Eastern Illinois University The Keep March 2001 3-20-2001 Daily Eastern News: March 20, 2001 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2001_mar Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: March 20, 2001" (2001). March. 9. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2001_mar/9 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2001 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in March by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Daily Tuesday Vol. 85 No. 120 March 20, 2001 Eastern News www.thedailyeasternnews.com “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.” News News Sports Campus Pond is stocked with Local video rental stores Baseball team prepares for a trout for opening of fishing refuse to back down to Family cat fight with IUPUI today. season. Video. Story on Page 12 Story on Page 3 Story on Page 6 Shuttle bus Eastern may see more cuts contract considered by the General Governor’s proposal could cost university $100,000 Assembly during budget delibera- tions,” said Jill Nilsen, acting vice unlikely By Joseph Ryan percent increase for utilities, total- president of external relations, in a Administration editor ing $60,300, and 3 percent increase According to a memorandum press release. in library acquisitions, totaling from Keith Sanders, executive The General Assembly is without fee Gov. George Ryan has proposed $37,800. director of the IBHE, to Eastern expected to finalize the budget a $4,395,100 fiscal year 2002 “I would anticipate that the 3 President Carol Surles, the alloca- appropriation by the end of June. increase in Eastern’s operating bud- percent increase cut for libraries tion of Ryan’s budget cuts will be The allocation of Ryan’s bud- increase get, which is almost $100,000 less will have a considerable impact on presented to the Board of Higher get will preserve funding for the than the Illinois Board of Higher EIU’s library since the cost for Education for action at its April “3+2+1” initiative for raising fac- By Amy Thon Education recommended increase. library books and materials contin- 10, 2001 meeting. ulty salaries across the state, Editor in chief As a result of Gov. George ue to rise,” said Shelly Flock, direc- The budget recommendations according to the memorandum. Ryan’s cuts in the total Illinois tor of media relations. have one more final process to The initiative requires universi- Student Government members Board of Higher Education FY02 All public universities, commu- endure — the General Assembly. ties to match 1 percent to the say it is unlikely the university will budget recommendations, $98,100 nity colleges and the Illinois “We would hope that the state’s 5 percent increase in facul- be able to reach a transportation will be sliced off of Eastern’s IBHE Mathematics and Science General Assembly will support the ty salaries, resulting in a total 6 contract for a shuttle bus for next recommended $4.5 million increase. Academy had cuts related to utili- governor’s recommendation for percent increase. year without a fee increase. The decrease in funds will be ties and libraries that amounted to a Eastern, but realize that our bud- “If (Student Senate) doesn’t rec- taken directly from a proposed 3 total of $3.5 million, Flock said. get is one of many that must be See CUTS Page 7 ommend an increase, we won’t be able to provide a shuttle service next year,” said Student Body President Katie Cox. The Student Senate would have to approve an increase to the current fee of $5.60. Eastern’s Board of Trustees also would have to approve the increase. Cox said the Student Senate would survey students before the fee was approved. The shuttle bus was shut down indefinitely just before Spring Break as administration and Student Government officials look for a new company to run the shuttle bus sys- tem. The old company, H&H Transportation of Charleston, mutu- ally agreed with the university to terminate its contract to run the two Panther Express buses in March because the company could not pro- vide the bus service at the price it bid. Adam Weyhaupt, senate speaker, said he is not sure how much of an increase will be necessary next year. “There’s a variety of options. Almost any option for next semester would necessitate an increase,” he said. “We hope to have all the options definite and ready to present to Student Senate by Wednesday night.” The university also has had diffi- culty reaching a contract with a transportation company for the / Assoc. Photo editor Kate Mitchell remainder of this semester, Cox Musical peace said. “The main reason we can’t find A host of musicians, including Brian Shaw, play “Peace for Five” Monday evening in the Dvorak Concert Hall. Shaw performed with a variety of instruments anyone at the cost we can afford is in multiple pieces during his senior Jazz Recital. that no one is interested in going into a contract with the university for five or six weeks,” Cox said. “We’re pret- ty much running out of alternatives. Equinox brings promise of warmer weather We worked all through break on it.” By Tyler Shobe ue until June 21st, which will be H&H, which won the shuttle bus Staff Writer First day of Spring arrives today with the longest day of the year. contract over two competitors with a The temperatures should be bid of $53,998 last summer, recently Spring has finally arrived today temperatures rising into the 50s soon between 32 and 52 degrees this submitted a new bid of at least and April showers and May flow- week, with an average of 42 $74,000, but the higher price was ers will soon be on their way. this point, the sun is shining sun shines to the north, Price said. degrees, Price said. “cost-prohibitive.” As winter winds down, directly at the equator, which According to Price, we already The temperatures should con- Vice President for Student Affairs Charleston will be experiencing would cause the days to have an had a period of equal daylight and tinue to rise for the next week and Lou Hencken is working to find more fair weather as today is offi- equal amount of daylight and dark night last Friday. However, this a half, with spring officially begin- alternate transportation to replace the cially the Spring Equinox, said throughout the world. This equals was because of the reflection of ning at the end of that period. shuttle. Cox said the university did local weather observer Dalias two 12-hours periods of light and light through the atmosphere. The average temperature not begin looking for alternate trans- Price. darkness, or an equinox. The actual equinox will occur should be in the 50s. Price noted portation earlier because they were An equinox occurs when the This occurs twice a year, once Wednesday, with sunrise at 5:55 that the average snowfall for close to reaching a contract several sun reaches what is termed a “ver- in the spring and once in autumn. a.m. and sunset at 6:06 p.m. The March is 3 inches, but so far we times, but the contract fell through at tical position” at the equator. At This is also the only time that the lengthening of the day will contin- have yet to receive any snowfall. the last minute for monetary reasons. 2 Tuesday, March 20, 2001 CampusThe Daily Eastern News ETheastern Daily News Improv comedy group takes four-day The Daily Eastern News is published daily, forecast Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., dur- ing fall and spring semesters and twice weekly stage tonight in MLK Union during the summer term except during school vacations or examinations, by today the students of Eastern Illinois By Jennifer Rigg Sonor is an advertising, market- “Their act is new and up and University. Subscription price: Activities editor ing and public relations organiza- coming,” Barin said. Sonor has $38 per semester, $16 for summer only, $68 all tion on campus and was instrumen- already scheduled another perfor- year. The Daily Eastern News is a member of Partly The Associated Press, which is entitled to The improv comedy group tal in opening up 7th Street mance for “Fowl Language” for 54° exclusive use of all articles appearing “Fowl Language” will grace the Underground and is in charge of April 17. in this paper. The editorials on Page 4 cloudy represent the majority opinion of the stage of 7th Street Underground in booking events for Tuesday and Barin said he hopes to schedule 33° editorial board; all other opinion pieces the Martin Luther King Jr. Saturday evenings. more performances and groups simi- are signed. The Daily Eastern News editorial University Union from 9:30 to The group’s comedic perfor- lar to “Fowl Language.” “We want to and business offices are located in Buzzard Hall, Eastern Illinois University. 11:30 p.m. mance is completely improv, or have more events going on down Wednesday Periodical postage paid at Charleston, IL 61920. The group is headed by Matt “made-up,” Barin said. Audience there,” he said. ISSN 0894-1599. Fear, former member of “Hello participation will be a big part of the Barin said Sonor’s objective in Partly Printed by Eastern Illinois University, Dalli,” another improv comedy routine and will feature the audience opening up 7th Street Underground 58° Charleston, IL 61920. group native to Eastern’s campus, being asked to set the scene for the was to promote student involvement.
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