NOTES As Directed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Najmi Waziri Will Hear

NOTES As Directed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Najmi Waziri Will Hear

31.01.2020 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST SUPPLEMENTARY LIST FOR TODAY IN CONTINUATION OF THE ADVANCE LIST ALREADY CIRCULATED. THE WEBSITE OF DELHI HIGH COURT IS INDEX PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS -----------------> 01 TO 03 REGULAR MATTERS ----------------------------> 01 TO 137 FINAL MATTERS (ORIGINAL SIDE) --------------> 01 TO 12 ADVANCE LIST -------------------------------> 01 TO 109 APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST)---------> 110 TO 130 APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST-MID)-----> 131 TO 152 ORIGINAL SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY I)-------------> 153 TO 163 COMPANY ------------------------------------> 164 TO 164 SECOND SUPPLEMENTARY -----------------------> 165 TO 174 MEDIATION CAUSE LIST -----------------------> 01 TO 02 PRE-LOK ADALAT------------------------------> 01 TO 01 THIRD SUPPLEMENTARY -----------------------> TO NOTES 1. Mentioning of urgent matters will be before Hon'ble DB-I at 10:30 a.m.. 2. Hon'ble DB-V will not assemble today. As directed, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Najmi Waziri will hear, henceforth matters listed before His Lordship in Court No.42 instead of Court No.8 w.e.f. 30.01.2020. SEATING ARRANGEMENT(SPECIAL BENCH MATTERS) 1. Hon'ble Mr. Justice I.S. Mehta will hear single bench matters listed before his Lordship in Court No.36. 2. Hon'ble Mr. Justice C. Hari Shankar will hear single bench matters listed before his Lordship in Court No.05. 3. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Anup Jairam Bhambhani will hear single bench matters listed before his Lordship in Court No.39. DELETIONS 1. W.P.(C)5688/2019 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajiv Shakdher at item No.28 is deleted as the same is fixed for 27.04.2020 2. W.P.(C) 11304/2019 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajiv Shakdher at item No.162 is deleted as the same is already listed at item No.35. 3. CM APPL.3915/2020 in RFA 334/2007 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Yogesh Khanna at item No.16 is deleted as the same is listed before Sh. Ravinder Singh, Joint Registrar(Judicial). 4. W.P.(C) 2161/2019 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Navin Chawla at item No.37 is deleted as the same is already listed at item No.14. NOTE COUNSEL / PARTIES ARE INFORMED THAT THERE ARE SOME OMPs WHICH APPEAR TO RAISE COMMERCIAL DISPUTES AND ARE REQUIRED TO BE RE-NUMBERED AS COMMERCIAL CASES WHICH SHALL BE TAKEN UP FOR APPROPRIATE DIRECTIONS W.E.F. 23.01.2020, BEFORE JOINT REGISTERARS (JUDICIAL). CIRCULAR In continuation of Circular bearing F.No.365/e- Court/Comp./DHC/No.45 dated 18.01.2019, all concerned are hereby informed that the facility of providing digitized data of the cases(except the order sheets & Noting part) to the Advocates and Litigants appearing in person in e-Courts free of charge is further extended till 31.01.2021. All concerned are requested to submit their application for supply of digital copy of the cases pending in the e- Courts of Delhi High Court in the set format(available on website under the heading Public Notices/Download forms) alongwith the Cds/DVDs to the Court Master of the Court where the matter is listed for hearing who, in turn, will forward the same to the Portfolio department. The Cds/DVDs containing the digital data can be collected from the concerned Court Masters. Only those Advocates who have already filed the Vakalatnama or Litigants who are appearing in person and have not engaged any Advocate(s) will be entitled to apply for the digital copy. As approved by Hon'ble Chairman, DHCLSC, National Lok Adalat is to be held on 16.02.2020(SUNDAY) at High Court of Delhi for the pending cases under following category:- 1. Criminal Compoundable Offence 2. NI Act cases under Section 138; 3. Bank Recovery cases; 4. MACT cases; 5. Labour disputes cases; 6. Electricity and Water Bills[excluding non-compoundable] 7. Matrimonial disputes; 8. Land Acquisition cases; 9. Services matters relating to pay and allowances and retiral benefits; 10. Revenue cases; 11. Other civil cases(rent, easmentary rights, injunction suits, specific performance suits) etc; To facilitate settlements, DHCLSC will conduct pre-Lok Adalat sittings w.e.f. 23.12.2019 to 13.02.2020. The parties and their Advocates, who want their pending matter to be referred for Lok Adalat, may either make request to concerned Hon'ble Court or with consent of opposite party may approach office of Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee, Chamber No.35, Lawyers Chambers, Delhi High Court. Sd/- Secretary: DHCLSC Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee is holding the Pre- Lok Adalat sittings from 23.12.2019 to 13.02.2020 between 2:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. in Room Nos. 110 & 111 at Ground Floor of LCB-II on all working days. REGISTRAR(LISTING) 31.01.2020 J- 1 PROUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENT (APPLT. JURISDICTION) COURT NO.38 (DIVISION BENCH-III) HON'BLE DR. JUSTICE S MURALIDHAR HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE TALWANT SINGH AT 10:30 A.M 1. FAO(OS)133/2019 AMAZON SELLER SERVICES SAIKRISHNA RAJAGOPAL, CM 32954/2019 PVT. LTD SIDHARTH CHOPRA, VS. AMWAY INDIA ENTERPRISES SNEHA JAIN, SAUNI DUTT, PVT. LTD. DEVVRAT JOSHI, SURABHI PANDE, NILOFAR ABSAR, ABHITI VACCHER, VIVEK AYYAGARI, PRIYA KUMAR, SHAILABH TIWARI, C D MULHERKAR, CHANAKYA DEVIEDI, TEJAS CHHABRA, ANAND CHICHRA, ARJUN MAHESHWARI LALLTAKSH JOSHI 2. FAO(OS)134/2019 AMAZON SELLER SERVICES SAIKRISHNA RAJAGOPAL, CM 32956/2019 PVT. LTD SIDHARTH CHOPRA, VS. ORIFLAME INDIA SNEHA JAIN, SAUNI DUTT, PVT. LTD. & ORS DEVVRAT JOSHI, SURABHI PANDE, NILOFAR ABSAR, ABHITI VACCHER, VIVEK AYYAGARI, MAHESH B CHHIBBER MONICA 3. FAO(OS)135/2019 AMAZON SELLER SERVICES SAIKRISHNA RAJAGOPAL, CM 32958/2019 PVT. LTD SIDHARTH CHOPRA, VS. MODICARE LTD. & ORS SNEHA JAIN, SAUNI DUTT, DEVVRAT JOSHI, SURABHI PANDE, NILOFAR ABSAR, ABHITI VACCHER, VIVEK AYYAGARI, POOJA DODD, VINAY TRIPATHI, SAKSHAM DHINGRA, AMAN SINGHAL, ADITI MENON, AYUSH SAMADDAR 4. FAO(OS)141/2019 CLOUDTAIL INDIA PVT.LTD. NISCHAL ANAND, PRAFUL SHUKLA, CM 34228/2019 VS. AMWAY INDIA ENTERPRISES PRIYA KUMAR, SHAILABH TIWARI, PRIVATE LTD. & ORS C D MULHERKAR, CHANAKYA DEVIEDI, TEJAS CHHABARA, ANAND CHICHRA, ARJUN MAHESHWARI, LALLTAKSH JOSHI SAIKRISHNA RAJAGOPAL, SIDHARTH CHOPRA, SNEHA JAIN, SAUNI DUTT, DEVVRAT JOSHI, SURABHI PANDE, NILOFAR ABSAR, ABHITI VACCHER, VIVEK AYYAGARI 5. FAO(OS)142/2019 CLOUDTAIL INDIA PVT.LTD. NISCHAL ANAND, PRAFUL SHUKLA, CM 34230/2019 VS. ORIFLAME INDIA MAHESH B CHIBBER, MONICA, PRIVATE LTD. & ORS SAIKRISHNA RAJAGOPAL, SIDHARTH CHOPRA, SNEHA JAIN, SAUNI DUTT, DEVVRAT JOSHI, SURABHI PANDE, NILOFAR ABSAR, ABHITI VACCHER, VIVEK AYYAGARI 31.01.2020 J- 2 PROUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENT (APPLT. JURISDICTION) 6. FAO(OS)157/2019 SNAPDEAL PVT. LTD. RAJSHEKHAR RAO, ADITYA VERMA, CM 37244/2019 VS. AMWAY INDIA ENTERPRISES SHANTANU RAWAT, SIDDHARTH RAWAL, PVT. LTD. & ORS CHAITANYA, PRIYA KUMAR, PRIYA ADLAKHA, TULIP DE, ASHISH SHARMA, RUHEE PASSI, TEJAS CHABRA 7. W.P.(C)9690/2017 UNION OF INDIA & ANR RUCHIR MISHRA, SANJIV KR. SAXENA, CM 39449/2017 VS. P C MISHRA MUKESH KR. TIWARI, ABHISHEK RANA, RAMNEEK MISHRA COURT NO.33 (DIVISION BENCH-VII) HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE MANMOHAN HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE SANGITA DHINGRA SEHGAL 1. CRL.A.630/2019 JAI NARYAN PRITISH SABHARWAL VS STATE & ORS. SANJEET,NEELAM SHARMA RAVIN RAO 2. CRL.A.15/2011 INDER PAL & ANR. FAHIM KHAN,SHOAIB KHAN VS STATE ADITYA TANWAR, AASHAA TIWARI 3. CRL.L.P.31/2018 SHRI INDER PAL R.P.LUTHRA CRL.M.A546/2018 VS STATE & ORS. PURSHOTTAM CHOPRA AASHAA TIWARI, AKHILESHWAR JHA 4. CRL.A.702/2018 ANIL KUMAR SHARMA @ PANDIT RAJIV MOHAN,M.A.KARTHIK CRL.M.(BAIL)1669/2019 VS STATE ABHISHEK SRIVASTAVA LAKSHYA GUPTA NEELAM SHARMA COURT NO.7 HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE JAYANT NATH AT 10:30 A.M 1.W.P(C)12371/2019 MAHENDER NIDHI JAIN, SARITA ROUT, VS. GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI RIZWAN, APOORV SINGHAL, AND ORS SAMEYDEEN 2.W.P(C)12373/2019 W.P(C)12377/2019 W.P(C)12472/2019 W.P(C)12371/2019 W.P(C)12379/2019 W.P(C)12380/2019 W.P(C)12381/2019 W.P(C)12382/2019 W.P(C)12385/2019 W.P(C)12387/2019 W.P(C)12417/2019 W.P(C)2418/2019 W.P(C)12419/2019 W.P(C)12420/2019 W.P(C)12421/2019 W.P(C)12422/2019 W.P(C)12423/2019 W.P(C)12425/2019 W.P(C)12426/2019 W.P(C)12457/2019 W.P(C)12458/2019 W.P(C)12459/2019 W.P(C)12461/2019 W.P(C)12474/2019 PRESENT : MS.NIDHI JAIN, MS.SARITA ROUT, ADVS. FOR THE PETITIONERS. SANTOSH KR. TRIPATHI, ASC GNCTD WITH MR.RAJAT MANGLA, ADV. FOR THE RESPONDENTS IN W.P(C) 2418/2019. MR.GAUTAM NARAYAN, ASC FOR GNCTD WITH MS.SHIVANI VIJ, ADV. FOR W.P.(C)12458/2019 MR.RIZWAN, ADV. FOR GNCTD WITH MR. APOORV SINGHAL AND MR. SAMEYDEEN ADVS. FOR RESPONDENTS. 31.01.2020 J- 3 PROUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENT (APPLT. JURISDICTION) COURT NO.32 HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE MANOJ KUMAR OHRI AT 2:15 P.M 1.CRL.REV.P.356/2016 AMAN CHAUDHARY V C SHUKLA, TARUN GULIA, VS. STATE SUSHANT BAJAJ, RAGHUVINDER VERMA 2.CRL.REV.P.364/2016 PRATEEK GARG RAMESH GUPTA, TEJVIR SINGH, VS. STATE AJAY P TUSHIR, SHAILENDRA SINGH, MANKARAN SINGH, RAGHUVINDER VERMA 3.CRL.REV.P.461/2016 THE STATE (NCT OF DELHI) DR M P SINGH, K SINGHAL CRL.M.A10402/2016 VS. SANKAT MOCHAN & ANR HIGH COURT OF DELHI 30 JAN ,2020 REGISTRAR (LISTING) 31.01.2020 R-1 REGULAR MATTERS 31.01.2020 REGULAR MATTERS COURT NO. 1 (DIVISION BENCH-1) HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE C.HARI SHANKAR [NOTE : COUNSELS ARE REQUESTED TO BE READY FOR ARGUMENTS IN THE FIRST FIVE CASES.] REGULAR MATTERS 1.

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