BASEBALL GAME THE GEORGE-ANNE TODAY PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF GEORGIA TEACHERS COLLEGE VOLUME 32 Collegeboro, Georgia, Suburb of Statesboro, Friday, April 3, 1959 NUMBER 20 113 Merit Dean's Unseeded Profs K. C. Heroes List Winter Quarter Best Advance One hundred thirteen stu- Rincon; Faye Anderson Adams, dents attending Georgia Teach- Register; Elaine Alley, Macon; "Whitey" Is Named To ers College made the winter James Bagley, Odum; Frances quarter Dean's List, according to Bailey, McRae; Carolyn Bridges, In History Dean Paul F. Carroll. Moultrie; Valera Brinson, Uval- Of these 113, 76 were women da; Wanda Broome, Dalton; Ed Ail-American Team and 37 were men. Brown, Dexter; Betty Bryant, For Ga. Team Better than a "B-plus" aver- Woodbine; Bobbie Butler, Pel- Whitey Verstraete, GTC's Our unseeded Profs faced a age is required for making the ham; Sandra Cox, Lenox; Don- junior basketball co-captain, has list. Fifty students made all ald Cox, Millen; and Ann Davis, tough row in the first round of GTC Religious been named to the third NAIA "A's" while the remaining 63 Elberton. the National NAIA Tournament All-American team for 1958-59. rated an "A" or a "B-plus" Also, Edward Drawdy, Black- in Kansas City, Missouri, but average for the quarter. shear; Barbara Eakin, Kings- Emphasis Week The blonde Moline, Illinois Those making the list ac- land; Barbara Exum, Edison; forward is the second GTC play- came out on top of the eleventh cording to home towns were: Barbara Faulk, Fitzgerald; Shir- To Be April 13-18 er in school history to receive ranked Platteville State College, Glenda Durrence, Joe Edwards, ley Gaddis, Marietta; Jean Gar- All-American recognition. Chest- WHITEY VERSTRAETE 91-84. and Grace Ann Flanigan, Clax- rad, Washington; Patricia Gar- The annual Religious Em- er Webb, the Elberton center, made the NAIA first team in The Profs had to come from tbn; Jean Dickerson and Ann rett, Warrenton; Patricia phasis Week at Georgia Teach- an 11-point deficit with about 1955, and was named "Player .« Waters, Sylvania; N o r v e 11 Groover, Ludowici; Linda Hard- ers College will be held on the 11 minutes left to play. They of the Year." Hughes and David Powers, Tif- ie, Gardon; Robert Hallman, campus April 13-16, according Visiting Group did this plus going ahead by 12 ton; Linda Sikes Holloway and Mendes; Particia Hiers, Fort Val- to co-chairmen K i r b y 1 e n e Verstraete also was named points with only four minutes Vaughan L a n i e r, Cobbtown; ley; Carolyn Hill, Enigma; Jane Stephens and J. I. Clements Jr. Georgia College Player of the left to play. With this 12-point Mary Rivenbark and Sandra Katherine Jackson, Crawford- The Religious Emphasis speak- Year by the Atlanta Tip-Off To Re-evaluate margin, the Profs coasted in for Tindol, Metter; James Gibbs ville; Melvin Johnson, Louis- ers will be the Rev. A. Jason Club last week, and was awarded the win. and Ann Mygrant, Cordele; Sal- ville; John James King, Pitts; Shirah, pastor of the First a trophy by that organization. ly Ruth Johnson, H. F. John- The Profs' scoring leaders George Lawson, Adrian; Jo Ann Methodist Church in Waycross. Whitey scored 620 points in 31 son, and Jeanette Vaughn, Bax- Lewallen, Toccoa; Ronald Lif- GTC Program were Verstraete, 23; Lewis, 23; Dr. Shirah was born in Byron- games, for a 20-point average, Owens, 19; and Curry 16. ley. sey, Griffen; Janice Lindsey, ville, Georgia, and educated at and led the team in rebounding A committee of 15 prominent Also, Vonnelle Beasley and Georgetown; Donna Long; Ran- and assists, in addition to Whitey Verstraete and Chester Emory and at Yale. Previous educators headed by Dean John Curry led the Profs to a 73-70 Sara Miller, Soperton; Mattie ger; Miriam McCIain, Pelham; pastorates have been at Thomas- winning the annual W. S. Han- A. Dotson of the College of Edu- Nunez, Mary Clark, Tessie Jones, Carl Martin, Hamilton; Lola Jean ner Free Throw Award for the victory over Indiana State Col- ville, Cochran, and Fitzgerald. cation of the University of Geor- lge from Terre Haute, Indiana. Cathryn Simmons, Charlene Driver; Henrinel Middleton, He will speak at the college on second straight year with a per- gia will convene on the campus Webb, and Jeane Walsh, Sa- Blakely; Mary Moore, Thomas- Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- centage of .817. of Georgia Teachers College on Indiana State was seeded No. vannah; Stephen Bailey, Kath- ton; and Margaret Neely, day, April 13-15. Whitey also was named to April 12-14 to study the college 6, and 'had defeated Evansville, ryn Rhodes and Ruth Story, Wrightsville. the Associated Press All-Ameri- teacher education programs and the NCAA college champion, and Augusta; John Adams, Rufus Also, Mac Nobles, Nichols, The complete schedule for the can honorable mention list, and Butler, an NIT team, during the wek will be announced in next make recommendations regard- Akins, Earnest Borders, James Ruth Sutton Odum, Girard; along with teammate Chester regular season. wek's George-Anne. ing their continued approval by Brannen, Jo Ann Cartee, Jessie Peggy Parks, Brunswick; Ver- Curry to the United Press Inter- the State Department of Educa- Whitey had 25 tallies to lead Lou Clarke, Eulie Dasher, Jo melle Pierce, Hazlehurst; Glenda national All-America honorable tion. the Profs and Curry followed Ann Daughtry, Julia Ann Hen- Rentz, St. Marys; Betty Russell, GOSPEL CONCERT mention listing. Regulations of the State De- closely with 24 points. drix, Mary Ann Green, Claytt Thompson; Ellen Sumner, Sum- Curry, who led the Profs in partment of Education require all The Profs just couldn't get James, William Johns, Gary Ro- ner; Helen Tanner, Twin City; The Statesmen Quartet with scoring with 638 points, was institutions having teacher edu- started against Pacific Lutheran bert Litchford, Sandra Turner, Sandra Taylor, Arlington; Wil- Hovie Lister and the Blackwood named Georgia Player of the cation programs to be approved and lost 97-65. Pacific Lutheran and Harold Smith, Statesboro. liam Briggs Tyler, Hahira; Fred Brothers Quartet of Memphis, Year by the Atlanta Journal, and before their graduates may be was the third seeded team. Curry Also, James Johnston, Rosa- Veal, Jr., Milledgeville; Gayle Tennessee will present a Gospel this, according to Coach J. B. certified as teachers for the led the Profs with 22 points lind Thompson, Albany; Martha Vel Dink, Gainesville; Florida; Concert in the new gym at Geor- Scearce, "was the first time I Georgia Public Schools. Once on followed by Connie Lewis with Bacon and Thomas A. McCorkle, Stacy Wells, Jr., Hinesville; Ed- gia Teachers College on Wed- ever heard of two players off the accredited list, an institu- 16. Pembroke; Sarah Strickland and wina White, Dixie; Barbara nesday, May 13. The concert is the same team being named by tion must be re-evaluated every Although GTC was defeated, Jimmy Tidwell, Waycross; Laura Clare Williams; Ray Wilson, being sponsored by the Athletic different groups as 'Player of five years thereafter to remain Harden and Betty Joan Pittman, Bremen; and Gail Wright, White Department with the assistance the Year.' It was certainly a this was the farthest any on the list. Georgia team has been in the Glenwood; Laurie Ackerman, Oak. of the Student Council Social great honor for both boys and The visiting committee will Committee. for the team." tournament. This was the third have the task of evaluating time in four years that the Profs several new programs added have gone to the tournament. since the last re-evaluation in Tampa was the only District 25 Ninety-three Seniors 1952. The newly developed team to go further in the graduate program in teacher tournament. They finished fourth education will be under examina- in 1950. tion for the first time. A pro- Tennessee A & I defeated Are Student Teaching jected program for the prepara- Pacific Lutheran 97-87 to win tion of junior high school the tournament. This was the Ninety-three senior education Juliette Lowe Elementary School, teachers and a major in French third straight year A & I has majors from Georgia Teachers Savannah; and Soperton Primary to be started in September will won. They lose three players College are doing their student- School. also be studied by the com- from their varsity squad this teaching in 21 south Georgia The student teachers giving mittee. year, including the great Dick high schools and six elemen- thetir names, hometowns and In anticipation of the visiting Barnett, the NAIA "Player of tary schools during this 1959 major subjects are as follows: committee, the college staff has the Year." spring, according to Dr. J. D. been busy for many months re- Park, chairman of the division Portal High School: Kitty examining and refining all its of education. Kelly, Statesboro, Music; Jo Ann programs. Descriptions of all One full quarter of teaching in Wilson, Glennville, music. programs including additions and Spring Quarter a classroom situation is required Southeast Bulloch High School: changes made sinqe 1952 have of each senior toward the com- Jackie Clark, Albany, mathe- been prepared in the course of pletion of the B.S. in education matics; Guy Dasher, Stillmore, the study completed by the Enrollment Hits degree requirements. business education; Rodney Fain, staff, and these materials have Seventy-six students are Cairo, physical education; Linda been submitted to the committee Ail-Time High teaching in Portal High School, Hardie, Gordon, English; Ray- for examination in advance of Southeast Bulloch High School, ford Wilson, Bremen, mathe- the visitation dates. Georgia Teachers College Brooklet; Statesboro High matics; and Delbert L.
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