Tadc word of mouth, and the auditions \\ere nCr\e the Emn1au~ Hou,e. the Del a\\ arc \\-tlmen ·, buth the tradition~ ot Amcn~·a and th respect throughout racking. ( onfcrencc and the nallot•al \'-Da~ campatgn the \\OIId .. \Ve had to ·orgasm' in front of a huge Gutsc Schladcn satd the \ -Da:- eampaign In order tc at·complish ih goab m the world. the 1s her fa,·onte part ot the prc1gr.1m and the most group of people," Doll said. "but it broke dO\~' n lnned , t..Ite~ must promote economic oppommit) on a barriers. and we bonded through the expen­ Important reason "h; she said she i..; im oh ed. global ..;calc, punish thLbe '' lw 'iolate human tights and EYen \ear. thL' \ ·agma :'o.hmoldgues chtlll"-­ ence." '' ork to ehanue the cultural eonsewthllLSs "1th re!.!ard Ill This year 's show featured seYeral ne\\ cs to ht~hit!.!lll 1 \\llt11cn \ i~suc ·around the demllCfaC\. • • "or!d. G'lns~ -<:.;chladen s.nd, \\ llh pre\ lOll" 'pot­ monologues but still had the traditional ptcces.
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