MCS/204/2020-22RNINO.MAHENG2002/21899 OPEN eye CITY Public life,asweknew THESUNDAY EXPRESS MAGAZINE it,has come to an unprecedented standstill. A MUMBAI,LATECITY historian, asocial scientist and an artist NOVEMBER22,2020 reimagine form and 14PAGES,`5.00 functionalityinthe citiesthatnurtureus DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI,JAIPUR,KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI,NAGPUR,PUNE, VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PAGES 11, 12, 13 G20: PM calls for anew global ASSESSMENT OF RESPONSE index in post-pandemic world Fromlackofbeds SHUBHAJITROY toriseinpoverty, NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER21 THE COVID-19pandemic is an “important turning point” in the Housepanelflags history of humankind and the “biggestchallenge” since World WarII, Prime MinisterNarendra ModitoldG20leaders,ashecalled Covidconcerns foranew global indexbasedon transparency in governance and the creation of avasttalent pool. Pointsout lapses in surveillance and He also calledfor decisive action PM NarendraModi addresses the 15th G20 Summit via to preservethe planet. management, recommendssteps video-conferencing, in NewDelhi on Saturday. ANI Modi, who attendedthe G20 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 KAUNAINSHERIFFM KEYFINDINGS NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER21 HEALTH EXPENSES may DDC polls: India tells Pak UNEXPECTEDSPENDING on have drivenfamilies health afterbeing hit by Covid-19 belowpoverty line ready for all steps on terror CHHATH AT THE TAJ mayhavepushedmanyfamilies CLOSED OPDs during belowthe povertyline,a lockdown hit women to take all necessarymeasures to Chhath Puja againstthe backdrop of the TajMahal in Agra on Saturday. PTI Committeeof Parliamenthasob- and seriouslyill worst, SHUBHAJITROY safeguardits national security in served.Deliveryofhealthcare mayhavecauseddeaths &ARUNSHARMA the fight againstterrorism”. serviceswasseverelyimpactedaf- NEWDELHI,JAMMU, The MinistryofExternal teroutpatient departments DIGITAL divide mayhave NOVEMBER21 Affairs, whichsummoned NCB arrests (OPDs)inhospitalswere shutdur- jeopardisedthe future of Pakistan’s acting envoy,lodged a Farmers relent,trains set ing the lockdown, and women millions of students; EXPRESSINGSERIOUS concern protestafter the latestJaish bid borethe brunt of the disruption, concerns over long over “continuedterrorattacks”by to carry out terror strikes in J&K comedian to start in Punjab Monday the panel has said in itsreport. confinement Pakistan-basedJaish-e- ahead of the District The ParliamentaryStanding SUICIDE RISK mayhave Mohammed, NewDelhi warned Development Council elections. Bharti Singh Committee on Healthand increaseddue to Islamabad Saturdaythat it is It demandedthat Pakistan KANCHANVASDEV ED The high FamilyWelfareassessedthe re- depression, loss of “firmlyand resolutelycommitted CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CHANDIGARH,NOVEMBER21 cost of a sponse of the governmentto livelihood, and economic EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE PLAIN E contain the novelcoronavirus fallouts of lockdown ● blockade MUMBAI,NOVEMBER21 THE NEARLYtwo-month-long EX CONTINUEDONPAGE2 train blockade in Punjab looksset Whole nine yards: Berlin THE NARCOTICS Control Bureau to end, afterfarmer unions said THE TWO-MONTH-LONG (NCB)arrestedcomedian Bharti theywouldallow movement of rail blockade has meant all to Mumbai,Salvi’s sari run Singh (36) on Saturdayand both passengerand goodstrains the thermalplants in the seized86.5 grams of ganja from starting Monday evening, follow- statehavebeen forced shut SUNDAY STORY their camerarigs in the media thehome and office in Andheri ing ameeting with Chief Minister due to thelackofcoal, SHIVANINAIK room at Berlin. It wasSeptember West sheshares withher hus- Amarinder Singh on Saturday. shortage of fertiliserseven PAGE 8 MUMBAI,NOVEMBER21 of 2018 andKipchoge, already band, the screenwriter Haarsh However, they said theywere as silosoverflowwith ‘IF ICAN’TSTUDY, running royalty by then, had just Limbachiyaa (33). suspending their agitation for grains,Rs30,000croreloss ICAN’TLIVE...’ HAVINGFINISHED her setthe marathon worldrecord. Theagencyacted againstthe only15days, andwould resume to theCovid-hitPunjabin- marathon, Kranti Salvi was Mumbai resident Salvi, celebrat- duo afterarresting a21-year-old if the Centredid notmeettheir dustry, Rs 2,200crore loss to What college meant for seated in the waiting lounge ing turning 50 that year,had de- drug peddler in Khar Danda representativesregardingthe the Railways, as well as an Aishwarya Reddy, and Kranti Salvi competing in with Kenyan great Eliud cidedtorun her milestone early on Saturday morning and newfarmlaws. impact on Armysupplies. her cries forhelp the 2018 Berlin Marathon KipchogeasTVcrews setup CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 don’t bother for scars any more. Getdazzling To get blemish free skin use Glamour with... NO SCARS.Ithelps to reduce Long Lasting and remove,scars and marks. 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Androids Indian Express EXCLUSIVE ★★★★★■4.6 NEWEPISODEEVERYDAY COVID-19 TECH FINE FOR VIOLATIONS THE APPLE TIMELINE In the latestepisode of Our Own Devices, Depending upon the From iPhone 12 to M1 we talk about Android’s fragmentation situation,state govts processor,everything problem and what does and doesn’t work SCANTHISQRCODETO in apureAndroid phone. DOWNLOADTHEAPP increase and decrease Cupertino has released fines from time to time in 2020 FROMPAGEONE PM attends G20 calledwereallegations to “im- tune of Rs 30,000 croreinthis sari holds, apartfromthe usual plicatePakistaninsome alleged two-monthperiod, with waterbottle, abunchofsafety virtual summit hostedbySaudi plannedattackinNagrota”. House panel flags gaps in pandemic response Amarinder Singh claiming on pins forquickfixes and special Arabia, postedonTwitter after- The Indian warning of taking Saturdaythat six lakh migrant vaseline tubes to applyincase of ward:“Had averyfruitfuldis- “all necessarymeasures to safe- pandemic andmitigateits im- drivenmanyfamiliestobelow Also, the Committee has sion of resources to respond to workers had leftdue to units arash due to the fabric rubbing cussion with G20 leaders. guard itsnational security” came pact.The Committee has sub- povertyline”. noted, “testing facility is only the Covid-19pandemic can shutting down. Over 13,500 againstthe skin. Still, the interest Coordinated effortsbythe aday afterPrime Minister mitted itsreport, titled‘The According to the limited to bigger districtsand limit women’sability to access containers carrying exportma- Berlin media showedinher sur- largest economies of the world NarendraModi pointed to cross- Outbreak of Pandemic COVID- Committee, “arriving at asus- cities”, and “lackoftestingfa- health services whichmakes terials alone arestrandedat prisedher,Salvi says. willsurelylead to faster recov- border terror from Pakistanand 19 and itsmanagement’, to tainable pricing model to treat cilities in rural areas has also them moresusceptible to Dhandari DryPortinLudhiana. On Sunday, the runnersin eryfromthis pandemic.” thanked security forces forhav- RajyaSabha Chairman M Covid patientscould have resulted in underreporting of healthrisks”. The blockade has alsoim- sari will choose their own The Prime Ministersaid ing “defeated anefarious plot” Venkaiah Naidu. avertedmanydeaths”. The cases”. The PrimaryHealth Also, “violence against pacted thesupplyof40lakh adornments. “Spirit of trusteeship towards to target grassroots democracy The reportisamong the first government “should have Centres and Community womenincreasedduring the metrictonnes of parboiledrice MarriedtoaMerchantNavy planetEarth will inspireusfor a in J&K. officialassessmentsofthe fall- strategizedabetterpartner- Health Centres “are stilllargely lockdown periodasthe perpe- from Punjab to Bihar and east- captain, Salvi says running is her healthy andholistic lifestyle.” India carriedout surgical outofthe pandemic. It takesa ship with the Private Hospitals devoid of anytesting facilities trators of violence and suscep- ern Uttar Pradeshfor PDS distri- entryintoaworldawayfrom An official statement by the strikes on terror launchpads lookatalmostevery aspect of under PPP model.” and the required technical tible both stayed at home”, it bution, with Punjab's silos full home and itsresponsibilities. MinistryofExternal Affairs said along the Line of Control after the government’s handing of The Committee has said workforce”, it has said, and has said. “The Committee with foodgrains. "It's noteasy,nomatter your Modicalledfor a“newglobal in- the UriattackinSeptember the crisis, including hospitals, that giventhe reports of “pri- “strongly recommended” that strongly recommends the Singhsaid the rail blockade familybackground." dexfor the post-Corona world 2016,and air strikesinBalakot the
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