Appendix 3 Performance Review Sub-Committee Application Random application 4 - Location Decision 3P - Proposal Valid Date PS Development Code Expiry Date Decision Issued Date Officer Name Admin Officer Reference number Application for approval of details reserved by Wellgate Farm Housing Development Collier conditions 11 (Schedule of Landscape AOD - Application for approval of details x 17/00826/CDN 1 Row Road, Chadwell Heath, Barking And Condition(s) Fully Discharged Maintenance), 25 (Drainage Strategy) and 26 05/07/2017 30/08/2017 22/12/2020 Harry Moorhouse reserved by condition Dagenham, (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) in respect of planning permission 11/01015/FUL. .Demolition of existing medical centre and erection of seven-storey building comprising replacement ground and first floor medical King Edwards Medical Centre, 1 King Edwards centre (Class E(medical centre), Class E to 17/02151/FUL 2 Approved Subject To Legal Agreement 03/01/2018 Q01. MAJOR Dwellings 04/04/2018 28/01/2021 Grace Liu Road, Barking, Barking And Dagenham, IG11 7TB ground floor (to house a pharmacy) and 24 flats to upper (second to sixth) floors with provision of 12 under-croft parking spaces and ancillary facilities. Demolition of existing Crown House building and phased redevelopment of the site to provide 396 residential units and 430 sqm of flexible commercial floorspace (facilitating A1, A2, A3, Crown House, 6 Cambridge Road, Barking, B1, D1 and D2 uses) within two buildings (a part 18/01972/FUL 3 Approved Subject To Legal Agreement 16/11/2018 Q06. MAJOR All other major developments 15/02/2019 10/07/2020 Adele Lawrence Barking And Dagenham, IG11 8HQ 9, 10, 16, 20 storey building and a part 10, 25, 29 storey building) with basements, associated highway works, servicing facilities, cycle parking, disabled car parking and public realm improvements. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 (materials) in respect of planning permission 16/00715/REM and conditions 17 (construction method statement), 19 (construction logistics plan), 21 (accessible Gascoigne Estate East King Edwards Road, housing M4(2)), 22 (accessible housing M4(3)), AOD - Application for approval of details 18/01985/CDN 4 Partial Approval 16/11/2018 11/01/2019 16/12/2020 Nasser Farooq Barking, Barking And Dagenham, 25 A) (archaeological written scheme of reserved by condition investigation), condition 26 (land remediation investigation), 27 (land remediation scheme), 31 (acoustic protection), 43 (parking strategy), 44 (bird and bat boxes), 57 (cycle parking) in respect of planning permission 15/01084/FUL. Erection of single storey extension to provide 30 Thames Road, Barking, Barking And cold rooms and a retail unit (Use Class A1) and x 18/02051/FUL 5 Refused 19/11/2019 Q18. MINOR All other developments 14/01/2020 08/09/2020 Kathryn McAllister Dagenham, IG11 0HZ the erection of a first floor extension to provide office accommodation. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 24 (road adoption and on street Gascoigne Estate East King Edwards Road, parking management), 34 (surface water AOD - Application for approval of details 18/02168/CDN 6 Condition(s) Partially Discharged 15/04/2019 10/06/2019 17/12/2020 Nasser Farooq Barking, Barking And Dagenham, drainage scheme) and 35 (levels) for Phase 1A reserved by condition (sub-Phase D) and Phase 1B of planning permission 15/01084/FUL. Application for approval of reserved matters following permission 19/00310/FUL, dated 3 February 2020 – Construction of a 3 form entry primary school (Greatfields Primary School) on Gascoigne Estate East King Edwards Road, 19/00028/REM 7 Approved Development Parcel K comprising the erection of 09/02/2019 Q06. MAJOR All other major developments 11/05/2019 08/07/2020 Nasser Farooq Barking, Barking And Dagenham, a two-storey teaching block containing 21 classrooms and related facilities; provision of external playground, hard and soft landscaping, parking and associated works Application for outline planning permission: redevelopment of site comprising demolition of existing buildings and erection of four 7 storey blocks to provide light industrial floor space Greenburn Centre Selinas Lane, Dagenham, (737m2) (Use Class B1(c)) and 150 residential 19/00264/OUT 8 No Decision Taken 03/05/2019 Q01. MAJOR Dwellings 02/08/2019 22/12/2020 Simon Bullock Barking And Dagenham, flats (36 x 1 bedroom, 56 x 2 bedroom, 52 x 3 bedroom, and 6 x 4 bedroom units) with associated ground level and basement car parking, landscaping, and creation of new vehicular access from Selinas Lane. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 14 (Contamination Land), 15 A House For Artists, 36 - 40 Linton Road, (Remediation Scheme) 16 (Approved AOD - Application for approval of details 19/00583/CDN 9 Refused 18/07/2019 12/09/2019 12/11/2020 Kathryn McAllister Barking, Barking And Dagenham, Remediation Scheme), 17 (Risk Assessment) & reserved by condition 18 (Monitoring and Maintenance Scheme) in respect of planning permission 18/00555/FUL. Upgrade of park landscape and provision of new park facilities comprising a new toddler playground, a new adventure playground zone, Central Park Wood Lane, Dagenham, Barking an interactive maze and associated grass 19/00602/FUL 10 Approved 03/04/2019 Q06. MAJOR All other major developments 03/07/2019 11/09/2020 Olivia St-Amour And Dagenham, amphitheatre/picnic zone, new nature zones incorporating wetlands, wildflower meadow and native planting, areas designated for public art and new network of paths. 11 Rockwell Road, Dagenham, Barking And Erection of a single ground floor rear/side 19/00767/FUL 11 No Decision Taken 02/05/2019 Q21. Householder developments 27/06/2019 17/11/2020 Frances Odikasigbue Dagenham, RM10 8JA extension for disabled occupant. Erection of 4 storey building comprising ground floor community use (Class F1) and 34 upper Site Of Old Thamesview Clinic Bastable Avenue, 19/00797/FUL 12 Approved Subject To Legal Agreement floor flats (21 x 1 bed, 13 x 2 bed), creation of 13/06/2019 Q01. MAJOR Dwellings 12/09/2019 25/11/2020 Grace Liu Barking, Barking And Dagenham, new vehicular access, basement level car park, and associated landscaping. Barking Abbey Comprehensive School, School 19/00806/FUL 13 Site Sandringham Road, Barking, Barking And Approved New access ramp to main school entrance. 08/05/2019 Q18. MINOR All other developments 03/07/2019 21/12/2020 Nathaniel Soneye-Thomas Dagenham, IG11 9AG Continuation of existing use of Unit 1 as place of worship (Use Class D1) in association with The Beaver Centre Selinas Lane, Dagenham, 19/00807/FUL 14 Approved adjoining place of worship at The Beaver Centre 12/07/2019 Change of Use 06/09/2019 18/09/2020 Kathryn McAllister Barking And Dagenham, RM8 1QH permitted under ref. 09/00721/FUL (retrospective). Demolition of existing detached garage and 66 Hunters Hall Road, Dagenham, Barking And 19/00851/FUL 15 Refused erection of new two storey detached two 16/05/2019 Minor Dwellings 11/07/2019 23/11/2020 Kathryn McAllister Dagenham, RM10 8HX bedroom house. 4 Lansbury Avenue, Barking, Barking And Demolition of existing garage and erection of 1 x 19/00867/FUL 16 Refused 18/12/2019 Q13. MINOR Dwellings 12/02/2020 23/11/2020 Kathryn McAllister Dagenham, IG11 9NN bedroom flat accessed from rear garden. The Lighterman, 109 Bastable Avenue, Barking, Erection of new porch, alterations to façade and 19/00965/FUL 17 Approved 05/06/2019 Q18. MINOR All other developments 31/07/2019 12/12/2020 Lauren Carroll Barking And Dagenham, IG11 0NX internal alterations., Erection of single storey side and rear extensions in connection with the subdivision of the 10 Norton Road, Dagenham, Barking And 19/00977/FUL 18 No Decision Taken dwelling into 1 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed and 1 x 3 bed 10/06/2019 Minor Dwellings 05/08/2019 22/12/2020 Aurelien Kong Dagenham, RM10 8BP houses and roof alterations comprising of 11 front, rear and side dormer windows. Resurfacing and re-planning existing car park Thomas Arnold Primary School, School Site area; formation of new recreation space with 19/00989/REG3 19 Rowdowns Road, Dagenham, Barking And Approved 10/06/2019 Q18. MINOR All other developments 05/08/2019 23/11/2020 Kathryn McAllister canopy, sensory garden, synthetic grass area, Dagenham, RM10 6NH timber decking, new external classroom doors Application for a certificate of lawfulness for an 34 Surrey Road, Barking, Barking And existing development: Erection of single storey 19/00991/CLU_E 20 Lawful (Certificate) 10/06/2019 CLUE - Lawful development: Existing use 05/08/2019 04/11/2020 Kathryn McAllister Dagenham, IG11 7QT rear extension, roof canopy and front porch extension. Erection of a single storey front extension a two 21 Bennett Road, Chadwell Heath, Romford, 19/00992/FUL 21 Refused storey side and part single part two story rear 11/06/2019 Q21. Householder developments 06/08/2019 15/09/2020 Kathryn McAllister Barking And Dagenham, RM6 6ES extensions. Subdivision of 5 bedroom dwelling into three 3 4 Cecil Avenue, Barking, Barking And Dagenham, 19/01010/FUL 22 Refused residential units, consisting of 1 x 3 bed 18/07/2019 Minor Dwellings 12/09/2019 14/08/2020 Kathryn McAllister IG11 9TA maisonette and 2 x studio flats. 43 Stansgate Road, Dagenham, Barking And Erection of outbuilding in rear garden to be used 19/01020/FUL 23 Refused 14/06/2019 Q21. Householder developments 09/08/2019 09/12/2020 Olivia St-Amour Dagenham, RM10 7LT as gym. 2 Kingsley Close, Dagenham, Barking And Erection of 2 bedroom end of terrace dwelling 19/01039/FUL 24 Refused 13/12/2019 Minor Dwellings 07/02/2020 11/08/2020 Kathryn McAllister Dagenham, RM10 7BQ with garage in rear garden. Change of internal partitions layout to former 38 Walnut Tree Road, Dagenham, Barking And garage into habitable accommodation 19/01064/FUL 25 No Decision Taken 24/06/2019 Q21.
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