SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 VOLUME 54, ISSUE 15 FREE Photo by Cpl Bern LeBlanc Driver Ryan Hlady races by in the CADPAT-wrapped car at the Red River Co-op Speedway. Recruiting In The Pit offi cials, and the CFRC had a racecar wrapped in CADPAT. the fi rst car Ryan drove. Just a few short weeks before the sea- CFRC Partners With Hlady and the car were showcased at the Military Apprecia- son started, Lowey handed the keys off to the rookie. “All he’s tion Night on Thursday, 24 August at the Speedway. “We took a wanted to do is drive a race car,” his wife said. And after the liking to him right away. He’s a very hard-working young man CFRC partnered with the Speedway, that dream became pos- The Speedway who has a background in racing as a mechanic,” said Cpl Ja- sible again. “We feel like we can’t do enough for them to show mie Anderson of the CFRC, one of the recruiters who heads out our appreciation. Right away I wanted to do something at the By Avery Wolaniuk to the race track every Thursday night to cheer for Hlady and track. We need to showcase them, show them off somehow and talk with the crowd. “This is his fi rst year driving. He’s still the let people know what’s going on with them.” fter he violently crashed his car in only the second race underdog out there, but we enjoy pulling for the underdog and Military Appreciation Night was a chance for that to hap- Ahe’d ever driven, Ryan Hlady thought he was done at the seeing him be able to race after his bad crash.” pen. “Most of the racers that we’re really tight with are in love speedway for the year. For Hlady and his wife Nikki, who acts as his manager with this,” says Nikki Hlady. “A lot of the fans have stopped me At the same time, the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre and takes care of their corporate partners, the support from the tonight and said this is the coolest thing ever.” More than 2000 (CFRC) entered into a partnership with the Red River Co-op military has been more than they expected. “They’ve been here fans came out for the evening, with a special discount for CF Speedway as a recruiting venue. The speedway identifi ed Hlady for us. Anything and everything, they just want to make sure members and civilian DND and NPF personnel at the gates. to the CFRC as a rookie racer who needed support to get back we’re okay,” said Nikki. The couple met at the track more than For the CFRC, heading out to the races every Thursday on the track. Six days later, Hlady was selected by Speedway six years ago while pit crewing for Rick Lowey, who owned Continued on page 8 In This Issue: Serving With Their Army ....pg.3 Medics Use Tools Of A Different LCol Gary Hook’s Final CFS Met Change Of 17 Wing Golf Team Victorious Kind ......................................pg.4 Military Flight .....................pg.7 Command ...........................pg.10 At PR Championships .......pg.15 Mon & Tues • Military Cuts.......................$9 9:00 am - 6:00 pm • Perm & Cut ......................$40 • Complete Auto Service Wed to Fri • Flat Tops ............................$9 9:00 am - 8:00 pm • Frost & Cut . ....................$41 • Computer Diagnostics DOMENICA’S • Colour & Cut ....................$35 • Government Inspections UNISEX HAIRSTYLING Saturdays • Seniors .............................$8 8:30 am - 5:30 pm • Evening Hours • Children’s Cuts .............$9-14 2255-G Ness Avenue • Ladies Cut ........................$16 3797 Portage Avenue Ph:885-3665 or 832-6978 • Facial Waxing .....................$9 (Portage at St. Charles St.) Phone: 885-2690 or 632-8909 Fax: 885-2705 North Side • Ear Piercing......................$20 2 Voxair, 17 Wing Winnipeg, 6 September 2006 LGen Findley’s Visit To 1 Cdn Air Div By Maj Kelly Smith, USAF ne of the distinct plea- in the 1 Cdn Air Div and their to fully implement these new Osures we had here at abilities to accomplish the capabilities on time for the Winnipeg was to host one NORAD and Canadian mili- Government of Canada. of Canada’s finest — LGen tary missions. The mission In addition to many other Findley, Deputy Commander, to defend Canada and North topics of discussion led by North American Aerospace America from air threats afar the 1 Cdn Air Div Director Defence Command currently and within is a tremendously of Operations, Col Bill Veen- posted to Peterson Air Force complex task, but the 1 Cdn hof, LGen Findley also of- Base in Colorado Springs, Air Div and its supporting fered some additional insight Colorado. On even a simple wings continue doing an ex- into the strategic level of play trip like this, everyone tried emplary job. with the Russian air force. In to optimize his time and focus With the re-signing of the the most recent major Rus- the efforts of this VIP so he NORAD agreement, LGen sian exercise, in which their had the maximum impact on Findley was able to offer strategic bombers fl ew near the people, mission and the privileged insight into our the northern tier of Canada, LGen Rick Findley, Deputy Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command, signs the guest community. We are grateful new maritime monitoring he explained the philosophy book at 1 Canadian Air Division. to have even a few moments role. The Canadian NORAD and thinking behind NORAD to associate with the likes of Region will provide this ca- direction. He also extended a LGen Findley. pability in conjunction and warm thank you to the 1 Cdn Arriving a day ahead of coordination with Alaska and Air Div Comd, MGen Charles PM Visits 17 Wing a busy schedule gave LGen the rest of the U.S. Making Bouchard for his foresight and Findley the opportunity to these lines of defence work preparedness for that event. mingle and mentor with a few well while also minimizing At no time was the 1 Cdn Air key senior staff here at the 1 the disruption of maritime and Div in a mode of catching Cdn Air Div and 17Wg. These air commerce and pleasure up — the CF air assets were rare opportunities are precious crafts is a challenging task. always close by and demon- for our senior leaders to pick However, the CF is making it strated the capability to easily a three-star’s brain. work very well. engage the strategic air threat LGen Findley’s purpose Furthermore, LGen Find- outside of Canadian territorial here at Winnipeg was to main- ley clarifi ed and expanded on waters. tain relationships with the Ca- many other issues affecting Shortly after noon, the nadian NORAD Region HQ the NORAD and CF mis- 1 Cdn Air Div saw LGen (CANR HQ) and also with the sions. He was able to provide Findley off to his awaiting 1 Canadian Air Division. Fri- good discussion and feedback helicopter bound for Portage day was defi nitely a busy day on the status and way forward (3 CFFTS) to be the guest for him. He arrived early in the for the new CF assets like the speaker/guest of honour at a morning at the 1 Cdn Air Div “C-17”, “C-130J” and Me- graduation ceremony, parade for the traditional book sign- dium to Heavy Lift Helicop- and mess dinner. We look for- ing with the A/Comd 1 Cdn ter (MHLH). Although there ward to meeting with LGen Air Div, BGen Bill Neumann are many challenges for the Findley again to continue this and members of his staff, af- integration of these new capa- worthwhile dialogue and ex- ter which he went straight to a bilities into the CF Air Force, change of ideas. Until then, working breakfast with BGen DComd Msn Sp, BGen Eldren we will continue to maintain Neumann. Thuen and his staff have a plan a robust and impenetrable LGen Findley attended to make it all work. Admit- shield around North America PMO photo by Deb Ransom Colonel O’Brien, Wing Commander 17 Wing, talks with Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, on his the Commander’s morning tedly there are areas in which with close cooperation with visit to Winnipeg 6 July 06. briefi ng followed by a short there are some unknowns, but our American allies. tour of the Aerospace Opera- in consultation with our chain tions Center main fl oor. He of command, we are solving SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 Deadline for next praised the men and women those issues and will be ready VOXAIR VOLUME 54, ISSUE 15 issue: 8 SEPT 2006 OFFICE HOURS CONTACT Monday to Thursday, Ad Sales/Main Office Submissions/Reporter 0830 -1600 hrs 204.833.2500 ext 4120 204.833.2500 ext 6976 [email protected] FUEL INJECTION SERVICE Accounting +VOXAIR@PersSvcs@Winnipeg - IMPROVE GAS MILAGE $ .99 204.833.2500 ext 4121 - FLUSH FUEL RAILS & INJECTORS 89 - DECARBONIZE CYLINDERS & VALVES (MOST VEHICLES) THROTTLE VOXAIR STAFF - CLEAN OUT CATALYTIC CONVERTOR BODY SERVICE $21 EXTRA LCol P. 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