CONFESSIONS of an AUDITION WINNER TRAVEL WITH ROOSEVELT By BOB TROUT Presidential announcer FATHER SWEETHEART BABY latoia witi,thaiamerney NEW! NOVEL ! SENSATIONAL! P1' RTRA.IT RING Any Photo, A GOLDEN HARVEST OF Snapshot BIG, QUICK, EASY , or Picture Permanently Reproduced on a PROFITS Beautiful Hand -Tinted Lifetime Ring For Men and Women } Made to Measure to Fit any Size This is it! The hottest, most sensational, most For only $2.00 retaii -look what you offer! A gripping selling Idea of the age! THE PORTRAIT made -to- measure onyx -like ring adorned with the RING -the ring that revives a beautiful old custom most precious setting in the world -a reproduc- and brings it up to date! Men and women every- tion of the picture of a loved one, in beautiful. where, rich and poor, young and oid, want it to wear hand -tinted lifelike colors. The ring itself can't and to keep tbeir wbole lives long. Wby? Because tarnish. It will wear forever with ordinary care. on tbis beautiful ring is permanently reproduced, in The picture of the loved one is clearly, sharply. hand -tinted, life -like colors, any pboto, snapshot or reproduced with surprising faithfulness and picture of some loved one. Yes-reproduced clearly becomes an inseparable part of the ring. It and sharply and made part of the ring itself so it can't wear off, rub off, or fade off. Tbere is can't rub off, come off or fade off. A tremendous the beloved face on the ring, a constant com- hit! Men and women -even those without an hour's panion night and day. Each ring is individu- selling experience -are taking dozens of orders a day. ally made -to- measure and shipped in beautiful Profits shower down upon them simply sbowing their Gift Box. Picture returned unharmed with sample Portrait Ring. And now, in your territory, ring. YOU can cash in big, every day, with this sensational new success and make money so easily it will seem more like play than work. All You Need Is a Portrait A Priceless Remembrance -Sells to Everyone - LOOK! Ring On Your Finger Once women carried pictures of tbeir loved ones in lockets; and men carried them in watch cases. Those Just let your friends and everyone you meet days are gone, but the desire to keep with one always SEE your sample Portrait Ring! That's all n life -like portrait of a beloved child, mother, sweetheart, $1.00 PROFIT you need to do to take in dollars of profit by father or friend is as strong as ever. Not until the amaz- the handful! Fathers, mothers, sisters. ing secret process for transferring pictures to rings was FOR YOU EERY RING brothers husbands, wives, sweetbearts- discovered, was it possible to revive this beautiful old EVERYONE-wants it! Many folks order custom and to satisfy the bunger of every buman being Never before has anything like this from 4 to 12 rings from one picture to give to express again this grandest of all sentiments. come your way. No competition to friends and family. 10 orders a day are for pros- an easy goal, Even 20 orders a day are not How mothers and fathers will welcome this from anyone -no looking 10 a - ail you) too much to expect. And only orders opportunity to wear a ring with tbe most pre pects (they are around - you $00.00 a week clous setting of all-a picture of their beloved no carrying a big stock or putting day will pay clear profit! child! How happy every man and woman any money Into goods. Simply will be to keep alive the memory of a showing this ring a few times a Just Mail Coupon for Your departed one by carrying with them day, if you only start with your always, night and day, this friends and neighbors, will be SAMPLE HAND -TINTED RING beautiful Portrait Ring! enough to give you an endless flow of customers. Every person who You Don't Risk a Penny! a4t owns a Portrait Ring shows it to a friend, and soon you have an We cut away ail red tape, we dispense with Hundreds the wasted time of sending you circulars. c%É3Ì4¡"G endless cbain of orders. We want you to send for a SAMPLE RING f11 of customers write they wouldn't $ IO ,' co. take a fortune for their rings if now and tbe minute you take it out of the Jp they couldn't get others. 1)5.00 beautiful Gift Box in whlcb it comes, you en/oahrprfi bhot o^p c o be are ready to go after the orders. Live wire p''s /B tx and even $10.00 would who P¡ a email price for the POR- men and women sense the profit -power /IN, /oeees 4 Sh TRAIT RING -but the im- of the Portrait Ring will waste no time in mense popularity of thin star- writing letters, but will rusb the coupon - o tling idea has made it possible here for a sample ring. Tbat's all the outfit hieth 0 to a price of only $2.00 on - I ene y à put you need. It will do all your selling for you. it Think of it -and, here's the And we make it easy for you to obtain this - 1 pe\ most astounding newa of all-of 8¡°tle this $2.00, YOU COLLECT IN sample ABSOLUTELY FREE OF A PENNY =3 1l4Ire !/r p Nort el. Bebe ADVANCE AND KEEP $1.00 as COST under our liberal offer. Don't waft. -4 PB¡t your profit! No experience needed - Rush tbe coupon at once for the sample ring 14,/sn no sample case to carry-Just wear -s 19 orders and on our NO RISK pian and see for yourself 6 ) ring in your finger. take a whirlwind money -maker this is fur ¡0 pocket your cash pronta! We deliver what -7 and collect balance. you. ACT RIGHT NOW ! - g dj -9 t epe¡0 q/q ., ''.. - lo Yop _u a0pe 9t °te. - 12 °Re¡ roop . =13 2=1 1=1 IMMI MUM al a =I IMM I a$v fai, It "S A SOCIALITE AND A SAYS A (74: OVER SAYS SOCIAL LEADER DENTIST CLASH DENTIST STALK OF CELERY (But the civilized way to combat "PINK TOOTH BRUSH" is IPANA and MASSAGE) SHOCKING burst from a Society lot fewer gum troubles in the world." may swing the door wide open to gingi- leader. And she was shocked at this It's only too truc. Today we all cat soft vitis, Vincent's disease, even pyorrhea. picture. Emphatically. Just as you'd be foods that rob our gums of health- giving Take care of your teeth and gums the shocked by such primitive conduct at work. And without regular exercise, gums way modern dental science urges -with your own dinner table. become lazy . .. weak ... tender. It's no Ipana and massage. Each time you clean But modern dentistry disagrees sharply! wonder "pink tooth brush " -a cry for your teeth massage a little extra Ipana "Shocking ?" would respond your own help from ailing gums -appears so often. into your gums. Soon you'll see -and feel dentist. "That picture's not shocking. It's -a new, healthy' firmness to your gums. "Pink Tooth Brush" is a Warning a splendid, scientific lesson in the proper For Ipana is especially designed to help way to use the teeth and gums. If more "Pink tooth brush" is a definite warning combat pink tooth brush". .. to help people today would only chew their food that your gums are in an unhealthy con- keep teeth bright ... to give you a spar- as energetically as this girl, there'd be a dition. And ignored, " pink tooth brash'' kling, brilliant smile. plus massage IPANA ablest is the dentist's home care assistant in the and gums. of your teeth FEBRUARY 1936 FRED R. SAMMIS, BELLE LANDESMAN, ASSISTANT EDITOR WALLACE H. CAMPBELL, ART EDITOR EDITOR Speck" leatulte4 In the March RADIO MIRROR On Sale January 22 Frank Parker's New Year's Resolution ......... ....Hildo Cole 17 The Real Reason This Star Has Only One Program I Travel With Roosevelt Bob Trout 18 The President's Announcer Brings You o Thrilling Bockstoge Story Confessions of An Audition Winner Helen Hover 20 Read What Happened to the Winner of the Hollywood Hotel Contest Rubinoff Talks Back! Don Wheeler 22 Scoop! The Maestro Answers All Your Questions The Amazing Saga of N.T.G. Patricio Siegel 28 The Colorful Coreer of One of Rodio's Pioneers The Rover Boys of Radio Bill Stuort 30 They Risk Their Lives to Broodcost Speciol Events Correspondence School Success Kotherine Hortley 32 The Postmon Was Nelson Eddy's College Professor My Advice to Brides Grocie Allen 36 The Famous Comedienne Tells How to Keep Your Husband Happy "How the Pickens Sisters Get Their Men" Blanche Sweet's Love Story Adele Whitely Fletcher 41 -an intimate story going straight behind the scenes to discover the secret of popu- The Inside Story of Wired Radio Norton Russell 42 larity this beautiful trio enjoys . Be- You Can Own a Radio Station Samuel Kaufman 45 ginning, a fascinating series, "Secret in Their Winter Sets the Style 46 Chapters Lives" which starts with an Rodio's Newest Foshions in Furs amazing, untold story about Lawrence Tibbett. Also, a new serial starts in Amateurs At Life Fred Sommis 48 the March issue of RADIO MIRROR. Part Four of a Fascinating Serial of Love in the Studios aided fI ßftactiagri z14 17ra.,:bstefr.4 .P Behind Closed Doors 7 When They Were Very Young 24 Reflections in the Radio Mirror 4 Pictures of the Stors Stroight From The Editor's Page the Family Album What's New on Radio Row Jay Peters 8 Tracking Down the Camel Caravan 44 What Do You Want to Know? The Orocle IO Your Announcer Is Kelvin Keech .
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