6TH SUNDAY IN ORDI NARY TIME (YEAR C) • FEBRUARY 17, 2019 PARISH OFFICE TODAY’S MUSIC Phone (763) 544-0416 Prelude Fax (763) 544-9896 Prelude in G Major, Op. 37, Nº2 ~ Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847) Email [email protected] Introit Web www.goodshepherdgv.org Be unto me a protecting God and a house of refuge, to save me; for you Hours Monday to Thursday: 8am to 4pm are my support and my refuge; and for the sake of your name you will lead Fridays: 8am to 12pm me and nourish me. Vs. In you O Lord, do I trust; let me never be put to PARISH STAFF shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Father Luke Marquard, Pastor ~ Esto mihi in Deum protectorem (Psalm 31:3-4, 2) » ext. 812 Processional Hymn » [email protected] O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts [Worship 705] Deacon Eric Gunderson Gloria » [email protected] Congregational Mass [Worship 324] Renee Hamilton, Office Administrator » ext. 810 Readings of the Day [Worship 1126] » [email protected] Psalm 1: “ Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.” Cristiano Rizzotto, Organist & Choirmaster » ext. 853 » [email protected] Alex Schindler, Discipleship & Evangelization » [email protected] » ext. 857 Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia [Worship 328] SCHOOL Offertory Hymn Blest Are They [Gather 469] Phone (763) 545-4285 Mike McGinty, Principal Offertory Anthem » ext. 811 » [email protected] To Thee, O Lord, from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31, Nº 12 ~ Sergey Vasilievich Rachmaninoff (1873-1943) SACRAMENTS Weekend Mass Schedule Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass XVIII [Worship 304, 215, 311] » Saturday: 5:00 pm Communion Antiphon » Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 am They ate and were fully satisfied; the Lord gave them all that they desired; Weekday Mass Schedule they were not deprived of their wants. » Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 7:30am ~ Manducaverunt, et saturati sunt nimis (Psalm 78:29-30) » Wednesday: 8:30am Communion Hymn » Saturday: 8:00am (ad orientem) Lord of All Hopefulness [Worship 686] First Saturdays are in the Extraordinary Form Eucharistic Adoration Communion Anthem » Wednesday: 7:30 to 8:15am (church) Ave Verum, Op. 65, Nº 1 ~ Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) » Friday: 6:30 to 7:20am (church) Recessional Hymn » Friday: 8:15am to 9pm (parish center chapel) O God, Beyond All Praising [Worship 627] Confession Postlude » Wednesday: 7:30 to 8:00am In dir ist Freude (In Thee is Gladness), BWV 615 » Thursday: 8:15 to 9:00am ~ Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) » Friday: 6:45 to 7:15am » Saturday: 9 to 10am, 3:30 to 4:30pm » By appointment: Please call the pastor Baptisms & Weddings » Please call the parish office FROM FATHER MARQUARD (now, these practices begin on Ash Wednesday). There was also a neat tradition of “burying the Alleluia” with a ceremony like to a little funeral, complete with a procession, SEPTUAGESI-WHAT? a farewell hymn, incense, holy water, and a coffin for a Lent is coming. And if we’re not careful, we might not banner marked with Alleluia. consider how we plan to enter into the season until during the homily on Ash Wednesday. While this would certainly be This “pre -Lent” is not an official part of Catholic life on the a case of better late than never , we owe ourselves and the new calendar. But it is something we can adapt. We can take Lord something more. Now is a good time to begin a cue from our tradition and, how shall we say it, prepare to prayerfully considering how we can enter Lent in such a way prepare. If Lent is a period of preparation for Easter, we can that it will be useful for our holiness and salvation. begin to prepare now for that preparation. Praying about how we might enter in, what practices or disciplines we On the old liturgical calendar, the one used prior to the might adopt. We can even begin to settle into to our Lenten liturgical reforms that followed the Second Vatican Council, practices ahead of time. That way, when Ash Wednesday the Church gave us a season of pre-Lent. On that calendar, comes, we’ll be ready. the three Sundays preceding Ash Wednesday are called Septuagesisma, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima, which EARTHQUAKE RELIEF mean, respectively, seventieth , sixtieth , and fiftieth . These Some of you may names to correspond with the name of Lent in Latin, which remember Father Arthur is Quadragesima, meaning fortieth . Roraff. He spent four years here as a teaching A discerning person might recognize that there are not 70 parish seminarian before days until Easter (there are 63 days between February 17 his ordination as a priest and April 21), and that next Sunday is not 10 days away. So for the Archdiocese of on February 24 there would not be 60 days until Easter even Anchorage. He currently if there were 70 today. So what’s with that? And while we’re serves as pastor or Saint at it, how do we get 40 days of Lent when there are 46 days Andrew Catholic Church on the calendar between Ash Wednesday and the Easter in Eagle River, Alaska. Vigil? He could use our help. At Here’s an explanation of the pre -Lent Sundays from Father 8:29 a.m. on Friday, John Zuhlsdorf: November 30, 2018, the Septuagesima Sunday is the 63rd day before Easter and Feast Day of Saint thus falls within the 7th ( septimus ) decade or 10-day Andrew, a 7.0 earthquake rocked Southcentral Alaska. His period, consisting of the 61st to 70th days before Easter; town of Eagle River was hardest hit, being just 10 miles from the epicenter. His parish, home to over 1,000 families, Sexagesima Sunday (February 24) is the 56th day before suffered the most severe and extensive damage of any Easter and falls in the 6th ( sextus ) decade, consisting of Catholic Church in the greater Anchorage area. Chandeliers the 51st to 60th days before Easter; and crashed to the floor, statues smashed, stained glass Quinquagesima Sunday (March 3) is the 49th day before shattered, whole pieces of sheetrock cracked and fell, Easter and falls in the 5th ( quintus ) decade, consisting furnace boiler pipes separated, spewing glycol all over the of the 41st to 50th days before Easter. floor, the roof drain pulled away from the wall, causing What about the rest of Lent? The whole of the season of Lent water damage in the office area, and a crack opened up the is called Quadragesima (fortieth) even though there are floor in front of the sanctuary, running across the entire more 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday (46). nave of the church. Since the earthquake occurred on the Recognizing the importance and influence of the Scriptural feast of the parish’s patron saint, they had decided not to periods of preparation and repentance marked by 40 days, hold their normally scheduled 9:00 a.m. Mass and had been how do we get to our own 40? Well, there are six Sundays in encouraging the community to attend a solemn Mass at 7:00 this period of time. Sundays are days on which we celebrate pm. If normal morning Mass had not been cancelled, many the Resurrection. For centuries (at least back to the Council more people would have been in the church preparing, of Nicea in 325), Christians were forbidden to fast and do greatly increasing the possibility of injury or worse. As it other forms of penance on those days. When the Church stands, the parish suffered no fatalities or major injuries. marks off the period of fasting and prayer in preparation for The parish is still assessing the damages; however, it Easter, Sundays are excluded. So, 46 days minus 6 Sundays appears that the repair costs will exceed their insurance equals the 40 days of the Lenten fast. (We’ll set aside here deductible of $650,000. They are asking for prayers and for that the liturgical season of Lent ends on Holy Thursday, assistance in repairing their church. If you would like to when the Sacred Triduum begins.) contribute to this cause, please write a check to Good Anyway, on the old calendar, today is Septuagesima Sunday, Shepherd with the Memo: “Father Arthur’s Parish”. We will the beginning of this period of pre-Lent. On this day, the cut a check to Saint Andrew on behalf of our people. Thanks Church would cease to sing the Alleluia until Easter, and for your consideration. Sunday Masses would be celebrated in violet vestments Good Shepherd Catholic Church 2 Golden Valley, MN The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 18, 2019 for President’s Day . ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES - MARCH 6, 2019 * 7:30 a.m. Imposition of Ashes In response to the Gospel call to serve the poor and spread 12:15 p.m. Mass with Imposition of Ashes the Good News, the Catholic Services Appeal Foundation of 7:00 p.m. Mass with Imposition of Ashes the Saint Paul and Minneapolis Area (CSAF) works as Christ’s hands and feet throughout the 12 -county area. An KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FISH FRY DINNERS independent non-profit foundation, the CSAF focuses solely You are invited to be a part of the Good Shepherd fish fry on supporting 20 designated outreach ministries and dinners Friday, March 8 and Friday, April 12 from nothing else. Partnering with these ministries, you help 5-7 p.m. in the school gym hosted by the Knights of those in need: the hungry, the orphan, the sick, suffering, Columbus! The menu will consist of baked potato, green dying and grieving. You assist in ministering to the beans, coleslaw, beverage, and of course some wonderful imprisoned, evangelizing Catholic youth and college pan fried fish.
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