FISHERROWYACHT CLUB 2OO5YEARBOOK INCSAILING PROGMMME, TIDE TABLiS 97 NEWSTREET MUSSELBURGH EASTLOTHIAN EH2I6DG [*"';-; ' YEARBOOK2(N5 CONTENTS vi; _... ' [, $ut'y, YEARBOOK2@5 YEARBOOK2NS FLAGOFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP2OO5 Maureen HONORARY Councillor A|TKE JIM& SHEITA NAUTILASS LEISURE23 0131665 5496 cotitMoDoRE Talac ANGUS STAN& MAE MIRROR 0131557 1059 0131665 8683 conr{toDoRE Alyn Smurlhwaite I BAIRD KENNY PAPILLON MACWESTER27 0131620 0632 '15Mi hitl [email protected] Mussdburgh BAI{D JOHN& THELMA MARJIEDE MER EH217RQ BARBER PAUL& FIONA SAI-AMANDER WESTERLY 01506EE2 721 PAGEANT vtcEco MoDoRE DavidPetrie 0131554 6946 '16Cambridge Avenue [email protected] BARBOUR JEHANE QUICKSILVER LASERII 0131665 7373 EdinburghEH6 BINNIE IAN& UTA LORNRIVAL RIVAL34 01316651790 REARCOiltrlODORE BLAGK BOB& OLWEN 0131669 2902 GHRISTIE KEITH& PAULINE HUMDINGER ENTERPRISE 01875Et t745 GENERALSECRETARY EileenHenderson 01620810651 CLARK TOBY 0131449 5513 Ystrad,High Street [email protected] CRAWFORD GMHAM & ANN LODESTAR WESTERLY o't31 657 1012 Gifiord EtHi 4QU WARWICK HON.TREASURER AlanPeden 0 t 31 6650970 DARIUS Mr 0't31653 6601 21 SioneyhfllTerrac€, [email protected] DEANS DONALD LARK 0131669 3449 Musselburgh,EH21 [email protected] 6SG DICK MILLY 0131669 3449 DOWNS JAMES& CATHY 0131663 2424 EMBERSHIP DavidTollervey 0131669 3210 SECRETARY 30 EastfiEld [email protected] ELPHII{STONE IAIN& MAUREEN OUTOF THE PEGASUS7OO 0131665 5492 EdinbqrghEHl5 2PN BLUE FERGUSOl{ TOM& NORMA 01434607't 19 colli flTTEE l,naBinnie 01316651790 DavidPany 0131229 7566 FINDLAYSON ALAN 0131il45 3700 CalumJones (Jnr Rep) 0131661t679 FINDLAYSON RICHARD& SANDRA 013't657 2165 HARRISON FAOILINN WESTERLY SAILINGCOMIIITTEE DavidPetde CENTAUR Pauline Christie 810851 KeithChdstie HENDERSON EILEEN SCARAS WESTERLY 01620 AtvnSmu hwaite WARWICK HENDERSOl{ HUGH& SHEILA LAUGHING PRIVATEER 0131665 7866 MATTER BAR CONVENER GavinMcDo{vall 013',1653 2412 INGRATII GEOFF& JAN COUNTESSLINDA COLVIC 01506883015 FISHERROW AlexStewad 0131e65 s900 COUNTESS2E, HARBOUR]IIASTER 3 StoneyhillGIove, TOPPER,BUZZ Musselb!Eh INGRAJI ROY& BEATRICE o1a75a53242 EdinburghEH21 6SE INGRAIII KIRSTY suzz 0'150688 3015 JARTIIAN ANDREW& SIAN AMOS MIRROR 013'l,{45 2905 JOHNSTON ALAN& LOUISE CHARMER HUNTER 01875815964 HORTZON26 JONES TIM& CAROL IN THE RED 013't66t 1679 LARNER JO 01316721899 LAW NORRIE& EILEEN SCARISTA WESTERLY 0131665 6245 CENTAUR PE YEARBOOK2OOs YEARBOOK2NS LMNGSTONE IAN& MARGARET 01318gl 5087 TOM& VALERIE RAGDOL TOPPER 0131661 6337 LIVINGSTONE TOLLERVEY ROBERT& ELLA SIESTA WESTERLY 0't31669 3179 LIVINGSTONE SANDY& JOAN ODYSSEY PAGEANT LOTIIAS JOHN& IRENE CRAFTYLADY SEAWOLF 0131669 2502 VAN SYLVIA& JAN 01a753r'.1741 MACDONALD STUART& JANE ROCKHOPPER HUNTER 0 t31 6658749 BARNEVELD ilacMlLLAN LENA 0131665 0884 VUILXIE DAVID& CAROLINE THE DAISY MtcRo18 0 r3r 6536434 ITIANCINI TONY& CARRIE REMEDY WESTERLY 0131657 2312 GRIFFON 0131653 24',12 MoDO,IIALL GAVIN GROUPMEI'BERS 018756t2 091 mcGHEE JIM MUSSELBURGHSEA CADETS RICHARDERSKINE 07867763841 0r31653 2280 I'CHALE BARRIE BRIANMCCLURE 0131664 3882 MciilA US JoHN& FIONA GRYPHON 01875615025 TORRANCE (w)013'1 653 4i144 MILLER ARCHIE& THEA NICRUTO WESTERLY 013't449 3053 LORETTOSCHOOL JAMES CENIAUR S.LUCAS ]TILLER IAN& ALICE MIRROR 0131552 '1590 ]NITCHELL ANNE-ROSE 0131665 3344 MONAGHAN DAVID KINTYRE JAGUAR21 013't665 6't3'l MUIRHEAD CHRIS& ANGELLA 0131343 2051 KENNY& SUZY MOZZTG et 177 0131258 109r 'TUIRHEADNICOL BILL& JANIS LADYOF ROHAN WESTERLY .0t31665 7558 CENTAUR NIOOL CHRIS 0131565 5336 NIMi,|O JOHN& ANN 01875812343 PARRY OAVID SEAFLY 0131229 7566 PAYNE HANNAH 0131665 6,+(}l PEDEN ALAN& KATHRYN NOUVELLE COBRA 0131665 0970 PETRIE DAVID& LINDA SHAMAL FIRST24, LASER 013't554 6946 RAMSAY RUSSELL& JACKIE LASER 013't663 7668 RANKINE AUDREY 0131229 4600 ROBERTSON COLIN& STEPHANIE WEEWITCH WESTII 013'1447 2647 SEAGROATT ALASTAIR ELLAHEZRA CONTENDER 01620860 425 SIMPSON NEIL BRIGHTANGEL SEAHAWK 01875341717 SMAIL ALEX 0131654 2725 SMURTHWAITEALYN & ELAINE AEOLUS JEANNEAU 0t31665 8683 EOLIA25 STEWART ALEX COUNTESS28 013t665 5900 TALAC MAUREEN 0131665 5046 THOIiISOiI EUAN& FIONA 0131669 9066 TIERNEY BRYAN& JAYNE CALYPSO SALTYDOG 0131654 1863 TIERNEY CHRIS GREENSIDE UP LASER 0'131660 2545 TOLLERVEY DAVID& HILLE SIESTA WESTERLY 0131669 3210 PAGEANT Ir.:i.. t! - YEARBOOK2MS Ir]'; YEARBOOK2OOS WELCOMETO FISHERROWYACHT CLUB Thankyou for renewingyour membership,or, if you are a new memberthen welcome PLEASENOTE THAT FISHERROWTIDE TIMES ARE 15 to our club. The Committeewould like to take this opportunityto let you know of the facilitiesavailable at FYC. Most importantlywe aim to be a friendly,helpful, club tor our MNUTES(APPROX) EARLIER THAN THE TIMES QUOTED membersand where better to wind do',vnafter a hard week than wilh a refeshing drink at the bar with convivialcompany. The bat is open ftom 8.45 p.m. every Fridayand can also providesoff drinksicr our youngermembers who havetheir own roomacross the hall. A new season is beginningand I can't wait. We have laid out an excitingsailing programmewith many weekends lefr free for cruising in company. Please try and take parl in Club events,whether they be social or sailing,'as you only get out of any situationas much as you put in". The committeeand myselfwill endeavourlo make this a happyand inclusiveseason for membersold and new. have gamesroom completewith pooltable and musicfacilities. There MorchTides GMT AprilTides- GMT In the clubwe a - u.t rG.MtrAd t her Id B.S.\.b.t*ec27n3n5&29/\O/A5 is also a payphoneinstalled for members'use (0131-665-3155). U.I IGM.X) Add I how 6018.5.L h.r{en 27/03/05 & 29/1o/0s fih. MtG lim. ltB ntu ltB nrr Mrt During the winter with the majority of our boats out of the water, it is easy to forget that fi;. MlF nm. Mt6 nm. MIF lin. Ml6 the club can be a useful source of iniormation and camaraderie ior the whole family. 1i8lli:! 93}!l?i 17?l[ 13253ii3 ii 1i* i: 93H:;':173:3 725H1 3i 1941 4'€ F 1935 a.3 Eq 1512 5,0 su 1514 23 M 1535 5J lu 131a 53 W 1357 5.5 TH F 1,4!9 5.4 2054 0.6 The commifteewill be arranginga varietyof entertainingevenings in additionto the 2304 1.0 2m6 0.4 0 2017 0.7 2119 03 212 11 usualannual social events. Please come along and lendyour supportto theseevents. Notification of details and dates will be provided in our regular newsletter. Suggestions 2lili i.l.|0ffi8ff 183Sii:263i9 3:i 2lH :: l(ltrfi33 18i3i9 Z 26ffi ;:t F 1410 2,4 SA 1524 5,6 sA 125A ZO Sll 1553 5'a M 162a 2.1 Tu 1617 57 w 1901 5,1 iH 1447 59 2121 07 are alwayswelcome. 23,€ l.a a 2114 02 2gJS 4.2 2053 0,5 m37 a6 2144 o-a 457 12 The club has a power-washeravailable to all members.Unlimiled use of the club 3Tf;fi 11SS* 19tri:il27ff.1 i3 3333::::11i# ;i lgiiE1127SE 3.1 dinghies is also available.Full Membersand their families may use these boats, F r53:r 6.0 g\ t548 2.4 SU 1600 5,6 sl, 1607 t3 M t632 5t TU 1716 1.3 w 1700 56 lll 1950 a,9 2152 O9 howeverwe would ask that if any other memberswish to make use of the dinghies 21rt9 0.1 21 4,1 2122 O,5 2159 4,5 2201 0.3 2354 d5 then they makea one-offannual payment to mver wear and tear. The clubroomsare 48ffi13123ii33:320218 ?i28$i i:3 4W i.Z1z#i33 20$il il2813[ i:i availablefor privatefunctions by anangement. gu 2'2 M 163f 5.6 M 1727 l-5 TU 17lO 55 w 1755 1.5 TH 1746 5',1 20 sA 1616 3,0 17sl ,t.'t aE 2211 02 2337 4,3 2145 05 234 13 211 2230 1.2 In this increasinglytechnological age more and more of our membershave accessto the intemet.We have been makingan effortto compilea list of email addressesfor 5 3# ;: 13ftfi ;:;21 lfll i:29 Ug E 5:i:: 1313ffiiii21ffi ii29ffi:: 1656 53 M 13r(| 13 TU 1717 5.5 1.1 W 17,€ 5.2 TH 1256 5.0 F 1435 5.2 in handbookit is our intenlionto issuea list of s,d 1609 22 SU 16 our members.Although not detailed the 2206 ar8 47 05 22lo oa 2if'1 1,5 1332 12 2314 addresseslater in the year. Pleasesend an e-mailto the MembershipSecretary it you change your email address or acquire a new one so we can keep our records up to 6:fi:ft 14*: ";3223mY30tr i; 6ffi il 14?Bl i3 22W"* 30ff33 i:3 your pass informationabout 5U 1731 1.3 M 1733 5.7 TU 1254 4.3 W 1759 5.4 53 TH 1a2a .i9 F 1336 52 SA 1029 '19 date. Once we have addressit will be easy ior us to on aza aa 2250 0.9 l9r2 1,6 p12 1.1 oJ 2301 1,9 1912 03 club events to you. 7lfll l3 15::i: ii 233l:: i:3 3l !3i'il 731ff::i 151tr il 2331fiii BonVoyage Alyn Smurthwaite Commodore. M 1t2r,t 1.3 TU 1a17 5.3 W 1336 5,1 Tt| lA{5 5.1 tN t3ao 5.6 F 13ro {.5 SA 1416 5,4 2311 1.4 1901 1,2 84 r5 2Ot3 0.4 2&6 2.3 1050 0J mind, pleasetind belowa few helpfulwebsites. Please note that 839;1i3 t6!fi?if 243ii3il 833fiil 16ll::iiz4tr", Zi Vfith the intemetin TU 13@ 5,3 W t3t 5,0 lN tr13 5.3 F 142a 5,A Sq 2000 a.3 SU 1456 5,6 only our own site is maintainedby FYC. ' 1947 o,A 2339 1,3 1939 0€ a 2049 03 0 202s 0,6 - The Clubsite, maintained by ChrisTiemey - A good site for the latestweather information Port Edgar'swebsite - The websiteof the magazine'Practical Boat Owne/ - Th€ HydrographicOtfice website www.fyca, - Forth Yacht Clubs Associationwebsite The Maritimeand CoastguardAgency website YEARBOOK2OO5 YEARBOOK200'S Moy Tides- GMT JuneTides GMT uT.
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