*r^ ' AVEBAOB OAlLf GOtOClAHON for tbm Mostfa of Aagnrt» 1988 5,154 Member of the Audit Pnreaa of Glroiilatioiia. Wl MOURnUIT VOL. LH., NO. 294. (CSsMllled Advertiaiiif m i U .). MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1933. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE t h r e e CENTS «»- VETERANS BEATEN ELKS’ BANQUR Hotel A ‘T o rt” For Cublan Officers 129 STATES NOW NEW YORK STA(XS ' RECORD EVENT WETASTBREE IN LOCAL PRIMARY FOR R O m i E COONTi^UlTS HU(X NRA PARADE; Present Board of Selectmen RECEIVER IS NAMED 15th Anniyersary O bsened Maryland, Minnesota and 250,0(N) TAKE PART Upset at Record Cancns FOR aOSED BANK With Largest Attended Colorado Vote for Repeal Yesterday — Robertson AMERICANS READY Called World’s Greatest Affair in City’s History— — First Named Has Near­ and Strickland Lose — Attorney Samuel Mellitz Ap­ Peacetime DemonstratMm ExceDent Program. ly a 5 to 1 Majority. TO LEAVE ISLAND — Squadron of 80 Planes Mntrie Beats Anderson pointed to Direct Affairs Rockville, Sept. IS.—^The Fif­ By Assodated Press. Those in Cnba Prepare for Flies Overhead — Navy for Assessor. of Bridgeport Concern. teenth Anniversary of the founding Twenty-nine states today march­ o f R ockville Lodge, N o . 1359, B . P . ed the repfeal path. Only seven Dirigible Macon Also in O. Elks observed last night will go more need to follow to end Nation­ bnergeocies as Strikes Manchester Republicans in Prim­ al prohibition. H a rtfo rd , Sept. 13.— ( A P ) — A t down in history as-being one of the ary caucus here yesterday saw two tomey Samuel A. Mellitz of Bridge­ events of Rockville which will be Maryland, Minnesota and Colora­ Start Neft Troubles. Air— Millions of Specta­ do were the latest recruits. All veteran politicians go down in de­ port was appointed temporary re­ remembered for generaticms. Not alone was it the biggest event in the voted yesterday tp abolish the feat before a concertea effort to up­ ceiver of t.e 'West Side Bank of history of the lodge but it was the Eiighteenth Amendment and left the tors Line the Sidewalks. Bridgeimrt by Judge Newell Jen­ H avan a, Sept. 13— ( A P ) — ^Many set the organized board of the past largest banquet ever to be held in score in 1933’s ballotin g: F o r repeal nings of th>. Superior Court at — 29; A g a in st— 0. Americans in Cuba prepared for year. William W . Robertson, for five Rockville by any lodge or organiza­ hearing in Hartford today. If the seven states now needed emergencies today as they watched tion. N e w Y ork , Sept. 13.— ( A P ) — The years a Selectman, and Wells A The application of Bank Commis­ to supply the three-quarters of the with growing concern new threats Strickland, for the past 10 years a Ck>mpliments have been extended city witnessed today, in the Inter­ sioner alter Perry for the appoint­ to Ehcalted Ruler Lewis H. Chap­ union required for repeal are among of strikes, a move to train boys as member of the board and this past ment of a temporary receiver for the 10 voting .before N ovem ber 8, soldiers, and 'the failure of 500 of­ est of National industrial recovery, year its chairman, were replaced in man, the toastmaster for the eve­ the bank was made by Assistant At­ ning, and Past Exalted Ruler Harry the repeal amendment will be rati­ ficers to make peace with the new what has been called the world’s nonolnation by David Chambers, a torney Geneva] Raymond A. John­ Conklin Smith, chairman of the fied formally on December 6—date government. newcomer in the candidates’ circle of the 36th convention. greatest peacetime demonstration. son, who suggested the appointment general committee. A total of 168 At least a score of Americans and Frank V. Williams formerly a of the Bridgeport City Trust Com were seated in the dining room of The wets carried Maryland over were imder military protection in Major General Dennis E. Nolan, member of the board but defeated pany as receiver. the Rockville House for the turkey whelmlngly. Fast mounting fig­ Cristo after labor troubles at Amer­ the grand marshal, and an escort la s t year. Attorney Joseph Shapiro, for the dirmer served by Chef Arthur Busch ures put the repeal majority at ican owned maganese mines bad of mounted policemen swung out of nearly five to one. Mntrie Wins depositors in the bank, presented and under the iirect personal su­ endnagered their lives. Soldiers had Washington Square at 12:43 p. m., The margins were smaller but Henry A. Mutrie, local contractor the name of Attorney Mellitz. Mr. pervision of Mrs. Ellen Chapdelaine, fotmd them bcuricaded in their eastern standard time, to start a substanlal in C!oloraido and M inne­ and a member of the board of relief, Shapiro said that 55 per cent of the hostess of the Rockville House. Here mcu-e than 300 deposed Cuban army and navy officers, heavily armed, homes, fearing an attack by work­ march that was to take more than sota, home of Andrew J. Volstead from which he will, of course, re­ depositors a -e of Hungaria lineage, The members and guests began to barricaded themselves In defiance of the |sland republic’s new revolu­ ers. 250,000 persraa before the reviewing who sponsored the prohibition sign, defeated Clarence H. Ander that thrf»e groups representing de­ arrive at the Rockville House tionary regime. It is Havana’s palatial National Hotel, which also has Across the bay from Santiago de eyes of the President’s wife, the positors, stockholders ».nd execu­ shortly before o’clock where they been providing temporary quarters for U. S. Ambassador Sumner Welles. enforcement law. Late counts list­ Cuba, in the sm ^ Cape Rente set­ NRA administrator and the gover­ son, insurance eigent, for assessor ed both in the two-to-one class. tives of the bank were agreed on passed under the archway of Ameri­ tlement, a number of Americans nors of New York, New Jersey and by 21 votes. This was somewhat of Prohibitionists promised undimin­ the appointment o^ Mr. Mellitz, who can flags and were met by the Re­ gathered for safety after leaving Coimecticut. an upse. since Anderson made the ished efforts to block the trend is a prominent member of the bar ception Committee and officers of their homes in interior Orlente strongest bid for nomination of any which on Monday cost them Maine, Bands playing martial music and in Bridgeport, a former Erector of the lodge. Province because of imsettled labor of the candidates in the Republican the nation’s first bone dry state. The Star Spangled Banner, which this bank and who speaks Him- Reception conditions. Primary. John Lappen, John Jensen Next week, on Tuesday, Idaho was written aboard a British man garian . The hotel lobby was tastefully RUSSIA NOW HARVESTING Santiago awaited the arrival of and Stuart Wasley, also assessor and New Mexico vote on reapeal. of war 119 years ago today, symbo­ Attorney Harry Swarz seconded decorated with American fiags and American warships as strikes that candidates, ran considerably behind Two weeks later—October 3- •'lar lized to uncounted crowds that lin­ the sugge^on of the appointment was used as a reception room for have tied up sugar mills became the winner and the runner-up. ginia votes, and a week later— Octo­ ed Fifth avenue a militant hopeful of Mr. Mellitz, who has agreed to the members and guests. The re­ more Intense. In ^ e Republican constable con­ ber 10— Florida. march toward economic recovery. take the position without compen­ ception committee consisted of the BIGGEST CROP IN YEARS test Qiarles A. Sweet held full sway These four end the balloting un­ Beady to Leave Head of Parade sation. Aticmey WUliam Riddon, original officers of the lodge, all til November 7 when six more vote: In Cardenas, on the north coast, E’alling into line behind the grand p ollin g the h igh vote o f 1178. The past Ehcalted Rulers and the pres­ representing depositors not Hungar­ Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, American residents packed their marshal on the city’s historic thor­ other three winners were Robert J. ian, said Mr. Mellitz is oarticularly ent officers. The numbers were so Boyce, Clarence K. Peterson and Pennsylvania, South Carolina and baggage so they could board an oughfare of parades were 2,a00 sol­ fitted for the position on account of great that the private dining rooms A. P. Reporter Makes Trip and U tah . Charles Crockett. Sevm- other can­ OWNERS OF HOMES diers, sailors, marines, reserve his banking experience. Mr. Mellitz and rooms adjacent to the office The list of 29 states which have didates w ere from 200 to 400 votes (Continued on Page Eight) officers, naval reservists. National was also supported by Attorney were needed for the reception. voted to ratify the twenty-first or below the low vote of the winners. Through North Caucasus Guardsmen and Civilian Conserva­ Harry Kursman. Shortly before 7:30 o’clock. Ex­ repeal amendment today reads: DMDOcratic Primary APPEAL FOR TIME tionists, and then civilian units that Attorney Theodore Steibert, for alted Rifier Lewis H. Chapman and Michigan, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, represented every industry, business In the Democratic Primary Select­ Past Ehcalted Ruler Harry Conklin Wyoming, New Jersey, New York, to Fmd Facts About Re­ and profession of the metropolis. men contests old time Democrats (ConQinied on Page Two) Smith, chairman of the Creneral Delaware, Nevada, Illinois, Indiana, HITLER PREPARES The last imits were not expected saw the members of their party committee, ushered the guests of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New turn them down cold for three mem­ honor and speakers into the rtinitig- ports of a Famine.
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