The Daily Register VOL. 98 NO.249 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1976 15 CENTS Compromise sought on income tax By SHERRY CONOHAN tempt to resolve differences said they foresaw a shutdown al, said he had thought a com- "It looks like we've got The Assembly made Us SUIc HHH Cirrespudeit between,the Senate proposal of the schools. promise could be worked out some kind of Mexican stand- commitment of including The municipalities of the but, as of yesterday/had off," he said. property tax relief as part of TRENTON - With the aUd income tax-property tax state are under court order to changed his mind. He said he Sen. Bedell said he didn't any income tax proposal clock ticking towards a court- relief p,an adopted earlier by cease virtually all ex- had concluded the Assembly view the lack of likelihood of abundantly clear In its over- ordered shutdown of public ine Assembly penditures for public schools was firmly committed to pro- compromise as fatal to the whelming rejection, 77-2, of schools nine days away, the . on July 1 If the legislature viding substantial property schools, however. He said he Senate amendments to the State Assembly yesterday, on Assembly Speaker Joseph hasn't come up with a new tax relief as part of any In- thought the Supreme Court earlier Assembly bill which a vote of 77 to 2, resoundingly LeFante, D-Hudson, said he source of funding for public come tax plan while the Sen- would back off on its threat to watered it down to a flat 15 rejected a flat l.S per cent expected a compromise ac- education by then to relieve ate would never be able to close down the schools before per cent income tax. state income tax which has ceptable to both houses of the the heavy reliance on the line up the necessary 21 votes the July 1 deadline. After the 'vote, Assembly been proposed by the state. legislature could be worked property tax under the in that chamber for approval "The closing of the schools Majority Leader William J. A conference committee out in time to meet the July 1 present system, which has of an income tax that went Isn't going to accomplish any- Hamilton Jr., D Middlesex consisting of three members deadline set by the State Su- been ruled unconstitutional. beyond providing the $378 mil- thing," he said. He said that and Somerset, took the floor of the Assembly and three preme Court for closing pub- State Sen. Eugene J. Bed- lion needed to fully fund the would be a case of overkill to stress that he didn't want members of the Senate was lic schools, but other legisla- ell, D-Monmouth, a consistent "thorough and efficient" similar to killing a dog be- anyone - "especially our col- immediately set up to at- tors weren't so sure. Several foe of any Income tax propos- (T&K) education law. cause it had fleas. leagues in the Senate" — to misread what it meant. He said it should not be inter- preted as minimizing the Sen- ate's action in passing an in- come tax at long last after Howard says Army study voting one down six times in the past. "It means we think we can and must do better," he said of the 1.5 per cent Senate pro- calls move plan inefficient posal. The tax plan passed the Senate last week with the ba- WASHINGTON - An un- Comm/ADP would be created combining of functions at n. all along that their preferred published Army report obtain- by Ft. Monmouth — consoli- rest minimum majority pos- Monmouth, nor would there alternative is not logical," sible — 21 votes in the 40- ed by Rep. James J. Howard, dating some of the remaining by any improvement in inter- Mr. Howard said. "Now it D-N.J., states that the move- research missions — while 370 member house At least two actions." seems there are even people of those who voted for it have ment of personnel from Ft. jobs from the Electronics Although the Concept Study in the Army that agree with Monmouth as proposed in the Warfare Laboratory (EWL) said flatly they would with- did not define "personnel pe- me." draw their support if the pro- Army's realignment plan would be shifted to Vint HUI nalities," a separate study "The Army talks about would decrease efficiency and Farms Station, Fauquier posed tax rate Is raised conducted independently of eliminating duplication yet it beyond 1.5 per cent to pro- result in the need for addi- County, Va. the Army one by members of proposes to moye the Laser tional support personnel. duce more money than the The remainder of the 505 SavEcom, a group of ECOM Technical group to the Night $378 million needed for T&K The report, known as the jobs would be transferred to employes, claimed that in any Vision Laboratory (Ft. Bel- Concept Study for the Estab- the Harry Diamond Labora- such move, less than 20 per voir) while there is not a Sen. Alene S. Ammond, D- Camden and Burlington, one PROBLEM KEMAINS - A delected Assembly lishment of the Commu- tories in Adelphia, Md., and cent of the present employes single cooperative program President Joseph LeFante gavels closed the vote nications/Automatic Data Ft. Belvolr, Va. would actually accept trans- going on between the two fa- of the two who have said they will jump ship, said simply ei- machine In the Assembly after the lower house re- Processing Center The Army's Concept Study fers. In addition, they point to cilities," Mr. Howard contin- jected confirmation of the Senate's income tax of the realignment details the the relative "isolation" of the ued. ther the Assembly will pass (Comm/ADP), was prepared "our" tax or there wUl be no package yesterday. The vote was 77-2 ogalnst the by the Army to study the ef- impact in all areas both at Ft. three Capital-region sites Spokesmen for the Army package and they decided to appoint a committee fects of its realignment pro Monmouth and at the three from academic and other re- could not be reached for com- See ( •mpromlsr, page 2 to try and resolve trje situation. posaL known as the "pre- Capital-area bases scheduled search facilities. ment last night. ferred alternative." to receive new researchers. In total, the SavEcom re- Mr. Howard pointed out The realignment proposal, A release from Mr. Howard port, which Its members per- that the Army proposes to announced by the Army, April issued yesterday, however, sonally delivered to White move 70 laser research people only focused on the con- 1, would require elimination ltmtt J. IUw.nl House, Pentagon and Con- from Ft. Monmouth in order Board voices favor of 275 jobs at the Electronics clusions drawn about the ef- gressional officials in Wash- to combine them with eight Command (ECOli) and the fect on the EWL as detaUed administrative support base ington, claimed that the pre- others at Ft. Belvolr, and 14 transfer of M6 others to three in the Concept Study. at Ft. Monmouth," the Con- ferred alternative would set from the Harry Diamond La- sites ID the Washington area. "The separation of the cept Study stated, "would add back electronics warfare re- boratories. V_^ If this plan were, imple- Electronic Warfare Labora- personnel penalties which search from five to 10 years. "If the desirel result Is co- for a ferry service— mented, a new command, the tory from the technical and would not be offset by the re- "f've been telling the Army See Howard, page J FREEHOLD — The county Planning ternatives suggested by federal planners, but Board yesterday endorsed the intent of legisla- proposed a fourth which would incorporate tion which was introduced yesterday to pro- some aspects of the other three. vide for passenger ferry service between Key- Mr. Spitz's recommendation includes mass port, Jersey City and the Gateway National transportation services to the park; natural Recreation Area at Sandy Hook preservation of resources, a transportation Blaze hits ex-Fisk Chapel The legislation has been introduced system within the park, waterborne trans- Sen. Harrison A. Williams Jr., D-N.J., ar portation directly to the park, and programs By JULIE MCDONNELL on the scene for several hours Rep. James J. Howard, D-N.J. oriented for the local community and special .to guard against flare-ups. Ferry service to the park was included in interest groups. FAIR HAVEN - Borough Police and fire officials are 'the original legislation creating the Gateway The planner suggested that any water- residents had a few anxious investigating the cause of the recreation area, but was later deleted. borne transit dock be built in an area to the moments yesterday after- blaze, and have not ruled out the possibility of arson. The county planners, in an effort to ease north of Horseshoe Cove peninsula. The area noon, as a fire flared up brief- the expected increase in traffic on Rt. 36 to has the necessary water depth, and remains of ly In the M-yearold Bicenten- "We're not ruling out any- Gateway, endorsed the legislation. Freeholder a former Army dock still exist. nial HaU on Cedar Ave. thing at this point," said Fire Chief Douglas Sauer. Thomas J. Lynch Jr., a board member, said Mr. Spitz suggested as an alternative the But borough firefighters, that "Keyport supports the Idea," and so does building of a dock near the auditorium. He aided by Red Bank fire de- Electrical service to the Rep.
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