HC Zeitschriften Anglisik Signatur Titel A HC 1100 Abstracts of English studies HC 1125 Accent HC 1135 Acolit HC 1140 Adelphi HC 1150 Adventurer HC 1155 Adventures in poetry HC 1165 African literature today HC 1168 Age of Johnson HC 1170 Agenda HC 1175 Aglared HC 1195 Ainsworth´s magazine HC 1220 Akwesasne notes HC 1221 Akwesasne notes HC 1250 Akros HC 1280 Alternative futures HC 1300 Amazing HC 1304 Amedian HC 1306 Amerasia journal HC 1308 American annual HC 1312 American Antiquarian Society: Proceedings HC 1315 American book review HC 1320 American Dialect Society: Newsletter HC 1330 American foreign language teacher HC 1350 American heritage HC 1360 American indian quarterly HC 1390 American literary history HC 1410 American literary realism HC 1420 American literary scholarship. An annual. HC 1500 American literature HC 1506 American magazine HC 1509 American museum or universal magazine HC 1515 American notes and queries HC 1535 American poetry review HC 1539 American prefaces HC 1550 American quarterly HC 1552 American quarterly review HC 1590 American spectator HC 1600 American speech HC 1601 American speech HC 1700 American studies HC 1701 American Studies International. Newsletter. HC 1705 American studies HC 1710 American studies in scandinavia HC 1720 American studies library newsletter HC 1730 American studies newsletter HC 1740 American theatre HC 1750 American transcendental quarterly HC 1765 American west HC 1900 Analog science fiction & science fact HC 1915 Analyst Seite 1 von 18 HC Zeitschriften Anglisik Signatur Titel HC 1925 Analytical magazine HC 1950 Angel hair HC 1970 Angerthas HC 2000 Anglia + Reg. HC 2003 Anglia. Supplement. HC 2100 Anglistik und Englischunterricht HC 2140 Anglo-american studies HC 2180 Anglo-irish studies HC 2190 Anglophonia HC 2200 Anglo-Saxon England HC 2230 Anglo-Welch review HC 2600 Angol filólogiai tanulmányok HC 2685 Annual report on english and american studies HC 2700 Annual review and history of literature HC 2800 ANQ HC 2890 Anthologia hibernica HC 2900 Antigonish review HC 2920 Anti Jacobin HC 2923 Antioch review HC 2925 Antipodes HC 2930 Apple HC 2935 Approach HC 2945 Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik HC 2950 Arena HC 2955 Argosy HC 2960 Ariel HC 2962 Arizona quarterly HC 2965 Arkham sampler HC 2980 Art and letters HC 2985 Arthurian literature HC 2990 Ase HC 2995 Asian englishes HC 3000 Association for african literature in english. Bulletin. HC 3003 Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language. Bulletin. HC 3010 Atlantic HC 3025 Aurora HC 3035 Australasian drama studies HC 3040 Australasian sketcher with pen and pencil HC 3050 Australian literatury studies HC 3055 Autobiography studies HC 3070 Avalon to camelot B HC 3095 Babel HC 3200 Backtrack HC 3220 Baker street journal HC 3225 Barnhart dictionary companion HC 3226 B.A.S. : British and american studies HC 3230 Beacon HC 3235 Bee HC 3250 Beiträge zur Amerikakunde HC 3270 Bell Seite 2 von 18 HC Zeitschriften Anglisik Signatur Titel HC 3280 Beltaine HC 3290 Best canadian stories HC 3300 Best detective stories of the year HC 3320 Best poems HC 3335 Bibliographical Society of America. Papers. HC 3339 Bim HC 3340 Biography and source studies HC 3342 Black books bulletin HC 3344 Black man HC 3345 Black mountain review HC 3347 Black orpheus HC 3348 Black position HC 3349 Black scholar HC 3349.5 Black world HC 3350 Blackwoods magazine HC 3360 Blake HC 3370 Blast HC 3400 Blue review HC 3445 Bookman HC 3450 Boundary two HC 3460 British Association for American Studies. Newsletter. HC 3470 British book news HC 3480 British journal of aestetics HC 3490 British linguistic newsletter HC 3495 British review of New Zealand studies HC 3500 Brno studies in english HC 3525 Broadway journal HC 3550 Browning-society-papers HC 3565 Brownson´s quarterly review HC 3580 Buckland news HC 3600 Burns chronicle and club directory HC 3630 Butterfly C HC 3665 Caell-journal HC 3680 Cahiers Elisabethains HC 3690 Cahiers de la nouvelle HC 3700 Calendar of modern letters HC 3800 Caliban HC 3805 California english HC 3806 Callaloo HC 3807 Cambridge quarterly HC 3809 Canada. Commissioner of Official Languages. Annual report. HC 3810 Canadia childrens literature HC 3810.3 Canadian book review annual HC 3811 Canadian drama HC 3812 Canadian essay and literature index HC 3815 Canadian fiction magazine HC 3817 Canadian forum HC 3820 Canadian literature HC 3826 Canadian poetry HC 3830 Canadian review of american studies Seite 3 von 18 HC Zeitschriften Anglisik Signatur Titel HC 3835 Canadian theatre review HC 3838 Canadian woman studies HC 3840 Canadian writing newsbulletin HC 3845 Caribbean quarterly HC 3848 Carrollian : the Lewis Carroll journal / Lewis Carroll Society HC 3850 Caterpillar HC 3860 Centennial review HC 3870 Centre d´etudes anglo-irlandaises.Cahier. HC 3875 Centre des Recherches sur l´Amérique Anglophene HC 3878 Centre for research in the new literatures in english HC 3900 Chapbook HC 3902 Chapbook HC 3910 Chaucer review HC 3915 Chelsea hotel HC 3925 Chicago review HC 3925.5 Children´s book review HC 3926 Children´s literature HC 3926 Children´s Literature Association HC 3926.3 Children´s literature in education HC 3926.6 Chimera HC 3926.8 Chimo HC 3927 Cimarron review HC 3930 Cincinnati miscellany HC 3932 Cinema Canada HC 3932.5 Cirth de Gandalf HC 3933 City lights journal HC 3934 City University New York: CUNY english forum HC 3935 CLA-journal HC 3937 Colby library quarterly HC 3938 College composition and communication HC 3940 College english HC 3942 College literature HC 3945 Colorado quarterly HC 3952 Comic alamanach HC 3954 Comic news HC 3956 Commonwealth HC 3957 Commonwealth newsletter HC 3958 Commonwealth novel in english HC 3959 Commonwealth quarterly HC 3960 Companion HC 3960.5 Comparative American studies. HC 3961 Compendium of university entrance requirements for first degrec courses HC 3961.5 Computer Corpora des Englischen in Forschung, Lehre und Anwendung HC 3962 Concerning poetry HC 3962.5 Conch HC 3962.7 Concord saunterer HC 3962.8 Connotations HC 3962.9 Conradiana HC 3963 Constitutional press HC 3964 Contemporary literature HC 3965 Contemporary poetry and prose Seite 4 von 18 HC Zeitschriften Anglisik Signatur Titel HC 3970 Contrast HC 3976 Cornhill magazine HC 3976.5 Corpus linguistics and linguistics theory HC 3977 Criticism HC 3978 Costerus HC 3978.2 Costerus. N.S. HC 3978.5 Country life HC 3978.7 Crayon Criterion siehe HC 3980.4 HC 3979 Critical inquiry HC 3980.4 Criterion HC 3980.6 Critical arts Critical inquiry siehe HC 3979 HC 3981 Critical quarterly Criticism siehe HC 3977 HC 3982 Critique HC 3982.1 CSL: Bulletin HC 3982.2 Cultural studies HC 3982.4 Current writing D HC 3982.8 Dalhousie review HC 3983 Delta HC 3983.2 Delta HC 3984 Departure HC 3985 Dial HC 3987 Dialectologia et geolinguistics HC 3988 Dickinson studies HC 3992 Dictionaries HC 3995 Dictionary of literary biography. Yearbook. HC 4000 Dime novel round up HC 4010 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien. Mitteilungsblatt. HC 4030 Discourse HC 4040 Dome HC 4070 Drama review HC 4073 Dramatist HC 4075 Dramatists guild quarterly HC 4080 Dublin magazine HC 4082 Dublin penny journal HC 4085 Dutch quarterly review of anglo-american letters E HC 4090 Early american literature HC 4100 Echos du Commonwealth HC 4110 Edge HC 4112 Edge HC 4120 Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany HC 4130 Educational theatre journal HC 4140 Eighteenth century life HC 4142 Eighteenth-century fiction HC 4144 Eire-Ireland HC 4146 EKIB newsletter Seite 5 von 18 HC Zeitschriften Anglisik Signatur Titel HC 4150 ELH HC 4200 Elementary english HC 4220 ELT-Documents HC 4230 Emily Dickinson journal HC 4240 Encore HC 4241 Encore HC 4250 Encounter HC 4251 Engineering report HC 4252 Enemy HC 4253 Englisch HC 4254 Englisch-amerikanische Studien HC 4254.4 Englisch amerikanische Studien HC 4255 English HC 4255.1 English Association. Newsletter. HC 4257 English Echo HC 4257.5 English for specific purposes HC 4258 English foreign language-gazette HC 4259 English in Africa HC 4260 English in education HC 4262 English institute. Annual publications. HC 4263 English journal English language and linguistics siehe HC 6243.6 HC 4264 English language notes HC 4268 English language teaching HC 4269 English language teaching journal HC 4269.5 English language teaching news HC 4270 Englische Studien HC 4270.5 English language and linguistics HC 4271 English literary renaissance HC 4272 English magazine HC 4272.5 English miscellany HC 4273 English philological studies HC 4274 English Place-Name-Society. Journal HC 4274.6 English record HC 4275 English review HC 4280 English studies HC 4285 English studies in Africa HC 4287 English studies in Canada HC 4290 English literature in transition HC 4300 English review magazine HC 4310 English teaching abstracts HC 4311 English-teaching forum HC 4312 English teaching professional HC 4313 English today HC 4315 English world-wide HC 4322 Envoi HC 4325 Envoy HC 4349 Essays and studies HC 4350 Essays and studies HC 4355 Essays and studies on american language and literature HC 4400 Essays in canadian irony Seite 6 von 18 HC Zeitschriften Anglisik Signatur Titel HC 4420 Essays by divers hands HC 4425 Essays in criticism HC 4427 Essays in literature HC 4428 Essays in theatre HC 4430 Essays on canadian writing HC 4440 Etonian HC 4450 Etudes anglaises HC 4455 Etudes irlandaises HC 4462 European Association for American Studies. Newsletter. HC 4464 European journal of american culture HC 4466 European journal of english studies HC 4468 European studies of english studies HC 4470 Evergreen review HC 4488 Exile HC 4500 Explicator HC 4515 Extrapolation F HC 4540 Fantasy HC 4541 Fantasy and science fiction HC 4543 Fiction index annual volumes HC 4544 Cumulated fiction index HC 4544.3 Fiddlehead HC 4544.5 Flambeau HC 4544.7 Focus HC 4545 Foederal american monthly HC 4546 Folder (with new folder) HC 4550 Folios of new writing HC 4555 Folk-Say HC 4560 For now HC 4562 Foreign quarterly review HC 4562.7 Fortnightly review / New series HC 4563 Forum.
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