The MONITOR-LEADER The MONITOR-LEADER • BEHIND THE SCENES MeKENNY ON MACOMB PUBLISHING COMPANY Page 4 January 19, 1943 Mount Clemens, Michigan IN WASHINGTON • BRIDGE Walnut street. Mount Clarnana Publiihed asccDi SundiT it C**> Avfflu* and oativ poatotflca Mount Clemena, Mich McKENNEY naif rSSS ol £• second class at «h. at By PETEF. EDSON goods aren’t to be rationed by BY WM. E. Maybe this is nuts, but an the pound, they are to be ra- America’s Card Authority TELEPHONES tioned by the can. Can sizes • Coronation 0) • • opinion from the curbstone . M M M winning of the national Mount Clemena 1800 vary, the commonest being the The For News Call Editorial Department would lean in the direction championship by A1 or General Manager No 2 can of 20 oz. open pair On Other Buiiness Ark for Publiaher that the American public at this content and Washington and Tobias the No. 2*2 can of 28 oz. content. Roth of moment has a greater interest Stone of New York gave Roth MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS food shortages and But as glass jars of different CLIENT OF UNITED i’RESk in current second national champion- rationing sizes are replacing tin cans, his exclusively entitled to uae any or all news dispatches cred- impending food than sufficient Master T»»a Aaaoclatad Praaa is newe those figures ship and added or otherwise credited, in thla newspaper and slso the toe** has in any double-domed don’t mean any- ited to It. not Mount Clemena 18 cents it Points to his credit to qualify published nerein SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier tn thing either. any town In Macomb County where thinking over how many quarts In • - $8 96 per yeai By carriei tn suburban him as Life Master No. 34. week week. t< 80 per yen By to Furthermore, the Monitor-Leader matntaina a carrier service. 16 cents a of milk everyone is have on canned goods a of the carrier ttrvict t» NO I 1940 he was member mall atrlctly paid In advance in Macomb County where in post- are to be rationed on point montba; $1 00 sot one his honey the beautiful the won the world cham- maintained |«.00 per year: $.1.00 lot alx montha. S2 0C for three team that saves substantially by ordering a year war bye and bye. Fortunately, system. Scarce items will have ¦north” Out of state $5 00 pet vear Subscriber pionship Masters title. Roth is ...ber. ».»l <rom co„mr, ,0 c.ty .111 b. mdM .1 lb. r.U some government high point values, items which V» by there are 28, quiet and unas- i !inS week for the amount due them. Subscribers will confer a favor only is very af IS cents a by o, by planners who have their eye on are plentiful will have low point wport£g promptly any tr egularlty In delivers whether melL carrier. suming but truly a remarkable the ball and on geopolitics. values. As an example, if your MEMBER MICHIGAN TRESS ASSN not good player. You will undoubt- say allowance for a pe- To keep it simple, wo just point given edly hear more of both Roth and were 16 points OUT-OF-TOWN OFFICES stick to one line of groceries—- riod worth of Stone in future years. * a tea. toe. fruits and vegetables. canned goods, and if asparagus j|_ yort J. J. Devine Assoc canned Todav’s hand helped Roth win As you have no doubt read, they was fixec at two points per can J. J Devine St Associates, me Ch-c»*o are to be rationed some time and corn was fixed at four points Roth j. Ine. per can, the shopper Atlanta J Devine St Associates. this year, maybe by March 1, could buy * AQ J 102 66.1 Boulevard Drive. N E. maybe not till April 1. One of (1) eight cans of asparagus, or VJ 8 2 the jobs of the government in- (2) four cans of corn, or (3) four *KJ 9 formation specialists, the news- cans of asparagus and two cans * J 4 OUR SECRET WEAPON corn. The weight in none of papers and the radio baritone of 9 7 4 3 three cases would neces- ABSNA spellbinders is to educate the these ¥5 4 rVKQIO longer is much mystery about the "sec- public as to how’ this works and sarily be the same, so the idea W There no ? A Q 8 6 Q 93 why it's necessary. Not-so-good that people will get only a cer- 3®? 5 2 weapon" credited with tipping the scales against » ret a job has been done. tain number of pounds of canned AQ7 3 2 P alt U AK 8 Old Fox Rommel in Egypt and opening the way to im- In the first place there was goods is entirely misleading. 6 A A A A K successes south of the Medi- a rather bad official boner in ¥ A76 portant United Nations announcing that rationing of IT WAS PENCIL WORK * 10 7 4 terranean. canned goods would be on the The way this figure of 33 or * A 10 9 6 3 basis of an average of 33 pounds 40 pounds per person per year Duplicate—None vul. Words and pictures have described the high veloc- —now unofficialy raised to 40 got into circulation was perhaps South West North East pounds—of goods per gun mounted on a fast N-3 chassis canned excusable though confusing lAl? 1 A 2 V ity 105 millimeter person per year. It may divide Somebody just took a pencil and Pass Pass 3 A Pass which blasted the Nazis' tanks out of the way and en- up mathematically that way, but paper and divided the total ton- 4 A Pass Pass Pass practically, it doesn’t. Canned nage of all the canned goods that Opening—¥ K. It abled Montgomery's British to sweep westward toward could be produced by all the a junction with our own expeditionary forces. people that would consume the champions up. Sitting North, • them, and the answer came out he let East hold the first lead. A Our tank buster can travel faster than any PZ FLASHES 33 pounds. diamond shift put West in, North (Panzer) 3or PZ4 in Africa. Its gun projects a shell It was an easy figure and it dropping the jack. Back came a OF was something that could be heart and the ace was forced. which can pierce the armor of any tank in existence. compared with the only statis- In order to avoid losing a sec- ordnance experts say that if a tank were • tics available on what consump- ond heart trick, Roth had to American LIFE tion of canned goods had been establish the club suit. But how to those projectiles it years could he get re-entry to dummy armored heavily enough resist the A*»oriated Prr*« in previous. By to make the concrete runway on which to travel But here again some addi- clubs after the would require a NOT ENOUGH CONSCIENCE tional explaining is necessary. trumps were pulled? How Roth ST. LOUIS—The city's con- and therefore would be useless under battle condi- Per capita consumption of solved this problem is very in- rcience fund has been enriched canned goods varies with income structive. He at once cashed four anonymous con- tions. by $3 by an as well as with geography. A trumps, discarding a heart and a * 0 but the « tributor from Cincinnati 1941 Department of Agriculture club from dummy. Then he led owes fellow still $4. study indicates that families the jack of clubs. East covered con- These things are important. Because we have In a typewritten note the with incomes of less than SIOOO and the ace won. The ten of person science-stricken wrote: a year consumed on the average clubs put West in with the such weapon and the Nazis do not, we enjoy an ad- “While attending school in your a about 55 pounds of canned goods queen. Now West was forced to one of your metal vantage which Anglo-American initiative udoubtedly city I removed nor capita per year, while fami- lead cither a club or a diamond. stop signs and carried it to my which the income was In either case dummy was sure fraternity lies in is exploiting. room in a house. At over SSOOO a year consumed an to get in again to make the nine thought funny, But more important than the tank buster itself is the time I it was average of about 112 pounds of of clubs, on which Roth could • but of course, it was vandalism canned goods per capita per get rid of the losing heart. to IN HOLLYWOOD —or stealing. I hope the money the fact that our ordnance experts were able an- year. ~ I am enclosing will cover the good ” UNFAIR. IN A WAY alyze and fill a need that had existed ever since Hit- BY ERSKINF JOHNSON rine sailor, just returned from The fellows are mem- cost to city In the the To rule arbitrarily that con- • NEA Service Staff Correspondent the Solomons, walked into Cos- hers of a fraternal order. C. Meyers, director of rolled through the Low Countries Arthur sumption be BARBS Panzer divisions night club. “I've got a original play by George S. Kauf- • w'ould have to re- ler's Off the sound track: One tello’s roots and sewers, said the cost present you from Bar- man the lodge was obviously duced to an average of 40 It’s hard to France.
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