TEOLOGIA anul XV, nr. 1, 2011 The review publishes studies, translations from Holly Fathers, notes, comments and book reviews. REQUIREMENTS The authors are expected to send the studies that meet the specifi ed requirements 2.0 lines spacing. The authors assume the responsability of the contents of the articles. The unpublished studies are not returned. TEOLOGIA TEOLOGIA Orice corespondenţă se va adresa: Totute correspondence sera envoyee a l’adresse: FACULTATEA DE TEOLOGIE FACULTATEA DE TEOLOGIE 310096 ARAD 310096 ARAD Strada Academiei Teologice Nr. 9 Strada Academiei Teologice Nr. 9 Tel/Fax: 0040-257-285855 Tel/Fax: 0040-257-285855 UNIVERSITATEA „AUREL VLAICU” ARAD FACULTATEA DE TEOLOGIE ORTODOXĂ TEOLOGIA ANUL XV, NR. 1, 2011 Editura Universităţii „Aurel Vlaicu” A R A D COLEGIUL DE REDACȚIE COLEGIUL ŞTIINŢIFIC ŞI REDACŢIONAL PREŞEDINTE DE ONOARE: Î.P.S. dr. TIMOTEI SEVICIU, Arhiepiscop al Aradului PREŞEDINTE DE REDACŢIE: Pr. Prof. dr. IOAN TULCAN, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad CONSILIUL ŞTIINŢIFIC: Pr. Prof. dr. ŞTEFAN BUCHIU, Universitatea din Bucuresti; Pr. Prof. dr. CONSTANTIN RUS, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad; Pr. Prof. dr. ERNST CHR. SUTTNER, Universitatea din Viena (Austria); Prof. dr. IRINI CHRISTINAKIS-GLAROS, Universitatea din Atena (Grecia); Prof. dr. DIMITRIOS TSELENGIDIS, Universitatea din Tesalonic (Grecia); Prof. dr. ARISTOTLE PAPANIKOLAOU, Lincoln Theology Center of Fordham University (U.S.A.); Prof. dr. FADI GEORGI, Universitatea din Balamand (Liban); Prof. dr. PYOTR MIHAILOV, St. Tihon’s Humanitarian University of Moscow (Rusia); Prof. dr. MICHEL STAVROU, Institute Saint Serge, Paris (Franta); REDACTOR ŞEF: Conf. dr. CRISTINEL IOJA, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad; COMITETUL DE REDACŢIE: Pr. Lect. dr. ADRIAN MURG, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad; Pr. Lect. dr. FILIP ALBU, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad; Pr. Lect. dr. LUCIAN FARCAŞIU, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad; Pr. Asist. dr. ŞTEFAN NEGREANU, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad. SECRETAR DE REDACŢIE: Diac. Lect. dr. CAIUS CUŢARU, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad Culegere text, corectură, traducere în limba engleză a rezumatelor: Prof. ANCA POPESCU, GEORGIANA COSTESCU, RALUCA TUDORACHE, DIANA BAN Design: CĂLIN CHENDEA Editura Universităţii “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad Complex universitar M, Etaj I, Sala 82, Tel. 0257/219555, http://www.uav.ro/ro/resurse/editura-uav Tipografi a: SC “TIPO STAMPA” S.R.L. Arad Tel. 0257.349.004 Email: [email protected] Revista TEOLOGIA este o publicaţie ştiinţifi că trimestrială, recunoscută CNCSIS categoria C (cod 545) TEOLOGIA review is a quarterly scientifi c publication, recognized by CNCSIS Institution in C category (cod 545) Preţuri/ Prices: Uniunea Europeană (UE): 1 abonament (4 exemplare/ copies = 24 €; 1 exemplar/ copy = 6 €) Alte ţări/ Other countries: 1 abonament (4 exemplare/ copies = 40 €; 1 exemplar/ copy = 10 €) CONTENTS EDITORIAL The Sacrament of Baptism - the Sacrament of rebirth and renewal in the Church ...............................................................................7 STUDIES AND ARTICLES Despina D. Prassas St. John Chrysostom’s Homily 50 on Matthew: A Systematic Theology for Today ........................................................................................... 9 Dimitrios Tselengidis “Folgend den Heiligen Vätern“ Ein Vorschlag von diachronischem Charakter für die dogmatische Lehre der Kirche. Die theologischen Voraussetzungen und die Kriterien der dogmatischen Lehre der Kirche .................................................................... 15 Assaad Elias Kattan Die Kirche, die den Vorsitz in der Liebe führt ............................................. 24 Daniel Munteanu Dogma and Culture. Main Contribution of the Orthodox Faith to Public Theology ................................................................................ 34 Constantin Rus The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches - two decades from its publication. Some canonical remarks ...................................................... 51 Iulian Mihai L. Constantinescu Quelques aspects généraux concernant les empêchements au mariage dans l’Eglise Orthodoxe Roumaine ................................................. 75 Christoph Tapernoux The Special Commission on Orthodox Participation in the World Council of Churches (WCC) - Background of a Process as Refl ected in some Contributions by Father I. Bria: (9 March 2009 - Quotations of Fr Bria’s in italics – other emphases put by Ch.T.) ........... 100 CONTENTS 5 TEOLOGIA 1 \ 2011 NOTES AND COMMENTS - Joint communiqué of the 6th Russian-Iranian Commission for Islam-Orthodoxy Dialogue ....................................................................... 120 - Meeting of the Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Commission (Chambesy, 22-26 February 2011) ................................................................................ 122 - Inter-Orthodox Consultation in Cyprus (2-9 March 2011) ................... 126 BOOK REVIEWS • Valeriu Anania, Memories, Polirom, Bucharest, 2008, 692p. (Rev. Nicu Breda) ......................................................................................... 131 • Păcurariu Mircea, The Romanian Theological Culture. Brief historical overview, “Basilica” Press, Bucharest, 2011, 311 p. (Florin Dobrei) ..............................................................................................133 • Rev. Ph. D. Nicolae Razvan Stan- The Orthodox Church and human’s rights. Paradigms, foundations, implications, Universul Juridic, Bucharest, 2010, 370 p. (Cristinel Ioja) ...................... 135 • Konstantin V. Zorin - Rise up and walk: steps to get well, Sofi a, Bucharest, 2009, 310 p. (Rev. Ştefan Negreanu) ........................................ 137 • Review: CRISTINEL IOJA, Homo economicus Iisus Hristos, sensul creaţiei şi insufi cienţele purului biologism (trad: Homo Economicus. Jesus Christ, the Meaning of Creation and the Defi ciencies of Pure Biologism), Editura Marineasa, Timişoara, 2010, 335 pg. (Rev. Filip Albu) .......................................................................................... 139 WRITING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE STUDIES INCLUDED IN THE “TEOLOGIA” REVIEW ........................................ 143 AUTHORS LIST ............................................................................................ 146 6 CONTENTS EDITORIAL The Sacrament of Baptism - the Sacrament of rebirth and renewal in the Church The Sacrament of baptism is a fundamental act in the life of the believers, because it gives him one new identity – the Christian identity, it introduces them in the secret life of the Body of Christ - the Church and gives them the statute of the son of God, by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Receiving the Sacrament, the Christian no longer belongs to himself, but to the One in whose name he was baptized and in whose perfect and immortal life he received in Baptism. The Sacrament of Baptism pours on the one who is baptized a lot of spiritual gifts, of which we mention two: the gift of rebirth and the gift of renewal. These gifts can not be separated from the gifts that the Church itself, as the Body of Christ, is and covers the whole human rebirth in the new life in Christ and the permanent renewal by the power it has from Jesus Christ - Founder and Head of the Church. About the necessity and the value of Baptism for the salvation of the man, the Saviour speaks in conversation with Nicodemus, the scholar: “Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter intro the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the fl esh is fl esh; and what is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3, 5-6). These words express the fact that the human beings can not have access to the kingdom of God unless they go through the act of being born again, because only in this way people can be open for values of the Kingdom of God. The process of rebirth of man through the Sacrament of Baptism should be placed in the Savior’s death and resurrection, as St. Paul tells us: “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6, 3-4). When we are baptized, we become contemporaries of Christ, EDITORIAL 7 TEOLOGIA The Sacrament of Baptism - the Sacrament of rebirth... 1 \ 2011 participating in a sacramental, mysterious way, through the Holy Spirit, at the redemptive acts committed by Jesus Christ, and which become our own acts. In fact, in what Christ has done for the salvation of mankind, He has covered all in His humanity and His work, so that those who approach him and want to receive His gifts of salvation must directly and personally share His saving acts. The death and resurrection of Christ is expressed by the words: “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3, 27). This is just the new identity in Christ for a Christian; to be a new being in the Lord. The succession of death-rebirth that happens to man at his Baptism, is reverse to the sequence of Christ’s birth-death, only when we understand our death as death to sin, as the stale man’s death. Our death in Christ also means total surrender to God of the one who is baptized, that the man should no longer live for themselves but for Him who suffered, died and rose for us. The Gifts of the Baptism that fl ows abundantly upon he who enters in
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