I BED BANK All the An Ideal FUee to JUT» Hews of 1 Located on tha Beautiful B E D B A : Shrewsbury River, otto hour - and Surrounding Tovnu . from New Tork and provid- Told rnrkuly and Without Blu TER ing every city convenience. (uiud Wwldr. Cnttnd u Baoond-Olui Matter at U» Poit- Subscription Pries i Ona Cm 12.00. offlc* »f B«d EUak. N. J, under tat Act of Much >. 187». RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1935, VOLUME LVIII, NO. 27. Six Month! ,tl.(IO. Slngla Copj 4c . PAGES 1 TO 10% New Colt's Neck Christmas Play XO HAKE CHXJBCH, STJBVEY. Council Doings Highlands Man SETTLEMENT" DAY AND FEAST. Gasoline Refunds Every House at Bed Bank to Be vis Annual Mlddletown Township Event New Fair Haven Frog Hatchery At Coifs Neck lted January S. At Fair Haven Kilted By Train Will be Held Monday. For The Farmers River Front Tract All the Protestant churches of Hed The annual "Settlement Day" meet- Capt. Frank Farber of Lincroft An Entertainment Given De- Bank are Joining In making a church Application for Tax! License- George Taylor, World War Vet-Ing of the township committee of Claims Must be Sent In to the The Former Dudley Farrand scriptive of How the Holiday census of this community. Over 100 Letter of Thanks to Telephone eran, Meets Tragic Death Mtddtetown township will be held State Tax Department by De- Having Frog Pondi Dug for next Monday morning beginning at Property Being Developed by New Hatchery on Routh 34, is Celebrated in Various Coun- Workers organized Into teams of four Operator—Snow Fence on When Train Hit His Truck at cember 31 or the Money Will Harry H. Kohl—The Fir»| tries—Many Present. each will visit every house In Red River Road. Seaside Heights. eleven o'clock, when oflicial business Not be Paid. Near Colt's Neck. Bank on tho afternoon of 'Sunday, for the year will be completed. Thc Mgdel House U Be,ing Built. 'Christmas In Many Lands" was George Taylor of Highlands, aged annual "township, family dinner par- A new and unusual Industry for January 5, to gather Information re- Application was made at Monday 'FatTnertj entitled to have gasoline Plans have been completed for tht this section of Monmputh county will the title of a largely atended enter- garding the number of persons In night's meeting of the Pair Haven fifty years, died Sunday at the Point ty" will be held at half-past pne tax, money, refunded must file claims tainment given by the pupils of At- Pleasant hospital from Injuries reh o'clock "at Charles Stava'a Wffite development of tho Fair Haven rive? be the new frog hatchery now under each home, church affiliation If any mayor and council by Charles Wes- or reports not later than Tuesday, front property formerly owned by lantic township Friday afternoon at son for a Jaxlcab licence. Tho mat- celved when his truc)< was hit by a House tavern at Port Monmouth. The December 31, or they will get no way on Eoute 34, near Colt's Neck, and whether there are any children diners will be the guests of United Dudley Farrand. Harry H. Kohl, • on the old Desmond property no* the consolidated uchoolhouse at Colt's who are now attending Sunday- ter was "referred to tho borough at- Pennsylvania railroad train Satur- money. The address to be used in Neck. About fifty parents were pres- day night at Seaside Heights. He States Senator W. rjWarren Barbour, mailing thc reports is State Tax De- New York stock broker, is the own« leased by Capt. Frank Farber of Lin- school or might be persuaded to do torney and" police committee with who lives near Locust Point and who er and developer. He complctad « croft, captain of the private cruiser ent and there was general agreement so. All the workers will assemble at power to act. had a fractured skull and internal partment, Division of Motor Fuels, among the spectators that the enter- injuries. One of his ribs penetrated is a member of the Republican exec- Slate House, Trenton! fine ten-room colonial residence on) owned by Amory L. Haskell of Mid- the Methodist church on Sunday af- On the recommendation of Ooun\ utive committee of Mlddletown town- the place for hla own occupancy. , dletown township. tainment was the finest of the sort ternoon, January 5, at half-past two cllman Tony Hunting, chairman of his left lung. The refunds are to be paid on Kas- which has been given In the village ship. The members of the township The property known aa Riverlawn Capt .Farber, who was schooled In o'clock to receive their Instructions the police committee, a letter of Mr. Taylor, who was In the sea committee, other township officials |J£jolin"e ^mpi'e,used fo r strictlthe y farm purposes, In recent years. food business, was on his way home r will be refunds contains approximately ten acres o( Germany and came to this country and assignments of streets. thanks will bo sent to Mlsa Mabel land with large fromagfrontagei s on tha The program was Instructive as from "Atlantic City, where he had and a number of other persons have for gasoline used in trucks that'are a number of years ago, took up the The churches co-operating In tho Mazza, night operator at the Red been invited. North Shrewsbury river and Fourth well as entertaining, those taking Bank telephone office, for her .co- made ..deliveries, when he was hit. not licensed to operate on roads. raising of frogs about four years part wearing the costumes of various survey aro First Presbyterian, the i creek. Heachcd over a private driyft ago, and since that time has created MethodlBt Episcopal, the First Bap- operation with the police department The train was a gas-electric engine countries and enacting numbers de- Many trucks owned.by farmers never | way running west from Fair Haven much Interest In this Bectlon In the tist, Trinity, Episcopal, Hcjv Trinity a short time ago In connection with which runs between Whitings and scriptive of how Christmas ls cele- leave the pre.iilsea. However, toc.re | road| tlle prOperty offers completa raising of frogs and terrapins or Lutheran, the Dutch ReformRd, A. M. an Incident which .at first appeared Bay Head. The truck was carried brated in various lands.' The' cos- 300 feet and was demolished. In it Tinton Falls Pupils will be no refunds for gasoline used ! seclusion and privacy and yet it 11 turtles, - ^ tumes and, scenery were made by the E. Zion church and calvary) Baptist serious, but later provided a laugh. to propel trucks on thr: highways. but a short drive from Red Bank church. The survey Is1 beimydlrected Miss Mazza at the switchboard were a few empty barrels-and bas- JKefuiidcj will be paid on gasoline used Mr. Farber started out with fifteen pupils, with some assistance from kets. Mr. Taylor was thrown clear Have Xmas Party and all points of interest. With its pair of breeders last year .and set by tho Hed Bank Young Men's heard a' moaning sound over an fov water pumps, tractors, spraying many natural advantages and beau- the teachers, and they were very of th;e truck. He was rushed to the them In smallwater pohds it Colt's realistic. All the performers acquit- Christian association. ' 'open" wire from a Fair Haven resi- — 7~j . _ .machines and for operating various tifuKold ahade trees, the building hospital by the" Point Pleasant first MoIVlorninnn g Was_the (other equipment and implements. Neck. At preBent he has 5,009 young ted themselves creditably. dence. She notified Mr. Hunting and aid squad. • »? iy , K Was the [ plots with river privileges, have been ones, Laat week work began on a The old English Yule log custom Police Chief Joseph Herden. When o Sort} Iitusuct us in!l to be thatt farmerss did nnoot laid out in keeping with these fea- modern frog hatchery. ' It /will be waB Illustrated, a group of boys haul- they investigated they . found that a The train included only one car EveMosrt SuccessfuHeld, folr oShrewsburf the Sorty }j pay the gasoline tax. They arc stistilll tures. The roadways are completed completed within a few months, ing a log Into tho room and placing Sea Bright's Tax dog had knocked over, the .telephone. besides the engine, and according to ETownshi Hlp dChildren. I supposed to be exempt, but since Juliy and all improvements such as city Charles Tilton of Long Branch, con- \ 1 b Besides raising frogs MrS^Farber it on an Imitation fireplace. A Dutch At the request of Councilman Ar- The most I 1, they have been required to pay it water and electricity are Installed ductor, was traveling thirty miles an and available. A tennis court will be 1H an export on terrapins andN^ater Christmas number was another fea- Claim Npvel One thur B. Sickles the telephone com- largely attendesuccessfud l and most ;,fuul Ulpn nie rcporU in order to get! ture. Also there were French carol- pany, will b& thanked for its co-op- hour. Engineer J. Chasey, also of maintained for the private use of all lilies. After the completion' of his Long Branch, told police the warn- ever held for the schooChristmal childres partn oyf !tnL ,ir money back. The amount of' new hatchery he will set out several ers, a Dutch boy, a German boy and eration with the fire department and reaidents of the park. Attorney Unable to Find Any light at thc crossing was in op- | Shrewsbury township took place at the tax is three cents per gallon.
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