whatzup WEB SIGHTS ART & MUSEUMS PEANUTS FOOD & SPIRITS LOOSE CHANGE WWW .MYSPACE .COM /PEANUTSWINGS WWW .LOOSECHANGEROCKS .COM ARTLINK PIERe’s ENTErtainMENT CENTER MARSHALL LAW WWW .ARTLINKFW .COM WWW .ITSTHEPARTY .COM WWW .ROGERMARSHALLBAND .COM Prime Time Actors FOELLINGER-FREIMANN BOtaniCAL CONSERVatORY RUSTY SPUR SALOON MIKE MOSES WWW .BOTANICALCONSERVATORY .ORG WWW .RUSTYSPURBAR .COM HTTP ://MIKEMOSESPRESENTS .COM If you read ScreenTime with FORT WAYNE MUSEUM OF ART SHOWGIRL III MY LOST TRIBE any regularity, then you already WWW .FWMOA .ORG WWW .SHOWGIRL 3.NET WWW .MYLOSTTRIBE .NET know we have a penchant for the NORTHSIDE GALLERIES SNICKERZ COMEDY BAR PINK DROYD ScreenTime WWW .NORTHSIDEGALLERIES .COM WWW .SNICKERZCOMEDYCLUB .BIZ HTTP ://PINKDROYD .COM fine art of list-making. We find it GREG W. LOCKE CINEMA WOODLAND LOUNGE REMNANTS to be the fastest and clearest way WWW .WOODLANDLOUNGEFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .REMNANTSBAND .COM to share a huge amount of informa- FORT waYNE CINEMA CENTER WRIGLEY FIELD BAR & GRILL RENEGADE tion in a small space. Last year we queen (Marie Antoinette and How WWW .CINEMACENTER .ORG WWW .WRIGLEYFIELDBARANDGRILL .COM WWW .FTW -RENEGADE .COM offered up a lengthy list of our all- to Lose Friends & Alienate Peo- ROSEMARY GatES DANCE KARAOKE/DISC JOCKEYS WWW .ROSEMARYGATES .COM time favorite cinematographer,s ple) and now the hands-down most FORT WAYNE BALLET AMERICAN IDOL KARAOKE SLIP KITTY and the year before that we wrote raw and powerful working female WWW .FORTWAYNEBALLET .ORG WWW .FACEBOOK .COM /AMERICALIDOLKARAOKE WWW .MYSPACE .COM /SLIPKITTYBAND up an exhausting list of our favor- actor (All Good Things and Melan- FORT WAYNE DANCE COLLECTIVE SWING TIME KARAOKE ENTErtainMENT paul NEW STEwart ite working actors. As the Oscars cholia). All that, and she has key WWW FWDC ORG WWW SWINGTIMEKARAOKE COM WWW .REVERBNATION .COM /PAULNEWSTEWART . approach and the year heats up, we roles in three of this year’s most RAQ THE RIVERS BELLY DANCE ALLIANCE THE SUM MORZ WWW .JORDANAANDFRIENDS .COM MEDIA WWW .SUMMORZ .COM figured now would be a good time excellent-looking films (On the DINING & NIGHTLIFE FORT waYNE MUSIC UNLIKELY ALIBI to type up our first-ever actor list. Road, Upside Down and Bache- WWW .FORTWAYNEMUSIC .COM WWW .MYSPACE .COM /UNLIKELYALIBI Rather than attempt to list out all- lorette), not to mention the female 3 RIVERS CO-OP LOCL.NET URBAN LEGEND time favorites, we decided to focus lead in Adam Rapp’s long awaited WWW .3RIVERSFOOD .COOP WWW .LOCL .NET WWW .1URBANLEGEND .COM on the actors currently working second film. WHAT SHE SAID AFTER DARK WBYR 98.9 THE BEAR Highlights: See above. WWW .MYSPACE .COM /AFTERDARKFW WWW .989THEBEAR .COM WWW .MYSPACE .COM /WHATSHESAIDBAND in – or approaching – their prime. THE ALLEY SPORTS BAR WHATZUP RETAIL Basically, as we believe this to be 4. Michael Fassbender – Af- WWW .PROBOWLWEST .COM WWW .WHATZUP .COM the best era of all time for screen ter years of smaller roles and BEAMER’S SPORTS GRILL WXKE ROCK 104 3 RIVERS CO-OP NATURAL GROCERY & DELI actors, we wanted to put together mediocre projects, German actor WWW .MYBEAMERS .COM WWW .ROCK 104RADIO .COM WWW .3RIVERSFOOD .COOP the best imaginable wish list for Michael Fassbender has been on CALHOUN STREET SOUPS, SALADS & SPIRITS SPORTS & RECREATION a legendary art house roll over the WWW .MYSPACE .COM /CALHOUNSOUPSSALADSSPIRITS MUSIC SERVICES & SUPPLIES current directors and studios. last three years, starring in eight CHAMPIONS SPORTS BAR DIGITRACKS FORT WAYNE DERBY GIRLS So no, Robert De Niro is not WWW .CHAMPIONSFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .DIGITRACKSRECORDING .COM WWW .FWDERBYGIRLS .COM included. Nor is Meryl Streep. incredible films and giving three CHECKERZ BAR & GRILL FORT WAYNE MUSICIANS ASSOCIATION CREEARE RANCH Both have had incredible careers of the best performances of the WWW .CHECKERZBAR .COM HTTP ://FWMA .US WWW .CREEARERANCH .COM and are still doing fine work from last decade. Oh, and did we men- CLUB PARADISE SWEEtwatER SOUND time to time. But we feel there are tion that he just finished shooting WWW .CLUBPARADISEROCKS .COM WWW SWEETWATER COM THEATER & DANCE . Ridley Scott’s much anticipated COLUMBIA STREET WEST WOODEN NICKEL MUSIC STORE ALL FOR ONE PRODUCTIONS 25 more current, prime-era talents WWW .COLUMBIASTREETWEST .COM WWW .WOODENNICKELMUSICFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .ALLFORONEFW .ORG who are working at a higher level Prometheus and is currently re- DEER PARK IRISH PUB PERFORMERS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN THEATER at the moment. hearsing for his third Steve Mc- WWW .DEERPARKPUB .COM WWW .FIRSTPRESBYTERIANTHEATER .COM 1. Daniel Day-Lewis – He’s Queen-directed lead? DON HALL’S FACTORY ALLAN & ASHCRAFT FORT WAYNE CIVIC THEatrE performed in only 18 proper fea- Highlights: Fish Tank, Hun- WWW .DONHALLS .COM /LOCATIONS .ASP ?ID=30 WWW .ALLANANDASHCRAFT .COM WWW .FWCIVIC.ORG tures since his career took off 30 ger, Shame, Inglourious Basterds. DON HALL’S TRIANGLE PARK AUTOVATOR FORT WAYNE YOUTHEATRE WWW .DONHALLS .COM /LOCATIONS .ASP ?ID=38 WWW .AUTOVATOR .COM WWW .FORTWAYNEYOUTHEATRE .ORG / years ago, yet 11 of those perfor- 5. Brad Pitt – Who’d have FIREFLY COFFEE HOUSE BACKWATER IPFW DEPT. OF THEATRE mances could be considered clas- thunk it? Once a wild, cocky, ob- WWW .FIREFLYCOFFEEHOUSEFW .COM WWW .BACKWATERBAND .NET WWW .IPFW .EDU /THEATRE sics. He has two Oscar statues and noxious Boy of Hollywood, Brad THE GIN MILL BIFF & THE CRUISERS JAM THEATRICALS two more nominations. In Decem- Pitt has turned into one of his era’s WWW .GINMILLLOUNGE .COM WWW BIFFANDTHECRUISERSBAND COM WWW .FWEMBASSYTHEATRE .ORG /EVENTS _BROADWAY .HTM . ber he’ll play the title character in most reliable and diverse screen LATCH STRING BAR & GRILL MIKE CONLEY VENUES WWW .MYSPACE .COM /LATCHSTRING WWW .MIKECONLEY .NET Steven Spielberg’s should-be-great actors. Look over his IMDB page LUCKY LADY DOWNSTAIT ALLEN CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY Lincoln, and he has the lead next and you’ll see the most impressive WWW .WWW .ALUCKYLADY .NET WWW .MYSPACE .COM /DOWNSTAIT WWW .ACPL .LIB .IN.US year’s new Martin Scorsese film. list of roles any actor has put to- MAD ANTHONY BREWING CO. ELEPHANTS IN MUD ANDERSON PARAMOUNT THEATRE Who puts more into their perfor- gether over the last 20 years. He’s WWW .MADBREW .COM WWW .ELEPHANTSINMUD .BANDCAMP .COM WWW .ANDERSONPARAMOUNT .ORG mances than this 52-year-old Eng- worked with too many great film- THE FREAK BROTHERS C2G MUSIC HALL makers to count and has lead roles WEBSIGHTS listings are a valued- WWW .FREAKBROTHERSONLINE .COM WWW .C2GMUSICHALL .COM lish actor? added service provided at no addi- TIM HARRINGTON BAND EMBASSY THEATRE Highlights: There Will Be in three upcoming could-be clas- tional cost to contracted whatzup WWW .MYSPACE .COM /TIMHARRINGTONBAND WWW .FWEMBASSYTHEATRE .ORG Blood, My Left Foot, Gangs of sics (Cogan’s Trade, World War Z advertisers. THE JAENICKE CONSORT INC. FORT WAYNE PARKS & REC. DEPT. New York, The Unbearable Light- and Twelve Years a Slave). WWW .JCONSORT .COM WWW .FORTWAYNEPARKS .ORG ness of Being. Highlights: Too many to men- Facebook pages may be linked on JUNK YARD BAND FORT WAYNE PHILHARMONIC whatzup’s site, but are not published WWW .THEJUNKYARDBAND .NET WWW .FWPHIL .ORG 2. Ryan Gosling – Not count- tion. in the print edition of whatzup. KILLNANCY HONEYWELL CENTER ing last year’s Crazy, Beautiful, 6. Cate Blanchett – After a WWW .KILLNANCY .COM WWW .HONEYWELLCENTER .ORG Love, Gosling’s last 13 perfor- decade or so of working herself to For information on this and other KILL THE RABBIT NISWONGER PERFORMING ARTS CTR. mances have all been incredible. the bone, doing diverse work and whatzup advertising programs, call WWW .KTRROCKS .COM WWW .NPACVW .ORG 260-691-3188 or e-mail info.what- He’s the best actor of the last de- giving some of the best female LEFT LANE CRUISER PHILMORE ON BROADWAY performances of recent memory, [email protected]. WWW .MYSPACE .COM /LEFTLANECRUISER WWW .PHILMOREONBROADWAY .COM cade, and with four projects in the works with four of the best work- Blanchett has lightened her work- ing auteurs, it looks as though he’s load over the last three years. Have on pace to cement his standing as no fear, Cate is set to star in both of the finest screen actor of his era. Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films and Highlights: Drive, Half Nel- two new Terrence Malick movies. son, Blue Valentine, Lars and the Highlights: The Aviator, I’m Real Girl, The Believer. Not There, Babel. 3. Kirsten Dunst – We at the 7. Tom Hardy – Between ScreenTime offices have been Nicholas Winding Refn’s Bronson, huge admirers of Kiki since her Christopher Nolan’s Inception and classic 1999 trio of films (Dick, last year’s Warrior and Tinker Tai- The Virgin Suicides and the under- lor Soldier Spy, many are suddenly rated Drop Dead Gorgeous) and calling Hardy “The New Brando.” have loved watching her grow in Did we mention that he has key the years since. She’s been the roles in two of the year’s most an- biggest female lead on the planet ticipated films, The Dark Knight (Spider-Man 1-3), a hipster heart- Rises and John Hillcoat’s Wettest throb (Crazy/Beautiful and Eter- nal Sunshine), a moody art house Continued on page 27 26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.whatzup.com -------------------------------------------------------------- February 23, ’12 -------------------------- Classified Ads -------------------------- CURTAIN CALL - From Page 20 En t E r t a i n m E n t $125 QUEEN PILLOWTOP SE r v i c es melodrama. Mattress and box. New in plastic. Can deliver. 260-493-0805. Several of the cast from the opener turn right around and give us “cREEARE CELEBratiONs” CUSTOM DRUM SERVICES Celebrate four creative adventures with 6-3/28 By Bernie Stone expert repairs, refinish- new characters to scoff at for the second play. Tash and Amber Prater horses. Birthday or friendship parties. ing, restoration. Bearing Edges custom open the action as the two drama critics Moon and Birdboot.
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