Magician of Many Talents BY BOBBY WARREN iversification. Integration. Collaboration. The Ring-A-Ding the Clown Show was DThose three words might sound simi- not the only television experience the lar to an advertising slogan for a Fortune young Hickman gained. His grandfather 500 company, but they are descriptive of BJ introduced him to Austin “Ace” Gorham Hickman’s approach to succeeding at the (an I.B.M. Past International President, business of performing magic, and speaking 1971-1972), who performed magic on the publicly. iconic Uncle Gus Show, which also origi- When one pokes into Hickman’s his- nated from WMUR TV-9 in Manchester, tory, it begins like most magicians: His New Hampshire. Eventually, Hickman father showed him a trick with a string, and would get his chance to fill in for Ace per- the magic bug bit. “I thought it was pretty forming magic on the show. neat,” Hickman said. “I went to the library, Hickman would perform little shows on read every book, and learned everything I occasion when he was eleven and twelve could.” When he worked his way through years old; but when he was older and was the library’s offerings, his father, Jaquett able to attend Ring 166 meetings, Hickman Hickman, introduced him to some magicians said he really blossomed as a performer. in the Manchester, New Hampshire, area. Through his study and participation at One of those magicians, I.B.M. member I.B.M. Ring meetings, Hickman says he Dr. Dwight Damon, had a television show learned not only effects but presentation on Saturday mornings, the Ring-A-Ding techniques, as well. To return the favor, he the Clown Show. Damon let the younger has held every office for his Ring and has Hickman tag along with him on show days. now been a member for more than forty He would stop by the Hickman home, pick years. up the budding magician, and head to the Hickman performed shows in high school studio for the live television show, which and college, mostly for children. The paid was broadcast in black-and-white. Hickman performances helped him fund his classes would help assemble the set in a studio at Keene (N.H.) State College, as did shows shared by the news department and other at school assemblies, fairs, and festivals. “I shows, invite in a few kids waiting in the never gave it up,” Hickman said. While at lobby to be the live studio audience, and college, he started working at the radio sta- help on the show “on camera” and behind tion on campus, which eventually led to a the scenes working puppets. career in radio broadcasting. 30 www.magician.org The Linking Ring Magician of Many Talents Left: Levitating a city hall employee in 1977. Top Left: BJ on live television with Dwight Damon (Ring-A-Ding the Clown). Top Right: BJ Hickman, shown here in the 1960s, credits his local I.B.M. Ring with help- ing him develop material and presentation skills. For the next twenty years, Hickman So, how does he keep himself from get- worked in radio in Dover, New Hampshire. ting burned out? Simple: Diversification. He started on-air, and then he moved into “I branched out in enough directions, sales before being named General Sales doing children shows, adult shows, and Manager for two radio stations. In his for- public speaking, so there’s enough vari- ties, he decided to make a leap of faith and ety that every day is different,” Hickman become a full-time professional magician, said. Additionally, he has produced several which was more than twelve years ago. The instructional videos and written a book, goal was to change careers, while continu- Magic Speaks Louder than Words,” and ing to increase his income. He met those he conducts lectures for fellow magicians. objectives, but it took a lot of hard work, Hickman’s book, which is more like a work- effort, and attention to marketing. book, complements his talks to pediatricians “I often wondered, since I was young, and other groups about how to interact with could I make a living doing shows? I children and put them at ease. He has given did not know many who were,” he said. this presentation to physicians, nurses, phy- Understandably, Hickman was a little sician assistants, dentists, and others. apprehensive. He thought he might get To make a go at being a pro, Hickman burned out doing the same show over and integrated all of his skills to present a over again. He was not sure how he would well-rounded package to clients. He offers handle all of the traveling. “I haven’t looked regular magic shows and specialty shows, back,” Hickman said. ones geared toward promoting recycling, June 2010 www.magician.org 31 reading, teaching conflict resolution, and motivation. The first Hickman lecture was for a group of Montreal magicians, and it was a memorable experience, he said. Half of the audience spoke French only, and they had an interpreter. So, Hickman had to find a rhythm to his presentation, making sure to pause after every paragraph so the French side could catch up through the interpreter. A job as a radio station DJ led to a twenty-year The English-speaking group would laugh position in advertising sales. 1982 photo. at his material, and a few beats later, the French side would laugh, too. “My wife the presentations in the real world. So, I gave was in the audience,” he said, “and was it a very enthusiastic review. Many of our big impressed enough at the proceedings to give names in magic make videos which sell well me the encouragement to keep lecturing.” to fellow magicians. When viewers try the About twelve years ago, Hickman was stuff on colleagues in their local magic club, scheduled for his first lecture at the famed they find that it goes wonderfully well, but Magic Castle in Hollywood, California. In when they get to the paying customers they a roundabout way, the gig came through get one big yawn. Not the case for BJ’s pre- a magic video tape he produced. The late sentation.” Billy McComb was reviewing videos for McComb and several other magicians Genii magazine, and something stood out based on the West Coast were on a tour, about the video. “He reviewed the video- which brought them to the Portsmouth (N.H.) tape, and he had some nice things to say,” Music Hall. The group got to town a day Hickman said. early, and McComb looked up Hickman, and McComb would later write the foreword they spent the day together. In the group were to Hickman’s book. In it, McComb stated: Jack Goldfinger and Peter Pit. At the end of “In my [mind], everything on the video the day, McComb and Pit went to Hickman’s was sensible, absolutely correct, and all the home, and they talked about magic late into advice given showed that he’d gained his the night. Pit said he would try to help him experience by actually going out and doing out at the Magic Castle, and McComb later introduced Hickman to the one who sched- Working fairs, festivals, and school assemblies, the uled lectures at the Castle. BJ Hickman Show covers several New England When Hickman finally lectured there, states. 1990 photo McComb showed him around the legendary home of legerdemain. “I had lectured before, and I knew what I was talking about,” he said. However, he still found the experience to be intimidating. Later, Hickman was invited to perform at the Castle, and he wondered what he would bring out there that audiences hadn’t seen before that would still wow magicians. This is where Hickman became collaborative. To prepare for his debut performance at the Magic Castle, Hickman scheduled a series of free shows. He sent out press releases invit- ing people to the free shows, but with one 32 www.magician.org The Linking Ring SERVING STRAFFORD,ROCKINGHAM & YORKCOUNTIES 50 CENTS 1873 Tuesday, November 27, 2007 ¢ Geo. J. Foster & Co. Inc., Dover N.H. 50 Single Copy Newsstand www.fosters.com Geo. J. Foster & Co., Inc., Publishers DOVER The R egion’s L DOVER, N.H., MONDAY,a NOVEMBERrgest Ne 19, 2007 wspaper Dodds, 43, of 300 Sagamore Road, faces a felony charge of fal- Dodds¢ Single theory Copy unfoldssifying physical evidence and two 50 PAGES TODAY: 32 ProsecutorsNewsstand allege he sought attention for campaignThe Region’s Lmisdemeanorsargest New sstemmingpaper from By AARON SANBORN Pipelinegress,” the motion reads. “The his April 5, 2006, carto accident on savings PAGES TODAY: 24 [email protected] Geo. J. Foster & Co., Inc., Publisherswere contemplating instigating state wouldDOVER, argue that N.H., Mr. Dodds SATURDAY,the Spaulding NOVEMBER Turnpike. 17, When 2007 135th Year — No. 132 County Superior Court last week, an audit into discrepancies in believed the publicity garnered rescuers arrived on scene, Dodds’ 135th Year — No. 133 DOVER — A need for cam- prosecutors seek to introduce ev- campaign finance reports. from this accident would in- vehicle was unoccupied and he paign exposure and lagging fi- idence that Dodds had taken out “It would be argued that Mr. crease the visibility of his cam- was nowhere to be found. nances are the two reasons why two mortgages on property with-$45DoddsIN fabricatedmillionDURHAM the story he told methanepaign, allowing him gas to pay back projectTwenty-seven for hours UNH later, is about 80 percent complete N prosecutors believe former con- out the approval of his wife, Cyn- police and falsified his physical the mortgages, avoid further FEC Dodds was found on the, Page other A2 EWMARKET AUDIT gressional candidate Gary Dodds thia, to fund his campaign and appearance in an attempt to gain investigation, and right a cam- See DODDS allegedly faked his disappear- that his campaign had received publicityBy ADAM to help D.
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