2022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE February 9, 1989 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, February 9, 1989 The House met at 11 a.m. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE leader, with the concurrence of the His Holiness, the Supreme Patriarch A message from the Senate by Mr. Speaker of the House of Representa­ and Catholicos of all Armenians, Hallen, one of its clerks, announced tives, appointed: Dr. Michael Durfee Vasken I from Etchmiadzin, joined by that the Senate had passed concurrent of California, Ms. Una Clarke of New His Holiness, Karekin II, Catholicos of resolutions of the following titles, in York, Stacey Winkler of California, the Great House of Cilicia, offered the which the concurrence of the House is Michael Petit of Maine, Dr. Amy B. following prayer: requested: Wheaton of Connecticut, from private In the name of the Father, and of S. Con. Res. 12. Concurrent resolution to life; as at-large members of the Presi­ the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. allow another member of the Committee on dential Commission on Child and Almighty God, we lift our hearts to Rules and Administration of the Senate to Youth Deaths. serve on the Joint Committee of Congress On December 2, 1988, pursuant to You, in prayer, for the gift of vision on the Library in place of the Chairman of Public Law 99-660, as amended by and courage to the leaders of our na­ the Committee; and Public Law 100-436, the majority tions who serve mankind. S. Con. Res. 14. Concurrent resolution leader and the Speaker of the House Bless our leaders with wisdom, to providing for a conditional recess of the of Representatives, appointed the make wise decisions, and to lead us all Senate from February 9, 1989 until Febru­ ary 21, 1989, and a conditional adjournment Honorable Lawton Chiles, as an at­ to the power of love, more than to the of the House from February 9, 1989, until large member of the National Commis­ temptations of power. February 21, 1989. sion on Infant Mortality. May we always share with each The message also announced that other our best and brightest, as did pursuant to Public Law 96-388, as our American brothers and sisters, in HIS HOLINESS, THE SUPREME amended by Public Law 97-84, the PATRIARCH AND CATHOLICOS reaching out so graciously and gener­ Chair on behalf of the President pro ously to the victims of the earthquake OF ALL ARMENIANS, VASKEN I tempore, appoints Mr. METZENBAUM, to FROM ETCHMIADZIN in Armenia. the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. We, Catholicos of all Armenians, The message also announced that <Mr. COELHO asked and was given come from Armenia, and the Holy Ca­ pursuant to Public Law 100-494, the permission to address the House for 1 thedral of Etchmiadzin, and thank the Chair on behalf of the majority minute and to revise and extend his American people and the President for leader, the appointment of Mr. RocKE­ remarks.) this outpouring generosity of good FELLER, to the U.S. Alternative Fuels Mr. COELHO. Mr. Speaker, our men and women, who practice the Council. prayer this morning was delivered by teaching of the Bible, that it is better The message also announced that the spiritual leader of the 8-million to give than to receive. the Chair announces the following ap­ member Armenian Orthodox Church, Grant that our nations use prosperi­ pointments which were made by the Vasken I. ty and freedom for the establishment President pro tempore and the majori­ The Armenian people have long of peace and human dignity in this ty and minority leaders, after the sine been called the first nation to embrace die adjournment of the lOOth Con­ the Christian faith; their church is world. gress, pursuant to Senate Resolution over 1,600 years old. Lord, enable us to have the vision 508, adopted October 19, 1988: A leader of his church for nearly 35 and spiritual courage to imbue every On October 21, 1988, the President years, Vasken I is the 161st in a succes­ decision with truth, charity, and stew­ pro tempore, pursuant to Public Law sion of Armenian patriarchs that ardship, that our nations may be for­ 100-418, and upon the recommenda­ began in the year 301 A.D. ever a blessing to all mankind. tion of the chairmen and ranking It is of enormous significance to the In Your holy name we pray. Amen. members of the Committees on Fi­ Members and the history of this Con­ nance and the Judiciary, appointed gress that Vasken I has addressed us Mr. BIDEN, Mr. DECONCINI, and Mr. this morning. THE JOURNAL HATCH, to be Official Advisers for U.S. I first met the Catholicos during my The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ International Trade Policy and Negoti­ recent trip to Soviet Armenia with our amined the Journal of the last day's ations with Regard to Issues on Intel­ colleagues Mr. BoNIOR, Mr. TORRI­ proceedings and announces to the lectual Property. CELLI, and Mr. DORNAN. By all ac­ House his approval thereof. On October 21, 1988, the President counts, he has been a gift from God Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the pro tempore, pursuant to Public Law amidst the suffering visited upon his Journal stands approved. 100-418, and upon the recommenda­ people by the December earthquake in tion of the chairmen and ranking Armenia. members of the Committees on Fi­ As he has offered prayers for us, we PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE nance and Agriculture, Nutrition, and extend to him our condolences for the Forestry, appointed Mr. LEAHY, Mr. losses suffered by his people and our The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman PRYOR, and Mr. LUGAR, to be Official thanks for honoring us with his pres­ from North Carolina [Mr. RosE] Advisers for U.S. International Trade ence. kindly lead us in the Pledge of Alle­ Policy and Negotiations with Regard Mr. Speaker, I include biographical giance. to Issues on Agriculture. information in the RECORD. Mr. ROSE led the Pledge of Alle­ On November 16, 1988, pursuant to Hrs HOLINESS VASKEN I-BIOGRAPHY giance, as follows: Public Law 100-294, the majority At the height of World War II, a young I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the leader, appointed Mr. Donn, to the man without the benefit of a formal theo­ United States of America, and to the Repub­ Presidential Commission on Child and logical education responded to the call of lic for which it stands, one nation, under Youth Deaths. God and of his people by undertaking a per­ God, indivisible, with liberty and Justice for On November 16, 1988, pursuant to ilous journey to receive ordination as a all. Public Law 100-294, the majority priest of the Armenian Church. Twelve 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. February 9, 1989 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2023 short years later he was consecrated as the cal language. Accordingly, Vasken Vardapet America in 1962. In addition to many other one hundred thirtieth occupant of the wrote a book, "The Divine Liturgy" wherein publications, "Etchmiadzin" the official Throne of St. Gregory The Illuminator. he stated: "The majority of our people who monthly publication of the Holy See is pro­ And today we are assembled to convey to attend church do not read the Holy Scrip­ duced here as was a new translation <East­ him our love, respect, support and admira­ tures and do not understand at all what is ern Dialect) of the New Testament. tion. He is our beloved Catholicos, His Holi­ read in church. Moreover, the majority of As articulated by His Holiness, the pri­ ness Vasken I, Supreme Patriarch and Cath­ our people, and especially our younger gen­ mary goal of the Armenian Church is to be olicos of All Armenians. eration, do not comprehend the essence of the true messenger of the Gospel and to It was in 1943, after the death of its pri­ our liturgical services." It was during this herald the Good News of Jesus Christ to the mate that the Diocese of Rumania was left period that Vasken Vardapet enrolled in the Armenian people. It is not surprising there­ without a leader and without a successor. As School of Theology of the University of Bu­ fore, that the theological education of the community prepared to cope with the charest. future generations of our clergy is of para­ difficult times ahead, a young man respond­ During his first visit to Holy Etchmiadzin mount concern to Him. He has been totally ed to God's call and under the most difficult in 1945, he was overwhelmed by his pres­ supportive of seminaries (particularly, the conditions, attributable primarily to the ence in the midst of the spiritual center of seminary at Etchmiadzin) in terms of cur­ Nazi occupation of Europe, traveled to the Armenian Church. It confirmed for him riculum, staff and facilities and after years Athens to receive ordination to the sacred that he had indeed responded to God's call of tireless effort, the fruits of His labor are priesthood of the Armenian Church. The when he received ordination to the priest­ being realized through the young, dedicated young man was Levon Karapet Baljian re­ hood. Thereafter, Divine intervention an intellectually qualified clergy who are named Vasken. guided his ascendancy in the hierarchy of completing their theological training each After ordination he returned to his native the Armenian Church.
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