S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T Sensitivity of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan to Individual Project Components HHYDROLOGIC Greater Everglades Ecosystem SSYSTEMS Restoration Science Conference MMODELING By: Everett R. Santee, Raul Novoa, Ken C. Tarboton, Jenifer A. Barnes, Lehar M. Brion, Luis G. Cadavid, Calvin J. Neidrauer, and Alaa Ali S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T Comprehensive Everglades Taylor Creek/ Nubbin Slough Storage and Treatment Area Restoration North of Lake Indian River Lagoon Okeechobee Storage Water Preserve Areas: Storage in C-23, 24,25,44 Plan North and South Fork Basins Revised Lake Okeechobee St. Lucie Estuary Water Supply Components Caloosahatchee Reservoir Regulation Schedule with ASR and Caloosahatchee Lake Okeechobee ASR Backpumping with STA L-8 Modifications and Storage Caloosahatchee Estuary Water Supply WCA-1 Internal Everglades Agricultural Canal Structures Area (EAA) Storage Water Preserve Areas: Modify G-404 Above Ground Storage, ASR Storage/STA/ASR and S-140 Pumps Big Cypress / L-28I Seepage Management Modifications Canals/Structure modifications Lower East Coast Water Partial Decompartmentalization Conservation and Broward of Water Conservation Area 3 County Secondary Canals and Everglades National Park Operational Water Preserve Areas: North and Central Everglades Rain Lake Belt Storage Driven Operations Decompartmentalization West and South Miami-Dade Reuse L-31 N Levee Seepage Estuary water supply Management Biscayne Bay Coastal Canals Reuse C-111N Spreader Canal Seepage Management S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T CERPCERP ComponentsComponents InIn SensitivitySensitivity StudyStudy $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ AquiferAquifer StorageStorage andand RecoveryRecovery $ $ $ $$$$ $ $$$$ $ $$ $ $$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ EvergladesEverglades AgriculturalAgricultural AreaArea ReservoirsReservoirs $$$$$$ LakeLake BeltBelt StorageStorage N Miami-DadeMiami-Dade CountyCounty ReuseReuse H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T CERPCERP ComponentsComponents InIn SensitivitySensitivity StudyStudy $ $ $ $ AquiferAquifer StorageStorage andand RecoveryRecovery $ $ $ $ $ (1665(1665 MGD)MGD) $$ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$ $$ ! Caloosahatchee River Basin ASR $$ $$$$$ ! Caloosahatchee River Basin ASR $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ (220 MGD) $$ (220 MGD) $$$ $$ $$ !! Lake Okeechobee ASR $$$$$$ Lake Okeechobee ASR (1000(1000 MGD)MGD) !! LowerLower EastEast CoastCoast RegionRegion ASRASR (445(445 MGD)MGD) !! C-51C-51 RegionalRegional GroundwaterGroundwater ASRASR (170(170 MGD)MGD) N !! WestWest PalmPalm BeachBeach WaterWater CatchmentCatchment Area Area ASRASR (50(50 MGD)MGD) !! PalmPalm BeachBeach CountyCounty AgriculturalAgricultural ReserveReserve ASRASR (75(75 MGD)MGD) !! HillsboroHillsboro SiteSite 11 ASRASR (150(150 MGD)MGD) H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T CERPCERP ComponentsComponents InIn SensitivitySensitivity StudyStudy EvergladesEverglades AgriculturalAgricultural AreaArea Lake Storage Reservoirs Okeechobee Storage Reservoirs (360,000(360,000 ac-ft)ac-ft) !! CompartmentCompartment #1#1 (120,000(120,000 ac-ft)ac-ft) STA-1W STA-1E "" usedused toto meetmeet EvergladesEverglades AgriculturalAgricultural AreaArea irrigationirrigation demandsdemands Everglades Agricultural Area #1 #2 !! CompartmentsCompartments #2&3#2&3 STA-5 (each(each 120,000120,000 ac-ft)ac-ft) #3 Roten- STA-2 "" usedused toto meetmeet environmentalenvironmental demandsdemands berger Holey STA-3&4 asas aa prioritypriority STA-6 WMA Land WMA H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T CERPCERP ComponentsComponents InIn SensitivitySensitivity StudyStudy LakeLake BeltBelt StorageStorage AreasAreas !! NorthNorth LakeLake BeltBelt StorageStorage AreaArea (90,000(90,000 ac-ft)ac-ft) " to capture stormwater runoff " to capture stormwater runoff North Lakebelt "" toto maintainmaintain canalcanal stagesstages andand provideprovide Storage Area waterwater deliveriesdeliveries toto BiscayneBiscayne BayBay Central Lakebelt Storage Area !! CentralCentral LakeLake BeltBelt StorageStorage AreaArea (190,000(190,000 ac-ft)ac-ft) "" toto storestore excessexcess waterwater fromfrom WaterWater ConservationConservation AreasAreas 22 andand 33 "" toto provideprovide environmentalenvironmental waterwater supplysupply deliveriesdeliveries toto NortheastNortheast SharkShark RiverRiver SloughSlough andand WaterWater ConservationConservation AreaArea 3B3B H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T CERPCERP ComponentsComponents InIn SensitivitySensitivity StudyStudy DadeDade CountyCounty Re-UseRe-Use WaterWater Bird Drive Recharge Area !! WestWest Miami-Dade-CountyMiami-Dade-County Re-Re- UseUse WaterWater (100(100 MGD)MGD) "" southsouth ofof thethe BirdBird DriveDrive RechargeRecharge AreaArea "" toto enhanceenhance groundwatergroundwater rechargerecharge toto thethe BirdBird DriveDrive RechargeRecharge Area,Area, andand toto provide water supplies to the South South District provide water supplies to the South Reclaimed Water DadeDade ConveyanceConveyance SystemSystem Treatment Plant !! SouthSouth Miami-DadeMiami-Dade CountyCounty Re-UseRe-Use WaterWater (131(131 MGD)MGD) "" toto augmentaugment waterwater supplysupply toto thethe SouthSouth BiscayneBiscayne BayBay andand CoastalCoastal Wetlands,Wetlands, andand toto rechargerecharge groundwatergroundwater andand provideprovide saltwatersaltwater intrusionintrusion benefitsbenefits H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T ModelingModeling AssumptionsAssumptions !! UseUse ofof thethe SouthSouth FloridaFlorida WaterWater ManagementManagement ModelModel v3.5v3.5 ## 3131 yearyear continuouscontinuous simulationsimulation (1965-1995)(1965-1995) !! NoNo operationaloperational adjustmentsadjustments oror physicalphysical componentscomponents werewere addedadded oror substitutedsubstituted toto compensatecompensate forfor thethe eliminationelimination ofof anyany ofof thethe CERPCERP componentscomponents !! AllAll outputoutput comparisonscomparisons areare mademade relativerelative toto D13RD13R H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T AreasAreas ofof InterestInterest InIn SensitivitySensitivity StudyStudy LakeLake OkeechobeeOkeechobee St. Lucie Service Areas St. Lucie Service Areas EstuaryEstuary CaloosahatcheeCaloosahatchee LakeLake OkeechobeeOkeechobee EstuaryEstuary WaterWater LowerLower EastEast CoastCoast ConservationConservation AreasAreas BiscayneBiscayne BayBay N EvergladesEverglades NationalNational ParkPark (Shark(Shark RiverRiver Slough)Slough) H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T HydrologicHydrologic PerformancePerformance IndicatorsIndicators LakeLake OkeechobeeOkeechobee !! PercentPercent ofof TimeTime LakeLake StageStage isis BelowBelow 1212 ftft !! PercentPercent ofof TimeTime LakeLake StageStage isis AboveAbove 1515 ftft H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T HydrologicHydrologic PerformancePerformance IndicatorsIndicators St.St. LucieLucie && CaloosahatcheeCaloosahatchee EstuariesEstuaries !! NumberNumber ofof MonthsMonths FlowFlow DoesDoes NotNot MeetMeet SalinitySalinity EnvelopeEnvelope CriteriaCriteria !! HighHigh && LowLow FlowsFlows H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T HydrologicHydrologic PerformancePerformance IndicatorsIndicators WaterWater ConservationConservation AreasAreas (Indicator(Indicator Regions)Regions) !! PercentPercent ofof TimeTime StagesStages areare BelowBelow thethe LowLow ThresholdThreshold CriteriaCriteria !! PercentPercent ofof TimeTime StagesStages areare AboveAbove thethe HighHigh ThresholdThreshold CriteriaCriteria H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T HydrologicHydrologic PerformancePerformance IndicatorsIndicators EvergladesEverglades NationalNational ParkPark !! MeanMean AnnualAnnual FlowFlow ThroughThrough SharkShark RiverRiver SloughSlough DiagonalDiagonal TransectTransect !! NumberNumber ofof DryoutDryout EventsEvents inin SRS NortheastNortheast SharkShark RiverRiver SloughSlough Transect (Indicator(Indicator RegionRegion 11)11) H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T HydrologicHydrologic PerformancePerformance IndicatorsIndicators BiscayneBiscayne BayBay !! MeanMean AnnualAnnual FlowFlow DischargedDischarged intointo BiscayneBiscayne BayBay !! NorthNorth BiscayneBiscayne BayBay !! CentralCentral BiscayneBiscayne BayBay !! SouthSouth BiscayneBiscayne BayBay H Y D R O L O G I C S Y S T E M S M O D E L I N G S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T HydrologicHydrologic PerformancePerformance IndicatorsIndicators WaterWater SupplySupply !! LakeLake OkeechobeeOkeechobee ServiceService AreaArea !! PercentPercent ofof DemandsDemands NotNot MetMet inin EvergladesEverglades
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